IBIDAT;JI0USIXG AFRII 13, 1806. Idaho. In addition to the items given in yesterdays issue, we compile from the Statesman of the 2d inst., the following r Cupt. Eckerson, A. Q. M., U. S. A., had arrived and assumed his duties at Port Boise. Capt. W. I. Sanborn had also been at the fort on an inRnnftt.inn- 1 o tour. On the 1st April, the hills about Boise were covered with snow, and fflm fsvarv dirnntiftn nnnminfa nf hirrK j .v.. .6" water and bad roada were received. About thirty of the oldest and best citizens of Boise wero prepairing to go to Montano The Statesman pro. diets their speedy return. '.Mr. Cbas. Lu Bautne, of Eocky Bur, claims the invention of a new method for the disintegration of quartz. The process is kept a secret, as a patent is to be applied for. Parties who ought to know are perfectly enthusiastic in its praise- Mr. La Baume is a prac tical chemist, and was engaged as such before he came to any mining country. It would bo strange if, of the many claimed discoveries-af 'this oharacter, none of them prove to be more effli cient and economical than the stamp and amalgamating process. AU Idaho Cily the- miners are got ting fairly to work and have general ly realizod beyond thoir expectations. Baily & Co., on "Bonham Hill," clean. .1 ! 1 01 fff vu up iu Dixiy nuuta run over i,yuv. And the disposition which bad been manifested to try othor .camps, had entirely abated. ' From Owyhoo, the Statesman bas the following items : Coal has really been found on Bey nold's Creek, about one mile below Babbington's. We havo witnessed the burning of a specimen by a black, smith, who bclioves it to bo coal or genuine croppings. It ignites lreely, and is not consumed in a moment, It will produce sufficient hoat to molt iron. Mr. Babbington bas used it in , an ordinary stove by the aid of a lit' tie wood for kindling. The vein was " discovered some months ago, but for good reasons was not made public ', The current of water oxposed a vein of four inches, and the work already done shows one of twelve inches. On the night of the 2lat u4t., the In' ' dians stolo fifteen head of work cat tie and two horses in Jordon Valley, ' from Lewis' Eanch. Ton head of the eattlo belonged to Messrs. Bloom & lieru, otivor uuy auu wcio wunu fully twelve hundred dollars. Three citizens and two soldiers pursued the (tbievos until their horses gave out but without retaking the stock. '-" Exoe-Dlinff tho Morning Star,, the mills have all- suspended operations " Sorao for want of quartz, either at mine or mill; and others on account of the impasnable condition or tbe roads. .Ilowever, preparations are being made to start all of them at an early day. ' ' The Oregonian thinks that the re- oenk mining news from Viotoria is but the- desperate effort of that city, and of interests which centre there, to get another big rush that way j and that if the rumors be tr-ue, the only ' way to go to Suswap and Big Bend Is up the Columbia river., we concur. ; Head, advertisement for proposals ' r freighting, in ftDQthor column. Tribute or Kespect. Below we publish the resolutions of Blue Moun tain Lodge, No. II, I. O. O. P., on the death of Bro. N. C. Mayhew. TheBe should have reached us before, but tho first copy was lost at the time of the loss of the express in the South Fork of the John Day river : Whereas, In the dispensation of Divine Providence this Lodge has been called to mourn tbe loss, by death, of Brother N. 0.. Mayhew, B. W. Grand Deputy Master of the I. 0. 0. F. of Oregon,, who- departed this life after a protracted illnesa in Dalles City,. Oregon, on the llh day of March, I860, there fore be it Rcsolv d, That this Lodge has heard with deep and painful regret of the death of Deputy Grand Mas'er, Bro: N. C.flliyhow of Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1 0. O. F. of Oregon, and deeply mourn the loss- of a good and faithful Odd. Fellow. Resolved, That -we will ever cherish the memory of his many virtues, devoutly trust ing that his well spent life is rewarded by admission into the Celestial Lodge above, wberoFriendsUip, Lovennd Truth ever abide. Resolved, That to give expression to our sorrow at the untimely-death of our broiher, and to mark our sense of li is exalted worth, mese resolutions, enclosed in uincK lines, be si) read upon the Journal of this Lodue, and bo printed in the New Age published iu San Francisco, and the Dulles Mouktaineer published in Dalles City. Resolvtd, That to express our sympathy with the brethron of the Lodge of which he was a worthy member, a copy of these reso lutions be sent to Columbia Lodge, No. 5. Resolved, That the members of this Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and their hall be drapod in mourning as a further token of their esteem and appre ciation of his worth. F. C. Sels, N..RUM80N,. Wm. MoMkkn, Committee. A special telegram to the Herald announces the passage of the Civil Kights I3ill, over tbe rresiuent veto,, by a vote of 122 to 18. We do not like tbe political aspect. oi aviuirs at Washington. ' lhis war between Congress and the Jixecutive bodes no . good to tho nation. We would not bo at all surprised to hear, almost any day, that a collision, of an entirely different character, had oc curred between Congress and tho President. But let us hope for the best. Portland Ilerald. Buhl Wo do not know what are tbe provisions of the Civil Bights Bill in its ontirety, bnt wo do know that it bas become a law by tho action of the properly constituted law making power, and we believe that it will be enforced despite the covert threats of those who dislike it. The American people aro not going to be frightened out of doing as their convictions urgo them to do. " But lot us all hope for tbo best." What a contemptible in sinuation in the face of our history for the last four years. Hit Him Again. Tho Bed Bluff Independent shews up Bomo of the boasted "intelligence" of California, in the following paragruph : " Late dispatches from Washington inform us that another Boeside has entered into- competition for tho Orei gon mail and bas boen successful. To give an idea of the mail matter at this season we will instance one little town, Olympia, at the mouth of the Colum bia, river, which has about one bun. dred and fifty inhabitants, and to which there has boen sent during the past week, fourteen sacks of publio doouments, each weighing about one hundred, and fifty pounds 1. - The new contractor will find out something when ho comes to enquire into it." The Jacksonville Sentinel replied by saying : " You mistake ; it is not Bee side, but II. W. Corbett, of Portland, Oregon. lie has been there for twelve or fiftoen years knows the country, climate, and amount of mail matter, and oonnts bis dollars by thousands. We claim to possess a little capital and enterprise in this State. Again, you lellows bad better-study geogra phy a little until you find that Olyra pia is not within a hundred miles of tbe mouth ot tne Columbia river, but is tbo Capital of , Washington Tern lory. : Not So. A rumor was circulated in town yesterday to tho off- ct that Mr. Snipes, who left the Balies some time since for Black foot, by way of White Bluffs, bad been attacked by Indians, and lost considerable of his stock. After making diligent inquiry, wo are of opinion that there-is no foundation for' this report, and that it originated with parties whose inter, ests are to injure the reputation which the White Bluffs route is acquiring. DENTAL. NOTICE. Being About to makes professional tour, to the towns and settlements up the Colimibio, I respectfully rail the attention of those of my patrons who are In need of Dontnl Operations of niiy char acter, to the fact, so that they nny have an opportunity to avail thcmsi-lvea of my services beforo my departure, If so dt-slred. I will leave almut the 20th of March, and return to this place to rofimie my practice, about. tbo 18th of Juno. fWItf J. W. UUlll.KY. Proposals for Freighting. OrflCK OF BT. Ql-4ItTKIIMAHTF.lt, V Fou r D.u, lis, Ormkjx, April VI, 1MB. f CJEALKD PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received 9 at tliis offlco until 4 o'clock, p. u., on SATURDAY, APRIL 14th, 1HH0, for tbe immediate transportation by Park Train, or t t- rations anil baggage of Fifty-two U. S. Troops. amounting to fr'even Thousand Pounds, more or It-si, to Camps Ctirrey. Oregon, from Knrt Dulles, Ore gon. A 1st fur the trnnriportution by Park Traim of tlte itaiionsnnd Ungg pool One Hundred and Fourteen U. P. Tru.ips, ami. noting to Ten Thousand Pounds, moro or less., from Camp Ctirrey, Orison, to Fort- Bniso, I. T. The contract to be nwnrdt-d to llie lowest uverage bid dor for the entire service, Each auimal to bo packed not to exceod Two Hundred P6uti!i. Bids must state the price nr nminil IN COIN, from this Post-to Camp Carrey, Oregon, and from Cam pt'unwy, Oregon, to Fort llulse I. T., and accompanied by the names of two responsible sureties for the faithful per formance of the contract. The right ta reject any and all bids Is reserved. Proposals to be endorsed. "Proposals for FreiiEhtlnz.to Camp C'uney and Fort Boise, I, T" JA.tlKn Hll.l.lPS, al32t Capt. A. Q. M., U. S. A. Proposals. : Oppick op Assistant Quahtkrmastor, Quartermaster, ) ,fc. OltKUO.V, . April 11, 1808. J I out imllus. Clf A T.ED PltOrOPAI.S, In duplicate, will bo recoivod at this nttice until 12 uVlotk, M SATUHDAY, the 14tli day of APKl L, 1H0U, for the immediate tm spnrta tion of Company "A,' 1st Oregon lulatitry from Camp Polk, Oregon, to this Post. The amount of transportation will bo for about FIF TKKN THOUSAND POUND.-", more or less. Riils will sti.te the price per pound IN COIN or its sqtlivalent. and will be accompanied with the uame of two rcsponsililesiireties, In caye tbe bid is accepted, tho contractor will be re quired to enter Into a b md for the lailhful performance of tbo S-UIIO. The right to reject any and nil bids is resenrod. llids should bo eud rsed " Proposals tor Freighting." JAMK3UILI.1SS, dipt, ft A. Q. M., U. S. A. NOTICE. Optic op Cniup QliAP.TCiiMtSTt, V Dlil'ABTHKNT OP THE COLtlMHIA, Tbrt Vancouver. W. March 28, 18flB. ) (TJKAI.ED PltMPpSALSwill be received for tbe Tit AN8 POIlTATION OF UOVKHNMBM FUE1Q1IT over the following named routes: 1st. From Fort Dalles Oregon, to CampsCnrry, Wat son and Wright. flitlde'S to state the prico per pound In Ci in, they will take the freight or. Separate bids required for each Camp. Bids for this service will be received at Fort Dalles, Oregon, byXapt. James Uilllss, A. Q. M., U. S. A., and at this otlice, up to 12 M., on tho 1st day "f .May, 1806. 2d. From Wallnla, W. T, to Fort Colvllle, W. T. The price per pound in Coin to be stated by bid-lers. Hills for ti.ia seivlco will be received at Fort Walla Wnlla, W. T , by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A. Q. M., and at this nfflre. i p to 12 M. on Iho lt day of May, lftlio. 3d. From WulluU. V. T.. to Fort Boise, 1. T. The prico per pound in Cotx to be stated by bidders for this transportstion. Bids for this servlco will be received by Cupt. T.J. Kikerson, A. . M , C. S. A., Fort Boise, I. T.- and at this ofllce, up to 12 M.,on the loth duy of May, 18B6. 4th. Erom Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Fort Boise, I. T., the price cr pound in Coin, t r whidi transportation will be furnished over this route to bo statod. Rids for this service will be received at Frrt Dalles, Oregon, by Caiit. James Gillirs. A. Q. M..U. 8. A.-, Fort BolhO, I.T., by Capt. T. J. Kckerson. A. Q. M., V. 8. A.: and ut this oflici, up to 12 M., on tho 19th day of May, IHlHI. Bidders for all. the rntites will be required to give bonds with good and sufficient security lor the faithful performance of any coutroct which may lie awarded them under tills advertisement. Bids to be iu duplicate and accompanied by au oath uf allegiance to the United Statos. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved, If so deemed best for the Interest of the service, All contracts made subject to the approval of the De partinoat aud Division Commandees. 1IKNHY 0. nODGES, 'Brevet Lt. Col. and Chief Qu irtermoster, aSdlwt.t st nil Department of the Columbia. NOTICE IS TIKREBT GIVEN that REV. FATnER MESPI.IR lias nothing to do any more with tho CATHOLIC MISSION FAHM AT THE DALLES; that the leasing of the said Mission Farm by lilm to JOHN B MEePLI K, bearing date of the 6th of July, 1805, has not biea rati fied by F. N. 11LANCHKT, Archbishop of Oregon City, whole tho Eiiardinn and solo adml' lstrator.-of all the property of tbeCntholio Cliurch ut the Dalles-and else- v.here; that said Arcncisnop is not responsible and snail not pay any expenditure or Improvements smde-on said farm, nor any debts contracted by any pel-son-orpersous uwt authorised by the sign of the subscriber. . B, N. lll.ANCIIET, Archbishop ot O. 0. Portland, Oregon, April 6, 1866. alld4wl. CRYSTAL SALOON . ANDV UILLIAItD ROOM, JOHN RINDIiAUn, Proprietor. WASHINGTON ST., bezt deor to FRENCH A OILMAN. FLOWERS) FLOWERS!!' I have Just received a lot of ASSORTED FLOWERS Which I will ill at reasonable Price. aS J. JCKER. AUCTION AKD COMMISSION HOUSE! Bfo. 10 MAW STREET, DALLES. THE UNDERSIGNED TnAKKFPL FOR PAST Favors, respectfully Informs the citizens of the Dalles, and tbe public generally, that be coutlnues to nil i,t PUBLICAUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE,. Real nutate, General Merchandise, Caioeei let), llei'MeN, M it leu, Furniture, Mot Kn, &.C. &.C.. ' REGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments,. And PROMPT RETURN mde of salos. Out-door aud Special Sales attended to In any part ot the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. SELLING OF P AT COST? J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASUINGTON STRKKT, DALLES,4 OflVr their wellselcqtcd stuck uf TOBACCO, SEGA.RS, YANKEE JNOTIONS,- AND STATIONEEY. AT . .SAN FBANC1SCO COST. mr27tf J. JUK ER, Main Street. Dalles, ' VTH01I8ALI AMD RETAIL DRALXR IX CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF,, PIPES, ate p . - ALATS IK 8T0R1 TBI DIST BRANDS OF Cigars, Tobatcor Matches, &c.- 1JLAYINO CARDS. . l'OCKET CUTLERY, POUT MONIES, ' COM IIS and URU8HES, o all Xlnds, PERKUM KRY, ot evnry descriptioa, CHINA OHN AMKNTS . TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISniKO TACKLE. MUSICAL INRTRL'MENTa, FANCY GOODS. Ac Also Powder.Sbot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and- many other articles too numerous to mention. V" Interior dealers suimlied with Cf Ears. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, ec-8 G-AJFJSS Sc CHAPI1V WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEU G G I.ST8r ' 8T0NE BUILDING, WASIIINOTON STREET, ' DALLES.OREGON. Importers and Jobber, of PATENT" MEDICINE8, CHEMICALS A FANCY GOODS, - ' . SODA, CORKS A ACIDS, OILS, A ALCOHOL, ' rURE WINES A LIQUORS, FAINTS, GLASS A URUSIIE3. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately compounded, PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A full and complete- assortment of all articles In lli riiotoKratihlc Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SANi FRANCISCO IMtlL'ES. v Mercbouts will please get our prices beforo order. -lng below. H. L. CHAl'IN, JUSTIN GATES. Dalles. - Sucramcnto, Cnl.'. J. W. 'GURLEY, DENTIST,. Main St., Dnlles, Oregom - . WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of this place and vl- KS.?"3L . clnlty, that havinf; returned from a pro- UJ7 fs iiiSyi " levsloiial tour through ths mlris.li e hm - I IT T I ataln rcsumod the practico of' JENT1ST1IY, In the room formerly occupied by him. In' tho building occupied by.' Wood t Butler, Photograph Artists, and uiijoinlng Wul dron Urns.' Drug Stor. lie takes this method or rx tending thanks, for tha.libcral patronage heretofore ex tended to hint, and solicits a continnauae of the lam. II8T Of MUCKS. Entire Denture on Quid Base, $180 to $2IS ' Upper Denture, Gold Hose... 90" luu- " Denture, Vulcanite Hose 70" las- " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Rase at " bi Gold Fillings Inserted from one didlar upward. Children,' Toeth extracted-free af charge. sel3-tf Treasurer's IVotlco. THE FOLLOWING COUNTY. ORDERS will be paid J upon presentation at my office: WhenV.tr)itUrtd. Clan. Ao. In favor afr July 14, 186 m 6 15 K W Cran'dall..' 16, ' 6 103- E B Crandall. , " 17, " 6 1f, .. Aug. P, ' - .6. .180 J D Harford. i A lei mftu. P'Pt T, 6. 23t B Harford. SeptS, ...6 348 TMMcAuslin.- Now 6, . ' . 6....iKI 0 R Meigs. Nov 10 " 6 .301 J B Harford- - Nov 10 M 6 J!70 . Dec. 8 " ' t 307 ii ?o1.2, " "' 1" Jesse Keel. , Jan. 6 1806 . 464 J B Harford Jan 18 " . n 6.' A4o J Ellelt "8b 48 B W Mitchell. M . tl.J. WALDRON. Treasurer. niiLcucous: biilcii cowsm lTIFTY SUPERIOR MILCn C0W8 FOR BALB. In J1 qnlre at ths kloonAjioiR Ornci. a7d3wl