onntaraccr. Money Market. N,-w Turk flold Quotations : 127 Sim Fruuclsco Log.il fonder rules 7U- Epitome or Telcsraphle News. COS PILED FttOK TUB OSEOOMIAX. DATES TO APttIL, 10. New York, April 9: The Tribunal special dispatch sm 8 it is gcnernlly expected that tlto President will iu a few duya release Jen", Davis ntid U. C. (Jlay on parole Six white men charged with the instiga tion of the negro tioi Ht Alexandria have been convicted and sentenced by a military commission. t When the criminals left Alex aiidria for the Alabama penitentiary, female i-ympathizer in a Inre cVowtl assembled' ami cheered them olf. St. Lou t, April 9. The total loss of the steamers and cargoes by fire, last Friday, umouuts to'about half a million of. dollars. Tue insurance is about four hundred thou sand dollars. jltn York, April 9; Tbetenmer New York lias arrived from Aspimvull with California mails audti easure. ' Fifteeu negroes attempted nn insurrection at- 1'iuiama on March 2tli, and were sur rounded by the troops and shot dowu like SUCOn. Wvhhijton, April 0 The House galleries wore crowded to .he fullest c pacity to-ilay at quarter past one o'clock p. m. The Civil High's Bill was tiken up for action. During the morning hour Davis' resold tiori, offerod January 10th, exnressihff confi dence in the President, came up as unlini li ed busin.ess. . Raymond, of New York, being entitled to tue lloor, th'm moved-to postnoue the further consideration of the resolution, lor two weeks. Agreed to. Boutwell, un der the call of States, otlVed resolutions to the ellect that whereas Jeff. Davis, C. C Clay and others were charged, in the Presi dent's proclamation of M y 3d, 18(55, upon evidence in the bureau of military justice with complicity in the murder of President Lincoln, therefore instructing the Judiciary Committee to inquire if there is probable cause for the charge, and further if there-is. any probability of their being tried with' power to send for persons and pnpets. The Civil Rights bill and the veto mes sage were tukeu up, and it was a quartor past two p m. when the reading wai com pleted. Wilson, of Iowa, after a fow re marks, demanded the previous question. lildr.dge, of Wisconsin, moved a call of the House, which" was declarce not to be in or , der. LeBlon.l, of Ohio, moved to lay the bilLon the table; negatived, aye.-", 39 i nays. 121.. Eldridge and F.och made motions to adjourn, which were voted down. El lridge then announced the secession of indignant members, saying they had left the llou e on seeing a determination to pass th bill over the veto by the operation of the gng rule. The previous question having beeu oidered, the vote was takon and resulted as follows : ayes, 235; noes, 18. The Speaker declared the bill had become a law, when tremendous and long continued applause broke forth", followed by hisses. Amid this exc temeat the House adjourned. New iork, Ap il 10. The township clec- tian in assex county, yesterday, re.-ulted in ' union successes. lue Democrats carried only throe towns. The board-of freeholders which last year was a. tie, has tea Kepubli can majority.- - Chicago, April 10 The eight hour bill which was before the Ohio Loirislature. fail ed to be'-ome a law, by the negligence of the Itouso to concur in some few trilling amend ments made by the Senate; The Legislature uas now adjourned. New York, April 10. A salute of 100'guns wis fired at Union Square this morning, in nonor oi tue passage ot tlie civil rights bill Chief Justice Chase last evenincr in i speech at the Methodistinectinrf at St. Paul's church, alluded to the passage of the ciuil rights bill as a great truimph, and said the next step would beto give universal suffrage. The IJcraldi fortress Monroe special d'S patch says: Rumors increase that Jeff. Davis will be taken to R-chmond on a writ of habeas corpus. Ilia health is g. owing worse. me 2rrtiMn'signalizes-it. twenty-firth en nlversary by appearing 'in a new and en larged form. - The Manhattan Club will' next wevlc givft James lirooks a public dinner. Late Sena tor Stockton and late Representative Voor- bees are expected to bo present.. The bonded warehouse- on Greenwich street is reported to have been robbed of .10,000 worth of silver, belonging: to A Stewart. The board of health is-prosecuting vigor ous measures against the cholera. Dispatcher from St. Domingo of March 25 give the particulars of a treat fire at Port au Prince on -the 19th, which raged thirty Honrs, ana. Durnea tnirty three blocks, em bracing athousand houses There -is grea autreBS in conBeqpenoe.- The Sierra Nevada was expected to oe 10 Fonland last night. C. 8. MlUIR, Dalles. BlocSi, Miller &Co WHOLESALE GROCEKS, AND DEALERS' IN Wines & Li'qriors, And Importers and'Jbbbers of CLOTHING Roots & Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., - elc, etc. ASSAY OFFICE. fntTE HIVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our ImslneKB, under the entire siiporvlMlon of Mr. Mlllov. We make returns in Bars In six hours We guarantee all onr Assays and pay the IIH1IIK9T CASH PRICK for liars. He also pay ins ltiguesi Cash Price for Uold Dust. 'HIjOCII, 1U1LI.EH ')., niy6tf CorjsMalo and Washington streets, Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON-& STEEL. GROCERIES. BY T1IT. PACKAGE. "FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO t GRANT, m13tf D.illos, (jrogon. AV. 33. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Birubaum.) ' PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, A WD DEALER IK Iiiicy- "Wtitclics AND JEWEL BY, rNVITES THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND L the Public to his choice selection of New anct Fashionable Goeds, Respectfully soliciting therp-patmrnB.- Wa'ches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY' repaired and uiUtf Next Door to the Poit OHce. BALDWIN 8l BRO., OTPER FOR BALK IN CONNECTION WITH A C0M piote stock of Staple GrocericH, ALL KIN 1.8 OF FEED. Uixrloy Sc Oats, 'Oroniicl 33arley Bran &; Sliorts,- Wlieat, Which we propose to sell In quantities to suit 'it PORT- laku i'ttiues, adiiiug (reigiit. m!3tt OO.X OIL! qoAii'-oiLf OOjAI OIL! AT SAN FRANCISCO COST ! AT SAN FRANCISCa COST I : AT SAN FRANCISCO' COST tv . ; ; ' AND FEEIGUT, tar:lm At Grata & Chnplu'a, Isaac F. nt.ocn, San Francisco. rmmmm 5 ICa WALIHIOIV BROS., Wholesaler & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalle's, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUll NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stune bnilding, opposite Hloch. Miller A Co.. and offer to ttia public a hill anil complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and'Ctonilcals, consisting in purt of KEROSENE. LAMP WICKS St CUIMNEYS HOPS, SAtlB. SPONGES. LKKC11K9, TURPENTINE, ALUlHlUlj, aoiik. LIN'SEF.D,- 1jIIU, COKKS, CA.-TOTl ANT)' NEATHFOOT OIE- INDIOO AND LANP1II.ACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACKS. SUPPORTERS. AND PATENT M KDIGINES. Onr stock of FANCY GOODS I nf the finest and best quality; new styli-s nnd large aesortn)eursrsiicU as LUIIIN'8 PKllFO EKKY, HAIR, LUIIIN'S TOILET SOAP-, FLESH? I'DJIAUtS, BlIAVlUy COSMETICS, 11 AT, UAIROILS, CLOTH'S,' COLOGNE. TOOTH ANT FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL Bit USUES TOOTH POWDERS, . AND COM US. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS; For Medicinal purposes. Onr fiu-tlitles for- miylng goods are second to none m tne Mai m, and we shall at all times sell at a small aU' vance from nord. Ready sales and small profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Cure Hilly compounded at all hours of the day and night, V i: It Y IMPORTANT ' -TO- , v Slcrclianls, Families, Hotels and HAH-KOOMS. TUL1U3 KRAKMKIt HAVING BOUGHT THE EN- -P tire tock of Mon;lianiilzo hnd Rook Accounts of the late firm ol M . Seller A-Co., lu tliiii city, to whioh he has added of his own importation (wliilo dolnii: hiiHiiiess in 1'oruunu) an imuic,use :took ol the best miuiuiasturoa Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, ChandellerN, Table C'utlcrf Looklng-Glaascs) and AllUrndsofOtls. All of which ho offers at rodnecd rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the nbovo-mentionud artioles, will do well to rivo me a call beroite- purctiartntt elsewhere. Orders from the interior prniuptty attended to, and goods packed to fio secure. Don't fail to call on me. - lluuio's atone llulldlug, Washington strei-t, Dalles. JULIUS KUAHMKH. Dalles, March 17th, 1S0J. mill? tf ONE HSJNSRED1ILES SAVED ! BLACRFOOT & BIG BEAD MIXES BY WAV Ot Wliito IlliifiH ! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD lox Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Dluffr 100 miles , White Bluffs to Pen d'Oieille 100 ' - " toColville 170 " Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields. will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking tho White BlufTi RoacL Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on thls-Road within easy drives The road Is now open, and possesses advantages over ' any other land rm.to from tin Dull us. rultllslied ov order of Til K "CITIZENS OF TUB DAT.LE3. Dalles, March, 20, 1808. m'J0:2m, COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. . UOOTtl..... HARRI JII.V7SOH. BOOTH Sc NEV1SON, Forwarding and Commiiklon lUerohanti AND DELKltS IN GENERAT MERCHANDISE, White ISIuITh, W.' X,. I FREIGHT FOR COLVILLE, UPPER COLUMBIA, ? KOOTKNAI aud BLAt;KFOOT MINES nromotly torwardrd. Mark Goods D. A N., Wl.lte Bluffs, W. T, BrRlCIS! Poumxo Richards It McCraken, Alloa It Lewis, and UodgelCalef. ' Daixis Blocb, Miller A Co., French A Oilman. IP '. DEUM, Watchmaker and Jcivcler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, ,TALER IN FINE WATCIIB8, JEWELRY, l ubuuKB, uom rens.Biiver aua riaTea ware. Spectacles, Cutlery, Ao. sVParttcular attention paid to repairing fine1 batches, Clocks, Jowelry, ete. All Watrhes repaired by me warranted lor twelve montlis. N. U.' All drders from the npper eonntry. by Express or otnerwise, promptly auenaeu (o, . JL GAJRT. 'f ADAME LB TELLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY J.T.M. Inlnrm the Ladles of I he Dalles and vlrlnltv. il.t she Is now propared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALETOT making. Also, CUTTING and FITTING In a new and Improved style, never before introduced In tins piace. She will warrant to ulve satisfaction, and would moat respectfully solicit a liberal patronagM in me uooms mtoiy occupied by Mrs. White, over Dcgener's Store, on Washington street; between Second mi miru . - t . Dalles, Maroh STlh; 18"i j mr27tf C04L, oim rati. OIM VTALDRON BROS, hava lust received a Urge Ih- w w roica ol COAL OIL. -wh cb they offer at treat r uuwiium,. jnir.l llll NOTICE V ItAVB "appointed E. E. HAFT my authorised agent Jl to collect all moneys due me, and attend to my bust- I n Si generally. aatf M. 11 IN I U FRANKLIN M ARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON 6TREET8' JALLS,y)REQ ON, . , , JOHNKPP1NGEB Proprietor' TUB UNDERSIGNED having fitted up the above Market In the HB T STYLE, will keep constant ly uu hand all serts of tresis and Cored meals. Or the best quality furnished at the LOWKST. KATB .' My motto la to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES TIAYINQ SUPERIOR 8T0OK FOR BALE' will do wU to ouH at th Franklin Market. JOHN KPl'INGER. Dalles, Februnry 19th 1886 , . , ' ooamaor COURT AND SECOND STREETS; Dftl.I.KS, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprletor. t?53L WIl,Ii KEEP OfconstaiUly on hand all Hie varies ties that the market can possibly . yV'f afford, of FKHSH & CURED MEATS, . and always of the bist quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS' v ' sirppiled on reasonable terms. Tne'UnderBlfHen is afways pnpared to pay the hlplw- -eat cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock:. In good condition, are- requested to rail- on him before going elsewhere. . JOUN MIC11KLBACU. Dulles, March Slst, 1865.-. c mh81tr NOTICE TO FARMERS. rHK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JL COMPANY has recentlyattached a- lLOIJItllN G IHL,Xs to their Steam Basil and Door Factory, In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED; UK1ND WHEAT ai.d CORN, and warrant to give the best satisfaction Oa band constantly and for sale' FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, . ' SECONDS OK MIDDLINGS, ...... BRAN AND SHORTS, CILOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Alto, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. '. The blithest market price paid rorWrrEAT.OOR'Nas BAKLKY. . II. A. HOG UK, Agent.', Dalles, Not. 3,1885." . n3tf. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILErAMS-,.' AUCTION ETCR, Xo. 100, Main Street, Dallea City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION ol Oenoral Merchandise, Real Estate, Orocevl-s, . IIorscs,Ncwand t'econd Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, - ltegu la r Sales DaySaturday.. - Out-door aud Sporlnl Sales attended to in any part of . tho City.- . Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nl9:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. A. Gr. 13rtLlOXtli,; IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF ' ' Wines & Liquoi'is,- PHONT STREET, Portland,. .- -r - Orrgan. OFFERS FOn' SALE A.ViillY- LARGE ASSOKXk mout of- , BrandieN Tr'lncs, . :- ,' Liquors, , Case Goods 8tr- The Trade Is' particularly Invited to oxamlne mr- st 'ck before purchasiug elsewhere. - auVU-tf . II.IIERMAN&CO.,. MAIN 8T., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEI, ... JJ AVE JUST RECEI VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF SPIII0 AiD SCilIDTGR GOOD?,. Consisting In part of ' ' , ' .. Fancy and Staple Dry Good. Clothing, Uootg & Shoes, - II(ti8&Capir Which they offer to sell at S5TALL PROFITS. Dalles, March 27th. 186B. mrSTtfi BOOKS! BOOKB.T' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. '. . Svnoon BOOKS, STATIONERY, Stuniliird and Miscellaneous WOKK9. Late NOVELS, MAOA7.INES, PAPEHS. Ac, Ac. by every Steamer: - Post-Offloo' Bookstore, Maiu street, Dalles. Garden Seeds for the Million. ai7-tf V H. J. WALPHOW i n:s, woof, a d iiidls- rjtuE niGnusT casu pric: FAmroRT. ;irt'R8, WOOL, AN IIIOGS.at- McCRAKEN. MERRILL k CO '8 mhlSSm . 10 North Flout Street, Portland.'' NEW YOKK DAKERY TOM AND- . s GROCERY STORE, Main,. Street Dalles. mh23tf f- , FREDERICK BENZER. TO TI1K TRAVELIWoTplfilLir. ACROSS ins LOWER DES CHUTES 18 NOW COM pleta, and ready fordhV crossing of TEAMS. PACK ANIMALS, etc. TOLLfMODERATH ,.' "t DK? r"0TES ROAD BRIDrfFraJ -Dalles, March 29, 18W. lurtMw. t