' v WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 1$, 18G6. Thirteen men were hung for mm der in. different parts of the United Statos, on, Friday th 12tR ult. Mas. Day. recently gave birth to four, children in Indiana. Verily, who can tell what a day may bring forth. There" are said to be 70,000 rebel soldiers buried at Holly Wood and Oak Wood Cemeteries Boar- f5ch. mond.' The Collector of Internal Eeveouo for Montana has boon dirocted. by Commissioner Rollins to release-all goods soizod for want-of inspection marks, whore the claimantaehow that they are innocent holders... Tub Minings Emigration. Oar Eastern exchanges are filled 'with items rogarding.tho departure of boats and trams lor the mining regions, and all concur in the opinion that the omii gration across the plaids this season will bo larger than any year since 59. The Nevada papers also chronicle the departure of a large number of miners fir tho mining regions of Owyhee and Montana In Articulo Mortis. Wa aro in formed that tho Democratic physicians of Portland met in secret consultation some time last weok, to see what could b$ dono for the poor sick Herald. For once, doctors did not disagree. After; wise and maturo deliberation they pronounced the diseaso fatal,' as l ino cavny usually occupica by Drain ia partly full of a thin serous fluid re sembling butter milk, .which exudes by the toaspoonful at every gasp, of the patient. A party of 41 California volunteers and 25 -citizens, under Major Smith, had a seven hour Indian fight in Sur prise Valley, CaL, on. March 17th,. which Bums.up as follows : Loss to the enemy 80 warriors and 35 squaws. The latter .wore dressed tho same as bucks and were fighting, and had to- be. killed to. ascertain their. sex. Rev covered sixty horses y .captured nice squaws .and ton children, who were afterwards..turncd loose, and destroyed three tons of dried meat, The loss on tho, side -of the whites were one soldier killed, and Major Smith and six privates wounded. Would wo had a few such detachments on the Can. yon City road... Gen. Grant's Opinion 02 Senator Njsbmith. It a letter received by An offloor of the army, stationed at FArt Boiso, from . Lieut. Gen. Go-ant, and which ia publiehed in the Idaho State witfTV, we find tho folio wing, high trib uto paid Senator Nesmitb, by the Commanding General of the armies of tho United States : .. I am glad to say.-that our ropresen tatives from the far offTaeifio coast, tie fur as I have observed their course, have done nothing. to give comfort to aiders in rebellion. Particularly is this tho case with rrosmith, of Ore gon, with whom I bavo more personal acquaintance than the others, and have therefore watched closor. lie baa been the .particular-friend of the army, both regular and volunteor, and - has, if lam not mistaken, sustained every measure intendod to overthrow rebellion and sustain the Union of all tho States. Oregtniuns may con gratulato themselves on. having in the ncuaniunoaACHH bucd a reureauu luuvo THE CANYON CITY ROAD. . In our issue of Saturday last we pjublishod the proceedings of'a mooting of our citizens, and stated-that a conr mitteo of.thrco had gone to Fort Van couver to-wait upon General Steele and lay bofore him the neod of imme diate military protecliou ' Tho com mittee deputed oneof their number to presont to Gen. Stcolo a written statement of- tho condition of this road, its importance, its cost, and its dangorsr M-r. Catloy, who was select cd la perform this duty, returned lust night, lie informs us that on Monday he Lad a short interview with the General, and that while he was listen to with apparent interest, tho result of bis visit to- say the least, is very unsatisfactory. The General stated that ho had no troops which he could' put upon the road at present;, that Gen. Ilalleok, the Division Commander, had given orders which would occupy all the troops now in or expected to come to this Department. The two compa nies of cavalry now at Vancouver will go to Eoiso as soon as tbey can be mounted and equipped, und probably will go over the Canyon City road. This was tho most that tho General could promiso. Gon. Grant had told- Gen. Steele,. previous to the ratter's departuvo for this coast, that a wholo regiment of cavalry would bo sont to thia-dcpartmnt, and-in that evtsnt a sufficient number could probably bo spared to keep tho Canyon City road open; until then, it was likely we would have to look for protection to the cavalry, now at Watson, and a company of infantry to come to Wat son from Camp Wright, which is to be abandoned. Now, then,'what is to be done? Tbeso outrages are daily becoming more, frequent. Shall, travel be on tiroly interrupted ? Already, many who would have gone to the John Day mines have boon dotained--by the dangers of the route, and gone else where; and in consequence this groat souice of -our .local prosperity is in a measure lying undeveloped.' Ou-rcit-iaons had hoped . that Ms. Catlov's visit to Vancouver wuld have ro Bukedinsomo immediate ao;ion for our relief, and all express disappoint. ment, and reiterate the assertion, h!' something must be done !". Well, what, shall it bo ? Some say petition1 our delegation' in CongresB, but that is too-slow we .want it now. Others, raise a bounty fund, and givo those who will risk their lives to rid us of these enemies all the horsos and stock thy may capture from the Id- dians, in addition to a certain sum for every scalp. Some, arnv. a ..picked company of 'Warm Spring Indians and turn them loose with the same lieense For our parts, we are at a loss what to suggest Either tho developing of this part -of our country must ceaso, or these-outrages must cease. Which shall' it-be ? Something must be done! WB J300- by the iMOntana Post that Aatin-g Governor -Moagher, is deter mined to remove every Union man from office in Montana Territory. Ilia last aot waB the removal of the Auditor and Treasurer.- What-the causo of theso removals wero, of course -we have no means of knowing. t The Post says that all Union men ia office knew well the futo-in storo for them whoa the Legislature- mot; Circuit Court Proceedings. Court begun at 1 o'clock p. m. Monday. The Sheriff was ordered to summon six teen additional jurors to fill up tho panel. Attorneys present: Wait, Jlii mason, Donny, Meigs, Gehr, Iluft und Gates. Tho docket at the com mencement of the term wns composed of 21 criminal, 25 law, and 6 equity causes. At the closo of session on Tuesday, the business transacted was:- Criminal Docket. State vs John Graham, impleaded with Wm. Gras ham, larceny; tiial by jury; verdict, not guilty ; Slate vs." Vote, continued ;, State vs. Johnson, continued Statu vs. Clifton, eonlmaed ;--State vs. Long worth, dismissed' State vs. Moppin, three cases, continued ; Stuto vs. How ard, dismissed, defendant dead ;.Staie vs. Willard dismissed; Stale vs. Burk hart, dismissed ; Stuto vs. Lomax, dis missed 'y Stato vs. Johnson, mandate from Supremo Court; dufondiwt mude default, and his recognizance was for feited and cause continued, with way rant for arrest. Law Docket-. Woods vs. Johnson &' Johnson, continued for service ;.'Du senbery & Bro. vs. Harris & Friedi lander, judgment by default for plain tiff-for $2,332 SO ; Broback vs. Parman & Mix, 'judgment for plainliff'in de fault, 8513 75 -y Word vs. Imbler & Im bier, dismissed at plaintiff's cost , Koester vs. Wnrdy appeal, dismissed at cost of Ward for want of jurisdic tion ; Gates vs. Grimes, judgment for plainliftVin, default $-184 50 ; llayden vs Broadwoll, con tinuod reply to be filed by June l'OthC. Jiquity Docket. Drew vs. Dalles- City, continued; Ray vs. Ray; divorce, dismissed for want of prosecution; Bradshaw vs. Irow aHilys, decree of foreclosure allowod with judgment for 200 and interest. Some cases have been submitted but not yot decided. Wmco Lodg-e, NolS", Al Ft A A. HI. Holds its stated Conimuulctitlon on the First nnd Tliird Mondays of oach month, nt tliclr hall, In D alios City. Brethren In sood standing are Invited to attend. Emu ii. fop, sec y. uyoruer oi-ine w. m. COMMISSION Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F Moots every Friday evening . at 7 o'clock, la Oates ITall, corner of Second and Court Streets, - Brothers ia good Btanrtlrig wo invited to attend. 'By oriftr. N. G. DENTAL NOTICE;--Being about to make a professional tour to the towns and settlements up the- Columbia, I respeotfully call ttwfKontlon of those of my patrons who are In need of Donlal Operations of any char1 octet, to tlK fact, so- that tbey nriy rorfe an opportunity to avail tlieuist.lr.es of my services before my departure, if so dcBlred. I will leave about the 20th of March, and return -to this place to resum my practice; about the IStliof Junev ff27tf). J. W. OURLE.Y. AUCTION SALE . I will soil-' THIS DAY, At 10 o'clock, In the forenoon, At the residence of D. S. MURPHY, on MAIN STREET, uiawm iv wie vrvguu iioiei, nil me HOUSEHOLD AND Ititcl -fm .slTuvatttixre Contained in said dwelling bouse. Bale absolute. Terms lasu. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anct. MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE WTBTB ARE PVTTINQ. . CP. OUR w T U1UU1H Ah BUIJULIOU ORAM) OF'. GROITJVD JAVA COFFEE, two--CIIARTItES COFFEE, IX DOUBLE GLAZED PAPERS, ,To preserve Its strength and flavor for the length of m..i.iuu.H -u w 1 rwMum u iuo euove p:aces. For sale by all the Jobber, and MAltDEN 4 FOLDER, rioneep.Steam Colfta and Spice Mills, n18nilp3 220 Front Street, Ban Sranclsco. AUCTION 11 HOUSE!' Ko. 100 HAL STREET, DALLES' THR TJNDEnSiaXKD TUANKFOL FOR PART Favors, respectrully infoims the clliurn i-f tiro Dulles, and the public generally, that be continues to sell at PUBLIC VXJCTlOiV OR PRIVATE SALE, nenl Estate, Cienei-nl Merchandise,' -fciiocei-les, Uoi-NeM,. Slulcs, JFurnlture, Mocks, &.c. &cv- RKOULAR SALE DAI3, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments,. And PROMTr-KETtm N nn-rtefif sales. Out-door anil Spoclal Sales attended to In any part of' the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. fLATTTON IIEACUBEKRV TIJVE For Sale by FRED. LI Ell E. FLOWEKg!: FLOWERS! t I-bave Just received a lot of ASSORTED FLOWERS Which I will tell at reasonable Prices. - 3. JOKER. CRYSTAL) SALOON AND ' BILLIARD ROOM, JOHN niNDLACn. Irnnr.,.-. WASHINGTON ST., next-door to tRXNCU OILMAN SELLING OFF AT COSTU T. GOETZ & CO. STONE BUII.D1NO, WASHINGTON STREET, DAEtES; Offer their well-selected stuck of TOBACCO, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND STATIONERY AT JZN FBANC1SCO COST, mr27tf J JTJKEE, Malta Street, Dalles, wnni.EflALV ANA tier a lis nAUcn ix.. CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNTJIF, PIPES, SCO. ALWAT8 IN 8T0RI TUI DF.ST BRANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &(v- liLArtNGTCARDS. JL POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOY8, DOLLS, etc. PISH HOOK and FI9IHNO TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY UOODS. Ac. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and mairy-othor articles too numerous to mention. 49" InteMordealers supplieihwlth Clears, Tobacce. etc, -at leas' than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 WHOLESALE ft RETAIL DRUG G X 8T'Sr STONX BUILDINO, YASBfNQTON STREET, dalles,-oregon; . Importers and Jobbers of PATENT MEDICINES, CflEMICALS 4 FANCY GOODS, A. BODA, CORKS 1 ACIDS, , OILS, A ALCOHOL, PURE WINES A LIQUORS, " rAINT3,!OLASS 4 BRL'SUES. tHTSrCIlNS' PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately tompennded'. ' photographTc EMPORIUM." A fuil and complete assorfnient of nil arMclrs in thi Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Merchants will please get our prices bofore order- lnfr below, II. L. CIIAPIN, ' , JUBTINOATESf DaUes. -. Sacmuento, Cal. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Stain St. , Dallti, Oregon. WODLD RESPECTFULLY INFORM . , - , the cltiiens of this placo audvl- EfffilliJjTf . . ciuity, that having returned from- pro- (WWVrSt lesslouat tour through the mii-s, he has I I T I again resumed the practice of JENTISTRY, In the room . formerly ocenpted by tlioi, In tlie building occupied f Wood 4 Butler, Photograph Artists, and adjoining Wal- dron Bros.' Droit Store. He takes this method of e. v tending thanks, tor the liberat-patronuge heretofore ex- .. tended to him, and solicits a continuance of the same. LIST OF PRICES Entire Dentnre onOold Dine..... ..... $180 to f22S - ' Upper Denture, Gold Base. 90" la " Dentnre, Vulcanite Bane. 70 l!i6 ' " Upuw Denture, Vulcanite Bane Sb " tie Oold -Pilling! Inserted from one dollar upward. Childrens' Tooth extracted free af charge. seltf , Treasurer's Notice. THE FOLLflWINO COUNTY ORDERS will bt bald i upon presentation at my office t When Hepiilerti.' VUiu.- Ao. In favor of. July 14, iH6S..,(... 6 165 It VV Crandall. i " "..r" - ? EBCrandalL . " 17, " 6 169 ',? " 1H0 JBlTnrford. " ' ....! 8.... mi TMMcAmlin. BP' J. . " 6 5.12 J B Harford. i'V' - ii8 T M McAunlia. 20T-A ' ? ' C It Meigs. J 301 JBIlar"i Nov 10 6 .Ii70 h u Dec 8 " 6..i 3117 . ? " J-- 11 1 Jesse Keel. - I".-1!04 6 " 3 M "nrfor 3 6 J Elielt b" . - ...........4M B W MltcheH. . W6 II. J. V. AI.DRON, Troasarer. IV OTIC E. "P,1? h th Inst., or legal 'procoedlnee . U had. This Utbe lost notice,- COUXiBOlIiJ,