TJd.KSDAV MDK.VIXG, APUIL 19, 1880. A 7 jcatdasmaai WANTED. BOY TO WOIIK IN THIS OFFICE. No boy tnkon fur ileu than ono year. Tii htao lor Canyon City will leave the stage office tomorrow (Fri day) morning tit 7 o'clock. TiiiE office of Wells, Fargo & Co., in this city,, was. closcdi yesterday and crape hiwig on- the door,. in respect to Iho raeraary of the lutO' Captain S. Knight, Superintendent; of the Com pany, who was killed by the explosion io San Francisco on. the 18th in at. MonB Indian- DfiPttEDATioNs The frloge from-fHiyoa City nrrivedhore yesterday, baviog; left. Canyon, on Thursday, last.- The mining, excite, merit still continued wmfratecr and parties. were leaving fer-Olive Creek daily. Tho diggings o Canyon Creek ere paying well, ond'e-verything looks favorable fan a rioh. yield' the prosont ason. On tne lllh inst: Mr. FioIJs, living twenty miles this side of Cunyon City had twentytono. h&ad.ot cattle stolen from him. by the Indians. The cattle were, driven across the John Day river and down thosouth sido of that stroam. on the barricaded trail mentioned by vt a fow days 6inee,- W.e hopo that wh'eD.-Gen..IIttllock gets through with his Chico specula tion he will dovote a little of his timo and.a.few of his troops to this section of couutry.. The last-four years have certainly learned some of our Major ueuihiiu ouuiu wry uuu opeuuiuiivc Lobi-ts.. Cam. Smith's Letter We pu-blib elsewhere, a latter joddrcssod to J. W. St UuntiivgtOfl,. Superintetidetrt- of Iudian' Affairs for Oregon, by Captain John j3tniih, the present Agent ot Warm Springs Iteservatiorii,. . Tho Agint deoms it essentia) ,ta the wolU being of the EOBorvation.and the pro tection, of the publia property there, that U. S. troops should be stationod in; the neighborhood. Inf this we think ho is rigiib. .. Having been .sta tloned, while inothetntiitory, service, on that reservalidnj wo are-ptrsonnlly nequainted with the dangers: not only to, the publio property. thcre,,but also th.e lives-oC. those employed by the Government-to, the well, bung of the Indians. In'. 1859., the Snakes attacked and drove the em ploj'eos from the reservation, and al most every year from Ihat time op to 1804, thy hove visited tho Agency in.d stole largo- ba-nds of horses from the Indians located there. The treaty with the confederated triboa--on the reservation, gnarantecs-lo tbtm mili. tnry protection against thft SnakoJAs dians, and it was with this under. . standing. that tbey consented- to be lo cated on the reserve- Tiro country is claimed by the Snalus as beung a part of their territory, ondJiorvce their con stant. depredations upon the friendly Indians. Whether or not Agent;3mith tan be furnished with troops ho- can judgj from the conversation-Mr.' Cot ley had with Gen. .Steold while in Vancouver a few dys since.' General llalleck needs the troops in -ibis Department to open his Chico route, tind the protection of .the Indians'and Government properly on tho Warm '' Springs .RaaoryaUoq is nn after con letter pro ii capt. smith.' Warm Sprinos Agency, April lltu, 18G0. J Svn: I-hftve tbe honor to submit tho ful owing? i(lt" your consideration, concerning tbe S:;nke or Sliosbone Indians, and tbe ne. I'essity of military protection for tbe Reserv ation now under my charge, and for tbe various white settlements and tbe routes of travel lending to then). It is not necessary for mo to describe in detail tbe several bands or tribes of Snake Indians : their numbers, condition and disposition, ni qnite as well known to yourself as to me. It is merely with refcrenco to their relations to tbe Warn Springs Agency that I now address-you The Agency, as you- are aware, Is located on the edge of the Snake country, and be yond1 ft", in an easterly and south-easterly direction, are no settlements for several hun dred miles. The Snakes or Shosbones vibo inhabit this region are a fierce, predatory race, whose nomadic habits, .superior vigor, and intense bos' ility to tho wJiites, render them a dread ed enemy. Their hostility is of the most malignant and uncompromising character, and extends not only to the whites, but to all Indian tribes who are in relations of amity with tbe whites. Tbe whites now under my charge-are' es pecially objects of enmity. They have at various times within tho last eight yean committed depredations upon the Reserva tion at Warm Springs. In each of theyears, 1859, 18.00, 1861, 18G2 and. 1803, they made a mid upon tbe Agency, and drove off each time a Inrgc amount of stocK. In 1859, they (took.from tbe Indians and tbe Government at this place, seven bund ed horses and all tbe cattle then upon the Agency, in number, I believe, about twenty. Ib. thafycar'they not only drove' off the loose1' stock within each, but tbey, also drove tbe whites and frendly Indians from tbe Agency, and kept -possession of it for several days, with tbe arms and other Government property ; sev eral of the friendly Indians were killed by them, and several cbi'dren taken prisoners, who, if tbey are alive, are now in tho Snake country. la 1853, the last raid they madf, .tbey cap tured about two .hundred horses, although thirty soldiers under eorarrmrjrj of Lieutenant llalloran were stationed at the' Agency. SineeHbat date tbey)-have not visited tbe Afcncv. but tbe recent verv bold denrcda.- lions upon- rhe'-grent road teadrng-tO'Canyou City, are such as to excite apprehension that wo may again De irouoiea wiiu-- tnoir presence. Tuve.y have willnn the iarl.two. months not only stolen horses and cattle from several stations . on tbe Canyon City .road, robbing; 'and "breaking up cotnplatelt' several' stage stations, but tbey have come to Troirt deck, within, twelve, miles ot this Agency, and r'obbi'd tbe ranch of the Messrs. Sco't of n large, number of cuttle and horses. I do not undertake to recount the immense loss of property in other localities, or the many barbarous murders of whites committed by them. Of these -you-are doubtless as well informed as turn, ask you earnest irt-ention to tbe exposed condition ot this Aeency. The troops at uamps i'oik, v rignt, uurry, Logan and Watson, are all ordered 'in, and these, rosts are to be abandoucd. When tbls order is carried into effect (as it will in a few days) there will be absolutely no bar rier between tue warm springs ueservation and tbe Snake country of tho south and south-eastern portion or tbe Mate. The small number of-. employes at tev Airencv are quite inadequate, for protectioa, and tho friendly Indians are from their vo cations so necessarily"Bcattercd,'tha't they cannot be relfed npon for defense. Twenty Ttsolutt Snake Indian can at any time take pot- union of thin Agenti, and they are fulty aware of ill txvoud. condition. . -3 " . - ... a a;. ., i TBcrcifrcuy tor mis exposed consuioa oi affairs, In my judgment, lies w.aony .w4iu me riilltarv. A email mi'itary post established at some point between Crooked Kiver and tne Dan voa.Citvod. jind west of the Blue Moui tains, could afford protection not only to the Reservation end Agency, but also to the Canyon City road "and the McKenzie's Fork road, all of .whitiluconnectg the. Willamette Vnlluv.wiUi tbe-vast range .east-.of 4he Cas cade Mountains and. south of the Columbia River. Fifty men stationed at WiUow urecB Teeovev. or even diceetly -.upon, the, Canyon Oity road,. would bo of more mdvantage in ntieninir ihc;yast .interior) of Oregon,' than five hundred men located in tbe vicinity of Hnrnev li'tkc. or other points where Indian are seldom or never found. -Indocd, I quel t on. altogether tbe policy of permnncn military nosu anV where. - In my opinion small tachmcut not . encumbered . with tanspbitferto,n',;ada'ridt conflbed to any par ticular locality would be of more benefit than a half dozen suc h companies who aio loca ed at establiehel post', and who chiefly look to quartermaster and comin sar es lor supplies. Dut, whether fie idea is accepted or not, I beg that yon would call the a ten tion of the military authorities to the immi nent danger of a repetition of the former raids upon the Worm Sprinps Agency, and tbe totally inadequate protection affordedliy troops, stationed at such illy located posts as Camps I'olk, Curry,. Logan and Wright. Troops stationed there are of no use, they might as well be in Austria or Siberia. TblS somewhat lcncrtliv rnrnmnniVntinn is designt-d to call your atlen ion to a branch. 06 the Indian se'rrice, which U in my J.n Jfe ment very important, while at the snmctime it has been very much neglected. If it's rc: uit snail be to afford adequate protection to the whits nettlements east of the Des Chutes RivervT-shall be more than rt-Diiid for niv labor,. nnd at the same time. I will have he-8nris'aotion of haviue uerformed a duty hitherto ignored. If my suggestions are unheeded I will rest in the pn.ud conscious ness that my warning voice has inter'cred io shield tbe belidess, the innocent and the ig norant from the knife and the tomahawk of the merciless savage. J rusting that you will direct the attention- of tbe military authorities to this-njattetyl' have the hoftor to be- Very Respecully, yourOb't'Serv't,. John Smith, Indian Agent. INH. Ji W. PtBnT-IIUXTIKOTON. Shp't Indian Affairs. Columbia Lodge, Mo. 5, I. 6. O. P. Meeti every Krlilay evBDlng t 7 o'clock, lu Gate Unit, corner of Second anil Court Strretn. Ilrotheri In good standing are Invited to attend. 11urder. M. O. Wkco Lodge, Ko: rOf-A. F. ' A". HI. Holds its stated CominunIetton on the Flrrt and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall. In Dalles City, brethren In good standing are Invited to attend. oktu i reps, sec y. iiy order of tbe W. II. DENTAL KaTICE. BcIur nbont to make a professional towr'to tlrt'towns and wHlement.iip the Columbia, I respectfully call tho nttcntlon of thdne of my patrons whoaie in need of Dental Operations of any char acter, to the fact, so that they miy have an opportunity io avail inemsiMves ei my services ucmre my dcpnrtnre. if so desired. ,1 will leave about the 20th or March, and return to this place to returne my practice, nhont the 18th of Juno. rrcnr J. AV. GURF.KY. AUCTION COMMISSION HOITSE! Ko. 1C0 MAI. STREET, DALLES. THK UXDKK8IONKD THANKFUL 01l PA5-T "Dulles, uud the public geiitnally, that he cuiilJiiui'8 lo Hen tii PUBLIC AUCTION Olt IMtlVATK SALE, Real Exfate, General niercUai4llsc, (UiocerleHr , IlorMCN, JUiileN, I-uritKurr. Stocks, &.C. &cJ- . E'KfttlLAIt 8ALK DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PKOMIT ItETUBN m ido of sales. Out door and Special Sulos attended to In any part at -tho city. JO IIS "WILLIAMS, AuetieMfcr lost: A PAIR OF OOI.B SPKCTACI,ES. In a German sll er case. A liberal reward will be B.ld to the flnilur oa leaving themt kids office. LATEST NEWS I LATEST EUROPEAN, EASTKItN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Rctelved Regularly every steamer, by $. j. Mccormick, FRAXKLO BOOKSTORE, lOoFrout StreetPorllimd Paper rand Magazines packed and Forwarded by mail or Kxpresi TO ANY PART OF THE MINES In Or gon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subscriptions Kocelvod fcr any NEWSPAPER OB MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. . Row BooSs, Mnsio, be, by every Steamer. aoTboo Svoutii or BOOKS , AND FANCY GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH. al9dlw2w SELLOG OFF AT COfcT!? J. GOETZ & COJ. stone duilwng, Washington etri?kt,daUCe3,' 0(lr thstr vll-selecteistociH( TOBACCO! . SEC AltS, PIPES,. YANKEE NOTIONS,"- AND ST ATIONERY-' AT" - SAN FRANCISCO COST. ' mr27tf J. JUK E K, Slain Street, Dalles, WHOUSALl 1!ID RBTA1L DALR IX CIGARS. TOBACCO)- SNUFF,, PIPES, &o. ALWATS 19 8TOU TBI SI8T DRAKKB 07 Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &cr P LAYING CAHDS. POCKKT CUTLERY, POKT HON IKS, -COVIDS and DltDSHKS.o'all Vlnds',' - PKKKUMKHY. ot everj description, CHINA OltNAMKNTS. TOYS. DOLL9. etc. . ' FISH HOOKS ami PISHINO TACSLE-,'-M USICA L' INSTRDSlliNTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac Also Powder.Shot, Lead. Powder Flasks. Baskets, and ' many other articles too nnmerons to mention. S- Interior dealers snuDlled with Ciirars. Tobacca.ete. - at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 ARB PUTTING - VP OUR OKlUlNALUl'KltlOH BRAND OF , MONTANA! IOAHOtlfVASHOE . GROUAD JAVA COFFEE, iiaXH-- - CliARTRES COFFEE, :. 1 M DOUDLE GLAZED PAPERS;? To preserve -its strength and flavor for the length of iuim reiinnMi w iw I rwHrueu u lue auore p aces." Fur mleijr all the Jobbers, and ' , MAItDKN FOUJHR, " Plotiter Steaqi Coffee and' Spire Mills, al8ailp2 220J'ront Street, San Sranclsco. FLOWERS! FLOWERS! I I have Just received a lot of i ASSORTED FLOWERS Which I will soil at reasonable Prices. . t. 4VK8R. GATES afc CHAPIW WHOhJt3ABfc'JRETAII, : DRUGGIST8r STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STftKBTT DALLK8, OREGON.- Importers and Jobbers ot TATENT MEDICINES, CHKMICALS A FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS ACIDS, AYr a A ivnnftnv. - PURE WINKS A LIQUORS,". PAINTS, GLASS DHUSHtS.' ' PHYSICIANS' PBKSCRIPTIOXS' Accnrately compcundwl. PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A fiul and comnlet'e assortment of all articles In tl.n- Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN M ...'.,.. will nlMU nA. j. . lu- below..-, J8trN'BTKS.v Dalles. Bacrain'euto, Cal. ; J. W. GJRLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dallca, Oregon. '' 7-OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM , , . ' , w the citizens of this nlace and vl. ZiTTTkSrf X clnlty, that having returned from a pro- frfFja'Syft ' icBsionai lour inrougn ine miiw. ne has 1 1 I r 1 again resumed the practice of JKNT18T11Y, In the room formerly occUi by him, lntfce building occupied by Wood A Holler, Plutograph Artists, and K.IJ..Inlug ni dam Urds.' Drug Store. He takes this method of ex- -tending thanks, for the liberal patroange heretofore cx teuded to bini, and soikitstarsitliiaaj(ie of the eaiue. 118T or rKKst . ;. Ejitlre Denture on Gold Bits .';.-.......r..$180 to $226 " Viipsr Denture, Gold Base.. . 90" 120 " Denture, Vulcanite Base 70 la " UppvDentre, Vulcanite Rase..., 85 s Cold FillliigeMwierted from one dollar upward. Children!' Teeth extracted free f charge. si-13-lf ' ' -Tteasufer''JVotlCc.'i' . TIIE.F0LUXWING COWtTY ORDERS will be paid upon presentation at my olnce : : Tt7tcn lt7sred. July 14, 1866...K. "15, " ...... " 17, " Aug. ", Sept 7, . , Bept-eY- Nov. 6, Nov 10 " . No0 - Decs"! -u Deol- " ; Janl 0 18D6 , Jan 13 , Febt-SI." i add5 . Class. MHIII 6 . i 6..-.i..v....16lf ..........6......1K0 . 5.:s......1Kl ......... A. .u....ZU ......... JitS- 5...M...J 6 .301 -.- 6 .270 t... MT s.ii,'. nv .w....6... .481 ' - &....'. .440 ' 6....'. 4R4 JVo. Tn Aim. ttt 156 ;".K WCran'dall. - I. .iu js 11 cranda . . J R Harfordr T M McAuxlin. . .1 B Harford. T M McAueD C It Meigs. J 11 UarfoMlv I- Jesse Reel. ' J R Uarford J Etielt . M W Mltcher.' ", II. J. M'ALDRON, Treassirer. noti;e Alt 'PERSONS INDEBTED TO O0IIN k BOI1M W up by the 26th Inst.; or legal proceeding mas ' rswM- .?'"A' i.-t.-i ' .,- :. WW AIM W (WO test UUMC!. C011N ft BO kail i '