onntMuccr.- Isaao F. Iti.ocn, buu eraucisco. C. S. Mtuut, ' Dull Epitome of Telegraphic' News. fCOMPILEB UtOX TIIS OBRflOSIAS. San Fruvcitco, April 16. Fr6rd' te AUa't ffroot the following pnrtkuiitn of ft trrfiblB tfaliiniitjr are given : At thirteen hod, a half minutes jiast one o'clock, r'. HV. today, our city win s nr. led by a shock li'kB the oxplo Hioii of sumo vast mi no durirtga sieiic, and fiir many blocks in every direction from lite llorihwedt corner of California and Mont gomery stroeta the air was tilled with dust una flyinir rubbish, and el83 came rat thng down fiom every window as. if iho ex plosion hud occurred in each separate build log. The consternation whicii seized on Hi o pjisicrs by Wells, Fargo & Uo.'s was terrible Men; w in oil, childrcu. horsemen, 'pedestri- iriia,-dray and express teams, without driver.', (.'lima charing pell mell down the street in Inex ricable cou'usion. As soon as the first jlnniu began to subside, there was nn im ineuse rush toward Wells, largo a 0o s luildings, and' the sirens w-re for a few Ktconds so blocked up ihat it was almost impossible for the tire engines to be brouubt into position to check the names, which itere thought to break out in the seeded lite explosion. At first it was almost impossible to 'ocnte the scene of the explosion, so terrible whs the devastation, and so general was the ruin ih tbe vicinity, but investigations made within u few mi butt; 3 demonstrated the fact that it occurred somewhere" in the rear of Wells, ' I'argo & Co.'s buildings, on tbe northwi st , turner of Montgomery audtSalitorula streets, and Beit's Assay ofiiee in ihe rear of Wells, Fargo k Co.'s on Galiiornia be wecn Mont gomery and Kearney streets Our reporter gained admission through' the Union Olu-b Iloonis over W. F. & Co 's, and nn reaching the rear a scene which utterly beggars de vcriptionrmet tbe eye. Xho large, one-story structure continuing the ollice and billiard room of the Uniou Club, over the ' arched gateway which leads into tbe rear of- W. F Ac Co.'s ollice, Irom California street, was an entire wreck, the end being blown out, the floor torn into snhnteis, the iron root- rolled up like a piece of vail- paper, the rafters hanging loose in every direction, the turnt ture smashed, und billiard tables crushed by the weight of debris. Tbe brick kitchen of the C ub which stood'in the rear was gone entirely, only fragments of the limbor lying here and there amgng the debris which fillod the area. 1 bo rear wall of Bell's brtck bull ding, used as ai assay ollice, and- tb labor atory in the' rexr of the assay office, were' ruli ng in tragments every minute. The roof was bangiug down unsupported on tbe fide next the area, and tbe store house of Wells, Fnrgo & Co. was lying a mere heap ofbrick, plaster and broken timbers. . BlooJ was vis ible in many placei, and men with beads or Blocli Miller &Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Wines & Lifttors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHIN0 Boots & Shoes Under Clothing, Illaiikcts, walduos tiuos., I FRANKLIN MARKET. Wholesale & Retail" Druesrists, cobnkr of skcosd and wAsifiKOTON streets 11 Mats Street, Dallea, Oregon. tiAJlP .WICKS t CHIMNEYS etc., etc.. etc. jLSSA.lt OFFICE. WB IIITK AN ASSAT OFFTCR IN CONNECTION wli our hnslnesa, under the' entire anporvlslnn nfMr. SMIIor. We mnke return! in Hart In six nnnrs- We guarantee ail our Aimi and pay the IIIOIIKST CASH PRICK for llnrs. Vie also pay me uigneei Cash Price for Gold Dust. uijiHMi, 0111,1. na u-f., nVjtJtf Crar. Main and Washington streets, DiHlea. SEALERS IN . ' HARDWARE,, IROIST Sl steel. R0CTEtllES. VtffK NOW OCCUPY OuK'nUW TWO 8TOIIY F1RR w V iironf Stone Luilillnit. onnoslto Illoch. Miller Co.. end offer to tlie public a full end complete Murk of I mugs, ateuiciuos auu (Jlti-micals, confuting lu part or KKltOSKNK. TU1IPKNTINE, HOPS. ALCOHOL, S-AOH.-ACID8. '. 8P0N0R8.' UffSF.KD, , LKKCUKS, LARu. ... CORK. CAfTOR AN'T KIDIOO AND' NKAT-SKOOT Olf, LANPULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATKNT MlCDICITtfKH. Our stork of FANCY GOODS i of tlio-flneaf, Jwl beet nmury; new myh-s out) large nftHornuenia, aucu aa JaUUI- o t Kits V F.l-.ll I, . 11A1H, LUWlWSTOlLlSX'aoAP, FLKMI l'OMAJJKS. SHAVING, , C.ISMKTIC9, 1IAT, 011.8, CL0TIIF3. COLOONK. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND M AIL HUlJSiniS TOOTH POWDKU3, AND COMBS. PURE ' WINES AND LIQUORS! For Medicinal purpoftea. Murntciiitlua lor buyinff conns are second co none in the titiiie. nnd wesliallat all tlmcB anil uf a antull id- vani-e from cut. Heady salea and sninli profita. rUTSICIASS' PUKSCK1PTI0XS Carefully compounded at ail Lours of the day and night. imnes.aopt. v, 1S0. soiu-tl DALLES, OREOOJC' JOHN HSPlNGKRvFroppieiioir TUB UNTlKltSIONKD lmrlns; fitted np tlie aMivk MiilHcet In the IiK T 8TV LB, Wit I kiop touetuiit- ly on Imnd nil sorts of 1 resu ana Cured Meats, .. Or the best quality furnished at the LOWEST JtATK My motto Is to ' l'LKASK ALL." PAItTIKS HAVING ;8r;HtQn. 8.T0CK I0R PALI will do well to call ui the !'nnkfm Market. ., , , , JOifS ill'VlKOKIl. ' Dallea, Februnry 10th, 18C5. .,- a - YIASIllWrOft MAKKIilV CORKER 6 ' , COBM AND 8KC0ND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP oi-ewn-i-. 'constantly on hand all tke arle-TP f.tios that themaiketoairtiosslbu '.VJtliI afford, of 'JBCZiXL I FRlC&li 56i CtJIlED MEATS and alwaya of the b, at quality.' Fft1WILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATSr' ' supplied on reasonable terms'.' ' Tbe nndcr'Mi-nea is alwavs nri-nernl tn , l.lh. est coal, prjee for FAT CATTLE. Parties baring stock in good conintlon,are requested to call on him before reltewhero. JOHN M1CUE1.I1ACH. aoinire uanea, oiuicii aiat.lBOS. nihdltf ' NOTICE TO FARMERS. VERt jfMPORTANT in ' . n 7 ' , . . DAEI.K8 LpMBKIl AND MANUFACTUIUMJ' ' Merchants, Families; notels and 1 coMPANrh&r9Htiy.,,.chedS DY THE PACKAGE. FOR CASH," At , San Francisco-Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. UAK-HOOMH. TULIUS RHAKMKIt HAVING 1IOU0IIT THE EN- tire Stock of Merubaiulice.and llook Acewutta of the late firm ol M. Seller A Co., iu this city, to which he has added of bia own Importation (wiillu doing business lu ponianu) an inimeuse Block ul the best muunracturev Crockery, Glassware, VlaldWare, Lamps, CliandcllerM, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaftges and AUUlndsofOlls,' ASfhrwliich he offers at rfwlnced ratps. Pnrkhns vlilb lug lli bufMn of tho abofe-mehtionetl articles, tl do well to give me a call before purclmsing elsewlrore. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and gooiis packed to go secure. Don't lail to call on me. Ituulo's atone JUulldiuic, Wasunaton street. Dalles. JULIUS KKAEMEB. Dalief, March lTtlr, 1805. mhl7lt m43tf CUMMINO A GRANT, Drilled; orcgon. ITLO'TJUiNGr MtLL to their Steam Bnnht and Door Fnrtory. In this City. nd: ; are noW prepared t CHOP FEBB, UII1JID WnKAT ai.d ' CORN, and wnVrant to give the best''aatls&6tlou". 0u''' uuu vuiio.niiujr uuu lor KUIO FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, ' , . SliCONDSOBMIDDLINOPi-; IlltAN,AND. SHOItTS,', , t . . CHOP FEED. CIUCKEtf PtfRn.' Alao a Superior article of COItN MEAL, from newn" ?'.h.! M?UM( ma'tket price paid for WnEAT, CORN a BARLEY. . II. A. IIOtlllK. Bailee, Nor. 2, 1865. ' naif. ) AUCTION AND COMMISSION- f Oil N vv i Sri' LIAM sT "tfO: 100, Main Street; Dalles Cll. uiic nununcu miLco ohtcu i i nMs '";z "i!,c ",'K"tjte,Gr6ceri;s. Ml BLACKFOOT & BIG IiEM) II IMS DY WAY OF Wliite BlvilTsr! THE SIlClltTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land. Travel. Distance from Dallea to White Bluff loo miles ', White Muffs to Pen d'Oiellle.V....l(IO" " . to Colvllle.... 170 TcaTelacs Ivy land for eitherof the' aboiie Gold Fields. r.. win save . (Successor ro'Witltani' Blrnbsum.) lianas cut DYtiuiiDg glass or iirnocra wcr . n-wir, a -.tt a mWWair a ttt-it c . ita-. .M iY """" running back and fortU in frantic s'orch fur JXJXVj W AlUUXU.AJQ.XiA, llliiU lUMUIltf UUU lUUIlfJ FBrandles, aea,Nvf and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks. AoAo. : Regular Sales Day-Saturda jv 0ut4)oot and Sbocfal Sales the City. , Llbcral'Advance madQ .Consignments. "'""a- JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. .a., o. i3iirjF,oxir)," IMPOUTRit AND JOBBER OF uorR... - A W FRONT 3fRET,' PortlaVnd, .- - - . - b- . - omaV"' tttns -tdz 8AtS A Very largb arsoiItv m m n . ... -, iniasing friends. Tbe main aud' rear walls of Wells, Fargo 4 Co.'s building.were terri bly suatteied, while tragments ot doorways and window hashes only remained in places througliout tbe entire building. Tbe fine horses attached tu tbe ruins of Wells, Fargo k Co.'s exprecs-wagon, lay ia the agonies of death in the area. Everybody seemed stunned by tbe suddenness of tbe shock, and no one appeared to know which way to turn or where to begin. Tuere was not a wbolo window for a long distance from the building -in- -which tbe explosion took place, nn Ura-ttiMtw's Block, opposite to Wells, Fares-A Co'.'s, oanMontgomerr street, -tbe Stevenson Hou?e, opposite, and Diary build ings between California and- Sacrament streets,' window-framei-ttrroVdoors were gW- erany 'snoiiwrea -to fragments, wane huge pituters or costly glass covered ibe streets. The wood-work of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s es tablishment was almost wholly blown to fragments. Even tbe - doors were thrown , outward into the street" - Fragmonts of hu man remains were found scattered itv many places Here the line tailed. J ... AXD DEALEE AND JEAVELRt, TNVITKTttK ATTBNTTON OF HIS KIUKNDS AND inho Tutllc to lilt cliuice lulectlon or New and Fasliionable Goods, Reapectfnlly aollcltlnn their nntronaKO. Wa'chea PROMPTLY and 1'ROPEnLY Tcrjtlred end WAKItAniCU. ruUtf Next Doorto the Poat Offloe. NOTICE. OmcTf or ftnritr QoitnTmiisTea, Dkpmcthknt or Tin Columbia, - , Tvt VandHirtr, W. T., March), CJK ALF.D PKOPOSALB will be rreolved for tlie TRANS- POUTATION OF GOVERNMENT FR1S1G1IT over the following named routes: 1st. rroni fort Dalles, Oregon, to uampsuurry, n ar son ana wnaht. uiiiaera to suite the price per pound in Coi.l. they will tuko the frelirht 'or. Beniirate bids reqntrud for each Camp. Bids for thta aervicawlll be received at Port Dallea, Orecon, by3aut. James OilliM, A. 0, 51., U. 8. A., uid at this ollice, vf .to i Jl., on tne jc uuy-oi stay, leoo. 2d.' From Wu ula. W. T. to Fort Colvllle, W. T. The prlbe'w-r pound In C91 to be stated by bidder bins lor 11. is aorvice will 110 received at rort nana Wnlla, W. T.. by 1 t Lieut. Joliii Noble, A. A. Q. M.,aud at this office, i n to 12 M. on tlie 1st any of May, 1800. - . IM. rrom rtaiiuia, . t, to rort iiume, 1. i . J ne price per pouud In Cout to be atnted by bidders for thia trarikportAtliiir. Bids for this service will be received by I Capt. T. J .. Kcjiemon, A. 4. M , V. 8. A., Fort Boise, I. T.- and at this ofllce, up to 12 M.,on the loth day of May, 4tli! Erom Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Fort Boise, I. tli ,.rti.A luttiftrf It, Poiv. f..r u-liich trftiiHiiortAtlon Mr. A : .Mulorn. and nnmn of 1 will he fufuished over thin route to be stated. Bids fur Ulifil. rfHOies U1IIMB. A 01., U. o. ni corb uume, 1. I. ., u. s. Ah nun at tuie By taking the White Bin Hi Road. Wood'i "Water and Grass At found on Ihls Road within easy drives The rosd Is now open, and possesses 'ad'anrft!rMrOTer I any utner lann rot-te rrom tne uniios. ' i-uuiuheu ny nriier or - TIIK CIT1ZKNS OF THE DALI.?3. Danes, ainrcn, zu, ltuo. nis:m. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. a. BOOTH..., ........BABRT SJtTigoK. BOOTH & NEVISON. Forwarding and Commltklon Marehfcnts) AND DKLKR8 IN OKXKRAT MERCHANDISE, White Uln.ii v W. T, TOKIGIlt FOIl C0J,VILLH, UPPER COLUMniA1. I B.1- KOdTHNAl end KLAUKKDOT MINKS nr.,.ll. I lorwurueu. ,. Murk Oooda B. A N. White BlufTs, W. T, aiFhar.irl'e'-' i PoEiUNDTtlcliards McCrake'n,'AlIebi k lewis, and Hodge A Calof. Htun-Bloch, Miller k Co., French k Oilman. a ( 11 iuci, Llouorf, ,w . cWe "Goods?" The Trail. Is particularly Invited to Mamlne ; :' at ck befor parchaeiug elsewhere. ' auittf MAJtfl bt., PALLK8, WP08ITK EMPIRI HOTEL, JJA KJSCKI VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF SPRlNG'AXb SUMMER GOODS, Consisting In part of . rant, and Staple DryXSood 1 Uooig & Shoes', ; ; lIat8Vaptr' MlilcTi tiiey offor to sell at SMALL PROFITS. ' Dsllee. March 2Tth. I860. mr27i1f 'JBOOIiSI BOOKS! riwLESALtf axd retail. ' Low FftEiQHTS. Wd ftlid the follow inig extraot from a letter dated at St. ' liouia, Fdl). 18th, in the Montana Post Steamboats' are asking from flfteeu to twenty cents for freighting to Pdrt Uooton. the boatmen, ajroe to Ia7 'freiirht T?.m D E II IM . Watchmaker and Jeweler, Sc8"nn,Lfe , ' MAIN STREET, DALLES, -TABALKR IN FINS WATCH K8, JKWHT.RY, j ui,uuaB, uoiu rena, silver auu narea yvi Vsre, CLOCKS. Gold Pena. Silver aud Plafi Bpectaclea, cutlery, e. ju WPartlculnr attention paid to repairing; RnevSti Watohes. Clocks, Jewelry, Me.' AH Watches repaired by mo wwibiiito iur (waive iiioiiviis. N. II. All orders from the nnner nbnntrv. lv Kxih ur utuoiwine, promptly etienueu 10. tate NOVKL8. MA0AZINK8, PAPmia! wj evrj oieamer. Foet-tlfflrita vvuMiuiv, sua street, iMiies. , , Garden SeedS for the Million: mir-tt -t-X- . P. J WALDROW llnnrn it. TTil.ini nio M nSnlaiSihnll fni bv Cant. T. J.' -KckSrson, A. Q. M -v.. v.v.., ofneo.SpoiaMouthelethdutf May, J806. II hiuera for all tne routes win ue requirea to m bonds with good and aufhclent Security for the faithful fifteen cents per pound. vt" o..'r.. r,t1li- performance of any- coutract which, may be awarded . -10n. ' ItmuS JllallOry, them under thiaadvertlseiiieut. Hide to be lu duplicate idate for Congress, arrived tmvAaM hJ tath of "1",ltt,"!, ,0 bolM Personal Union candidate tor Congress, , from below last-evening, and wilr-prot coed to Umatilla'tbis mornfnj,' where the canvass by tho Congressional can didates wilfbe opened on to'tnorrtw1. Accident. A little eon of "B? 'S Ddnnoll, of Portland,. was badly in- javed on Tuesday last, by a fall at-the Tarn Terek Hall, in-thaV o'uy. MADAMK Lfc TELK WOULD RKBPKCTFCLLT Inform the Indies of the Jtaltes and vlHnlty, that she ta liAv prepared to do all kinds of DHKH8. CLOAK. and PALKTOT Tlie riabt to ri'ifct any or all Dtdf la reaerveit If (0 dMtniMt best fur the interest of the service. All contracts made antdect to tho approval of the fit- pnniuoai uuu mvuiiuuoujiiiuimi'. ,. iinnivt u. ituuuna, " ItreVct'Lt, Col.'Knd OhlcrQii .rt'ennasrof:' ' aSdlwat.t stinl' Department of tho Columbia. mitkrna. Also. CUTTINO end riTnNivl . - .uu imiu.vu iv, uflTw ueiore introuueeu in thla place. She will Varrant th give satlsfectlon, and would moat respecuuiiy solicit a l toe nil patronage. in tne noonia inieiy occupied by an. White, over ' leyener's Store, on Washington street, between Second 1 ina inira. Dalles, March 27th, 18M. mrtTtf COAL. OL! COAL. OIKf- F U 11 S,' 'WO O L dna IIIDI.. THKrtOHIST CASH TOIttB PAID FOR u .truns, WOOL, AND HIDES, at' McCRAKKN, MERRILL k CO.'g IS North Front Street, Portland. mhl83m NEW YORK ' ANB-"" Q' a O C't R Y v S Y O R E1 , itiuiu street ualleg. WiSStf FRtmunToir ri.w.. ... wa,,,, ' : ' ' AND . XJILLIA11T3 BOOM, JOHN RIM DIiAVB, Proprietor WAHINQTON BT, next deer to BXM0a OIUiAN, . 1 . : . "-mT-ALDnoM Hnru n't.r.i . I 111 THE TIllTri ivi vlinn -Tr r - u .--us- u . I . w t s r i r i I w : - ' - - -1 " m- i - - mwxh mm m y-f f I I nu unkvvii ww voice or uuAb OIL, which they offer at a-reatlj k.. . xxiiu NEW nillDGE' CROSS Tll rS lOttKR BKSCIItJTKB IS NOW COU. , - - " I Bit