VOL. 7. t LLK8, ORFGON, fetNbAY, A fcRIL 15. Ha. Nt. SO. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, V.NDiTi KXOKPTCO,) BV . 6. CO WAG & J. IIALI.OKA, JtBITOU8 AMD PKOPBIITOki. Tians Tmnty-tlvecenU per weak, payable to the carrier per month, by mail. $l tee months, t 60; tic months, $6; one year, 48. Advertisement insetted aft low rates. Job Printing. Every derortpMew of ftofk alid fancy Jo Printing Me wled with neMm awl despatch, aa foVWM-d m frer order to any piut iK the country. Payment Jar tolt Print inff mutt bt aviate on deliver) 4 work. V IL lMK-;i.!SS, ' -' Practical Watohmuker, Audftoaletta gig I IVE WATCHES. JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. B A.L.T3 wTlS' BRO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES! CORNER OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. .Q. BALDWIN mh21-tf F. W. BALDWIN . "FURNITURE! FURNITURE DlEttliAM & WENTZ, -1NITU-, flX)SR IIOTKL BUILDING. ........ lloiscboli Fvrniture, -embracing Tablea, Chairs, Bureau Beds and Uttdrtteads, Beddtffe'.Cariieta "etc., etc., all ol which will be (old at low rate, furniture Kvtvalred, and Upholstering doue to order, Aiso.oii hand UatlrosiHisandPillowE, 8pring Beds made to order, auli WM. MOADD. 0. B. K0SQKL. WM. MOABUS A. CO CITY BAKERY, tn o vtskoif sto&g, 'CoVrrev oT FftJt and B Street. ,, . WnOVpSAMt AN RETAIL DBA hKRSfnSftEAD, CRACttEttewnd FMtAy 0ROCKR1ES. 9J)nler from distance carefully t(ld andpromBty tspatcbed. 1-tl iJOSiSIll ELFELT, ttBOtESAH AND HTML DIALER IK T&ncf & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, 11 ATS AND VArs, AND Gentlemen's Famishing Goods Fire-proof Slope Store, corner of Mala and Court IIUTI V!S. & OUCLL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PttACTrOU IN THE 8UPRKMB AND CIR cult Courts f Orga,and the District Court o Washington Territory,. articular nttenlton paid to the collection of claim,. V. UUMA80N Dallee,Ogn. J. A.ODBLL. FURNISHED BOOMS TO LET, By the Night, Week or Month, NBXT DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE. m2lf " ' MRS. 8PRENGER. ' K. H. 0AIIS. . . B. B. BAT T. GATES te 1 1 A. ITT, Attorneys & Coansellors at Law, ft.VUt.ES, OREGON. DR. A. II. SlEELE, ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON, D. 8. A. ornoiif WALDR N BROS.. DRUO STORE 74. 7"A. WM. BROWIV WARNER. M, D- OFFICE 74 8KC0ND STREET, between Washington and Court. " ' Ornci Hoobb 9 toH A.M.S lto4 M.;and tolO, a. M o. ii. mtooKs, 3i. r. Office At Dr. Craig Drua: Store. DALLES, OREGOX. to let. :: jnHIDKSIRADLK RE3IDRNCB altnited on the BKalf, , l formerly occupied .by T. B. KK.LI.Y, li for re. There are Are room,, partly furnlfbeil; alao ont bousoa; 'a itood ipring of cool water, together with one acre of rich garden ground, with a eecuie fence around the cam germ reaaobable. Apply to KKM.Y A DKNNY. D. WJ?I DOTIIITTt : ATTORNEY A.T- IsA-Xtf, BAHHOCK CITT, Idho TBrritorf, '. f , 9- Particular attention paid to Otflectlng OclrtB, rUUACll dc I I. .11 A A; mroaraaa M MtMM Dealers in Wines, Liquors GltOOKltllSsi, miners' tioods, lloat Stores, &.C., Ban MMriD to tbmb NW STONE BUILDING, OMMde. ot Second and Waatalugton Streets, D Alt wES CITY. . NOW IN STORK A L&RJ AND COMI'LKTS AS aormcut of the very beat braada of WINES ANO X.IQUORS. Ata,a raTi'Mnottiiieut of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. Conauntly receiving our auppllea direct fro m New York and San Franciaco, we are able and willing to aell at a very mall advance on 8an Franciaco price,. They hope y adopting a atrictly aorrect and prompt method ol doit naineaa. theV will racaia ah. aAtr.iim.rM rf Lh. nnli. Ho. aelo-tf UMATILLA HOUSE. ' DALLES, OREGON. II AND LEY Si. SliiOI"r, I'rop'rs. this roruna aousc, oehtiuut located, Near the Steamboat Landing tt Bailrtad Saptt, Uaa beeu receutly enlarged aad luijiroved, and will now accouiiuodaee 300 GUESTS. IT WILL BB CONDOCTBD aa heretofore, aa a FIRST CLASS HOUSK, and the patronage or the traveling public la respectfully aollcite I. 49 Baggage taken to the Uouae free of charge. Houtc open all night. URGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES D.illea, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIM ttalXT, BAUES, 0RE00R, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN TBI tmxtat w BDMXaaa, Near the 8teamboat and Railroad Landing! BBperlor Accom modationa for Famlliee and can Ac Knimodate 0n ttViVdred ad Filty UueiU. Meal, ..0 art. Lodging.. .... ....60 eta. Fire Ftwof Safe for depoalteof valuablea, . Ilonae open all night. Baggage take t trie House freeof charge. THOMAS SMITH, nihtf Proprietor. CD UMBIA RIVER MINES. .A.. IT. BOOTH, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND OEKEBAL DEALEB IB - MERCHANDISE ' ABB ' MINE US' SUPPLIES. PACK AND 8 ADDLE &0R3E3 FOB SALE. FREIGHTS CONSWNFD to my care for Col vl lie Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Minos, will re ceive prompt attention. White lilaaT,, Oct. 1st, 186. ' 9f IiV FllIJIT, 6UOCERV ' 'AND-' - PROVISION STORE. fl'IIB 0NDBR8IONED INFORMS HIS FRtKNDS and JL live nbllc generally, that Ire has Just establlsbed on Main street, neat door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, . ' A NEW STORCI where he keeps constantly on hand a large aamrtmeht o selected FRUIT. Alao, store a coawt'te stock ofchoke OHOVUHIKS, PKOVSlOiVS, VEQEHBtKS, c. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at KB DUCKD PRICKS. Come and aee and satisfy youraeir. aeia-tf JOHN BPOSItO. IiR-Er. L.H5BJB, GROCERY, PROVISION, ANB :- Vruit store, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalle, lias en hand a large aad well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter Sc Eggs, Received dMlV. A large lot of CHICKBN8 always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRKSII VB0BTABLK8 every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICKsil LOW. anl8:tf F. LTEBK. VL BROWN & BRO., WBOLUALB ABO ITA1L DEALERS tM FANCY '' AND BTAPIiE DRYGOODS! C OROCBRIBS, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. H. BROWN, being a -resident of Sah Francls'So, we are enabled to oiler great Indcements to purchasers. We resiMctfully Invite the public to examine our stock bofor pnrchaslng elsewhere, '.-....-. rolo-tt A-8totn gtots, aorta side Mara street, DaHM. Democratic State Ticket. 0R CONORKSSt 4AM ES l. FAl'v , Of Jackson. S0RO0VJRNOR: lAMEsl K. KELLY Of Wasco. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE! LAFAYETTE LA.E Of Ultnomah. for STATS treasurer, JOII. V. IIELL, Of Marion. i FOR T ATE PRINTER JAMES O'ME tit A i. ' . ' Of Linn. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY-FIFTri MStn!rci J. II. SLATER, 01 Col .n. ' ' NOTICE, THE PIONEER STAGE C0.UPANY Will carry FAST FBEIGHTS - FROM UMATILLA, AFTER TUB FIRST OF .ICTOIIKR, AT TUB FOLLOW INU REDUOtSDRATKb's T Bolae Clty....A.........l Cunts atraouad " Idauo City ...Ottt ' " OwyUee..............v....)0 t . ,i For leM amounts than one huuilred ponnda an addition of Fiva Ceuts per poaud will be charged. ' TIM is tr llitM A.xik.'iaA. " To dolse t'lty....... 3 sys. . To Idaho City it Oayg. TOOwyl.ee, 4 layN. JOSBI'U PINKIIAM, Airent. Umatilla, Oct. 1.1866. ocl&tf. aV'OU JLIOlaE .Ulit.S UUUti. the WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, , ' CARRYING . ' THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND ' Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Expr'esa, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI eervlUe, (Bolae Mines.) Through In Two artd a liutf Ha)s Connecting wfrti te Wallnla Lin of Btagea,' and tli Boats of the 0. 8. N. Company. GEO. I. THOMAS CO., ap27-tf Proprietor TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED! FEED ! I , BTtJkJS, SHORTS, OF ALL KINDS, FOR 8AE BY ; II. H. LAW, 24 Front Street, PoitWnd, nr:tf. Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse; (iUARTZ MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery ; Manufactured at ten OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TU streets, PORTLAND. ' f ' i. i A-. C. GIBBS k CO., , Portland, Dec. Sth '84. ; detftr NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. rtkUNDERSlMKr) Jronld respectfully announce that ha will oncn a ftr.'t.f.aM flalnnn in Vr.itf.1. A 'Oilman's New Stone Bnllding, THIS EVENING, and is cireparea to servo outtomer wtin me nest ol Wines, Liquors and Cigars. . ... AL80.A , , E RE E ILsUlVOH ; tvery day and Evening. 1 1 ' ' ! i . . , octstt.' SOUS tUNOIiAVtV, !;.'' .i.i-.v.'; Umatilla, Bolaet AND IUAUO : Express and Fast Freight Lints FM1I8 LINE 13 HOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING A order from Umatilla to Mahi.C'Hy, via Boina City, Ami prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Package betWeeu thoaeaudall tnteruledmte points wilhcertainty -and despatch. The lalneis Btookoft tttOb. the Best Teem . the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD Which wwirrei Speed a4a Safety In the transnSlsJlon of Crerght, neVeV 'before stored to Idaho. We ilttvr Hope, rior InduceaveBte for 8M(hig Goods from can Franclic and Portlaud to Idalie, ws our arrangement, Vtlh tb Ocean Steamship Com puny and the Oregon Steam Navl- gation are auch that all Uoods shi(aed by tfs 'Llna wilt not do snuject cot lie usual oetaya, uui pass turougn a . Faajt Frelg-ht. Goods shipped from San Franciaco to our care at Port land, Charge will be paid and Uoods shipped to destine Won. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKEDt-OARB B. ft. b. CO,,F.t.lNK, arid 1Hrrglt'd(luts sent to our Agent atP6rrtaftdVDiatilla. .i .. Advance Charges for Transportation Pale by the Lin and Collected at Destination. "GoOde will b forwarded with Dispatch to owyhe aad'So'utli Voise. PASSBtflSltlffl CAM) AT GREATLT REDUCED RATES Fanilius will be furnished with ituoerior Ao- ominudatioiis in New and Easy Riding Thorough Ureoe nagoua on the aiost Liberal lerms, via my over tacn niglit on the Hoavd at Good and Convenient Station, Bo mum paweugera wni uoi ue uvpnveu oi regular rest. . AGUN'lbi ,. . . RICHARDS A McCUAKKN ..........San Francfsc KIWI iRDS A McUilAitKN..., ...,.....Purll.nd JOSb'PU l'EAL .......Dalle PoWi'.LL A 0"K ... M.Umtllla J. B. MILK1.S80N .w...A..'.v.v..........,...LeUran4 S. M. lWRbb .rfmv..v..v..w..v.v.YMM.V..JMa Cl . M. DuRbLL A CO... u...v.v. ...Idaho City MAJOR SPotllt ....Jtochy bar (Boat Boise) DuRELL A AiOOltB ................ tluby and Silver Citts " B. BI. DVAUSI.L At COY ' n2ttf',. , Proprietor. A CARD FOR TUB Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRAKCISCO. ( ' BA.DGER &IJ:nBeNBERGER, No. 13and4IS Battery Street, i Cor. Merchant, Man Franslst, Importers and Wholesale Dealers - etfTiB Va? If AND FRESH StOCEj WE WOULD CXLL ATTENTION pT Conn fry fof cliant to our nsually large (lock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In ti. Clothing and Fur nishing line. ' We have constantly on hand the largest and ureatest variety of Caul mere and Wool HATS ot feny house in Ban Francisco, and oar prl es for the. Udodiare fceethau those or any house, aa receive Wrtm direct roni the manufacturer's eofHHrament Onr stock orsfimtiieraud Fall Uoopa Is partlcnVarty attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant Is tint uuuaiuuiy low prior. . ... . j. Less Than the Cost of Importation! W also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES in the Dry Good line, which Uonda we have purchased In this market un 'der the hammer, and ar oderlug them at New Voik Cost. and leas, .. " We publish this card In order that w may mak neW acquaintances, and IndnoethoD whohKV not heretofore purchased of as, to 4A.I1 arid eiainln. ottr stock. , Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducement to all who purchase la ell again. Merchanta who bny of us can make a good profit, and sell to their customer at a low ft are, W (otnaiv., rospect fvrlty, Your Obedient servanb, " " v ' ' f.' , BADOER A LINDENBftWOEtt, ' Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehuana, . Noa. 411. 413 and 4li Battery street, Bon Francisco, February a, 1668. - f-8mw. MRS. LEESBB'81 FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AN ; V Dress Making Establishment, - Oppoalte Cohn 4t Behm'i, I WOULD CALL THE TTENTION of the Ladiss 6 the Dalles to my lar,, And flne stock of . ' 1 FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, bonrivjETS, n its, feathers, Dress Trlmmlnp;i, Sco. ITaViftc scented lh eiMci. ot MRs! PR ART,: In- rh Dren Making apartmeut, wc will do all Work In that Hue and guarantee perfect aatlsfactlOQ,' ' " DYING done in all color. . : i . Give me an early call and I wilt endeavor to suat everybody In TASTE and at HEABONABLE PRICKS. Particular attention paid to Embroidery And Braiding Stamping, ' NOTICE,, WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC t lh. fact, that we hav concrhded to glv nn bar Iness. and there. ore. all parties Indebted tone MUST PAY UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS r legal proceeding wilt be had. . . tl. BROWN A 1IRO. J WlliMtclilO,18lj)1.Ji!(j,. n 7;,....(.