3 ail D -IE 0 ixn t at n ccr. FACTS AND FANCIES. ... "CoWiDn't Frighten IIeh. The -La-Ifayette (lud.)Courier tells an amusi-ng place who were taking a.ciu1 'walk near the cemetery, when a ghost api peared. They all ran "but one Woman of the strong-minded class, who stood iier ground lift the ghost got t-o ber. fihe then eeHted and threshed out of frightfal disguise a mischievoas fellow who had heard the project t walking ubout the graveyard diweuseed, and hid ihimsolt'to givu the parly a fright. She fled him back to the house, and in reply xo ine questions mat prared in upon nor earn : "uan tiooi fnei 1 ve seen to tuany men in sneets to bo frightened at mem 4 Accident to a Wild Beast Tamer Bather an alarming incident occur red recently at the Cirque .Napoleon 4 n til ti t Ik i r M.ifnAm r n nn s I Iva - J beast tamer Batty, while in a cage with five hone, lie bad placed his head in the month of a lioness, at the .flame time homing his hand behind his back, when a convn4sive move inont of the animal's j a vre caused its teeth to inflict deep scratches oti each xide of the man's forehead, from which the blood flowed profusely. A cry of horror i rose from the spectators and numbers made a rush to leave the building, but Batty, without losing his presence of mind, called for a pocket handkerchief, wiped the traces of the accident from his fuco, and then tirciog a revolver to drive the animals Irom before the door of the cage, quietly withdrew to get his wounds rirosHod. The director has how de cided that the part of the preformance which consists of the tamer's head being introduced into the mouth of one of the animals shall henceforth be discontinued. The wounds turned out to be slight. . Huoo and His Son. Charles Hugo, the eldest eon of Victor Hugo, favon uble known by several publications, and especially by his translation of Shakespeare's dramas, has lately mar ried a most boauiiful but poor girl of Brussels, Miss La Iloeoe. After his transmigration from Jersey to Brussels he heard so" me of bis friendd speak of the superior beauty of the girl. He aoujrht for a pretext to make her an. quaintance, and bogged to bo intro duced to her grandmother, who bad raised the young girl, ller beauty and amiability enchanted hlra at onco to such' a degree that he immediately asked her in marriage. ' .. The old Dutch woman remonstrated, pointing to the poverty of her grand child "Pah," repliod Charles, "mr father is able to remove this difficulty."" "Fathers do such things only in ex ceptional oases' answered the cautious old lady. . - "My father is such an exception, Madame." . Charles hurried to his fat lint- tn in form him of bis intentions. Viotor Hugo was just reading the last proof sheet of his "Doings in the woods and oin-eiB, ana wnenngaued in such a revision, he will not allow himself to be disturbed by the most pressing affairs. . "Father. I shall marrv Mi T. Hoene under any circumstances." ' "All right boyi but please Jiecp nniAt. till mtr hnnb- la HilUl.nU.J II r 1 " " " I It, 9 UVUHDUQU, The poems bad hardly been publish, ed when the marriage was solemnized with all due pomp and eclat in Brussels. Victor gave his son a dowry of 100.000 francs in bard cash, and ordered a splendid mansion to be built for, bis Ause in the Belgian capital. As aoon as the same shall be finished, he will move over to Brussels himself, to live hencefoith in the circle of his cbildero. ' J). WW DOUTII1TT, ,a ; 'attornDy at ut, 'BAMroac' Cut, idahs Territorr . i Mhtis Virginia City, Montaita & Ulackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BE5T. IIOLLIDAY, Propriety, coacord stages LEAVE BOI814 CITY EVK11T OTHER DAY FOB ULACKFOOT, Salt lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting t SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages JitlUUIllg io "VixTglnta, City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. PAUKi Boise Oily tof Like flty ...UM 00 .. u Virginia City. Montana . lib 00 u jumam-i ( i ver, Legal Tenner ASM, Gold, $11)0 . 400 00 Tor farther information apply at OVERLAND STARR LIME OFFICE, lioiae City, I. T., BrtiM3m J. K. 1VDD, Agent. Union State Ticket.- FOR C0N0KES8: RfJFUS MA I. LORY, Of Marlon. FOR GOVERNOR: GEO. L. WOODS, Of Wasco. I FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: SA9IUIX E. MAY, Of Marlon. i FOR 8TATE TREAEURER; E. IV. COOKE, Of Marlon. FOR STATE PRINTER: W. A. Mcl'IIERSOX, Or Linn. FOB FR0SECDTINO ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. It. MEIGS, Of Wasco. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TUB STEAMERS NEZ PERCE CHIEF, WEU-FOOT, TENINO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA, . SPRAY & OKANAGOX, Captains E. F. COE, 0. 0. FELTON, J. II. D. GRAY, and TIIOS.J.STUMP, Will ran during the season from CELILO to UMATIL LA, WALLULA, WllIlcS U LUFFS, PALOUSE and LKWI8TON. One of the aboTe named boata will leave CELILO for UMATILLA and WALLULA, DAILY (Sunday, excepted) The Pii8tiouu:ev Train to connect with steamer, at Celilo will itart from the Railroad Depot, DALLK8 CITY, at S o'cloci, a. . Boati will be dispatched fur WHITE BLUKK8,PA LOUSE and LK WIS! O.N u often aa the neceaaity of the trad will demand. FOB PORTLAND THROUGH IN ONE DAY. The Steamer! '. ONEONTA," OB IT3IIO,"' CAPT. J. MoNULTY,,.... Commander, Will tear DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays eiceptedlat 5 'clock, . M.,couiiectiii. by thb CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamers NEW WOKLijj CASCADE, br WILSON Gr. HXJJNX, CAPT. J. WOLF,... Commander; f i Portland. , FRANK T. DODGE, Dalles. Apill,r86e. n12tfl Agejit 0. 8. N. Co, rlt. 13. W. MITCIIELI dmc WALDRON'S BUILDINQ. KaiiDKjroi Corner of Third and WMhlngtnii gtreata. LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO -..!' iM PORTERS AND WHOLESALE I DRTTGGrlS'fS, Cornfir 61 Clay and BatiSry Sts ' .. .SAN i?KAiNCI8CO. ! h2:dem. w v. 1 1 1 ii mm DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLC8AL1 AND BITAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Ferfumerv, Fancy Soars. PATENT MEDICINES, Ac.1 ' fl-tf DRUQS AND PATENT MED WIN ESI I DRUGS A ND PA TEX T MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WH0LE8AI.I AND RETAIL - DRUGGIST, Wwhington Street, between Main and Second Streets DA LEES, OREGON. S LEMON ii able to supply parties In want orDrnsrs, . Patent Medicines. Clieinlcnla. Acldi. Perfumorv. and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS. At the lowmt market rates. I'livslcl.in and Merchants Intending to nnrnhiua fcr the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 . In great variety. . ' 8. LEMON, af).3:tr. Washington 8t between Main adn Second. rOUTLAiM) FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. 4ea tCuctne r offrcnu o4y hone zA&CaV I power .eiiiwr l'ortiihe or Stationary. Alan, CIll CL'LAH SAW MILLS COMIM.KTK, coustpuily onliitnd. AlBe.lluv Proi sesoraUYi7.es: lManin'i Mncliitrcs,(Voodwortii's nntterA.) Wrmivlit nn.l Cast Iron work for Ver tical SawnnAKUist mills; Brass and Iiiis Caalin t anu WROUGHT IRON WORK or every description. I am also prepared to fUrulsh Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills carl heforwardod tn anv nart r ml.M as the weight of lite eutire machlueiy wi'l no. exceed 3. , Horse rower, at AirrionltnrRl imi)iimanta ' manulucturwi toorderat ihevory LjWKSI'CAslI I'RICE N. U. Paillcnlntatientlon paid to RKPAIII8. fe30-tr MRS. L. WHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Mrect. HAYING NEWLY FITTED UP TUB GALLERY over Di'xnnr's Sco.e, would retpeciiully announce to all those wishing 1'hotographSt Carts de Ylslte, tc, that they will do well to give her a call. ParllcuUr at tention paid lo Ukiog Ladies aud Cui'dieu's Pctures. ocil:tr. II. 1. STCIMItiNSON DENTIST, ffAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPPO- , mm sue uiocii, Miller ti Co., where he . u lircpureu lo no ail Kluos 01 DENTAL WORK, InaskllKal and well Snlshtd manner. TUKTII Insertec liom oue to in entire aet, on Uold or liuhlivr I'ljte. Prices inline fur Rubber Phiie, Iroui lib ioiSJ: Foi' Gold Flute, Irom $75 to Persons having wui h don by me nut proving sal l.laclory will not be lequiied to teceive or pay lor iln aulS-ti DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditions Cure for all diseases or the SEXUAL OKGAN8, riHIS prompt and cfflcatlons Remedy for the cure A. MiouorroM, Gleet, Strictures, and Diseiuea of the Urinary Oi gans. kinkes a peedy cure without the least restriciion to d'et, exposure or cbunge in application business; i. will radically cine any case which am be produced. The ilNenee It removes aj epeedlly as Is cou sistent with the production or a thorough and permanent cure. Lurihel, the disease cannot be cmilruc.ed If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND h taken when exposed, ! It,, IngredieDtsai eenilielv veyeUMo. and no Injurious 'time " ool"lllul'oullJ' "'locally, can he caused by Price One Dollar and Firty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. ' UOSTKTTIilt SMITH A DEAN. Agents, i . )lnJ 403 Battery street, cor Clay, Jjra-Sm. Ban Francieco. I. DALLAM. O. W. ARM K8. 0. W. ARUIg. ARMES D ALL AM. Importers and Jobbers of ' WOOD AIVD WILLOW WARE, ' BRU8IIK8, TWINES, C0RDAOB, Ac And Manufacturers of . California Palls, Tabs, Brooms, &t, 217 A 219 BacramentoStreet, between Front and Davis" Ban Franclaco. ooll:3md4w. f LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. ITjlRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. ; Charges Reasonable. AN OM NIDUS will attend all the Boats an convat Pjn-.ng.re and their baggage t itaUoS Stf Charge, or to any other Uouse In the Ciry for 60 cent: :P. S tn0T AND COLD DATHs'lnthe' 5S5?1. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver Mnnii. cello and Astoria land it tbi Uncoli tZ Whirt ' tepl;3in al DAILY JlIOUHTAINEES HOWER PHESH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and D DALLES.. t OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY BAot.ui.cu mui "ivui cn. j nuu Ulripaicn. A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best and AT RATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP 8T to okhtR: Cards a ii (1 IS i 1 1-19 e :i d s . CHUCKS, DRAFTS, HECEJl'TS, POSTERS AND PK0GRASI5IES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS 4c, otc dcn rKlllTID W TBI MOST ATTAACT1TI MAMfAB. ALSO. WAY-BILLS, , HILLS OF FAKE, LKTTKK HEADS. HEVEWT BOOKS. BILLS IAD1KO, ITricfs mid rnni!.lefg, riSlTIXO, WEDD1KQ AKD "AT HOME" CABDS DruBRiHts Lnbf In, In short, everything that can be dime in a Book and Jnb Printing Office, Irom the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest sine and niost how y Posting Bill And which will be turned out in a style that cannot fall to insure entire satistaction. our raciUTiKS foktiii sjsiution or JECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills 1 From a single Sheet to the Laige.t Mammoth, OSHASIEMAL SHOW CABDH. I'LHUHEBS' LABELS.4 Aie unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment ia Oregon. We devote special attention to tins brunch of the. business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive aud well appointed assortment ol material, NEW TYPES, BJRDERS, ORNAMENTS. rfc, rfc, ifc. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o, . FANCY INKS, TINTS. AC, Are or the finest quality, and for richness or color and durability, cauuot be equaled In the Btitto. The principle upon which business is asked for this es tablishment Is, that persona will cunsult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that oltice in which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all lu want of good Piloting, at vaiy reasonable charges, to call aud examine specimens, and udge for yourselves. Orders Irom tbe Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from the lnterio' may rely upon having their orders Sited promptly, aa we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In tbe Htnte of Oregon I Auuress. MOUNTAINEER OFFICE . ImHm. Oregon. ml8-tr JACKSON SALOON! CORNER C0DRT AND SECOND STREETS, UAr.UKS, OUKOON. THE TJNDERSrONKD, HAVINO REMOTED FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO . Gates New Building?, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and tors, THE MARKET AFF0RD8. ALSO, A FreeLunch! Every day and evening. J. BCIIL'TZ V S. KLEIffrf necf-lf Proprletoie. Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BKQ TO CALL ATTENTION or Carringe Man ulactnrers and Dealers to the Lurge and Cum plute assortment df CARRIAGE rind WAUON HATKKI AL8 we are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak; Hickory, and Second Growth Ash PlnnK, Hickory Axles. Wagon Poles, Ilubs, Kpokes, Felloes, Rlrni, Shaita, Ac. Ac. which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices; AT Orders addressed to our house will receive promp attention." ., N. W. Bit AGO A CO., Jel6:3m. 29 A 81 Battery Street, Sun Francisco, - nd IT ft 19 Seveuth Street Sacrunieiitn. C. Watebhouss, U. IV. Ubaug A Co., J. W.Lestkr San Francisco. Sacramento. ' New YorH F. TILLMAN, on AotRi in cAuroaHiA ro ' TILTON & McFARLAND'8 Fire At Burglar Proof Safest . steel lined Vaults, ; Combihatlon Loclt , fe3enetantlj hand a full assortment of BAFKg. 'iiaj. " ' ' Battery btrekt, . "M ,1. m trahcistei