. SATURDAY MORNING, AfBIL 14, 1860. On motion, tlie proceedings of tliia meet ing were directed to be fufuUhcd Iho Movm tmnsik, with a request to publish. On motion adjourned. Jau. k. Kkllt. (Jlialrman. G. E. IlarT, Seo'y. THE CANYON CITT ROAD. We publish below the proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of the 5)allo8, held at the Court House, on Thursday evening, for the purpose of .. taking action as to. the best manner of ridding the road bonce to Canyon City of the thieving bands of Snake - Indians that now infest It. The roeol ing was largely attended, and the ut most interest was felt among those in attendance, that something should bo done, and that speedily, to rendor this great artery of our trade secure from a repetition of fuoh wholesalo murders and robberies as has boon perpetrated on the. line of the road for the past two years.. The committee appointed ',. to wait ou Gen. Steele and' represent to him the condition of the country, and the insecurity of trado and travel on the road, will visit Vancouver to . day to discharge the duties assigned them, and it is earnestly hoped that the Commanding Ganoral wilt readily see the necessity of immediately send" iog more- troops in thai direction. Than the John Day country there is no richer mineral region on the Pacific ; Mope, and thus far its treasure ties dormant for the reason, that small parties dare nob venture out to pros, poet, from the faot that their lives are endangered; thereby. Wo know of oneioitanco where a. gentleman liv ing in Canyon City, employed a man to go about ten miles from the town, to prospect a quartz ledge, and at the same time hired three men to guard him while prospering. It was at this time that the rich ct-nnabar lead was discovered by one of the guard while aaoonding a peak, to look out foe In Adians, " Tho troops. stationed: at Camp Wat son during the past two years have done good' service, considering '.heir limilod number, and it only needs a lew such camps-at other points of the road. to give all the protection neo cssary for the safety ot travel bence to , Canyon City. The expedition which is to leave Fort Boise undor Major Marshall, this- summer, for tho Harney Like country, will, no doubt, do good servioe; but- past experience has demonstrated that the appearance of troops in the Lake-country tends to exasperate tbe savages, ffhoV they more (ban. double- tbeir depredations on unguarded' points of the Canyon Oity r-oadi. We havo no fears but that Gen. Steele, after properly understand ing the situation, will (to what in. bis judgment be deems best for the pros teetioa of our people,, an therefore we leave tbe matter entirely to the committee to- give him tbe noeossary information. Another Ciiaptkb of Chimb. Wo are compcllod this morning to add an other to the long lint of fntal truge dies, that have phocked the commu nity for the past two years. Kouben Raymond and, John 0. Clark "wore both members'of the company of Ada county volunteers, recently returned from a scout against the Indians. Last Monday there was a suit had in Justice's court, growing out of a con tract with the man wbo furnished transportation lor the company on (he campaign, littymona wu one ot tno wiinoNKOA in the suit. About nine o'clock Tuesday morning Raymond nnd another man hud a dispute in re gard to the testimony given by Ray- ninnd. Alter sonio words had passed, Clark took a hand in the conversation, which by thin time grew to bo a quart tel. and the lie passed between Clark and Raymond. Clark then made a rush at Raymond and struck him or at him, Raymond dodging and draw. ing hta pistol. Clark then drew his pistol. Some person now came out of the Bank Exchange saloon near by, and was about to tako the pistol from Clark who refused to give it up. Raymond said, " don't be afraid, I'm not going to shoot." Clark now toid Raymond to shoot. Raymond rophod " I don't want to shoot; I'll givo you the first shot," at which Clark snapped bis revolver, some of tho witnesses say onco, and some twice. Tho third time, taking dehborate aim, ho shot Raymond through the abdomen. Kuymond did not attempt to shoot at all. ' He lingered until about dark of tbe samo day and died. - An examin ation was held before Justico Kline, wbicn resulted fast night in CUik be ing committed to appear at tbe Dis trict Court for murder. Mono i)tates man. AUCTION IwilMoll THIS DAY,' ' At 10 o'clock, In the forenoon, at mjr store No. 100 Main 8trect, no assortment of Household ITuruiture', consisting of rntn Mattresses, Double and Single, " Blanket, Quilts, Sheets, Double and Slntle Bediteads, prolln and Ingrain Carpet, Looking Glasses, Ac, 4b. A Ira. an assortment of Hats, Bhlrta. Drawers, Boots, Shoes, Cigars, Ao., Ac, ' ALSO: 1,000 pounds of Onions. (Sold nn account of a former purchaser.) - This sale will be Worth the attention o' the pubi c. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anec. Sheriff' Sale or Real Estate. BY VIKTOR OV AN EXECUTION Issued by Ilia Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Wasco county Ompon. and to me directed. In furor of 11. P. Block, plaintiff, and against J tt. Nevce d -fetulant. for the sutn of six hundred and thirtv-tliree d liars and eighty-eight cents ($1)33 08) In t). S coin, and seventy-five dollars and fllty-onr cent ($76 fit) In lawful money of the United State. nml thirty-three dollars and ninety-tour cents ($:I3 911 colts of suit, with Interest and accruing costs, I have levied upon, and will soil at public auction, betoro Hid Court llonso dopr In Dalles City, nn SATURDAY. TUB 12111 DAY OF MAY. ISOfl, between the hours of 12 o'clock in. and 4o'clock p. m.. to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the dofcadatt's Interest in nnd to the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lots No. two f'2) three () four (4) Ave (6) six (ft) seven (7) eight if) nine (9) In Block Mto(5). Hots No three () four (4) Bra (6) Ix (O)nnd sovon (71 In lllock eight (8) In Neace A Gil- son's addition to Ual'es City, and the east half or lot No. tw (!!) in blork fair 4 in Lnnghlin's adilltion to Dalles City, and an undivided ono-lonrth V Interest in lot one ij ana two z; in diock two yi in wanes uity, anu all that lot or pircelof land slturted In Wasco county, Ore gon, on the east side of the town plat of J, II. Noyce's A 0. B. Olbion'saddit.nn.toDalles City, it being the lot purchased by J 11. Neyceof lie ry Ollror. described as follows, to wit t commencing at the north west corner of the laud purchased by Ui-nry Oliver from W. D Bigelnw, thence runnlim east twenty 20 feet, tliencr sou'h three hundred (.TOO feet, thtnee west twenty 1 20 J feet, thence north three hundred f S0 1 feet to place cKbegliitiinir. Also, a strip of land purchased ot II. J. Waldron by J. II. Neyce, twenty 2o feet wido, ton 101 rods long, and si. U ded on the west side n said H. .1. Waldron's and. and adjoining she lots of J. II. Noyce on the cut. HIA11I.U9 VI liliJS, f-herlff of Wasco county. Dalles City, 0rgon, April 13th, 16U8. ap2W BtA3KF00T Express. Messrs. Ed gar, Buchanan & Waldron havo stt.rii ed an express line from Walla Walla to Helena, Montana. Mr. Edgar leaves this morning for Walla Walla, from which place he will start on Thursday with the first express. It is tho inten tion of these gontlemon to make tho trip in the shortest time possible, and tneir Known aonity will bo a guaran tee for tho performance of whatever they undertake in the express line, The time to Ilelona will be five days at present, but when their arrange' merits are pertectod will be consider ably radtisjed. We wish them success in their undertaking, as we know the company is composed oMbe right ma tonal to run an exnreos. it YOwiNOto the fndian hostilities on the road between the Dalles and Can yon City,. Wells, Paigo & Co', refuse to carry treasure over the route. Tho letter express loft here yesterday with a guard of threo men. A sad state of affairs, and one that calts for immedi ate action on the part of the military authorities. sale Mir 4n roiiraon 1IVV I IV1I 1I1IU VVU11IIIUUIV1I HOtJSE! No. 100 miS STREET, DALLES. THE UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR PAW Favors, resjMTt fully Informs the citizens of the Dalles, and the public generally, that be continues M sell at. PUBLIC AUCTION 0U Pit fV ATE 8ALE, Rcul Estate. Ccneval Merchandise, tiioceilcN, llorseN, Mules, v Furniture. ' Moekx, &.C. .. REGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN m de of sales. Outdoor and Special Sales attended to In any past et the city. JQHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. SELLING OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. PTONK BUILDING. WASHINOTON STRKKT, DALLW, Offer their well-Bclccted stock of TOBACCO, SKGA1JS, , PIPES, YANKEE JNOXIOISS, AND STATIONERY, AT SAN FBaNCISCO COST. mrZTtf . Kherlfl'ti Sale of Real Kstate. BY VIKTOR OF AN EXECDtUON Issued by tbe Clerk of tho Circuit Court, in and for W'sxeo Countv. Oregon, snd to me direirtod, In favor of Lndd A Tilton, PUIntlfT, and nir iinst Jnin-s II. Neyce, defendant. fr the sum of 8 v-u Thou aud ($7,000) principal atid five ($5) dollars costs and dishursiiieiits, with interest and accruiuir costs, 1 have levied upon asd will seli at pub.io auction, nefore the ( ourt iioase door. inii t;Hy. on 8ATUHDA Y, TIIK 12th DAY OV MAY. 18116. between the hours of 12 o'clock. M.. and 4 o'clock. P. to the highest bidder for cash In baud, all the defendant's in terost in and to the following described Koal r.suite, to wit: Lots No two (21, three IHi. fuiir (4). five lb), six (d), seven (7), elitht (8) and nine (9). lu block No. five idj, l.ois ro, tnreo(dj. mur (4j; nve (o, sn (n, una seven (7). in uiectc o. oiuht (tf) in evce's anAUiDsou'i ad III! n to Dillos City; and the east half of lot No. Iwi (2) in block No. tour (4). in Lauvhlfn's addition to Dulles City; and an undivided one-fourth interest in lots "o, one (i) ami two'i'ji in diock ,o. two izu in uaues City; and all that lot or parcel of tlindsilu ited In Wasco uoutiiy. iireicon, on tite ease ssiie as me town riut ot J. 11. Meyce's and u. II. Uibaon's addit'on to Dalles City. It being the lot purchased bv J if ...Neyce el Henry Oliver. and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at tbe norlhwe't corner of the land purchased by Henry Oliver mm vt. u. uigeiow; tnence running east twenty izuj feet; thence sou h. three hundre I 300 feet; thence west twenty leek theie e north, 3001 feet to place of liegin. n ng. Also a strip of land purchased of 11. J. Waldron bv X II. Nva.Lwentv i20 feet wld and tm rods hinir. and situated on the west siite of said II. J. Waldron's laud, ud adjoining the lots of J. II. Neyce on the east CI1AS.WH1TK, Sheriff of. Wasco County. lies City, Oregon April 12. 1S64-. al44- At a meotioff. of tho cltlierji of Dallies CLtjt, for tbs parpoee of considering and devUing measures for tbe protection ot tbe road from DalLei Oitjrto Boise, ti Cato City, from. tne bostile Indians, beld April 13th, 1866, uoU stM. K. Kelly was cnosen Uhalrman, nd E. E. Haft Secretary. On motion of 0. N. Dsrtoy, the following- rBioiuiiotv was UQajDlTaouslrT adopted : Ruohed, Tbwt a committee of three be appointed, to-watt on O'en. Steel, tbe com lannding eflfcer of this military- department, and represent to kin tbe unprotected co- ouiws vi iud vvuuiij kurouu WUIVO IUS road leading front Dalles CUy to Fort Boise acd Otryhee bjr war of Canyon City passes. and nrge military protection against the bos tile Indians for th earn. The Chair appointed J. R. Robbtns, Henry fattey and Kotert rentlaait on that com Majoe Francis, Paymaster, XT. Si A., and Cupt Williams, Mo8tering.Ofi ficer, arrived from bolovr yesterday. Capt. Williams- will muster out Capt. Borland's company to-day;- and' tbe Major will give ttie "boys" some green-l uuckb to go uav Willi-. Tas steamer Sierra Awada-, witiol arrived at Portland yesterday morn- insr, brought 180 soldiers to Fort Van couver. ThcBe men will be mounted as soon as borses can be purobasod and sens into toe iodipn conntpy. : Wk are indebted to Mr. West, of WellsJ Fargo &,. Co., for files of Cali fornia p papery Toooived by the last flMt rrr -y 1. ... ... T tu mit Jt ' r' J . JUKEE, Slain Street. Dalles, WBOlIBAMt, AHP BITAll tulil IS CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &. ALWAYS III STOKS TBI BEST BBANDS 0 Cigars, Tobacco. Matches, &9. P LAYING CARDS. I'OCKKT CUTLKRT, POUT MIINIKS. COM 1)8 and RKU8HK8. o' all kinds, PKKPUMICItY. ot evnrv description, CHINA OHNAMKNTS TOYS. 1101.1.8. etc. PISH HOOK? and PIPHTNO TACK LB, MUSICAL INMTItUMGNIS, FANCY 0001)3. Ac. , Also Powiler.Shot. Lead. Powder Flasks, Baskets. aa manjotlier articles too numerous to mention. far- laterionlriilers saujiUrri with Ciioirs. Tulacca.ess. at less than Portland prices, wltb freight addod, sje-S CA,rrJilS sfc CIIA3?I1V VTIIOLESALE A RKTAIIi TTl UGGI8TS,, STONE BBILMNO, VYA8HIN0T0S 8TREKV, DALLES, OREGONi Importers and Jobbers ot PATENT MKMCINKS, CIIBMICALS k FANCT GOODS. BODA, CORKS A AOIDS, OILS, A ALCOHOL, PUKE WIN K A: LIQUORS, . PAINTS, GLASS A BI1UEUE8. THTSICMS' PBESOaiPTIOXB . Accurately compennded. PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A fail and complete assortments! 'ale articles la tksa Photographic Line, at a 8MALL ADVANCE OH PAW iFRANCISCO PltICK9.x KW Merchants will please got our . prices before srAae uftlielow, - , IT. L.CirAPlN,- C8TIN GATES. Dalles. . . . .. Sacramento, Cl. J. W. GURLEY, DENTfST, nalmSt., Dallas, Oregon. WOULD RKSPECTFULLriNFORSf tbe cltisens of this nlaco and vl Malty, that havlnw returned from a nro- leesional tour throuirh the mli-s. he has ilistn resumed the practice o DENTISTRY, In the ronsa lurmerly occupied by hitu, la the building occupied Wood A Batler, Ph itogroptr Aetists, end ailjolalog Waf Jron Bros.' Drug Slots. He takes this method of es ending tartakb, for the liberal patron ugs heretofore at tended to bilti, and-soliclts a continuauce of the aasae. LIHT OP PRICES. Entire Denture on Gold Base...... .....4180 te MS. Upper Dentarci Oold Bue.......... ....... SO " lis "- Dontore. Vulcanite Base 70" las . - Upper Venture, Vulcanite Rase 34 " SS- OoU Vlllinfts inserted from one dollar upward. -ChTtdrens' 'ifetu extracted free af charge. s194f ' Treasurer's Notice. Irfrtru volkiwino- cotjnty orders win bs paM. I JL upon presentation at myiofflce: ' inmumm .- (Asia. An. . - a6 , In film eC. ' H W Crandall.i .103 ' UVCrandall. I 1 litis li. iRftA. I- 16,'. ... ....... 17, Jk. lAng. P, HMMMm. h.180 ' I U II U & t eetsssseesstestsx.VteeeeeesMt 'fS feptT, u .8..........2:H f ept , -- .........S i4S Wov. , 6.....Si INovlO " ,.m..-..............JI01 r iu - , 210 jDee. 8 ....... .... 8B7 ' - . ii" ...eM......Hj,s rfesea nen.1. Jan. o 1800 ....-....S..A64 .' J BTInrford Jan IS . ...........A4 f. JBitell FebS ...........,......., .4M B VY Mitchell. , ; eDUS. . . . , v ., II. J. Vf ALDRQW. Tressnsrer.'. . t B Harford. T M McAasllei. 3 B Harford. T M McAuella.-. 0 K llelpi. 1 B Uarfse - C FVY &T A L S A LO O N : ....J . - AMD f y ;; " " l. nTT.T.IAllD ' ROOM. a.,. . 4 wi ten coTfg i mii.ch cows ir . , . JOH niBOaVAlJBPerle.ts. .T .wmmMI ,r '