8UXMT M0RXIS6, APRIL 15, 1800. THE CIVIL RIGHTS BILL. We publish below a synopsis of this bill, which has now become n law by act of Congress, that the people may see und understand how it affeets as r First AH persons, without regard to eotor, born in the tlnilad Stales, are citizens thereof. N Second The inltalitants of every race and color, without regard to any pievious condition of slavery or in vol untary servitude except as a punish ment for crime, whereof tne parly shall have, been hly convicted, shall have the same right, to make anu en force von tracts, to sue, to be partes to mils, give evidence, and to inherit THE GRAND JURY., ' Without the slightest disposition to dictate in matters that pertain to the administration of justice, wo feci that we. are fully warranted in advising the Grand Jury, which will, meet to-mor. .row, against frivolous prosecutions. "Whenever a ari we. has been commit ted,, and th proof is at hand, it is the -duly,, as it should bo the desire, of the grand inquest lur wio ouuiuy iu miuo vurcnase, lease, sea, noia, unu evnvrii, presentment, but in cases where tho real and personal property', and to have proof is doubtful, or tha-offimce trivial the iull and equal benefit of all laws and " f . . . . . . ' proceedings for the security of person and in its character, it were best to sae r , ' ,. . )ikj the county the expense of a proseeu- ,,unj,,imeiits, pains, penalties, ond to tion, to result possibly in a verdict of none other, any law, statute, ordinance, ""acquittal. A few jaru back, Gfand regulation or custom to the contrary Tnrifl. fnr Hkn conntv returned bills ' witriBuii.uii.g. ; of Indictment against a numher of per. sons charged with gambling. These ponsej and! itv not a-, siiijjlo instance was a party so charged convicted. mi i . i 1. J.J 1 1 . of a largflh bill of coats on the county, Third Any person who,undor color of any law, shall subject or cause to be subjocted, any inhabitants- of any? State or Territory to- deprivation ot any right secured or protected by this Act, or to different punishment, pains, or ponalties, on account of such per son having at any lime been held in a condition of slavery or involuntary The 'present fine weather is fast drying" Bp the roads, and travel ic being resumed. " The stage will lavc here for Canyon City this morning, and if not "taken in," will be able to make the trip-wFthout difGcuPfy. ' . . ' , " Messrs. Bobbins, Weaver & Co., will commence carrying the mail to Canyon CFly about the first of July. Mechanical labor is-in great da mand at kGulveslotv, .Texas, .; Carpen tors get from 85 to 86 per day. : The franking privi lego has been grafted to Mrs. Lincoln for ifo. : ;. Wasco Lodge, No, 15, A. F. & A. M.- Hold ita staled Communication- on tlie Flrrt nnd Third Mondays of eicli nionth, nrt tlieir hull. In Dallas City. Bretlinon hxRooil atnndliigara Invited tirMtcn Bkth L. Pure. Sec"?. ' , By order or the W. 31. Columbia Lodge, He 0, 1. O- O. F.-- Meet! every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, iii Gates Hull,' corner vf Second and Conrt Streutsi Brothers lu good standing are Invited toattend. liy order. N.O. DENTAL, NOTICE... Slicing abent sr. ninlte a I-jone BUILDING. WASHINGTON STREET, DA1XDS$. AlCTION MD CCHISSIOSW I-rOTJ SEI KO.. 100 MAIS. STREET, DALLES, . i t ! ' ' ' THE TJNDEnSIQSF.D,; THANKFUL TOR PAT Furors. (arpcctinlly Ilifoilns IliO cltlon" of It . Dulltn, tuid the public fermn-ully, Ihnt he continues M Mil at v ' ( v PUBLIC AUCTION OK PH1VAXE 8ALK,. Rcul Estate, . r ' tieneral Merchandise- (iiocci Ten, . ...... ' , . . IfcUIKCM, r , ' ' --. jfiirnlturc, ' . - . ; ; -IStocUK, &.C. &e, BEGULAlt SALE DAYS, s Tuesdays and Saturdays, Cash Advances made on Consignment, And PROMPT BKTUDN m- de of sales. OuJ.door.and Special Sules attended-1 In any part at- tlioclly. JOHN WlLLIitMS, Auctioneer SCLLIIVfi OFF AT J. GOTCTZ & CO.- professional tour to the town and settlements np tlie Col umlila. I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are in need of Dental Opo rations of any char acter, to the fact, so that tliey nriy have m opportunity avail themselves of my servlcee before y departure, so desired: Twill leav alxiut the ZOtH-of Mann, nnd return to this ptace to reMinie my priirtlce. nliout tho lSthofJuna. . rfltf. . . J. w. uuiu,r.i. A to pay which onr prod-uoijig ckssc sfrvitudo, except as punishment for were heavily taxed. Mona$ thus, ex pended, might equally well have been thrown away, and. we refer to these facts now for the purpose oi impress ing upon grand jurors the importance crimev whereof the party snail have been dly eonvicted, or by.. reason of his color or race, tham is prescribed for all other persons, shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and chalf, on con. vi'ction, be punished by a fine not ex of. so conducting trneir, investigations ceeding $1,000, or im.risonment not as to entail the least possible exponso upon the cbunty. liiat body should bear in . mind that every bill they rei . turn involves 'the . county in an ex pense of.lrom $50 to $100. Now, if in four cases out of five, all this ex ponso, is to.be incurred without the exceeding one year, or botb, at the discretion of the Court. ' Fourth The United States District Courts have exclusive jurisdiction of cases arising under tho Set, ana ulso concurrently with the Unitou states Circuit Courts, of all casos,. civil or criminals affecting persons who are domed, or cannot enft rco the rights most remoto probability of. any good secured, by this Act in-judicial tribu nals of the Stato. United States Mai shale-, Dmtriot Attorneys, and Agents of the- Freodmen s .bureau, are em .powered to prosecute cases under this bill. Severo penalties are provided for all persons who may in uny way being effected, it will be conceded that the Grand Jury owes it at least to the r ; taxpay.ersr that they , weigh, well ' every. chacg,e, befprp ina&ingvthe pub ' Uo a party, to. the prosecution. Tho indictments of all persons, who binder the operations of it have violate! .the Sunduy Law, is a 'measure which would involve the county. in .heavy expenses, and at the. " same time bo productive,o.no corrjos' " ponding.benefit. Lawo- tlrat that aro - in adyanco of publio- opinion cannot well be. enforced. We say this with. tto disposition to ehiold those who may The vault of the Bank of France which'containa more troaur.o ihau any other sing le spot ou the face of fjjebo, is acoeaeibla through an iron door, whiah has three keys, and these keys are kept by three leading ofGoors The iron staircase which leads to th vault, can be detached, and, by have violated the law, but we epeaJt 0iemjcai apparatus, a supply.of. dead in thB interest' ot a community at- iv aa can be nrtade tMermeate evorr r ready, overburdened with taxation, , and in. the name of. those who will ."' have to foot the bills, we ask tbatthe CQuntyt. may nat be made a party, to an.indefinite number of frivolous pros CCtttions. It Ss too often., the wcatk ess of Grand Juries to estimate, tho ' valujs of tbeir labors by. the number P of bill they, present. A. much better alandttrd' would be that thuy return no hill that weuld not bear an investiga tion , in open- court. Let the Jury adopt this rule, and .they will faith fully subserve the ends of justice, and . at tho.ssmo. time avoia a neeuiess vs jienditure i "of publie money. ShciIJI's Sale of Ileal. I0tate. rmY VIHTUI5 1F AN EXECUTION- ismed -by the 11 Clei k of the Clrrnit Court in and for w asm comity Oreeon.and to me directed, in favor of II. F. HlM-lt, plaintiff, and airainM .1. 11. r.oyce d ifendant. ror the sine uf six hundred atid thli tv-tliree d' llar ami elclily-elKht cen's'($33 (t) In I). S coin, and seventy-five Hollars and Divy our. OeniH 19,0' D , ID lawmi immj ui ine vinu-u ttnte. and thirty-three dollars and ninety-tour cents ($:J3 04) cun of enlt, with Interest and accruing co-its, 1 have levied upon, ana win se.i at puuuc niioiioii, unuru thd Conrt lluuao door in Dalles City, on SATURDAY. THE 12T1I DAY OF MAY. 1806. between the hours of 12 o clock in. snd 4o'clork p. m., to the iiiitncsi uiutier tor cash in hand , all of the lpf. nd.it t's interest in and to the fnlinwlnir described roal estate, to-wit: Lots No. two '2) three (a) four (4) five (5) six (n) seven (7) elttht (8) nine (9)ln lllock ftve(5). Dots No. three (3) four (4) five (6) (i)ana sevontn in nioca eigin oj nwitc a mi- addition to I)al'es Citv. and the east half of lot No. tiv (2) in block futtr 4j In longlilin's addition-tn Dalles City, nnd an undivided 'one-fourth K3 Interoat In- lot one 1 and two 2 111 IIUICK two IBI Irttuew Ulb7rani nil that lut orprcotofland sltuited in Wiwco eoimt.v, Ore gon, on the east side or the town plat of J. II. Noyce's . r it iiiu. .....l.lt. .... In 1V.1I&. I'll. It Itul.in? tl.n lilt nnrnha'sedhv J ll.Nevceof lie ry IHiver, doecilhed as fjillowa, to wit : commencing atvtho north west corner of the land uurcliaed by iirtvy tinver ironi v. u. iiigoiow, thenrn riluli HIT east tw.-ntv lier. ineocr sou-Jl mreo undred B0u feet, thtnee west- twentyizuj ieei. inence xrih three liundied 13001 feet to idwa ni bediininiT. AIko, a strip or land pun-lumen oi n J. tvauiroii oy j. ii. Nnvre. twenty f jol Icot wide, ten 1101 rads lone, ami sli- u ited on tho nest side o said H. I. VValdron'a ami, and adjoiningslie lots of J. II.'.Neyceon the onst. LIIAI.iin.1 UULia, SWerilfof T aaco coanty. Dalles City, Orgon,.Apriri2th,ltG0, ap'J44 Offer their well-seloctod stia-B of TOBACCO, ' ""' - PIPES', YANKEKWOTIONSr , and . STATIONERYr AT - SAN FRANCISCO COST. - nrS7tf . JUKE H, ' Main Street.. fjrtlen, ;' WHOLESALE AND RET JUL DEALElt lit CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUIT.. PIPES, Sc'o. .... ALWAT8 lit STORE TBI MSf-BRAHDfl OF ; V Uisars, Tobacco, Blatchcs, part, destroying human life in a few seoonds, while the whole vault can be submerged in ten minutes Our friond Juker, ever' alive to th wants of the publio has just received a large and fine assortment of fishing tackle,, consisting ot fly hooks of all shades and 'oolors, poles, reeta, Li men ick hooks, baskets, &o., direct from San Francisco, and which he will sell at a small. id vanoe en cost. Now is the time for the followers ol Izaak Waltoni.to prepare for amusement. , Slierlfl'H Sale of Ileal Cfate. jjY VIUTCR OK AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk uf tho Circuit Court. In and for naacu entity, aiiiltn me diret-ted. in tavor of Ladd A Tilton, Pluintifls, ami it( ilnat James II. Reyce, ueieuuani, mr the snM of 9- Thoimad ST.0tiO) piincipiaid five (ir, dnllara costs and disliuraineiits. with Interest and accruluir cost. J nave itvieo upon aim win bujj ai yiiunu sirelion. belnre the Court Ilmise door. In Dalles City, on RATH IliAY. TI1K l'Jtll DAY lllf 9IAY. IBOO. between the honra of 12 o'clock. M.. and 4 o'clock. P. M., to the hlrliMl biddar lor rash in hand, all the defendant's in- terost in and to the r..llowinR described Ileal Kstste, to wit: IjoIs So two (2), three (3). four (4). Ave (6); six 'in. mviui n eluht I Hi and nine 19). In block No. five (SL Lots No. three (3). four (4), flvn (8), six (a), and seven (7), In block In. ehjht (8) in Neycn's and Gibson's addltPin-to Dulles City; Aid tho east halfoMot Noi two (2) in block No. tour (4), In uugniiu's aaniiion to uiuies citv' uid,.iuijiudlvided omffoiirtlv i'yi) ititetmtln lots No. one (I) ami two (2) In blocta-No.- two (2f, la-Dalles City; and all that lot or parcel of laud situated in Wasco County. Or'euon, on the east side of the town Plat of J. II. Nerro'a and O. D. Gibson's nddlt'oii to Dalles City. It tanm 'the lot nurchasrd bv J. IV. Nevce of Henry Oliver, and deiu-riliailuu follows, to wit : . Conimeiicinic at the north-west-cornor of the laud purchnsed by Henry Oliver Irom W. D. lIlRelow; tnencn rutininil east twenty reot; thence sou h, three hiindro I 300 feet; thence west lu-Hiitv teat: tlicnro north. fSoOl feet to nlace of lieiiin- n.nir. Also a strip of land purchased of II. J. Waldron bv J. II. Nevce. twontv 2o: foot wide and ten rods Ioiik, and situated on the west side of said II. J...Waldron'a land, and adjoining tho lots of J. II. iveyc on tlifyaast. 1 . . . ., ' OI!S. WU1TK, " BherliT of "w asci) County. BltlfotCllJ. ClMton April 12M8M. "1 f r. , ml44 ETkLAYINO CAHDS. M. POCKKT CUTMSIVjT, POUT MON1KS. COMBS ira SHUSHES-, it' all lds,- . " PKUFUMERY. ot evry description, v ' -" CHINA OHNAMENT8 .v. TOY8. DOLLS, otc. . Fl!IMIOiK8and KI8II1N-0 TACKLB, MUSICAl; INtiTllUMlSNTS, . ,, . ANrv onons. c. Also Powder.Shot. Load, rowder Flasks. Baskets, sat many ether articles too nunierons to mention. - sl Intorlnr.tlealers supplied with Olirurs. Tubaecevot. at loss than Portland prices, with frelitht added, ec- ArrE & oil -AJPir WUOI.ESALB RETAIL ; ' . .- y 3D R TJ O Gr I 8T8r 8T0NE BUH.DINO, WASIIINOTON STREET,; DALtES,)BEGONl' . Importers and Jobbers, ot , .f PATENT MKPICINES, CHEMICALS 4 BANOV TJOODB,..' ' . TC J- SODA, CORKS ACIDS, -OILS, k ALCOHOL,-, b 'Ui; ..,-.,,...; PUIIB .WINES LIQUOBS. ; I- PAINTS, GLASS A BHUSIIKS. , ' rUYSICIAXS' PliKSCBlPTIDNS Accurately compennded.-; ' " 'j st. f V " PHOTOGRAPHIC-EMPORIUW. A fuiland comnlete assnrtmsnr.of all articles in4h- Phutograidiie Line, at a S.M ALX ADVANCE ON HH PHANC1SCO PltK'B. jJ-Mercliants will plcaso-get oik-prices berore order- Ins: bolow. ; j i i ;..j.i Jt ' 11. L. lll AI'i.N, juaiis imra. Dallis. t . i . t tsi Bocramtnto, tai. Jj W. GURLEY,' DENTIST, '; Malu St.', Dalles, Oregon. Wfe are indebtod to lions. .Jr II.. D. Kenderson for copies of bis speech; . . TB fx IT. 1 1 C . L. . A . S'r .,, , t- - lanailO-ia. V. lioioroois ior vuo auis "X ., Prof, Kobb, has resigned his posi Bnj Bw80ulion(.of trhe Second Session tion as Prinnipal of tbe Dalles Publio of tn, thirty Eight Cfiflgr0se.? H.rtnl. Thia we refrret: a under Mr. . ' jtobb' . management the. school has Thanks to II.. J. Waldron, of the hRn conduced in a manner , which. Post Office Book Store, fee. Eastern reflected credit not only oa. him bill and California papers, and'te Mr, I iTnllanH Walls. FurrrrtJk Oil's messeni on. toe vouniy. : r ' ri'' gar for Portland files. v Tbb troops atationed'at FdrtDalws- r . s.. ... : ' : - Tt.tr! nff vesterdav: and conso The whole number ot constitut.iona "quencUy greenbaera are plenty, in the amendnwbts. now beiore Congress is Vjarket: . i tweniyeigni. NOTICE -HOHF.RRDT GIVEN that BEVt FATIHSR MKSI'l.IR I has notlilnr to do anv mure with the CATHOLIC MISSION VAIIM AT THE DALLES; that the leaning of the said Missiun Farm hy him to JOHN U MKSI'I.IK, hwii-lnc data of the 6th nf. July. has not b en mtl- ned by r. Pi. llliAlnt;itt!.i, arciiDisnop oi ureim wij, Whole Utor guardiait.aiid solo adml Istcator of all tho property of tbe uatnoiic unurcli at mo mines ami enw .tiarin'tliat said ArohcislniDss nu ressjuBaiula and shall not pay any expenditure or Improvements wade on said. farm, nor nny.ueuia contracieu o j any. paeaon or perauua not authorized by the sigu pi tue saoscuner. ... ,., .Xl t. Hi MLANCtm. , - . Archbishop of 0. 0. Portland, ureixon ApriTTJ, IBOOT allU4wl FLOWElUIFLOnERS:: I have Just-secslred a lot ot ArSOiwTiED, FLOWERS m-Ti T OU LDH KSI'ECTHHiLY-1 N F611 M II tl cititeus of this place and vl- cinlty, that liaviajf retuwed troin f pro- i leestoliai lour lliroucil tne uiii'"B. lie lias strain resumed the iiractice of. jEKTISTIIY, In tlia iViw formerly occupied by hitn, io- the building occupied kr Wood s lliitlerM'liMHirriipft mints, anil aujnining nai ilr.or irw.' Drug .Store. He takes nwthod of- tending thanks, roa the . liberal pnu online lieretoioraj sx- tended to bun, and solicits a continuance oi tue same. L1HT or PI1ICEH. Entire, Di-nturf on fluid Biuin..........H...........$180 totZU upper ucnuire, ioia Jinee....i.i w - r-v 11 Di-nture.-Vulraulte llase 70 " I'M f Upper Denture, Vulcanite Dnso Jit " r H Gold Kilitni!siiirtdiruni one dollar upward. Chlldrena' Teeth extracted free af charge. - nt3-tf Treasurvr's Notices . . rVHIR POLWlWINO CO'Jl""vOnDERS will be psia , ilarwor. IftS . Jl W Cmndall. ' 'io5i rvniM.j.ii . . J B Harford. TH McAu.ltn. J It Harford. T M McAiwHa. C It Melts. 3 B Harford-1 YHilch I will sell al rouonnhle Pricw. J. JOKER.. CTR .Y S T: A L ' S A1 L 00 N ,-. ,( ..j.., : , , ; . and.' ,,,, ;;, ;.. :,, ; , ,( : V BIXiX;IAllI 'room, ; , ' ' ' - JO H if RtlDjt.AIJn, PraprlsMr. WASIIINOTON ST., next deor to FKENCI1 A OILMAN. upon presentation amy ofiire: When HfMtUrut.'. e I'luts.- - no. July 14, 18C5........ 6 15. -..I 8.. 17, " :-.....--.6....,....1S : Ang, , - 6 .ISO ' " -...A..6...f.v..,..'Hl SeptT, .....5........:.a.1i Sept 8, t .VWI Not. , ft. .........2M Nov 10 - uJui Jl Nov 10, 6.:....- 70 Bw. -Ss i..6....i..-.!i7 .. ,,. Deo-13 " ..u....r.; 171. - Jess. I.'ee). j Jan. 6 18C9 ..........6...., .464 v J II Ilnrfrd Jan.13 Wg. JEIlelt Veb ' 6 .4K4 B W Mitchell. .. , k'X i . Vltl J. rALDKON.TreuetetSf. . RIILCII COWS I MILCH t'OWSIl ' EIPTYSrPBHIOft MlVjCn COWS FOR SATJM Ik qalrt at Iks Uocxiuxua Orrica. a?aTl-