i 1 1 if -- Wi h n n t r ir r r Money Market. turn York fluid Quotations Im Francisco Le4.1l fender rates ...127 Epitome of Telegraphic News. coMi iLEO mux 11m ohkoomax. UATKS 'VO APllU. lit. , Chicago, Apr 1 12. The Wiscousin Iietri? Titure, by 11 Btrict party, roter except i .jjn b ic . n members in eneii Unwell, adopt ed resolutions declaring til t Senntor Doo little tins betrayed the people of W sconsin mi J ought to re igtt A resolution itpprov ing tnB President's policy was voteJ down,, withbn' 11 -i nilc Republican vote being givei in its favor. The Legislature udjou us to-dm-. . The Tennessee House is still at a dead stndd. " Speaker llaamll ('Conservative) re. tihies- to oiiUTtaifl- uny motion to refer the trcdeiitiaU'of flow numbers to a corainittce, Hud insists that iliose holie s' who did not rcjign 1 jit whose Beats worn declar- d vacant , by the Governor,. are still mem rs . It' I, e Speaker votes Wiere will be enongb Conserv atives 1. resent for ft quorum at any time they choose to wl bdrnw, new. .radical meiiibnrt having, been elected from districts dot-U cd tucant by Him tiovernoi The bad blood on both sides pressures persoaal.violvucc. Ti e Radicals consider it a li e and death truggle. If ben en now, tliooybole. Brawulow goverrt I'V goes down. . . .. .'. . .'. .-?, i i U'ttihintKiii,' April 12. Jir'ge Uuderwondr holding a term of the U. 8. District Oourt at Alexandria,' yosUrdny, decided u--on nppli ciulon for a writ of habeas corpus, .tun. the President's peace proclutu.itiou does dh re. t ore t1i.it writ. , ' ' ' ': The l'resi .eut lias signed the bill granting? the Tight of vuy to the Cascade Railroad through be military reservation-in. Wa b S.igton Territory. . . ; 'Chicago, April 12. Mulligan on ' nbnscjv the Indiana con."p rators, have been released tVoin 1 lie Ohio penitential y by the Presideul in consequence of the decision of the V. S. Supreme Court, trw0 their trial by m litary commission was iJleiriil. They bad a re- uuion nt the Neil House, Columbus,. with. 1 much jollification-before returning to hdi ana. Bowles, released a few days previous ly, is now etutnping Indiana for ther Uero crnlio ticket, . 1 . 1 Wanhiajinn, April 12, President Johnsoh ordered the suspension of Mayor Monroo and Alderman Ninon of New Urleans until fiiey are pa doned. Acting Ma) or Clark contin .e8 in oflieo. '' ' .'"'; ; j Gen. Gnu t was arrostedi lat Saturday by' policeman . or fas: driving. He was tr ed M-day before a Jnstioe of tt. e Peace and'paM the fine. dipt.. R. B. Winder, imprisoned nt Richmond for several months, was dis charged to day by order from Washington. The House spent cousiilerub e time upon ' the bill giving army paymasters during the . late war a commiss on of one quarter 0 one per cent, on all sums disbursed by them, as 11 compensation fur their risks and tabors The measure would reqii e two and a half millions. U met a very gene al and decided opposition,, and. probably i never come ugaio to the -urfu.ee: . The House passed' the bill for rcifribirrsirift Massnc usett- tor her tiiilina expenses; amounting to $671,668. - . " . Ch can 0, April 12. The Senate, on Mon; . (fny. April ti'li, passed an act for the Ap pointment ot three Commissioners to rodify the laws of the Uuited States, each receiving ' a sala y of $5,000 a year, for not exceeding three years, - t ' ln; tbe Senato, Stewart, of Nevada., pre, icnted a loin resolution proposing to amend the Constitution- by prohibiting distinction on account of color, prohibiting the pay- ment of the rebel' debt, and providing that when any one ot the eleven seceded States (ball comply with ibese conditions,. U shall be admired to representation ;- referred to the commit ee of fifteen. - - Kulogics of the late Senator Foote were P'onounccd by V, T. Jobnsou, of Maryland, 1-cssenden, of Maine, Sumner, or Mofwahu seitf , Brown, of Missouri, Ponreror, orKan sas. Cragin, of New HampsKirey Chambers, ' ofYcrmont, and McDougnl, of California, fter which the Senate adjourned 1 ' ' The House during the morning -honr, de- Hated the bill for the relief of paymasters of the army, and referred it, together with resolution calling for information as to bow many paymasters aro delinquent, to the rail itnry commiitee. .' . . ' The House passed he-Senate bill autbor i.ing tbe President to sell a gunboat to -the ' Itcpubllc oI LiDeria,. - Han Francisco, Aprrl 18. No. Eastern hews tn-da'y. . The steamship Sacramento, ' from Panama, arrived this morning.. On the 24th of-March a f cbellicHi-oecurrTd at PTinama. The conspirators -wro shot dwn by the government troops and all, their leaders cap- turea. . . Tub Sprint; term of tha Circaib Ooort for Wasco County will com manoe to-raoi row: ; The docket com prisoB fifty two.casps, of which 21 ar) 25 law and 6 equity. " C. 8. Milur, Dalloa. Blocli, Miller & Co., " 'WHOLESALE ! AND DEALERS IN ' T t AM Importon and Jobbers of - oidT H I 1ST a Boot. & Shoes, 1 ,v 1. ; ;w. : . Under ClotliiiiSi ;;'" -'.v'.-k-J ft Ian Kef, etc., . cfc, "' etc. l X ASS A.Y: OTTFTOK. r rtiVK assay omn? in cIonnkction V wt'1! our luifllneoH, nndr' ttie entire irfton1slnn ofMr. Miller. We make relnrrmln Kara In efx hnnr We marnnle all our Aiwn ai(ViJ''tlie IllOIIKST CASH PKICH Tor nnr. . yen- aihu pny III Hlghem Caali Price tar Oolil uuR . i-.t v m,ooit; mili.kh; a ox, n,5'6tf . Cor. .Main and Vi'irtiington ili ter, Dallet. i i BAtBllS IK KARlWARE, ; :; ; IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. , .. . ;-' ' : v. ' . 1... , ,". J 1 ' BY THR PACKAQ. , t ., At San Francisco Prices, ," AiWlng cost of Trananortntlon. eUMMIii'O A GRANT, Sallea, Oregon. i3tr W. B. DOUGLASS, (Succcasor to William Dlrubanm.) PRACTICAL' WATCHMAKER, ' ' AXD DEALER IX ' . ' Iio TTatclios cAJSTD JEWELRY, VNYITP.S TIIK ADTKNTION OF HIS FUIEND3 AND JL tliePubllo toliiSThoioeielectkm-of --. J New and Fashionable. Goods, Respectfully tullcltlng thetr patntnagaV '. ' ' Wa chei PROMPTLY and PROPERLY rnalrd aBd VVAUIIAPJIEU. mUtf . .. - Next Door to the Poet Office. ..- notice. ; ; , . .. OrrioiorCiirtrQuARtBaMima, , Setiirtiisnt or ma Columbia Furl 'ancnutf.r. W. T., March i&, 18AS. S:AI,KD PIIUP08AL8will he received for tlieTItANS POItVATION OV (10VKRNMKNX HtKlOUT oror the MlnwrliiffRftmM rontee; ,.,: let. Kroni Kurt Dalle. Oreion, to CampiCnrry. Wat Mund Wright, Pkhle-a to itaie- the price per pound Inu, IN, tney will take Hie rrelKht or. Sepnralo hide required for eiieli'Camp-.. Bidi for llila erlc will be received at Fort Dallcai Uregon, by Capt. JannaQilliM, A. li- M., U. 8. A., and at tliie oOlce, up 10 ism., on tne laioay in .May, luo. . 2ds From Wallula. W. T. to Fort ColrUlei W. T, Tlio vrlce tier Round in Coin to be itated bV liidilerai 111,: for. ti, I service will ho raeelied t. Fort. Wall nana, iv. r., uj i i.ieut. unn nooie, a. a. it. ai..ani atthi. offlco. I n ro!2 M.on Hie ! day of Mar. 18tM. 8d.'Proin VrVlftiU. W.,Tto Knrt Bnlee, I. T. The nrlco per pouad in Coin to be ataleil by bidder for tliia tranaportatlon. Hide for thii aervibo will be received by- uipi. i. j. Kcaereon, a. H-ova. a., Fore uoiae, ii T.- and ut thia olBce, up to 12 Uon tlio loth day of Muyf lewi.:,.,' , i u t .-I ' ; 'i if -... I 4th. Krom Fdt-tr Dallea, Oregon,1 to Fort tkJe, I. T, the nrlce per pimnd In Coin, r r -which transiortatioi will be fnmlahed over thia route to be itated. Bide f thia service will bd received at Fort Dalloe, Oregon, by dipt. Jame01lliie. A. V. 8. A4 Fort llelui, I.T., by Capt. T. J. Jickeraon..'A. Q. bU U. 8. A.: and at tbii officii, no to 12 M- on tile ISth day of May. 1866. - Didder for nil' the- milieu will M" required to give bond with eood end sufficient security for Hie. faithful performance of any contract which may 'lie awarded them under this advertisement! IlidYto be In duplicate and accompanied by an oath of allegiance to the united Btatee. ' - The right' to reject any or all bide la reserved, If to deemed best for the Intorost of the sorvice. All contracts made snhjoct to the approval of the Do- pin meal ana uutaion vommanners. HBNItYO. HIDdKS.- 'Brevet tt. Col. and Chief Qn irturmasier, j aoaiwai.i simi vepanmeni oi me Columbia Isaac K. Bi.ocn, San Krnticlaco. WALonons'Buos.; Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. ' WK now ocrovfiiu nkw two stohy firk w W . itrnof gtuno tiilUillliir. niiDoalle ltluclu MHIvr A Cn.. and offer to (he puMTc a full and c'nmiilvto iitfick of Drugs, Mediclnei aud'Orumlcula, coniitfthig la purt of : KKItnsKNR. 1 ' IAMP WICKS k C11IMNKYS Hdt'S. ... , , 1 BAOK. " " i eiDNflKS. . 1.KKC1IK3, TUltPRXTIXB, ALCOHOL, ACII. L1NSKRD, LA It I). CAi-milt ND INDIrtO AND NK AT? FOOT' OTI, l.ANPULACKj .TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS., " :V' ANO , PATKNT MKDlClivES. Our itutk nr FANCY 00 )1)3 I of the finest and but quality; new strlimind large afmirtmentsi encli w . , LlilllN'8 I'KltKiTKKIlY. HAIR. , ; ., LUlltN'STnILIiTBuAP, , FLKSII. V ' 11 i'omadks. ... BiiAvnca,' , , ' ' CiSMKTICS, ' ' II AT. ' ' 1 ' 1IA1K(4,9i .CLOTH'S. " i C0UKINK. TOOTH ARD ' 1 FANCY 80.VP8 AND . NAIL lllttMKS , x.ioTir powDf:Ks, ANucoMUB. I : PTJRB WIW3 AND LIQUORS, ' For Medicinal purpose. ' - - i - Our rurflttlt'M fur luivlhg goodn arc coconl to none In van e fvitm rout. Ilea I y snips anil sinnll pnilits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully ftimfmundixt'at all lionro of the day and alitlit, liauee, Sept. , 13'iO. . aeiu-ti 1 VEBY IMPOBTA?iT - TO-i. - Merchants, Families Hotels and HAR.UOUMH, ... DL1DS KltAKMKIl UAV1NII IIOOUIIT TIIK EN- lire 8tiKk of MerclianiliEe and lteuk- Acoonnte of the late firm ot M . Seller A Co.. In IliU oily, !,. Iilcli he hat aoiiHiioi 111a own ui1,ortatiun (ttll(f aolnif liiwiiieei In 'urtnmuj an inin.ieuee mock 01 the neat uniiiulaclureu Crockery,' Glassware, Plated Ware,- Lamps, ? j ; ChandcllcrN, Table Cutlery . Looklug-GIasc8 and" ' All Hinds of Oils. " All of which lie offera at reduced rates. Person wish ing tn buy any of the almve-niviitliineil artlrlea, will do Well to give uie a cinl beinre nnrclmeliii; eliiewhere-. - Ordera from the Interior prompt4y attended to, and gown niu Keu 10 go eecure. 1x111 1 mil to ran on me. uuuiu'a gtono Jiaildinir. W aslilmrton atreet. nallea. JULIUS KllAKMKR. Dallui, March 17t,M5. mlil7tf ' j"1 ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! BUCKF0OT& MG BEAD WES . by way of ., 3 ."VVliifo UTviIThJ THE SHORTEST A'fD SiSFEST R9AD For Land Travel. Distance from Dallea to White Bluffs .' 100 mile nniiw yiuiif u foil u nnrHl.lWf , to Culvllle.. ..170 Travelers by Iiind for either uf the above Gold Fields.' win save s. it ' SaYcTimc Distance and Money By taking the White Blnff iloail? - " "Wood, Water atid Gras Aro found on litis Road within ensy drives I 'u The toad Is now onen. and noasesses advantages over any omer taiin rm.ro irom tne uanes. , THE CITIZEN'S OF TOE DAt.LK?. Dtlllos, March. 20, 1608. ' - - m2U:2in. COLUMBIA RIVIR" MINES ! i A. R. BOOT It nABBI SFTISoN. UOOTII Sc. NEVISON, I Forward I ngainil Cammlsilon Merchant AND DE0KII8 IN QK-NER AT MERCHANDISE. Wlilte . IluflH, W. T, lRKIOHI FOR COLV1I.I.K. IJPPElt COMTMntA. M? KOUTKNAI and BLACKFOOT MlES nrumutl lorwarueu. w - . : , , - . j Matlf ffood. B. iT., Wl Ite BIuA, W. T, ' RcrRiNM: Poriusii RlcUrdi k McCraken, Allea A'-I.ewls, and Hodge Calof. DALt.ra Blooh, Miller 0b., French k Ollmnn.' F. DEIIM, Watdimaker antl Jevclcv. MAIN STREET, DALLES, I 1EAI.KH in FI.HK WATUI1K8, JKWK1.KV, so LCLOCKB.OoldrsehB.SitvarandllaedWar. lro RnAi.t.nla. P.. 1 1 . &M .r J 49" Particular-attention natd to rennlrlna fine Tatchrw, Clucks, Jewelry, to1. . All atrlieu repaired by uwwrirnHiiea mr iwoitb ntonenn. N. It. All ordera from the nrmar v)onsrr. lv KYnrM At n(rfaiarlsiia nanmnlln ailanJa.1 i'a - A. GAEDs '"AVADAnE'Ll! THRMER WOOT.TJ BKRPRCTVITI.il XTJL'infnrm the Ladies of Ihn Dalles and vlrlnliv tl..t slia Is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK and PALETOT making.. Also. CUTTING and VIItikii Ih a new and improved style, nevor before introduced la She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal pafronngo. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mm. White,-ovor VSTe VBtot,r0 w,WniiOH streeti belweeR- Second ..... ........ r-' - . r i ' 1 4 Dalles, March 27fh. r80O. ' --' -' m-fitt COilsOILl COAL OIL! . 1VALDR0N Dili ir. have Host reoeWeif In. W voice of COAL OIL, which they offer at greatly ......, . Jim- . ..till NOTICE.- W HAT- anMnted K. E. IIAFT my aathorlae J. to eolleet all moneys due me, and attend to my boot- ej generally. faStn V. Itiiiio. M. RkJIIU. "J 3 FRANKLIN I W ARKET CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON 8TIIEWS OHN EP PlNCHjIroprJet or " . 1. TIIK. UNtlTlRSIONED, having fitted up the ' ate Itneket'ln Ibe UH T STYLE, will kerp cumtuut- ly oil hiinil all aorU of j ' ' " ... . irctth ana fjiH-ou ineniR Or titie beet quality fumlalied at llio LOWK8T KATE' 11. v,e.. m In fcPr.VAKH AI.I." ' ' ' ARTIKS IIAVINO SUI'K.ltlOR STOCK FOR SAL will do wtlMo calrut tin Franklin Market. ' ' JUlfN Kl'l'lNfflSlt,. DaHWi,-Frtirr5rlthMt56ill ,1. -i -i:.-il). r W A S II riV (i T ) X Ifl A El Ii iZ'tr. . 00RNRReF', i- 'A COURT AND SKCOND.S'HUtKTS. AtI,K8, 0RK0ON JOH MICHEEBACfit, proprietor. WIH KEEP ronktAutly on hand all the varle- i ties tbat Uirnirticiiiinioasttly anoru, ot andalwavs of tiie niathualltv. '' - 1 . i, . ' . ' , . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AU1). STEAMBOATS . . '"'i i ...... . .... . - i suppueu on renaoniuno terms. t , - Tbomidmianell Is alvriivs nri-barcd to pat'flt hlifk- eatouili ,Ticwi(r" FAT CATTI.K. , Parties having stifck-1 in good ctvaoiiiou. are requested to fall on him nature going elM-wlt-en"! .... JOHN M1C1IKLBAC1U uiuioi, Jiartnaiai, tsuo. niiibiu , NOTICE TO FARMERS. IIB DALI.F.B LTJWIItAND MAKTjrACTVHlXQ' QOMPANYhasreceiitlyAttachoda. ..... - ,.jFIOUllIV'C(..3XXX,I'r-, . ' to their Steam 8hhIi and Donr Fnttilry; In tit In Cltr, ana1 dre now prepared to CHOP'YRED, UllfSD 1V1IKAT uf'J CORN, and warrant to give the Ifcit salUfactiuti. ,Oir htnid constantly and for ante " fXTRA Family iwok,'" ' . ' " ' - ' 1 i-: SECONDS OR-MIDDLINGS,- . ti bran and shout., chobfkkd; chicken feed Alsoj a Sunerlor article of COllNMKir. fr,,m ClrrH'... ' .. "I . .'.( , : ' '. Tlierhlghest market price nad for WHEAT, COUS B.tltr.KY. U. A.HOUUE. Aitent. Dallea, Nov. 2, 1805. i ' I .Ui Ii. i. il - i3t'IV rArCTlOTlM COMMISSION. , , J O II. P. . VV I'Jj LI u. M 8v -A.TJCTP03SI ETDRv To; 100. Main St reet,' Dalles Clt jr. WILL ATTEND'Tfl i ifE SkLLINO AT AUCTION ' ot Uenorul Merchandise. Ileal Kitate. lroeerlr... Ilores,Ne- and e'econd Uand-Furuilure, Etocks, Ac., nebular Sales Day Saturday., OuMooralid oeelnt:ftates kttendMl to ininv narl,rAr tlnCIty) ....: i- .1 -a . L i Liberal- Advances made on Consign mfnrs.. M'I I ti: JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctloncer.1 A.. ' ' IJIl'OIITElk. AXD JOBBER OF , ' ' ' MONT STREET,"' ! : ' " I Porllitndya ) ' -; '.. . Orrgonr- -FFKI(8 FOR BALE A VERY LARQK .A8S0J1 nrandiefl v ...j i ; in wi Wlitcn.i''1"'"-' ' "' ; I-lquorgi' v.i.-.ii.n 'in ' ' it ' ' Case GoodeT?- ''a-The TfRiletsnarticularlv' Itrtlted to'ezamlne afy-k before purclilug elsewhere., : iau24-t , H. IIE A IX Si, CO ;r i(MAIN ST DALLES, 0PPO81TK EMPIRE HOTELj J JAVK JUeT RECEI I'ED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF' SPRING' AND SCSlUTEn GOODS,. .'t v Cepslsllng "it part of . i .'. ;i ' ' T. Fancy mid Staple Dry. Good ,' Clothing-, ;i i ,!!,' 1 ..'.4 u t, C l.n- ii.rrrrir""" t..,ir I Wlilth they offer to sell at SMALL PROFITB. ., , Paljes. Man-h 27th, I'Stifl. , " tnrSTif BOOKSIiBOOKSr i; vmOLTSALE ,AHT RETAIL; r OOjCnOW BO(TM8,-8TATIONRRT, fSYmk T5 Slinwlnid and Mlscellanooua WORKS, FlMltl Ijite NOVELS, MAOAZINE8, PAPEIIS.i c Ac by every. Bten met.' PatLOaee' Bookstore, Main street. Dalles. Garden SeedS for tbe Bllllle. maT-tf .n. j. WALDllOsf IX' US; WOOIi'and UIDUS.. FJ1HR HIGHEST CASH PUIOK PATD TOlf ' .FURS, W60,,AJID HIDESj'at .. MnCRAKKN.'MKRItlLLACO.'I ' 10 North Fiont Street, Portland. -TW-wrs-srsm -swu-snra -fr- w- r!Ti. - G ac E K Y ,, S T O R.EV Slain street Dalles. , ; ; . . FREDKRICKUKN7.ER!- , . - w Je. mj uaistfA-sT tiik"; yrxcw, bridge A.CKOB8 TIIK LOWER urn rirr'Tioio i L8, etj. W )LI 8 MOdTk ATE ""." 'jT.""'" " A ' I t..m w..-v ,.?.i,UTK" R0AD v I w . I -n. r a ii r.i.n .. . ... - - i - . Da'les, Match 2,Wtl. BhiDOFrn. .rfiKilw-