f KUM7 MOBffINO, APRIL 20, 1800. Wk noticed a large train start oat yesterday for Blackfoot, by way of - White Bluffs. An Odd Fellows' Lodge was insti tuted at Vancouver, W. T., on Tues day night last, by Grand Master, A. L. Stinson. . ' The steamer Orezaba, from San Franoioo, passed up the Willamette to Portland, yesterday morning. Her express and passengers will be here this (evening. Max. General Halleck is on a visit to some of the up country mlHtaty stations. 3. F. Flag. Staking off his claim, in the Chreo route, we presume. Thi War Department has issued an order that soldiers re. enlisting ra the regular army within thirty days after their discharge from the volunteer ser vice, will be entitled to the additional pay ot two dollars per montb,when the term of their new enlistment shall in connection with the term they have served in the volunteer serviaeamount five years. We-call attention to the advertise ment of far. J. McCormick, of the Frank lin Bookstore, Portland. Mao. ia con -stantly in receipt of the latest news papers and magazines published, and has the largest and finest collection of books to be iound in this State. Our friends in the mines we would advise to send1 their orders to Mr. McCormick, and when once dealt with they will be sure to call on him again. Thanks. At midnight laBt night we received a pleasant BurpriBe at the ' appearance of Mr. Conlisk bearing a waiter well filled with an abundance ' of good things for the printers. Be fore we bad time to ask a question a splendid hnen was set for as on the " bank," and all hands invited to par take. Certainly we were not at all offended at thia summary way of doing things, for if there is any time a printer can enjoy a good lnuch it is about raiduight. Mr. Conlisk will please accept our thanks for his thoughtful, ness of the printer, who says with Byron, ' , - "Thou art the friend To whom the shadows of long years extend." REPORT OP THB GRAND JURY. The Grand Jury, upon inspection of County Hospital and Prison, would suggest that the former building is very inferior, and would suggest that the building adjoining, known as the Oregon Hotel, should bo procured for the purpose of a Hospital, and that it would-be a moro roomy and. suitable building. Tbo Jury understand that the rent would bo but a trifle more, and the building better adapted to the purpose. The appearance of the room was neat, and in as good order as such limithd premises would allow. The- size of the Prison wonld ap pear to the Jury entirely inadequbte to properly keep the number of pris eners now in charge, and would re. eomraond either an enlargement of the present premises or the construc tion of a new boilding, combining safety and fresh. air, and additional colls.' .It: would appear to the Jury that the officers in charge are atten tive to their duties, and keep the fail 'in an good order as Us crowded state will admit. Daniel Bamow, Foreman Grand Jury. IDAHO NEWS. From the Statesman of the 10th iist. we compile the following : A man named Clark who bad been confined in th guard house at Fort Boise, for the marder of Ilayniond in Boise City, was found hanging on a temporary gallows' just outside of ine city, on the morning of the 7th hist A1 party of men, disguised, num bering fifteen or twenty, attacked the guard, entered the guard house, and threw down and tied the men on duty, threatening- then with instant doath if they gave an alarm. They then went into the cell where the prisoner was confined, took him out and bun him. After they were gone, orio of tfie guard loosened himself and then bis oompanioBS, and gave tho alarm, but the night was too dark to learn what way they bad taken the prisoner. From all circumstances attending the case, there can be no doubt but there is a most effective and determined or ganization of "Vigilantes" in that community. The idea of taking the chances of overpowering the sentinels and guard at the post was a bold one, though at that time the men were all detailed on different expeditions, the offioers all absent, and not a sufficient number of men to do garrison duty. The following notice was pinned to one of tho posts of the gibbet : Justice has now commenced her righteous work. This suffering com munity, which has already lain too long under the ban of ruffianism shall now be renovated of its thieves and assassins. Forbearance has at last ceased to be a virtue, and an outraged community has most solemnly ros solved on bels-protection. . Let this man's fate be a terrible warning to all his kind, for the arguB eye of Justice' is no more sure to Bee than her arm will be certain to strike. The soil of this beautiful valley shall no longer be desecrated by the Sresenee of thieves and assasbinp, 'his fatal examplo has no terror for the innocent, but let the guilty beware, and not delay too long, and take warn ing. . On the 8th, a soldier named Mc Cord, belonging to Captain White's Company of Oregon Cavalry, was killed at Fort Boise. He was on duty in the guard-hoDso,-and had been asleep.. He went out a short distance from the guard-house, and soon came back, passed tho sentinel and rushed into the house so unceremoniously that the guard inside, supposing him to be a party come toattack theprem ises again, fired, killing him, instantly. The freight comes tumbling in this week. Several trains passed yester day; one, Mr.LoomiV, for Eocky Bar, and others for Blackfoot. Several ox i teams were unloading at different places along Main street. The -dead body of a man named Chas. Pinckles was lately found in a prospoct hole, near' Thomas' I Gulch, about a mile from Idaho City. . .Th& World notices the arrival of eight paok trains and. . two wagon trains in Idaho City,""from Umatilla, during the week , ending April 7th. One of ,the trains . belonging to Frank Louder, .had seventy animals. There is a soaroity of . men in and around Idaho City, and minors are commanding good wages. , : CfoM Xafc, So. ft, I. . "o. FV Meet. eT.ry Friday erenlog at T o'clock, la Gate. H!l, corner of Second and Court Street.. ' Brothera i. good .landing at Intited to attend. By ortor. N.O, Wmo Lode, Kev IB, A. F. M. Hold. 1U atated Communications on the Vint and Third Mondaya of aach month, a rkelr hall. In Dallaa 0it. BT1"? -''" rh.ruwl to att.n Bau Ulfvn, Bm. By ordtr of tor W. V. Letter from blackfoot. . Blaokvoot, Marcb 28, 1866. Friino B.: I received your kind note of the 13th of February about a week ago, and aa Waldron elarts back to-morrow,1 1 will try and give you a little information concerning tbia country. In tbe first plaoe, we bare bad ratber a tedious winter, and a few very cold daya, and pretty deep anow, and aome awful anow-atorma; but I think, on tbe whole, I baveezperienced aa cold weather lu tbe States of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Iowa. But what hurts tbe worst bere, we were for a wbile shut off from all outside communica tion ; but tbe anow now ia going off very fast, and bere in town, ob'r horrible, hnw muddy I Tbe snow in Front street Is all off from Birds eye's upper buildings down to tbe lower end of town. People begin to move around, and times are quite brisk, and tbe merchants and saloon keepers are patting up One fronts and painting up. Prospects look favorable for Blackfoot. Everybody seems tb be confident that Deer Lodge county is the county in Montana Ter ritory, and that Blackfoot is, tbe town. Now, in relation to prices! current here, I am but little posted. I will give you only some few articles : Flour retails at $34, bacon 75o, Java coffee $1 25, rice $1", tobacco $4 to $6, and (retting raiher scarce. D. bought a lot of fluur tbe other day for $2T 60. Since then it has gone up a little ; bui if I bad flour here I wonld dispose of it at present prices if I could. ' Elk, Bear, and several smaller gulches In that vicinity, are all tbe go for some; but I think mcOlellan'a Gulcb and Carponter'a, and tbe bill and bar diggings around bere are all 0. K. DENTAL NOTICE. Doing about to make a professional tour to the towns and settlements np tha Columbia. I respectfully cull the attention of those of my patrons who are In need of Dental Opo rations of any char actor, to the fact, so that they miy have an opportunity to avail themselves of my aervlcos before my departure, If so desired. I will leave about the 20th of March, and return to this place to resume my practice, about the 18th of Juno. OJtq J, w. GURLEY. LATEST NEWS! ALL THB LATEST EUROPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Received Regularly every steamer, by s.j. Mccormick, FRANKLIN BOOKSTORE, 105 Front Street Portland Paper, and Magazines packed and Forwarded by mail or Kxpreaa TO ANY PART OP. THB MINUS In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subwrlptlon. Received fcr any NEWSPAPER OB MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. Kew Books, Music, 4e., by every Steamer, 30,000 WORTH OF BO OK S , STATIONERY AND . FANCY GOODS, (CIIEAPFOROASII. CRYSTAL SALOON AND .:. 'billiard room, , JOHN RINDliATJB, Proprietor. WASHINGTON BT, next dtor to F HUNCH GILMAM .AtlmlnlHtrator'B A'uii. AN APPLICATION HAVING BEEN THIS DAY madefy F. 0. Sols, administrator, for an order to ell the real property of the estate of M. H. Adams, de ceased, tor the purpose of paying the debts of said estate and oxpenses oi administration, it is ordered that aaid application be heard on the tret Monday of May, 1666. and that this due notico thereof be given by publishing WunV' M" "" RP - "Jb- iS , Canyon CltfrMarch KltU??!:, ' ; NOTICE IS HEREBY 6IYKN that R8Y. FATHER ME8PLIB has nothing to do any more with the CATHOLIC TJfr i h. leaslSg af the said Mission Farm by him to JOHN B. MKBPLIK bearing data of the 6th of July. 1865, hat not Beet Trail! iZLX: N- DLNCUCT. Archbishop of Oregon f5K, whale the guardiau and aola administrator of all th property nt the Cathollo Church at tha Dallea and alaZ wbera; that aaidi Archclshop ia nut responsible and shall not pay any exneaditwa- or ispiovamenU made on iajd 1 ??r ny. "bwcontractedby any person or peiaou notaattaoruwd ay the sign tftWsatacVlber. F. N. BLANCHE?, Portland; Orago.. April , m. Um'. HOUSE! No. 100 MilS STREET, DALLES, TUB UNDER8IONKD THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors, respeetfaUy lafucms the cltlaens of ther Dallea, and tha public generally, that ha continues to ' ell at PUBLIC AUCTION ' OR PRIVATE SXLMr Real Estate, General Merclaanler Giocerleit, Mules, Furniture, Htockd, &.c. &.C.- BBOVXAB SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays; . Casb Advanees made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETVSN Made of sales. Out-doer, and BpecuuT Solas attended to In any part of. tbe city. JOHN WlXLIAlrlS, Auctioneer. J. JUKEH, Slain Street. Dalles, WHOiaani aiis Bxraa suLia m CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUIT, PIPES, &o. " JOWATS W STOU TBI BIST BUntOI Cigars. Maeee, Matches, &cr PLAYING CARDS, POCKET CUTLKKYv PORT MONIBS, COMBS and BRUSHES, o"ll klnda, PKRFUMBRY, ot er.ry description CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FI8HINO TACKLE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FAMOT GOODS, Ac v Alao Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Basket., and many other articles too nnmeront t mention. a J Tntfirior Apnlmn Mrnnlli I n.ril rr m v. . ap .unu IWWBUU yflUBB, Willi TrOlgMl aOrtefl. OC- SELLIO OFF .AT COSTT J. GOETZ & CO.. BTONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLESj Offer their wellelected stock of TOBACCO, 8EGARS, PIPES, . YANKEE NOTIONS, - - AND ' ' STATIONEEYr AT SAN- FRANCISCO COST. mr27tf GATE & CHAPIN : WHOLESALE A RETAIU DEUGGIST.s; STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLE8rOREGONl Importers and Jobbers of . . - j - , I PATENT MEDICINES, , . CHEMICALS A FATVCI QOOD3, BODA, CORKS A ACIDS; OIL'S, ALCOHOL, PURE WINES LIQUORS, ' PAINTS, GLASS BRUSHES. f PHYSICIANS PRKSCRIPTIOXS : Accurately compounded. . , . - PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A full and complete assortment of all article. In tli- FBArSSlSUf ' BMALL ADVANCK ON 8AN i ",Mer!''rta will pleas get our prtcea before order ing below. H. L. CUAPIN, - - : . JUSTIN GATES, f Dalles Sacranipntn. ri . W. QURLEY, DENTIST; Dlaiii St., BKllet), Oregon WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM tha cltliens of this place and Ti clulty, that baring returned from a pro- fflflufnnftl famr(kMi.nli . . . . . ; uiirie, nt. nas , - . k.Mw. u, nDini, in tne room former yoocupiedi 6y him, In the builditii occmlrrt I.. llL00" B",lr- Photograph Artist and adlolnluir VnU oron iiroa.- urua. etoi e. He takes this nitl,od of ex- 1.tlK,,,toLil,h.,.,,berl" r"o"" heretofore ex tended to hlui, and solicits a contlnnanoe of the same. - - 1't.wr of rston. ft( . ; v. Entire Denture on Gold Base. tign i0 , , ' . Upper Denture, Gold huZ"" , M " 120 " Denture. Vulcanite Base .....,m 70 ' 126 " ST Dentnra, Vuloanlta Bas I B "J ' g?!?,"""'?;? Inserted from one dollar upward. Chlldrena Teeth extracted free af oharire. ,ei3.tf Treasurer'H ivniim THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ORDERS will be pai uponpreaeuUttonarmaofflp.., , . rla - - ... uiy ia, looa Mi ... 17 Aug. (t, spr, Bopt a, Noi, Not W Not 10 Deo. 8 Deo 12 . 155 ....Ka...;.,..103 ..It. IWl ..:.... .........6.. - ..6. Jan. 6 18ST ..M ....... '...ju Jams ,. a In favor qf. , R W Crandall: ' E B Crandall; 3 B Harford. T H MoAmlir. J B Harford. , T M McAualhN ORMetgs. J B Uarord- : adds .181 ...Ml ...sno ' ... .3i7T . fi i it . ....,J7i; . JeassNeel.' i B Harford' J Kllclt 6...... 484 ' B W klitih.it H. J. V AI.DRQN. Traanrer. x.wEitir FsUiSweSstT T hSTtt fait rAaatiaA aU ASSORTED FLOWERS Which I will aall at raaaonabla Prlcaa. J. JTKH..