fmmmm j : .1 11.11 iyi b si r r 1. . it mm VOL. .7. ; DA-I.1ES, OREGON, UIlDAT, APRIL lO, 1SOO. NO.C3. rUBLISUEU EVERY MORMMJ, (MONDAY tXOKPTID,) BY 4B. G. COUMJ & J. HALLORAN, ' 1DIT0US AND PB0PKIBT0R9. Terms Twenty-five eenti per woek, payable to the carrier per muiitli, by until, tl; tliroe months, 2 60; six months, $6; oueyear, $3. Advertlaeineuu Inserted at low rutue. , ... Job Printing. Every description of plain aoU fancy JWvfrtiittng'wte ntetl with neatness and despatch, and forwarder as por 'ton'er to any part of the country. Payment for Job Print ing must be made oh deitttr) ej work. IV. II. DOUKLrlSS, IPimotlcal WtttekmalcoiS . . And Deuler In WISE VfATCIlES JEW ELK Y, , DALLES, OREGON'. Established 1857. BALERS IN n GROCERIES ! CORNISH OF Jlain and Union Streets, Dalles. NT. 0. BALDWIN mhai-tf F.W.BALDWIN. tf URNITURE I : FURNITURES tolEltLAM Sc WENTZ, NTB d LOB B HOTEL BUILDING. llouschold Furniture. r'lirf ml ''-f,m''rac.nB' Tables, Ohalra, Bureaus vm-- -aaut-ueasauaiedateais, ueudinflMJarpets etc, etc., all of wiiiob will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. nnl2 "WM. IIOABDS. 0. B. KfflOKL, WM. MOABUS &.CO., CITY BAERTT, airs tuovision store, '. ' ' Corner of FMt and BV Streets.' ' trvrnOLKBALK AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, Y'T CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. j.0rders from a distance carefully filled audprompvy "lspauhed. . . . ..l, I-tf JOSEPH ELFELT, ' WH0U8AL1 AND BBTAIL DEALER III ' iFahby & Staple . Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, UATS ANO CA&3, AND ""Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof Stone. Store, corner of Main and Court Streets. ' ec4-l HU.UVSOV A UDELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN TUB SUPREME AND CIR cnit Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o Washington Territory. ,. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0. UUMASON Dalles, Ogn. J. A. OUKLL. FUBNISHEDJtOOMS , .. . '' TO L.E1 j By the Night, ; Week br Menth, NKXI DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE. , n2tf MRS. 8PRENQRR. W.K.Watm. . . 1.1. HAW. GATES te HAFT, Attorneys tt Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON. IXEfc. 'JLm H. STEELE, 'ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON, U. 8. A.' J ornciAT WALDR N BROS." DRTJO STORE 74. , : WM. BROITN WARNER, BI. D... OFFICE 74 SECOND STREET, between Washington .'and Court, . Ornoi Hours 9 to 12, A. m.j 2 to 4 p .1 and to 10. p. M O. 13. BROOKS, 'M. T. Office At Dr. Cratg's l)rui Store. '. DALLES, OREGON. " TO LET, THRDESIRABLE RESIDENCE sltnstod on tho Bluff, formerly occupied by T. B. KKLLY, Is for rent. There are Ave rooms, partly furnished ; also out- houses; a good spring of cool water, together with one acre of rich garden ground, with a secure ffinco aronnd the same. Terms reasonable. Apply to KKLI.Y & DKNNY. .'."Dm VM DOCTIIITTa- . ATTORNEY AT LAW, . BABS0C2 CITT, Idaho Territory. ' tmf- Fartlcalar attention paid to Collecthilg Debts'. mponuKs Ann wooluali 'BealeTfe in Wines, Liquors ! Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, ' " BATl KEMOTIO 10 THHE ' NtW STONE BUILDING;. ooHNsa or . Second and Wnsliliigten Streets, DALLES CITY.. 7rOW IN STORE A LAWiB AND COMPLETE AS H sortmcut of the very unit brands rt , WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a full assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. S-Constantly reculvhlgour supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we arc ablo and wliliai, to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco pricos. They hops by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, they will roceive the patronage cf the pub lic. sclO-tf UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, ORECON. AND LEV &SlAliOTTr I'rop'rs. IIII8 POPULAR H0US, OSKIBALLT LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Sopot, lias beeu recoutly enlarged and Improved, and Kill bow accommodate - 300 GUESTS. 5T WILL BE CONDUOTED as heretofore as a FIRST CLASS U0U3E, and the patronage of the traveling publlo Is respectfully sollcite I. Baggage taken to tho Ilonso froe of charge. House opeu all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEl, MAIN BTEIET, DALLES, OUOOlf, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A TIRS1M3LASS HOUSE. - IK THI OESTRI OF BDSINE83, Near the Steamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can AO commodate One Hundred aud Fifty Quests. il!3lsi........;50 est. Lodging....- ...60 cts. Fire Proof Safe for dejioSlteoT valhaules. t. Ilonso open all night. Baggage taken to the House free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mh8-tf . Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. .A. . jR 13 o o t ii , WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWKItdlNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AND OINKRAL DEALER IK MERCHANDISE and . ffllNGRS? SUPPLIES. FACE AND SADDLE HORSES FOR SALE. FRBiaUVS OONSIONFD to my care for Col vl lie Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re coive prompt attention. ' White bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1884. oc 2tf , WI5W FItUIT, GUOCERY . -AND PROVISION STORE. 1B tUNDERSTONBD INFORMS niS FRIENDS and the public gbnerally, that he lift Just established on Main street, next door to J. ) (Acer, Tobacconist, . ANEW STORE!.. where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment o selected FHUIT. Also, In store a complete stock ofcholce UKOCSiilEit PROVISIONS, VEQKTABLBS, oto. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RB DUCKD PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. el8-tf JOHN BPOSITO. FRED. LIEDE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STpRE, . Washington Streot, cipposlte French k Oilman's, Dalles, lias on hand a lot ge and well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. - Eresli Rutter & Etf-s, Received daily. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. AH articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody Jf -ItltJXLS JjUW. anl8:tf F. LTEtlB.. M. BROWN &'BB0., WUOLESAU AMD RETAIL DEALERS IN FANCY AND HTALK D RY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ao. ' "Mr. II. BiySWN, being resident of Ban Francisco, we are enabled to offer great Indcements to purchasers. Wt respectfully Invito the pnbllo to ekamlns onr stock befor pnrchafllng.elsewhere. . mlMt - Btous Store, north side Mafn strs'et, TJallss. Democratic State Ticket. F0RC0N0RE3S: JAB1ES I. FAY, . 'Of Jackson, f FOR GOVERNOR: " -JANES K. KEtLT, , Of Wasco. " I0R SECRETARY OF STATfi: LlFAVETTf! LAKE, Of Multnoalaii. TOR STATE TREASURER-: aOUN C. IlELLr, Of Marlon. ' FOR STATE PRINTER: ' JAMES O'MEiKA. .Of Lfnn. 0B PROSECUTINS ATTORNEY-EItf U DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER, Ofgahm. . - ' ' NOTICE. THE PIONEEtt STAGE 3IPANY W1U carry FAST FEEIGHT8 FROM AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBBR, AT THE FOLLOW' . INURELKJCKU RATES: To Boise City IS Centaier pound issse sijr " Owyhee 0 .1 : For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents por pound will bo charged. , . TIME! PnOM UMATILLAi To Rolsc t'lty, To ldsiho (Jit) TO Owj liee,.... .'...3 Days. 3 12 Days. Days. " JOSEPH PINKUAM, Apent. Unmtllla, Oct. 1. 18fl.,.: oclKtC fou, uoise jiiiEs miiKcr. THE WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE OF, '. CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ' AND Well,, Fargo & Co.'s Express,. Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Boise Mines.) , Through la Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallnla Line of Stages, and th Boats of the 0.8.N.'C6ilrpay. GEO. F. THOMAS A CO., ep27-tf Proprietor TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN ! SHORTS AND ',' w all Kinds, foe sab by 1. Jtt, tiA.W, 26 Front Street, Portland, Opposite 0. B. N. Warehouse. Vil9:tf. aUAUTZ MILLS! . And all kinds of Machinery Mahnfaoturod at the OREGON IRON WOlKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TH streets, . F'ORTIiAlVD. A.. 0. GIBBS A CO., Successors to JPortland, Dec. 8th Si. do6tf ' E. L. Jones A Co. NEW SALOON. ; NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. ' r InB UNDERSIGNED would respectfully announce M. that he will oncn a first-clans Saloon In nh A Oilman's New Stone Bnlldlng, THIS EVENING, and is l. hi .ui ,o vuibuuiur. iiu is, oest 01 Wines, Liquors iind Cigars. ' . ALSO, A E R EE LUN O H . Every day and EVening, 0cJ8tf. " 0OHN RIHDLAVsT, Umatilla,' Bb is o, . wi , AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Lines Tni8 LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNIN'U order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, nnd prepared 'to' carry Freight quel a(nab!e Packages bctveen these 'audall intermediate puiiits witbcerlamty 'ami 'despatch. 1 1 The Liueia Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace Wliicli ens'ores Seed sttd Safety In tho transmission of ' Freight, never before onVred to Idaho. ,.We offer p npo rlur inducements for Shipping Uoods from San Frnnclnco and Portland' to Iilalio, as our Arrangements wllh the Ocean Steamship Company atid tile Orrgon Steam Navi gation are such that all Uoods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pass through as East Ereigrlit. , 'Ooods'jshlpped from San Fraiiclscd to our cntp at Tort 'In'jJU,' Chafgo -will be-paid aud Uoods shipped u clostinti- GOODS SnOULD BE MARKED : CARB B. M. D. ' CO., F. LINK, and Shipping Receipts sent to onr Agents at Portland aud Umatilla. , . - , Advancci'hnrgcs for Transportation Tata by the Line and Collected t Pestlnatlon. Goods will be forwurded with Dispatch to 0hee and Bouth Buiso." PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Riding Thorough Brace Wagons oil tiie Most Liberal Terms, We lay over tiacn flight on the Road at Good and Convenient Statioiis, so thut passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AOENXHi RICHARDS A McOltAKKN..'.V... San Francises RICHARDS A McCHAKliN. ...,.V.... Portland JOSEPH TEAL..... rt Dalles POWELL A 0E..... , Umatilla. J. B. WILKINSON ... LeGraui B. M. DullKLL A CO Boise City B. M. DullKLL A CO Idaho City MAJOR BPEEIt ..;,.... t;..Jlocly Bar ISuuth Bulae. DuRELL MOORE lluby aud Silver Cities B. SI. DuRELL & CO., n25tf i t Proprietors. A CARD FOR TIIE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade ! OF SAN FRANCISCO ; BADGER & HNDENBBRGER, Nos.' 411, 413 and 413 Bnttery Street, Cor. Merohant, 8an Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AND FRESII STdCKj VjKTE WOULP CALt ATTENTION of Conntry Mcr T T chants to our usually large stock of Uoods. Oiir stock comprises every article in the Clothing nnd Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Carsi'mere aud Wool HATS of any house in San Frnnolsco, and our prl. es for these Good, are less than those of any house, as we recelvn them direct from the manufacturer's consignment. Our ' stock ofSnmmoVanH.FiUI Goops Is particularly attract ive, nud the great feature to tho country merchant Is the unusually low prices. . Less Than the Cost of Importation t We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Ooois line, which Goods wo have purchased In this market ut der the hammer, and are offering them at New l'gik Cost, and less. . . , We publish this card In order that we may make new nchlltllfiTanRn.. anil InrlimA thnu u ... I. ......-'. purchased of he, to call and examine onr stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to atl who 'rarchase tb sell agalu. Morchants who buy of ns can make a gonS profit, and sell to tholr customers at a low figure. We remain, rospectrully, Your Obedient servants, . ' BADGER A LINDENBERGER, ; ,: Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, . Nos. 411, 413 and 415 Battery street, Son Francisco, FoWiiary S, isot). . , fi)-3iuw. MRS. J-EESER'S ' FRENCH MILLINERY STORE 1 ' AND - Dress Making Establishment, , ' ' Opposite Cohn tk Bohm'i, I WOULD CALL Tns ATTENTION of the Ladles 6 the Dalles to my larpe and One stock of. FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONNETS, II ATS, FEATHERS', , Dress Trlmmlriafs, Sco.' ' TTavlnlr aMiiriifl thm arlM nt Xirta nisv I- .1.. Dress Making apartment, wo will do all work In that Hue and guarantee perfect satisfaction. ; , '.; iiiu aoue in an ooiors. , fllvn nm an urlv n.ll ' nA t will .u- . ...j ..,.. a vi,iiciiFt- VU .111. verybody in TAriTK and nt H BA30N ADLK PUIGKS. Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, - - . : '. notice. ' TX CALLTnB ATTBNTI0N OF THE lUBf.l6 te w w tiie lact, tnat ts have concluded to give np bus iness anil there, or, all parties Indebted tons MUST PAT UP WU'iUN NINETY DAYS or legal proceedings wlA be had. , II. BROWN A HKO. Dalles, HArch 10, lW.