ihiln lloniilaraccr. Money Market. lew York Gold Qimtiitlnris tm Francisco Leal Tim lur rotes ...127 ' KpItom of Telegraphic News. conr.K rnoa tut oRsaosu. DATES TO A.PUIL. 10. Chieajn, April 11 Attlie city election in Springfield, Illinois, yesterday, tue vote win the lurgen ever pull-d. A Democratic Mayor way el cteJ by 23 mitjorlly. At the Albaoy, New Yo k, election yes urday, O. H. Thntclter, Democrut, was elected Mayor by 7UU umjority, over Itobert U. Payu. At the Trea'on, New Jersey election. ves- terday, the Uem cr;Us bad 300 majority. Tbe uiuuivipul election iu 8 . Haul, Minn., josteriay, nave tbe 1) mueratd 130 tuajority. Tue first suit under tbo civil righu lull was institute l at Lafayette, Indiana, yes terday, a negro 'Claiming to enforce a con tract un ier it, while the defendant claims tbe beuelit of tbe State cons itntiou null black laws. Judge ucst, of the State Cir cuit Court, lia- tlie case under advisement, iid will (t'obably cen l it to tbe State Su preme Court, now In res-ion Dispatcher from Eastport, Maine, repre' out I bat tbee is mucb excrement ou tbe border owing to tbe preseuce of a large number of Fenians, and the fears of hostili ties. Three British, war ships are on the lookont. Tbe garrison at Cinpell Island Sm bcea increased, earthworks have be,en thrown up, and vigilant preparations have been made to prevent a raid Wathmijlon, April 11 The Senate has confirmed the ooiai nations of David V. Bal lard, of Oeloii, for Governor of Idaho j R. V. McCormick; fur Governor of Ariiomj J. 1'. L Ca-tei-, of Ten. ess., for Secretary of Arizona ; Moses Hall t, Chief Justice of Utah ; L). llulloway, Marshal, and Frank Ualley, Secretary of Colorado. Prominent friends of tbe President say he will enforce olie C.vit Rights Bill in good faith, quo ing tbe remark that ' h- having exorcised his constitutional prerogative in vetoing t!e bi 1, and Congress buv.iip- exer, cised its prerogative in passing it, he shall foci bound by their action." Turse gntle- meu hisu express me ueuer mat having seen the power of Congress nud with what una nimity it is sustained by tbe people, he will now endeavor to conform his action so that there may be harmony between tbem Gtn. llnward wll, under verbal lost uc Inns frnm the P.esidcut. is ue a circular tn h IB fi ii h nr. i nates, apprising tbem of the passage of uo vivu luguis oiii, ana instructing fiem to inform the Ireedmen of its provisions and to assist in maintaining tltt-va. The House passed tbo bill thin fi for coining new rive cent pieces composed of . upper mm oicnei, a vrme larger that three win pieces issuea last year. Nta York. An il 11. -The Tribune' t Wash ington special dispatch says the Senate yes terday failed confirm Louis D Camubell. uuiu, ni oiiui-ier to m-IICO. f Considerable exel ement was rm h tiie death of a woman last Monday, Bth, of asiuviv cnoiera. xne aanitary Superintend ent of the Doar I of Health declares the case was not cholera, but the coroner declares It was, and there Is mucb excitement throueb i.ii.ani.. A Mysterious CiucuMTANO't On 1e morning of tho 19Lh of March, Avery Shelly left tho rflHiilnnitn nt Wnvid Tajlor, about fttro mileH euat of tipringfield, Lane county, Oregon, for me purpose 01 going to tbe Slough to lok st 'a mill site. After going n short distance from tho house in com. ptttiy With Mr. Tuvlor. ha rnmni-lrn,! that he " was not much on thn vm-k tO'day, and believed' he would go to tnwn." unil iril kN..i TT . j on (hia brnhort at Eufireao ho wnnlri gp op on bhe-otber side of tho' river." Air. lay lor was then requested to walk along with him' a short distnnoo, which be did; then returning to bis nous nna oneiiy taking tho- road to ward tOWn. From Lho Litn h nnrlaA itomTurlor no traces whatevnr hr lieon discovered of him up to this date. April i at. no was- murTled on the Bttv or Marob.and1 w making wungumeiiig to put jiy some grai .on Monday after he disannnAmrl hri aid notbing of leaving for the irrioes or any other Dlaco:: nop la l.hflro nnif known cauBe of bis absenting hijgelf uviu um wua ana irienas. lie was 22 years oP age, sboot 5- feet iiiodob in heigtt', light complexion tid rather lisbt built. - Any informatioo concerning him will be thanklully received by bis wife: C.8. Miixik. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GROCE XL AND- DEALERS IX Wines & liquors, And Importer! and Jotben of OLOTHINa Hoots & Shoes. Under Clothiiry, iSlankcts, etc.', : . etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. rR IHVR AS ASSAY OFFICE IN CON'NKCTTON Ii wi'li our tiiiHlneu, umlfr ttio entire unperviMoii of Mr. Miller. We nmke returniiln Ban In U hnur Vin irmiritntee nil nnr Auinvs and pay t-lie III01IKST CASH PIUOK for H. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. BLOW, MILT.RR 1 f!)., n.yOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets, DnUos. DEALERS IN, HARDWARE,. IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TUR PACKAGE, TpRCASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost ot Transportation. CUMJ1IN0 GRANT, Dalles, Qrcgon. m!3tf W. D. DOUGLASS, (Successor to WtUiam Blrnbaonu) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND BEAUH Fine Watclies AND JEWELRY, WNVlrP.8 THE ATTENTION OF HIS FU1END8 AND M. lue Public to Us choice selection f New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting llieir jwtronntfe. Wa'clies PROMPTLY aud PROPERLY repalre and niVtr Nest Door to tha Pt OdMit. NOTICE. Orrici or CniKF QUARtBRmseia, DtPAKTHSNT or TBI COLUHSM. 1 Fnri Vanmuctr. W. 7, March , 18tMJ. C BALED PROPOSALS will he rrrelvMl for th.TR A.Vft. Tl PORTATION OF UOVKUNMKNT FREIGHT urs liivTollowing named routes: . . 1st. From Fort DalWs. Oreson. to CamnsCnrr. Wat. son and Wright. Bldde-s to etas the price per pound tn Coin, they will bike Um freight or. Bepnrnte hide requirud lor ack Camp. Bids for this service will bo received at rVrrt Dalies. Oreaon. tv Cuut. James OilliM, A. Q. U. 8. A., and at tlals olllce, sp .v 4 n.t up toe jw uny 01 stay,.i(io.- M. From Wallola; W. T, to-fcrt ColrlH W. T. The price tur Dnond In Com to ha stated b. hlriil.. Kids fur ti.ls servtr IH bo recelrsnt- at Fort Wnlla Walla, W. T., by 1 t Lieut. John Nohle, A. A. Q. Maud i mi. omce. i p to IV 11. on the l.t day or Jlar, lStlti. 8d. From Wallula. W. TV, to Fort Boise. I. T, The price per pound In Com to be stated by bidders lor this transportation. Bids for this xerrlco will hr received-by Capt. T. J. Ki kerson, A. Q. M , V. 8. A., Fort Boise, I. T.- and at this oflite, up to 12 M, on the 15th day or May, 4th. Krom Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Fort Boise. I. T. ttie price per Wiund In Coin. 1 r Coin, i r whioh transportation will be furnished over, thin roine to be staled. Bids for Mils service will be received at Fort Dalles. Oreiron. bv Cape, fames tiilllm. A . M., C. 8. Aj Fort Roine, I. T.. y Capt. T.'J. Kckerson. A'. Q. U. 8. A.: aud at this uITKm, up to It Mon thelfrvh-drtyof May, 18ob. Bidders tir all tha route will be required to give bon'ls with good and sufficient; eocnrlty for the faithful Serformance of any coutraotvlilch may ha awarded em under this advertisement. Uiealo be in dupllcata anal' accompanied by an oalh of allegiance to the Culled States. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. If to eVeirnd vest fcr the Interest of the service, All contracts made subject to the approval of the Da partsneat aud Division Commanders. HENRY C nODGES, tBravet Li. Col. and Chief Qmrtermaster, : aSdlwstt.stml Departtuant of the Columbia. Isaac F. Dloch. - 8an Francisco. Colamblst l.oIf, Ho. 9, y'''atvertwJlr1.1'.ilnns,i,..S II WALDRON ItllOS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles Oregon. rENOW OCCDPTrBll KKW TWO STORY FIRE V nnKif Stone bullillui:. minoalte Ulorh. Miller k i;o.. ana oner to tiie uuMte sr roll and complete stock of id Chrmtcals, consulting Iu part of - Drugs, Medicines on KKROSENB. IUIIPKNTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS. L1NSKED, lamp wicks i chimneys hops, sage. :' BPONOKS. : leeches, - COIIKS. J.AKU, CANTOR AWT) ' INI) RIO AND N KAT3KO0T Oil, I.ANPULACK TRUSSS, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND- i PAT1CNT MKblCINKS. s Our stuck of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and best J i""'"; i iirw .iTirp unu iuikv uvunuiniii, IUCS II LUIIIN'8 PKKFUKEHY. ilAIlt, LUniN'STillLETSuAP, FLUSH, POMADES. SHAVING, - COSMETICS, .-. HAT. . HAIR 011.9, . CLOTH'S, COLOGNE. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL 1)IH)SHT?8 TiiOl'II PJflDKRS, AND COMBS. PTJRB WINES AND LIQTJ0R3r For Mfdicitml niirnoscji. Our u llltlw for liuvlng frmxla tire second to none In i ne sun, huh weaumiM all times sell nt a small ad wme from c.uit. Ready sales and sninll profits. PHl'SICmS' rHESCKrFTI0S5 , CnrcdlJr compounded at all lionrs- of tiie day and night. imiies, cn'pi. v, gono, BelO-ll VKRY IMPORTANT TO Slcrchants, Families, Holds and MA.ll-K.OOMH. f ULI08 KltAEMEIt HAVING BOUGHT THE EN lire block ol Merchandise and Biwk Accounts of the line nrm ui i. seller 1.-0.. In this city: to which he has a.l.lHdul ins own Iniportntlou (wliile doing huHlness In I'oninnu) an inimeuse slock ol the best manufactured Crockery, GliMtsu-'are, Plated Ware, Lamps, C'UandcllerN, Table Cutlery LooUlns-GIatscH and AIIKIndef Oils. . All of which ho offers nt reduced rates. Perarnie wtati. Ing to bny any of the nbove-meutloned articles, w ill do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewliore. ' OrduM from the Interior promptly attended to, and buw. im-KBu iu gn eecure. von i mil to can on me. lludlo's Btone Building, Washington street. Dalles. " JMJC8-KRAKMKB. Dulles. March Kill, VS05. mhl7tf ONE HUNDREDMILES SAVED! BLACKFOOT & BIG BEA D MIXES BY WAY OF TIIE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Iancl Tvavek Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 miles White Bluffs to Pen dViellls 1B0 - " " " toColvllla TTO Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking tha White Bluff- itoad. . Wood, Water and Grass ' Are found on this Road within easy drives The road 1s now open, and pnesesses advantages over any other Innd roue from the Dalles. rwVllrhed by order of ' v THE CITIZENS OF TUB DALHES. Dalle., March. 20, 1806. . ni20:2m. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES 1 A. B. BOOTH ; BAURT RIVISON. ! BOOTH .Sc NEViSON, Forwurdlng-aiid Coses mUslasi Merohaatl AND DELEKS IN GKNEItAT MEKCHA'NDIFB, Wlkite UliiflV, W. TV FR EIGHT FOR COLVILLE. UPPER COLOMBIA', KOifTEN Al and BLACKFOOT MINES promptly Urwardrd. Mark Goods B. N. Wl Ite Bluffs, W. T,' S tKCM! Ponuxs Richards k McCrnken, Allen Lewis, and Hodge k Calef. ' Datn Bloch, Miller 4 CoM French k Oilman. F DEHM, Watclimrakcr and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEA1FH Itf MNI WATCTTEn, JEWEI.ttV, jao CLOCKS. Gold Pens,8ilver and Plated Wars, C3k Bpectacles, Cutlery. Ac. f-J 9Particular attention paid to-repairing flnewJ atches. Clocks. Jewelry, sto. All Watr.hss repaired by me warravited far twelve ntsnths. It. ri.' K ortm from the upper ennutrV, by Ekprtss or otherwise, promptly attended to. A. C7A.RD. MADAME LB TELLIRR WOOLD RKSPECTFDLLT Inform the Ijdliea ns" 11m DaNea aait .iiHifv she is now prepared to-dsaH klmls-of DK8K8, CLOAFA and PALB TOT making. Also, CUTTlMO and FITTING in a new ana improved style, never before Introduced la this place. .1 She will warrant to give satisfaction, ami wonld most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mrs. White, over Degener's Store, oa Wsshlngtoa street, betwton Second nd lird. Dalles, March 27lh, IHt. aar27tf CO ILOIL! CO . I, OIL I WALDKOM BROS, have lust received a Urge In. voice of COAL OIL, which they offer at mall etaced rates. . - . . . . . , nu WTOTrwmWl,, FRANKLIN MARKET. - CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON ETC KG VI DALLES; OREGON, JOHN KPP1N6EU Proprietor iiasi"a- TP' VNDERSIGN ED having fltred np the Murtiot in the UK T will keep constant ly ou hand all sorts of Hcsli and Cored ItleafR, Of the best quality lurulshed at (he LOWEST KAT My motto Is to PLEASE ALL." PAItTtES HAYING SUPEMOn BTOtlK FOR BALI will do well to call at the Frnnklln Market: JOHN EPPINGKH'.. ) Dalles, February 19th, 1885. WA.SUKJ"'rOi MARK ET; cogniaoF ... ... t COUBT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES. ORF.OOM , JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprletor. Witt KKISP- - - constantly un hand all the varle- LJ ji, TTvlf ' .ties that the markot can nosslhlv V,vil afrord,of lr l FRESH Jtt CTJRKD MEATS, and always of tha h. st quality. ' '- FAMILIES, HOTELS', AWO STEAMBOATS ' , supplied onrcasnnable terms. The nndorslgneq Is alvravs prepared to pay the high est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock! In good corwHlton, are requested to. roll on him beforsj guing risewiiere. Dalles, March aim. 1805. JOUN MICHELBACH. mhSltf NOTICE TO FARMERS- rgMIB DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING X COMPANY has roconrly attached FLOURINGMILL to Ihelr Steam, Sash and DoorFaolorjK In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UHIND WHEAT and OOltN. nud warrant to give the best sallslaotiun. 0 hand couslautly and for sale FXTRA FAMILY' FLOUR, V '. St'.OONDSOH .MlllDLTNGK. ' . ' '" ! BRAN AND SHOUTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEES. Also, a Shpertor article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. . 'flie-hlrhrst market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BAKLKf. . U. A. HOGUE, Agent.. . Daftcsj Not. j; 1865. ti3tf. "auction and commission.. J OH N "WJ I.j Us I V. M S LTJOTIOlSlETCR, No. 100. nialu Street, DallesCltT WJLL ATTEND TO Ttm SELLING AT AUCTIOK ot General Morcliaudlse, Ileal Estate, Orocerl s, IIorses,New and fecund Hand Fnrnllurfc Stocks, Ac, tc llegular Sales Day Saturday.. OutMluor and Special Sales attended to tn any part at tlrO City Ltleral Advances made on Consignment", : nl0:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. A. Ci. 13IIADPORI), IMPOUTKIl AvND JOBDKR OF ; Vines s&c I-iqnorr FRONT STREET, PortlVnct, m . . - . Orefosi.. 0FFEII8 FOR 81.1 A VERY L Alt OB ASSOU nioiu ol ....... , . Brandies, .' ' , : tVlaeR,.: . ..! '-..'...' Uttaoerti ' . ,-7 : ! Case Coodr,. &c.r : Ac, .: . &c. v :' Thr Trade Is partlcnlarly Invited to examine at ck befure purchasing elsewhere. . . au24 tf . MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITB KMPIRK HOTEL,- -JJA-VB JUST BKCEfFED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK 01". SPRII.C AND KVailHEn OOOD.r Consisting In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Clctailntrr Boots-&Slien,- Klats & Taps. Whrih tlrey offeY to nirat SMALL PROFITS. Dalles, Maron 87h. 1866. inr2Ttf ' BOOItSI BOOKS I . : nrm)LE3ALs asd retail. ' ' SCHOOIi BOOKS, STATIONERY, '-jsrstJ, . Standard and Miscellaneous WOltftS, 7'V Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPER, WHb J Ac, Ac. by every Steamer, f ill Ollliijel iislsaasr Bookstore, Main street. Daller. ' Garden SeedS for tile Mlllloir. ! ' H! J; WAI.DROW N I T US, WOOL and HIDES.. rJMlE ntGnE6TCA8a PRICK PAID IOIT irtRS, W OOL, AMD HIDES,'r McCRAKEN MERRJLt k COT W North Front Street, Portland rfrtrlfOm . '''"'t:' .- ;-.;;'vi GROCERY 8TORE , . Main Mreet Dalles, ; -. : ' " ' ' " ' fREDKRICK BEJCtWl. TO TIIE TRATELINQ PUBMcr ' tiie; new nmbap. 1 .jSnOPAJiaauAAjnn