D3 MM onntaittecrv EpUouie of Telegraphic News. oonriuo mom th ouoomah. " . DATHS TO APRIL 1ft. Chicago, April 13. The. Tennessee House of Representative had an rxciting session yesterday, ending with the newly elected radical members being admitted in sufficient number to make a quorum After tuis the i'ranchite bill passed by a constitutional vote. Tbig bill relates only to white suf frage, bnt excludes rebels and rebel sympa tb.Uergu.ader the must stringent penalties. The radical triumph was paused In defiance of the Speaker, who is a conservative, and who, to prevent priceeiings which would have d iven hiia irom the uuair, yielded the point and allowed a report from the commit tee on elections to be received in tavur of all claimants except the receut bolters. .These .were not adini ted on the ground that tliur election was in coutempt of the House. Some of the defeated radicals will be admit ted on the i e vision ot the poll list, excluding fraudulent votes. ... Gov. Hamilton, of Texas, made a fpeech tecen'ly, in which lie opposed some of the ordinuucei passed by ib- convention as. not being tepuolican, or meet ug the demands made upon Wat bo iy. They bud passed but one ordinance which accorded fully with the Presideut's policy, aud that wm the one 'declaring ue war deb. null and void. He appealed irom the action of the convention to the people. The convention hud passed an ordinance exempting all persons who, ' under authoriiy of civil or military power, .had indicted iujury on persons during the w r from being held account Ule. Such ac t on would not und should not shield them. He'called upon tue loyal people of the State to work together. He believed provision should be made to admit the negro to voie if he was educate).' The convention had refused Ibis, aud also reluse i to 'give the blacks any quota of the school fund or to make provision lor their education. They bad been taxed to ussigi in sending their children to school. He ioteuded to denounce to the people those who had worked against tue interest ot the state. The SoutlK-rn papers have vjgorous arti ' cles on the Federal ,-itdation called out pnr ticula.ly by the civil rights bill Tliey counsel the people ot the south to wait till Congress convenes and put all their trust in tne rre3ideut " A joint resoultion has passed the House, ana is now pending in the bena e, appoint ing the following inanageri of the nationdl asylum tor disabled soldiers; liov. H. J Oglesby, of I linois ; Benj. F. Butler, of Mas9Acnusctt8, and Gov. Frederick Smith, of IMew 'Hampshire to serve six years Lewis B. Garrickle, of Ohio. Jay Cooke, of Pennsylvania, und r. J. Usierbaua, or Mis touri to serve four years : John H. Martin dale, of New York, Horatio Ot. Stebbins, of Caliiornia, and Geo. II. Walker, of Wiscon sin to serve two years. , Chicago. April 13. Speaker Colfax, iu re ponding to a soreniide nt Washington, on Tuesday evening, the lOtli lost., said that he was prouder than ever of the great Union party since the Civil Rights Bill passed. He believed that it would never be repealed and In future ycius would be the proudest recollection of those supporting it. We are sometimes asked we know with what solid tude the people regarded it why the work was delayed ? I answer, it has not been by tie President. During eight months before the assembly of Congress be was engaged in collecting testimony, coc.pariug opinions ana maturing action to lay a sure tounda tion for Union, peace and prosperito. : Con gress by its test oath and by declaring tba the electoral-votes of any State that had been In the rebellion should not be counted had already Indicated ' the policy to be adopted , and fully in view of their future reconstruction, had plainly indicated to tb rebels, our rihtto declare the qualifications of both individuals and .States. My regret is that Uongress' was not called together eirly Inst, summer in. order that' Congress and Iho President might have acted together ai tb';y doubtless would neve done in hnr tnony t out me President deemed it lnexpe dient to convene Congress and wenton alone I believe be entered ' upon and proceeded wlih tne work patriotically, and that b thought as an experiment it would be well to test it before Congress met. 1 am con firmed in this belief by the messages which be sent to the Governors or Florida an Mississippi telling ' them that restoration would depend on Congress.- As an expert- . meat, uoweve., I don t think it resulted 1 developing their royalty. When Congress assembled it appointed a committee to ex. amine the condition of the South. Congress alone could legalize what.tpe President bad done, bnt it had no official information from him concerning what be bad done during the recess. - This information,, after repeated calls, was received only , one short month ago.- x on will ask what Is my policy or re construction. I answer, it is the policy laid down by Andrew Jonneon, with such em ubasis and earnestness in his soeechis -be ' tween June. 1884, aoa Mar.'1865 ; that the loyal men shall, govern, the preserved R Mr J 1 C. 8. Mills, , Dalle Blocli, Miller & Co., ' WHOLESALE " - O O C 13 AND DEALERS IN.' "VVines -quxrs, And Importer and Jpbbtrs of . OLQft HI 1ST Gc Boots -fc Shoes, . t Under Clothing, ISIankels, etc., etc., etc. A.SSA.Y OFFICE. ViTE ntTB an assay office in connection with our liUHlneH, under the entire supervixWm of Mr. Miller. We make return tn Bart In six hmir- We guarantee all our Anave end pay the IllOIIKST CASH PRICK tor Hare. We also pay the IllKhe Caeh Price fo Gold Duet. 111,'HII, MIliliKK CJ., niyttf Cor. Main and Washington itreeta, Dalles. . DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON 8l STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TUE PACKAGE. FOROASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO ft GRANT, Dalles, Oregon. BlStf W. B. DOUGLASS, (8occesior to William Blrnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND DI1LIB III Fine "Watclies AND JEWELRY, TNVITKS THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND M. the Public to his choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Roipectfully soliciting their patronage. . Va'ches PROMPTLY and PIIOPKIUY repaired and nAHIIAfllAU. ... . nitf . . Namt Door to the Post Office. NOTICE. Omoi or Cmn QuABTiEWASTta. Dspakthiht or thi Columbi. IBIA, IM. Fm VtMcouvtr, W. r, March SEALED PROPOSALS will ke received for thoTHANS POKTATION OF OOVEKNIKNI FHKIOHT orer the followlns named rowteet ! 1st. From Fort Dalles, Oregon, to CampsCnrry. Wat- eon ana wrigni. umaeis to scmio ine price per poand In con, they will take the might for. Separate bid reqnlrod for each Cnmr. Bids for this service will be received at Fort Dalles, Ornron, by Cant. JanseeGililss, A. 0, M., U. 8. A., and at this office, up to 13 M., on the 1st day of Hay, I860, 2d. From Wallula, W. T, to Fort CoWIIV. W. T. The price per poand In Coin to ke stated by bidders. Bids for tlila senrice will be received at Fort- Walla Walla. W. T.. by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A. a M.. and at tins eflice, rp io iz m. on tne 1st day or May, lHot). . 8d. From Wallnla. W. T, to Feet Boise, I. T. The price per pound in Com to be stated by Mddere tor tWe transportation, was lor tnis service win be received b' Cant. T.J. Kckerson. A. Q. M . V. S. A Fort Boise. 1 T.- and at this office, up to 12 M.,on the 1Mb day of May, woo. 4th. Krom Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Fort Boise, I. T. the price per pound In Com, I r which transportation will be furnished over tWe roaxe to be stated. Bids for this service will be received at Fort Dalles, Oregon, by imp, dames uuiina a. 14. m., u. b. A4 eon bom, 1. t by Capt. T. J. Kckersom A. Q. M, U. 8. A4 and at ttii offloe, up to 12 M- on the 16th day of May, 1864. Bidder fcr all the routes will be requires to 'give bonde with good and sufficient security for the faithful performsnce of any contract which may be awarded them under this advertisement. Hide to b In duplicate and accompanied by as oath of allegiance to the United States. ....... ' The right to reject any or all bid I reserved, If so deemed best for the interest of the service. Alt contract made subject to the approval of the De- parimaat aua Aiivuioa) uonunanaers. HKNKY 0. BODGES, " ' . 'Brevet Lt, Cot. end Chief Qa trtermaner, t aJdlwtt.t.etml Department of the Columbia. 'Isaac P. Block, San Frauclseo. ' haldros nnos;; v ' Wholesale & Retail -Druggists, Mala Street, Dalle, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8T0RYFIRE nfonf Stone nutldinc nimoaite Bloch. Miller A Co.. and offer to the pnhlie a full and complete etock of Drugs, Medicines and Chomtcals, consisting In part of KEROSENE: LAMP WICKS ft GUIMNEYB UOP8, , SAGRT . . SPONGES, ' LKKOHKS, . COHKS. TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS. L1N8KKD, LARD, CAi-TOR AND ' ". I.NDIOO AND NKATSFOOT Oil, LANPBLACK TRUSSES,. SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. . " ' ; v ; r- and . PATENT 3MKI3ICITVEH. -' Oar stock of FANCY GOODS I or the floes t and bee quality; new etyh'sond large assortments, such as LUBIN'S PKHFUKKKY, liAIK. LUBIN'oToiUKTUoAP, IfLESII, tOMADES. SHAVING, OOMI KTICS, , . . . HAT, ! . UAiuoiiji, ci.0Tn8, f C0U10NK, ' ' TOOTH AND i'ANCY 80APS AND NAILBRUSHES 1WTI1 PJHDKKS, - AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND .IQTJORS, For Medirlml parnoem. Our nvilllien fur hnylna; goods arc second to none In me etai, and we shall at all times sell at a small ad' vance from cost. Ready sales and small profits. PLIY8ICIAX8' PRKSCKIPTIONS Carefhlly componnded at all hours of the day and nlitht vanes, oopt. , xeoe. -.., .i seiu-tl VERY IMPORTANT Slercbanfs, Families, Hotels and UAB.11UOMH. TULIU8 KRAKMKK HAVING BOUGHT THE EN- tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late firm ol M . Seller A Co.. In this city, to which he has added of hie own importatioa (while doing business In rortianu) an iniaienee Mock ol (he best manulactured , Crockery, .-. Glausware, Plated Ware, Lamps, , CtaandcllerH, Table Cutlery Looktng-Glassei and ' All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rate. Persons wl.h. fag to buy any of the abore-nwutioiwd articles, will do well to giro me call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't lail to call on me. Kuaio emone Bonding, WaabingV street. Dalles. JULIUS HUABMEB. Dalles, March 17 th, 186S. mhHtf ONE Hl!NDREDMILES SAVED! BLACKFOOT & BIG RE.D MINES v BY WAY OF . : White OBlixlTs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land. Travel. Distance from Dalle to White Bluff.....,...... .100 mile - , M'blt Bluffs to Pen d'Oiill......iaO " toColville .170 " Traveler by land for either of the abov Gold Fields, 111 save Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff. Hoad. Wood, Water and Grass Are found on this Road within easy drive - ; 1 Tlie road I now open, and possess advantage over 11 j utuer lann route irom Tne liaiies. fubluhed hv order of TMK CITlZkUta OF TUB DALLF.3. Dallea, March. 20, I860. . m20:2m. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES 1 A. B. BOOTH ...BABRT KrTISOiV. BOOTH & NEVIS6N, FenrwardiBig and Commlsalon Merchaint I AND DELKUS IN GENERA! XBCUANDI8B, j White Blnffa, T, FREIGHT FOE COIVILLH, UPPER OOLDMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACKFOOT MINES promptly urwarocn. Murk Good B. A N., Whit Bluff, W. T, f i BtrntiKcMi ; lr j Fobturd Richard A McCraken, A flea A Lewi, and Ilodg A Calef. DAiite BIocb, Miller A Cot, Frsaeh A Oilman. ! P. DE1IM, Watclunnker and Jeweler. 1 MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES JEWELRY, o CLOCKS. Gold Pen.. Silver and Plated Ware. Wftv Spectaetee, Cutlery, Ac. JTfk A-Partlcalar attention peMtveeeirlB BeKMIB Tatchea, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All watches repaired by me warranted ror twelve ntonens. . ' N. B. All order, from the trDDeruierv. by Express or oiuerwite, promptly attendeo; to. MADAME LB TELLlER WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the Ladles of the Dalles end vlclnitv. that ah I now prepared to doall kinds of DRESS. CLOAK. nd PALETOT making. Also CUTTING and FITTING in a new and Improved style, never berore lotrotfaee In this ulace. . - . . . . She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. In Mi Room lately occupied by Mr. White, over Degener's Store, on Washington sliest, between Second ana imra. ! Dalle, March 27th, 18M. v - T BtrtTtf CO 4 1, OIL t COAL OIL! V l V1TALDKON BR08. have Inst received a large In. ' voice of COAL OIL, which they offer at greatly KOTICE. 4 InAVB appointed E. X. HAFT my authorised agent to collect all moneys due me, and attend to mv bust- n. generally. iaj . AtBBJrU.ri FRANKLIN MARKET. j r CORNER 01 SECOND ARB WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN K:PEINGI- Proprietor nB UNPEHJIONED I "e1 , bavln fitted T the I H,, S" above Market in the H I Ik U . : STYLE, ill keep ouneUnt- ly on hand all sort of Fresh and Cured meats. Of the best quality furnished at tk LOWEST BATS . . j My motto Is to " PLKASM ALL." , , : PARTIES HATING STJPERIOB STOCK FOR SAL will do well to call at tb Franklin Market. ' JOHN KPVIKaXX. Dalles, February 19th, 1M. ASHIllTOr MARKET: eoksnor 1 j ... (, COURT AND SKOOND 8TRBETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. , jfTTh. WILL KEEP a n- 1 1. 1 rb-Iicon.tantly on band all the varle- L,. laULMttles that the market can possibly V I afford, of . , ... ., laitA. FItKSH Ac CURED MEATS, , ! ' ' andalway of ths bt st qnalliy. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS - ' ' . supplied on reasonabl term. v Tb nndmlEnea. is always prepared to pay the high est cash prtee for FAT CATTLE. Parite Wing stock! Ib good condition, are reouesteti to rail on him before going elsewhere. JOHN NlCUtXBACH. ' Dalle, March 81. t, 1886. ., mbBltf NOTICE TO FARMERS. fMI8 DALLES LUMBER AND MANOFACTUBINwl JL COMPANY baa recently attached a FLOURIN Gr MILL 1 . to their Steam gash and Door Factory. In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UK1MD WHEAT and CORN, and warrant to give tb best aatisfaction. Ob hand constantly and fcr sal , . . ; FXTRA FAMILY FLOtTR, . , SECONDS OB MIDDLINGS, ' ' ' , , . : . BKAN AND SHORTS, - 1 CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEES. . Alto, a Sunerlor article of'COHft Mill., hn Corn. ........... . .., The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLKY. . U. A. BOGUK. Acent. Dallas, Nov. 2, 1866. '. , D8tf. . f AUCTION AN1 COMMISSION. ' JOHN W I LLIA MS.' A.TJCTION EER. ISo. 100, Slain Street, pallet City, TJITILL ATTEND TOTnE SELLING AT AUCTION IT" ot General Merchandise. Real Estate. Aentari. Hones, New and Second Hand Furniture. Stock, Ao, As. . Regular Salea DaySaturday. . Out-door and Bneclal Sale attended to la an nut ( theClty. . ,' liberal Advances made on Consignments. nlfc3m. . JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. -A.. G. BRADPORD, IMPOKtEIl AND JOBBER OF ): I TVines Sc Liquors,' FRONT STREET, Portland, . Oreffa. 4fkFFER8 FOB BALI A VERY LAROE ABSObt Bient of Brandies, Wines, . , .,, Liquors, , , J? ' ...n') ,aa Cooaa,"., .. 4VC.(, ,'. AC.,-.,. AC. I' .; P. i The Trade I particularly Invited to examine air , "k before purchasing elsewhere. au2-if ., H.IIERMAJV&CO., MAIN ST., DALLES, 0PP08ITE EMPIRE HOTEL, , , J JAVB JUST UECEI VED A BIABTIFUL STOCK Of ' SPIIIIVO AND GOODS,' ConeWteg In part of ' ' ', " ' ' Fancy and Staple Dry Good CloHiIngr, , , : ,; . Boot & Shoes, i , . , 4 ,",.',1 ' . Mats JL Caps, j Which they offer to nil at SMALL PROFITS, - l j t Dalle, Blarch 27lh, 1864. Bir27tf (BOOKS! BOOKS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fcJCHOQL BOOKS, BTATIONERT, . oionunru ana jiisceiianeons WOKK5. late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, FAPEK8.I Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Foet-OKee Booketere. Main atreet. TI1. I Garden Seeds for the nilllen ! BWI-tf J.- -i l.- . H. J. WALDROM V FURS, WOOL and IHMES.; rjpHB niOBEST cash price pint FOR W BBS, WOOI., AUD HIDES, at T , MoCBAKEN, MERRILL 00.1 , , IS Borth Front Street, Fortlant : knMSam JJEW; YOKK A.ItEItY QROCERiYi STORE, ; ' Main Street Dallea. , ! Bi)i28tf ', ,-:.,T ',-1 FREDERICK BBNIEB; TO TUE TRAVELING PfJBUCV j THE NEWrliilIIGlIS ' 4 ACROSS THE LOWER DBS CHUTES ?S NOW COM- plete. and ready fir the croesing of TEAMS. PACK ANIMALS, etc TOLLS MODERATE t it.it-. at , hVWUOiI kMJWt Da'les, March J, lite. mrta rif7i-fc-e ...! :'Si.