failn lllnmttainccr FACTS AND FANC1BS. . Sensibility is. a e ar that can -lead ono only when the sljy'is clear, ftoa-. on is ihe magnetic needle that 'guides rs whon the 6ky is wropt'in darkneBS. The Wrong Place. A pansenger swearing terribly in the cars on the Boston and Providence railway, was approached by a young minister .with moro zeal than discretion, who -said to him abruptly: "My dear sir, do you know whero you are going? Yon nro going . straight to hHH" "Just n.y d d luck 1" replied the man, looking the minister in the -face with an alarmed air, and suddenly fumbling "for his cheek, "1 bought a ticket for .Providence!" , vGettinq tite Worst op It. "Do you want an' berrieH, ma'am?" said a littlo boy to a liwly ono day. The lady told him she would like some; and ticking the pail from him, tihe stepped into tho Iiouho. He did not follow but -remained behind whistling to bo mo canaries hanging in their cag'.s on tho porch. " Why do you not come in and see if I measure your homes right ? How do you know but I may cheat you?" iuid the lady. " l'tu not afraid ; you would get the worst of HJ ma'nm," suid he. " Get the worst of it ! What do you mean ?" said.eho. "Why, ma'am, I should only lose my berries, and you would bo steal, ing ; don't you think you would get the worst of it 1" A Wrono Statement. Tho Walla Walla paper states that tho price of freight per ton from Umatilla to White Bluffs is $20. This is fur from being -the truth. The prise is 7 50 moro on a ton to White Bluffs from Portland, than it is to Wallula. The steamer that leaves Olilo on Saturday will carry aboot 80 tons of Whito Kluffs freight The Portage Company lately organized for transporting freight between White Bluffs and Pen d'Oreille Lake, have ient fifteen toams of six and eight mules each, to begin operations with, and as soon as pos sible the number will be increased to fifty teams, and many more as the necessities of tho case may demand. Oregonian. Is this tho first " wrong statement" you havo found in tho " Walla Walla paper" of late especially in regard to tho advantages and disadvantages of tho White Bluffs routo? Administrator's Notice. VTOTICB IS HKUBY GIVEN THAT I, WILLIAM 1 II. CAMI'UKIX, of Vi'anco county, Oregon, have thi.i day been duly appointed by the County Court of Wakco connty, Orejcnu, administrator of tlih estate of William II. a. liartiow, tiereasoa. Tiiere.ure, an per anna Indebted to said estate aro hereby notified to make immediate pnyment.anri all persons having claims against said estate, are also notified to present the same to me, at my re-tdence on hlaht Mile Creek, within six months Irnm date, for parmeut. 1VM. Ii CAMl'UKLU Dalles, April 7th,18UO. ' ap!3w4 Adm'r. tii mmonSt In Justice's Cnnrt, before B. Whlttonr Jnstlce af the Trace In And for l)r Canyon City Freclnct. K. 0. Hardy vs. A. V. Askin.' mo'A. P. ASKIN. DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED: JL In the name of the State1 of Oregon, roll are sum moned and required to be and appear In the ahore enti tled Court, within six Inantlm from date hereof, then and 1 Wo to answer to a civil action, entitled as shore, the complaint in which is on Ale In said caurt; arid tnne no tice, that If yon lau 10 appear ana answer, nintniin win tsliejudgmetit agninst you for the sunt of $87 76. and for his costs herein. K. 0. 1IA11DY. Canyon City, March 29, 1S00. apl3w0 , Summons. In Justice's Cnnrt, for Upper Canyon City r-reclnct, Ontlnty ofUrant, State o( Oregon. V. II. Poiadexter, vs. "John Btrlnehech. rJ10 JOHN ETRINQBACH. defendant ahore named: B. You are hereby required to be and appear before the undersigned, n Jnstlce of the Peace In and for said Praninct. connty and State, on tho2ftth day ol May. 18tt0, at 10 o clock in tne isacnoon or said nay, at nis oince in siild precinct, Jhen and there to answer in a civil action to (he complaint cf P. 11. Poindexter, now on file In my office; aad defendant will take notice, that If lie fall ta appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will take Judgment ngaldst Mm for the sum of (62 39. and costs o' this action, and take nottco further, that your property bus keen attached to secure the payment of the said sum ofVi'139andosts, Given under my hand this flth day of April. IMS. spl3w B. WHITTBN, Justice of the Peace TOYS! TOYS TOYS ! TOYS ! FOR TOYS A AID FAftCY GOODS Par the Holidays, we recommend all dealers III that Una to the UASKKT AND TOY KMPOUIUM of . TIIOMAURR MjfN. . (20 and 322 Batterv Street, iSt&n .. . . 8ad francuKb: Oregon Steam Kayigaiion Co. SUMMER 'ARRANGEMENT. THE STEAMERS NJGZjPERCE CHIEF, WE II-FOOT, ' TE.MXO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA, SPUAY & OKlXAGO, Captains K. P. COE, C. C. F ELTON. J. H. D. GRAY, and TH08. J. STUMP, Will run during the season from CKTJI.0 to TWATII,- 1,A, VVAI.I.UL.A, Vt 111 IK JILUFiS, I'ALOU.ili nud LEWISTON. One of tiie above nnmed boats will leave CKI.TLO for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA, DAILY (Sundays excepted) X lie l?a.stseiigjer T' to connoct with atenmers jit Celllo will- start from the Jtallroiul Depot, UALLK8 CITY, lit 0 o'cloc .A.M. Boats will be dipirt:hod for WIIITK IILUVKS, PA ViUSK and I.hWIS'iON as often us the necessity of the trade will demuud. FOR PORTLAND THROUGH IS ONE DAY. The Steamers "ONEONTA," OR "IDAHO," CAPT.J. MaNTJI.IV, , Commander, Will leave DALI7ES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at 6 o'clock, a. M coin.ecliu, by the CASCADE HAlLfcOAD, witli the itcnmers . NEW WOKLD, CASCADE,or WILSON G-. IIXJINX, CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, f .i Portland. FRANK T. TtOPOE, Dulles. A pill 3, 1800. nl-'tfl Airunt 0. 8. Is. Co. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! HEW SIOLXIDAY, Proprietor. ISi&S COMORO STAGES CSV, Ajswutasn 1EAVE BOISK CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR . BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting; at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages lUtimiiiK to "Virginia City, Ncvnda, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. TP AlllCt Bslse City to Fait take City JtOO 00 " " Virginia City. Montana , 126 00 u ii Missouri Itivor, Legal Tender $300, Oold, $100 400 00 For further information apply at OVERLAND STAOR LINE OFFICE, liolae City, I. T., mliOd.lm j N. TODD, Agent. Union State ticket. FOR CONGRESS HIT US Mil.LORT, ' Of Marlon. FOR GOVERNOR: . GEO. Jj. WOODS, Of Wasco. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: SAMUEL E. ill AY, Of Marlon. FOR STATE TREASURER: . H. nr. cooke, ' . Of Marion. , FOR STATE PRINTER : ir. a. Mcpherson, Or Linn. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. . MEIGS, Of Wasco. lt. Ii. W. MITCIIELIi, OrrioK WALDRON'S BDILDINO. Rmidskob Corner of Third and Washington Streets. LANGLEY, CROWELL 6 CO,, IMPORTERS AND WH0I.ESALK Corner of Clay &nd Battery Sts., SAN FBANCISCO. SaUJidOa. '. DALLES til l , DltlCi STOKE. P. CRAIG, WHOLKSA'bl AMD ItlTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, 4o. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND r ATE NT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! WHOISSALI AXS EETAIL DRUGGIST, W anil iug ton Street between Main And Second Streets CJ LlfiMON i able to supply pur tics in want of T)rne, I'n tent ModicltieH, Chemicnle, Acids, rerfumcry. and oYory other article enumerated with tlie WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest tnsrkot ratos. Mir Phylclais and Mnrchnnts Intcndlne to Dtirchase for the Mines, will do well to glvo hlin-AcaU. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In groat variety. '' S. LEMON. ap.3:tf. Washington St., hetwen Main adn Seoond. I 11 T Ii A x II F I! K D 15. V AND MACHINE SHOr, FIRST STREET, betwoeu Yamhill and Morrison. Jteam K urines . of from 4 to4v) imi'se. "V-v.O- . power.fclthor I'oi tulde or W'Je7 fitVSt Statlnnnry. Also. CI It- mWi I ii Cast Iron work for Ver tical SawaiidOl-iHt mills: ltrats und Iron Castings una WROUGHT IRO WORK of every1 description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & moat Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to nnv part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 0U0 pounds. Horse fowors Alfricu.ltu.rnl Implements matinnuTtired to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE . u. rarticiiiorntteiition paid to UKI'Alltn. re'JU-tt - MRSTL. VHITE'S I.EW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Wasliingtoii Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP TIIE GALLERY over Deunar's Storo, would rosuectluliynunounco toull tllOiO M'lsllilltf l'liotographs, Carts do Ylsltc, tc, that they will do well to give lior a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies and Chl'dren's Pctures. UCIIII, DENTIST, 1 VITAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPPO- , a site iiiocn. .littler Co.. where lie is prepnreu to uo ail Kinds or DENTAL WORK, In a skilirnl and well flnlshid manner. TEKTII Insertcc front one to au entire set, on Oold or Rubbor Plate. Prices range fur Rubber Plate, from $lo to $16; Pot Quid PlaUi, Irom $76 t $123. sV- Persons having work done by me not proving sal isfuctory will not be required to receive or pay Inr 111' same. aulQ-ti DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL, ORGAN S. r"MVI19 prompt nnd eillcatlons Remedy for the enre JL Ulionorrcoa, Gleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Oigans. makes a speedy cure without tho least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business; It will radically cure any case which din be produced. The disease It removes as speedily as is con sistent with the production of a thorough and perinnmnt cure. Further, the dinease cannot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are entire! f vegetable, and no Inlisrlnns effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be catisud by Its use. Price Ono Dollar and Fifty conts per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. UUBTKTTKII. SMITH i DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Buttery street, cor Clay. Jy22-Bm. San FranclBCO. B. DALLAM. 0. W. AtlMSS. a. w. Aituu. ARMES D ALL AM, Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AKU WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, io. And Manufacturers of California Pails, TuOs, Brooms, Ac. 217 210 8acrainento Street, between Front and Davis Fan Francisco. ocll:3mdkw. '-. 1 11-'- COMri.KTK, constantly If 2 'Kt.?ifS- on hand. Also, liny ITes- J$SI& ses.,ralli.e: Planing f k'$& U & .Mnchines,(W()(lwortirs -JSWi&d? rmttero.) WruuKlit nnd 91 zCJ?' VSS-S&4.-' LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Wellington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. IJ1IRST-CLA8S HOTEL. LARGEST IN TUB STATE. Cliarges Reasonable. AN OM NIDUS will attend all the Bonis and convey Passengers and their, baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House In the dry for 60 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for Oregon City. Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln 'louse Wharf. " sol :3m . . . .. j I. i BbotlMzJEam DAILY MOTJHTAINEEE I'OWEIl PRESS , EG0K&J08 PBINTING GFFIDE, First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIET Executed with nccuracy and dispatch. IKA STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVOR AP.LT with the very best, and AT KATES A3 CHEAP AS THE CHEAP St TO ORDER t Card nnd IS i 1 1-25 cad CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEI1TS, POSTERS AND PR0GKAMMKS . FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS c, o?c, Cc, PRINTRD Till! HOST ATT-RACTIVS ItANNfcX. ALSO, wa 1-mi.j.s, HILLS OF FA KB. LETTER HEADS. RECEWT BOOKS. BILLS LA DWG, fTiiefs nosd rainphJclw, VISITING, WEDDIKO AMD "AT IOUE" CAKVX DriiKfiiHts' Lnbels. In short, everything that can be done in a Book and.1nb Printing Oflice, from tho smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Pdstiiig Rill and which will be turned out In a style that caimt fail to insure entire satislaction. OUR KA01UTIF.B TOR Till IXtCUTION OF DECORATIVE PRINTING . In the most beautiful Colors, Sliades audTinU. Suck as Fancy Posting Bills! From a ninglo 8hor to tho Lurgont Munmioth, ORNAMENTAL XUQW CAHD&, 1'UHh LifEKS LABELS. Aic lUiHurpartHtd by thone ot nuy other establiHliineitt . Oionon, V dovoto npuuiai attfiititm tu this brum h of H. bii sin Bun, and ur continually adding to our already extru sive and wull upjioiutud HBhortuieut ol material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. cCc, (Cc, dC, ' Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stocV i FANCY INKS; TINTS, &C.V Are of the finest quality , nod for richness of qolor and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon w hich tiimiuutw is iisked for tbiB s tabllaliineut is. that pursons will consult their own inter eats, by awarding their custom to that oftice in which their money can be expended to the best advantage. ! this end we solicit all iu want of good i'lintiiif, at very reasonable charges, to cull aud examine specimens, &t.ti ude for yourselves. Orders from the tipper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Interio may roly upon having thoir orders filled promptly, as HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In tlie Hlate of Orecon ! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dulles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COCRT AND SECOND STREETS, DALL1CH. OREGON. THE USDRRSTONKD, HAVING REMOVED FKOSl TUB "BKLLA UNION" CELLAK, INTO Gates New Buildlngr, Beg to Inform tlie public that they are prepared to sens tlielr customers wltta the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MAHKEt As'FOHDS. ALSO, A lree Iuncli I Evert' tlav and evening;. K. sCIIl'TZ & S. KL.EIW, dec?-lf Proiirleturs. Uard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK 11 KQ TO CALfe ATTENTION of Carrlnfca Man ufitcturon and Dealers to the Lartxe and Com plete assortment of CAKKlAUE and AVAUON MATKKI AL8 we are constantly receiving from the Kant, siwclaliy Holectcd fur the California ntarkot, comprising, Oak Hickory, and Second Growth Anh 11 an k, Hickory AxIch. W agon I'tdes, Hubs, spokes, Felloes, HIiuh, bhaits, Ac. Act which we oil or at the lowest Cash Prices. Orders addressed co our house will receive promp attention. N. YV. 11UAUU A CO., jul&;m. 20 k 31 Battery Street, Han Francisco. and 17 A IU Seventh bt(oet bacranienlo. G. WATFRnOUSK, H. W. UltAOO k Co., J. VS . LEVtBft San Francisco. Sacramento. .New York ' F. TILLMAN, sou ag bnt ik CAuronxia rat TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire fc Iturglar Proof $afen STEEL-LINED VAULTS,' " ' ' 'WITH . , Combination Lode. sT-ConstantlT . hand a fnll assortment ef PAFKfi . 318 BATTEKY BTRKKT, IjMn .. . Ban f ranelsMf '