C31 Epitome, of Telegraphic News. OOMHITO VKOM Till OBKIONUiC. DATUS TO APRIL. 14. Washington, April 13 la the Senate, Mr. Vfilliams cmled- up tlie bill to prevent tho absence cf Tei'ritoriul oHkci-s, -which was ft source of g'eat evil. Judgos, Governors and Secretaries absent themselves for six mouth? to visit Washington City and ibe Eastern btatej. Mr. Grimes was conscious that great in justice had been done tbo people of the Territories, but thought tliobi-l too swelling. Mr. Nesmitu thought the Ullf too rigid. Mr. Conness here cal ed attcnt on to tlio ' fact that Territorial offices were selected from the siiperaaf-mtcd politicians of the Must, for whom no use could be found at bAitue. . The further consideration of the bill was postponed. The Senalo Select Committee, on the bill incorporating the National Telegraph Com pany, have had a preliminary meeting and discussed t!ie general subject. Mr. Brown favored the Government's taking charge of all telegraphic wires iu the United States and operating them iu connection with- the Post (JUlce Department, while others of tue comrnitteo are iu favor of a most unlimited grant of power to a new company,- to run wires along any rou'e whether raiiroad or wherever they choose to go, all State or cor portion laws to the contrary notwithstand ing. It is believed the commiHeo will report a- bill. The House hiCving amended the Senate resolution on the liquor question, so as to exclude liquor from all public buildings, including the Wiiiio House, the Senate' re fused to concur. Yesterday, the House, after two hours de bate vo'ed an antiuity of $3,500 to Martha McCook, mother of the gallant McCook boys, in addition to the pension which she draws since (he death of her husband, 'during the Morgan raid. The only point of the-opposi tion to it was that it might' furnish a prece dent for annuities. The Senate, yesterday, passed the House bill establishing the rate of pension at $25 monthly in all cases of total disability rs quiriug constant aid of another person ; $20 monthly in all cases of total disability: not requiring personal aid, and $50 wbcrx disft bility interferes wiih labor. Washington , April 14: Gossiping among newspaper-tolks hero has it that during the time the Civil Itigu s Bill was in the hands of the President, thf. National Intelligencer had an elaborate- editbriul supporting that measure, believing the President-wourd sign it, but upon further information the editor destroyed the article and prepared another foreshadowing the veto Col. Babcock, of Gen.- Grant's Staff, Is going 04 a tour of inspection through Idaho, Montana, Uregon and UulUornta Tbe Indian Bureau 'yesterday received a telegram from Col. Taylor, at Fort Laramie, saying that the Sioux'-'Cbiefr, Red Qloud and Spot ed Tail, are assembling-their bands ott the north fork ot the Uboyeuno-river Chicago, April 13. Several .negroes hav ing been presented at Alempbis under tbe State law tor keeping bars and billiard sa loons, their counsel pleaded the Civil Rights Bill in abutment, and the Judge will deliver his opinion in a tew days Neu York, April 13. John Lambert, an Englishman, has been arrested, charged with stealing $20,000 from Wm. L. Adams, Col lector ot Astorin, uregon-." San Francisco, April 16. At about a efUft ter past one o'clock this afte'rndon'a terrible explosion occurred in the assay office- of G. W. Bell, on California street, adjoining Wells, Fargo & Co.'s.- Capt- Sara. - Knight, Superintendent of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Ex press, and G. W. Bell, were instantly killed Several others whose names are as yet un known were also killed. Many of the employees of' Wells, Firgo & Co. were more or less injnred, but it is thought none ot them were killed, except Mr, Knight. Tbe nature of "the'exptosion is not yet known, but it is supposed to have -been a barrel of tiitro-glycerine oil, one of the most powerful explosive chemicals known to modern science. The concussion was felt'with terrib'e force throughout the entire city. Tbo assay office and a portion of the express building were demolished. Window sash and glass were shattered In buildings in adjoining blocks. The most intense excitoment exists through out the city, and a posse of policemen have been stationed about the express-office to koen the crowd back. It 'is supposed that some-workmen' are till buried beneath the ruin3 of the assay dice. The bodies of two have already been recovered Frank Webster, lie-ad of the New York Iiprojs Department, Is missing. The dead bodies of four persons in addition to those anted have been found W. S. Havens", of tbe P. M. S. S. Co., is among the ra'rsaing. Messrs. Sanders and " Stacy of the Express office, are badly in jored, the -latter very seriously. From six to twelve other persons are supposed lo-hve -killed. In a Riioech delivered in tbo U. S. Senate, Fobraary 16th, Senator Hen dricks, of Indiana, justly bits Sonator Williams, in tbe following: The Sonator from Oregon, (Mr. Williams,) spoke yesterday of pBninln ing States. I wish be wore here, sir. That Sonator dwells far off) bis land resting upon, the ppu-ccfat waters of the Pacific, and intervening mounV tains oast their shadow over his home and the homes of bis people. 1-pra Bume there is not n colored man in that country . II Indiana soes fit in her sovereign pleasure to deny to the ton or twenty or thirty thousand ne grocs in that btuto tho right to vote, ho, from Oregoni proposes to punish Indiana !- What has bo to do with tho suffrago in Indiana f- We do not lot tbem vote, and unless you compel us to do it, we propoeo never to do itj and yet ho says there iS to ber ptiniahi nienvior it. t ao roc line inac wora niinishmnni. " hnt.wnnn Rt?nlrH nf this Union. You have no ritrht to punish a Stuto because it does "that atroortling to Ha own pleusoro which rfc bas a right to do. , WAIiDRON DUOS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Malik Street, Dalle, Oregon. "ttE N6w" OCCUPY OtR NKlVTtfft BTORf FIRB w .proof Stone Drugs, Medicines Bad Chemicals, consisting h part of .urotif Stone buildimr. opposite llloch. Miller Co.. and offer to the public a full and complete stwk of KEROSENE, TUKl'KNTINa; ALIUS. L1N8KED, LA 1(1). LAMP WlClft A''CfllSlNES HOPS, BAGK. . v Bl'ONflRS. , LEECH K3, COKK!, lBiAO K. DT.OCH, Ban Vranclsco. 1 C. S. Millbr,' - Dalles. BIocl Miller & Co., WHOLESALE . AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Lidixofs, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING- Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc.) etc,' etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our business, under the' entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make return) In TMr In "six hours We guarantee all onr Assays and pay the- fliOHEoT CASII PRICK for. Burs. We also pay the Highest uum I'rice lor uoia vusi. . BLOUII. 311LI.KH CX. my8tf Cor. Ualrrand Washington streets, Dalles. '. N hardware;: IRON &, STEliC. -1 .tab vt vvtinn 1VT1 NEAWKOOT Oil, ' LANPULACIf' TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACE?' SUPPORTERS? AND PATKNT MKtiiciEM. Ortf etoclt of FANCY GOODS I a of tlie fluent and belt quality; iir ityii-e onit,4Tpo'la89ftuioit, eucb liUIIIX'S PKKJTUISKIir, 1IA1K, LUBIN'STdlLlSTtWAlV il.KSll, - COSMKTIOS, I1AT, HAIItO'kS,- . CI.OTHFS, COI.OONB,- , TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS A-' NAIL UIIU8IIK8 TOOTH POWDKU3, . AND COMBS. StiRE WINES ANlS'LIQUORS, FoPTMedlclnal nuruonnn. , unr larintiee tor niwiniMrooa are nocona 10 none in the Stale, md we "ball lit all tlincB sell at a email ad vance from ooet. Ready aalee aud eiunll pronts. PHYSICIANS' PKiSSCUIPTIOXS . Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. IMillos, aopt.u, 1600. - leiu-ii V VERY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families Hotels and IIAR-ItOOM.S. f UI.IU8 KRARMKIt HAVINO DODQIIT TnE EN-1 V lire Stock of Merchandize and ltoolrAcoouuts of tbe late II rm ol M. Seller A Co., In tbl city, tnrhlch be baa added of his own importation (while d6iig:-bVieiiies In rortlaua; an immense clock ol tue best mauuiactured Crockery, GlatmVare, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaascs and All Kinds of Oils, ' All of which he offers at reduced rates. Peraoirs wish- Ittft to buy any of the abore-meMloneM articles, will du well- tfo give me a enll tmftfre-ptrrchasinK elsewhere. ureters trerntm' interior promptly atleniled to, and roMs' Hacked io Kfr efiftrer Don't lull to call on me. liuaio's atone lluuuiug, jraeuliiirton street, Danes. Dalles, Mirch 17 A; 180S7 mlilTtf' ONE HUNDREDM1LES SAVED ! BLACKFOOT & 15 IG DEAD MIXIS BY WAY OF THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White BHnTs 100 miles " , White Bluffs to Ped d'0ielller.'....109 " " " toCoWllle 170 " TraTelers by land for either of the above Gold yields. will save Save Time DistanccHriffMoncy By taking the White Bluff) Hoall. wood,' Water afttf Grass Arb found on thl Road wtfhfn eftiy drives The rood ii now ODen. and bomorfei advantaffotf orar any othurlund route from the Dallos. inuuriha uy order or THE CITIZENS OF TIIE DALMC3. ' Mallei, March. 20, 1806. ni 20:2m. FRANKLIN MARKEf.; CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS , . . DALLES, OREGON, , ... TUB TJNDKP. STONED haTlnsr flttod up the aiT- MarlnmatM) BK.-T- STYLE, will keep constant ly on band all sorts of . Jt'reNli miT fsirs4l' TSftnil: ' Oflhe best quality furnlifh at the-LOWEST RATS My motto Is to u PLK-ASE ALL." TJARTtE8 HAVING 8UI'KRIOtt STOCK TOR BklV JL will ao wen to can at the franklin Market. Dalles, February' liftl!, I860." JOUN El'l'INGEKV WASIlIK'tOK jflAUKET.- ooKituor COURT AKD SECOND STItEETS, DALLES, OREQOf ' JOHN MICHELBACH, Ptdfrrletcr: WVUli KEEP -,, ,., 'constantly on hand all the Tarle--r lv itws tuat uie market can possibly j -yK ? BY TIIE PACKAGE,-' At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. mlot'f ' CtJJJMlNO A GRANT, - Datles,' Oregon". COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. a. BOOTH BAnEI HITlSoK. BOOTH & NEVISON. Forwarding and Comtul'stAillIerohan(a AND DELKIIS IN GENEKAT MERCHANDISE, White I31ii11h W. T4 - FREIOOT FOR COLVILLE, UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACKFOOT MINES promptly lurwarded. Mark Goods D. A N., White Bluffs, W. T, ' PoBTUsnIUehards A McCraken, Allea A Lowis,and .Hodge -Calef. Daub Bloch, Miller A Co., French A Oilman. JEfc'er DEHM, AVatchinakei' and Jenelc. MAIN STREET. DALLES, TM!ALR IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY. J CLOCKS, Gold Peni.Silver'and Plated Ware, (SaCc&seor to William Blrnbaum'.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, A1TD BIAI.ni W ' A.1TD JEWELRY, TNVITK8 TIIK ATTENTION OP UI8 RIENDS AND M. vua ruuuc iuoii cumutnnieciniD or New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronge.J ' Watches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY reoalred and WAHHaniJtU- uStr HX DQor t th PMt OIMtr HrtM-tanlMi. Cutlerv. Xn. tw- -Particular attention paid to repairing: fl tie's;'.! Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watnhes repaired by me warranted Tor twelve montns. N. B. All orders from the unnertiountry. by ExproM' or otherwise, promptly attended to. a. card: MADAME LK TKIAIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the Ladle of I her pa lies and fli'lulty, tlmt she in now prepaVud to do all 'kinds of DItliPS, CLOAK," and PALETOT making- Also,-CUTTINO fn4 FITl'lNG in a new and Improved style, never before Introduced lu this place. She will warrant to giro satisfaction, and would" most rospectfully solicit a liberal patronage In the Rooms lately occupied by Mrs. W hlte. over Degeneifs Store.-on Wushlnuton street, between Second and Third. Dalles, March 27th, 1866. mr27tf COIL Olft! COAL OlCt - VtrALDK'ON BROS, have Just rccelveil a Urn In- V voice of COAL OIL, which Ihey offer at greatly aueeu mice. JWM HIT and'aTways of the tx st quality. FAMIltff, rtlTtiS, AND STEAMBOAtS. I enpfilftTon reasonable terms. Tbe undersign Is Wvrays prepared to pay the hlgWv est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock"" In good condition, arb Vbtjuested to call on him before ' going elsewhere. . JOHN MIC1IKLBACU. Dalles, March 31st, 1884. 'mhSltf NOTICE TO FARMERS. rjJMIB DALLES ttJMBER AND-MANUFACTURING A JL COMPANY has recently attadied a . jFlio'tJItlN'aS- "SllLt, to their Steam Sash a Boor Factory, In this Clt'r. tad are now prepared to CHOP FEED, OHIND WHEAT and ' CORN, aud warrant to give the best satlsfoctlua. On hand constantly and for sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MfDI) LING 9,1 . BRAN AND SHOUT?, . CHOP FEED, CSICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL,'from x Corn. The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BA,,.KY;. - II. A. 1I0UUE, Agent. ; Dalles, Not. S, 1808. ' ' nS?t. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAM.- Noi 100, Main Street, Dallea Clly. TET-ILL ATTEND TO TnE SELLING AT AUCTION- w ui uenerui merchandise, Heal Estate, flroeerhs, -Horses, NeV Knd Bcc Jnir Uand'Furulture, Stocks, Ac, Ac. - licgular Sales Day Saturday. 0util()O aud Special Sales attended to In any part of ,: the City.' LIDcrnl Adtitnc'cs Maffb fin Consignments. " nlft3m. JOHN WTLLIAMS. Auctfonee. A"' fi. niijf 'A".TrrTTrfc . IMPORTER AND JOBBER 0V . "FRONT STREET, Poi'tlanil, . . . . Oretforf. OFFEIIS FOR BALK A VERY LARGE ASSORT'' ment of Brandies, WlneR, .' . ' Llquorrf, Cage Good!,' &Cm &"T.t &c. T- The Traile Is particularly TnVlted to exsmlne'm' etc ck before purchasing elsewhere. . au&i-tf II. HERMAN & Q079 MAIN ST., DALLES, OPP'OSITK EMPIRE HOTEL, J J AVE JCT RECEi VED A BEAUTIFUL 8T0CK OF r SPRI!VGrA!VD KUMItlETl GOODS, - Consisting In psrt tf tattcyanrt Staple Dry .Goods Cloth In (r, 1 Boots & Sboesv IIats& Capg,- WliWh Ihey offer to sell al SilitL-FROFITS. Dalles, March 27th, 18B6. mrtttf BOOKS! BOOKS!' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. sOCHOOt BOOKS, STATIONERY, WETSV -t f3 giundord and Mlscellaneon WORKS, Mi'iml.- Late NOVELS, MAO-ANES., V kVYM.Jre& "f Ac, Ac. by ..every Steamer. F ill nm.illsriWssir Bookstore, Main itraeVDallei, Garden Seeds for tbe Million. "T-tf H. J. WAI.DRON FUKS, WOOL and UIDES fJJUIE UIOnEST CASH PRICE PlD FOR " IFURS, WOOL, AND HIDES, at ' IAKEN. MERIIILL CO.'S N'orlh Front Street, Portland. - BA.K13IIY" mliiaim MoCRil 16 Korlh I AND Gf R O' CERY STORE- 9faln Street Dalles. "hfeft FREDERICK BENZE1t. TO THB TRAVJELIpTbiTic. - TIIE NEW BRIDGE NOTICE. In AVE- appointed B. I. HAFT my 'authorised agent lo coirect alt taonYlrs dui rue. and attend to inv bust. boss generally. sJtf U. UXXiO. i ACR08S Til LOWER DES CHUTES IS NOW COtf.' plete. ana ready' f.r the crosslhgof TEAMS. PACtf ANIMALS, .te. TOLLS MODERATE i"0 t. t ? CHUTES ROAD ft BRIBOICOv-' Dalles, March , 1. nOtt"