ohritaratcr. ISAItO F. Biocn, Ban Francisco. C. S.Miun, Money Market. York OoliLQnotHtlons iseu Franctaco IjDiiI render rauia ....127 ...7tM Epitome or Telegraphic News. f COM PILED moX TH OKIiWKnAX. Sun francitco, April 10. No eastern news to-diy. ; '" Tue Pacific Mail 'steamship GoldcA Cily xailtri t)i 13 nu'ruing lor Pauumn with 645 IMMenirers.. Judge Dwincllc has ote-ruled the demurer to complaint in tho be och of promise writ ut Caroline T. i;!rk vs. Michael llee.e. i. W. liuford, a miner uud prospector, whoso operntiuns have been principally nbout Orovil e, bus filed his npplicntio i iu insolvency His liabilities umomitto $5,273 ; an AA.iKtfl. ' ' Jysi before tlio departure of the G.oldcn Ci:y this moruiug it was lUsoorereii that Hewell W. linker, clerk of .the What Cheer House, who win snid to have bee i knocked trying to escape on tho suip. and was arrest ed by detectives Lees and Kllis New H'uimimtter, April 9. From a reliable miner who arrived ut Yalo last ninht from Lytton, wo leant that rich bank diggings "have uoeu s ruck on Cnrrrs' creek, Dg Bend. The piospects obtuinud were so lich as to create exc tcment. The discoverer of t e (Ji(rj.ii;a immediitcly proceeded to Ly ton TiLv. wlinrA lia rpcnnlud 18 tiliiima. and he ' sold 18 ounces of coarse gold which had tnkea out. to Messrs Brum tiros., merchants iJorno nrospe. ling wa done in the vicinity of Cams' creek last fall, by a company of arnbooites, ot .winch Mo Moules was a member They found the digging were deep, and that they could, not gel down to bod rock before tho winter set in, and beiug short of provisions they v.trts obliged to leave un til spring. The bunk diggings were not known last full, and their discovery cannot tail to bo a valuai'le addition to the p evious discAveri amaiJe iu the Uig Bend country Lakes Kumloops audSuswap wo e not open one week since, b i t it is the opinion of thoso who have returned from Savunnab Ferry. that tfuiy will be navigable by thU time. A great number of in n have already proceed ed to the mines from all -quarters, mid there 13 but oue opinion regarding their richness . and exi nt During Ilia present week six pack trains with goods, have left Yale for the new mines, stages are running three time.' a week with passenger, Oieat pro gress has been made in building the Hudson Lay Company's steamer. The machinery will leave Ya e to day. . It is anticipated that about the first da; of U-y the Marten will be in running order. We karri from the resident magistrate of i ale. that be has received n letter from the recording officer at Lytton City, . confirming tho news ot a miner hav ng come tuere to record eighteen bank claims on Cam's creek, Biz Ben I, aud also that he has a consideru- hie quautity of gold dust in his possession Idauo Items. To Mr. S. Buchanan, - ef Wells, Furgo & Co wo aro indebt eJ for files of late Idaho papers. We neleot tlio following items : Tho Harris Mill at vho Wide West m grinding out gold at the rate ol five bundrod dollars a day. . - A man named Manuel Igriacio was drowned in tho Weiser Iliver, near Boise City, on the 29ih of March lust, , Re was ono of a number of stage pas engers whowere crossing in the ferry boat. As the botvt neared tho shore it Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GRO CERS, . j ANaV DRATERS IJf .Wines & Liqnops, . And Jrapertere ano) Jefebers of OLOTjUKG- Boots -fc Shoes, . . Under Clothing, Itlankets, . ctc. etc., etc. Assay officii MMTK IIAVB AV ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION w T with our business, under the entire supervision of rr. Miller. We make returns in Bart In six hours- We Kuarnntee all our Assays anil pay the HIOIIK3T CASH rillUB or unrs. we also pay ine ui(nesi Cask Price tor ttoiu Dust. aiifn n, miijI.kk ; .. my6tf Cor. Main and Washington street. Dalles. WALDROIt BROS., i Franklin m auket. LAMP WICKS ft CHIMNEYS ' . HWSv - , baok. - ; 4 . 84ON(iaS. LEKCIIKS, COHK!4, BE UNDERSIGNED mine fttt4 atmvo Market BTT Ut, wilrleeep coaetan mnsiun eu np the jJSfV In the UK T 'JfrT iep content Ms s 1st- INDIGO AND . 1.ANPBI.ACK SUPPORTERS. Wholesale & Retail Drusreists, corner or second and wasuinoton btrmm- jjr. uukjy vjtuv 141 f JOHNEFPlNOEIi Proprlfetor TfTB y on hnnri allisortse' . :. r t t rreisii ana ejurea meats, Of the best quality tarnished at the LOWEST RATI' ' - My motto is to PLEASE ALL." - PAHTIES IIAVINfl 8UPKKIOR STOCK FOR BALK will do wait cll the Kranklln Mark. t. , JOUN KPP1N0KA.. Dalles, Februarjr T9HI, 1R6S. , 1 ASH lAaTO COURT' AND 8EC0ND 8TRIET8. DALLES, OREGON. JOHN MICHELBACHv Pioprletor. constantly on hand all the TarhV ; itlee Uutt thuuickjitcaa,iiasalU aflbd,of . . ITRKSH. Sc CURED' MEATS,, : ' '' Md aitrays of th i bt'em1ltyi ''- ', FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAIVIBOATS' ' snji,.ird on TOwoirable terms. . ' ' ' Menmferslgneq s always prepared.' to pay the high. estcasb.rioe for VAT 0V1TI.K.. Parties harlng sUwfc In Rood con Jl I Ion,, are requested' to rail on htm befi.re going elsewhere. . JOUN MICIIfcXBACU. . Dalles, M'U-ch 31st, 1868. nihSltf , ; , Malm Street. Dalles, Oregon. . ' rK NOW OCCUPY 00 R NEW TWO STORY FIRE If tiroor Stone hniMlnix, onnoslte lllorh. Miller A Co.. and offer to the public a full and complete stick of Drugs, MttdieuMs and! Chemicals, consisting iu part or ' KKROPKNE. . TUUPKXTTNsT, : ALCOHJL, ACID.4. ' . 4 LlN9KEv ., LARDv ' ' CAfTOR AN ' , , NKAfWOOT Oil, TRUSSES, SHOULDEFT BRACES, '. . ANIt , PATENT lKDICINKA Our stock of FANCY O0HD9 1 s of the Ahest and beat qiullty; uew Hyl.K onil large amortuieutsiusucU as LUIIIN'H fKIIVUKKIIY, 11A1K. Ll'HIN'S'MILKTSuAdrv ILKSII, ., . POMADKS. SlliVVINO. . ! C'lMIKTICS, MAT. llAlllUll.f tl.OTII":S, coloonh, tooth and fanov soaps" ant nailuitusiirs Tooth powbkks, and oouus. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, I Tot Medicinal purposes. Our rui imif fur buying goods are second to none In the Stale, Hiid we shall at all times sell at a small ad Tame from cost. Heady sales anA small pruftts. PHYSICIANS' rBKSCUlFTlONS Carefully componnded at all lionrs of the day and ninht. inuies, Bepe. ) law. . , ; , . - - seiu-tl. 3 DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON SL STEEL. GROCERIES, BY TUB FACKAQR. ' "FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation, ml3tf CDMMINO k OUAKT, Dalles, Oregon. NOTICE TO FARMERS., fMIK DAUrKarBUMBWt AtCD MANVFACtDRIKa, J. COMPANY has roceutlyattnclud .. . ' . " .' FLOUltlN Gr MIILX, ', ',' . ' . to their Steam Snsh and Door Factory, Im this City, sod' are now nrenared to CHOP k'KKFi llliinjii iii it COHN. and warrant to gireithe best satisfuctlon Oa hand constantly and for sale . ' IXTRA FAMILY FLOUIt, - - ., : SK00ND8 OR MIVDLTNOIb .-; it , RRA.N AND 8I10KT8. CHOP FEED, CHICKEN TEKBv . Also, a Sunsrlor artlola nf mitN kbii. m cm. ' ; : The hlKhest market price paid for WIIEAT. CORN a Dalles, Not. J, 1806. usit AUCTION AND COMMISSION. ' AUCTIONEER . o. lOO.nialaSineet, Dalle City. ONE HUNDRED ; MILES . SAVED ! W3?,eTffi VEBY IJIPO It TANT TO Merchants, Families, ITotels and 1IAB.KOOMM. JULIUS KRAEMEIt HAVING BOUGHT THE KN tire btock of Merchanillte and Book Accounts of the late Arm ol VI. teller A Co.. In this city, to which he has added ol Us on Importation (while doing business In roriianiijun immense closs. ot the best manulactured Crockei-.y, Glassware, ' Plated Ware, Lamps, j Chandeliers, - Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasses and AllUliidsof Ollss i J All of which he offers at reduced rotes. Tenons wish lng to buy atw of the nboTo-ineutloned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. 1 Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't tail to call on me. j uudlo's stone imtlding, Washington street, Dalles. JULIUS KRAKUER.! Dalles. Man ITtK, I3C5. mhlTtf W. 13. DOUGLASS, BLACSFOOT & B1C DEM) HUES BY WAY OF " ; Wliite Bluffs I j THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel, CSntuessos to William Birnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, .AXDiPUUEIX AlSri JEWELRY, WNVITHS TUE ATTENTTON OF HIS FRIENDS AND M. the Public to his choice selection of , New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage.. : . 1 ! Wa'chea PltOMPTLY au FROPEllLY re Dal red and WARUANTKD. .' ni9tf Next Door to (be Post Offlce. Uegnlar Sareit DaySaturday: Out-door and Special Sales attended to In any part of, the City. Liberal Advances made on Consignment... ,al.8n.r ( Jt)IlN WILLIAM8, Auctioneer. -A-VGr. 13 RAD FOBD ' 1 "iMl'OUTEIl AND JOBBER OF ; " . : J. , FRONT STREET, : ! PortlanoV ! ' mAm'im 'Oregon. , FFKUa F01U EAL& A, VKIsY. URQK.ASSOk Save Time. Bistiancc anMoney BrandiW; ' ,-( ,wineit,.; , , ;. ,.. ( ' ' ' " Liquors, : " .,1 'ill. . , 7 ' .. r ,. Cage. Goodty Distance from Dalles to While Bluffs....; , " ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiellle. " " ; , to CoWlIlo,... .a.IOO miles ....100 -t ..170 i Trari lers by land for either of tho above Gold Fields. will snvo . - By taking the White Bluff, ltood. Wood, Water atnd- Grass: Aro found on this Road within easy drive ... . ,' v The r,d is now open, and possesses advnntagoa OT.r I any outer lami rouie irom iiie-Dniiea. ' Puhli.hed by order of TlIK CITIZKNS Of TDB DALLR3., Dalles, Marcli,-20, 1866. " ' " niau:2in. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES!; i ! ' 'a Th TlJKlil la partlflnlarly.Jnylttd to axsminc my at ick before put-cbasingolsowhera, au2.tf II.IIEU31AV&Ca .MAIN 8T., DALLES, WPOSITR KMPIRB llOTEf. J.JAVB JUT RKCKI VKD. A BKAUTIFUL STOCKJOr- A.Ts. BOOTS HARRY ItLVISoK. HOOTM Xr TV t. f f TV . forwarding and Cominli.loB Htreliaiiti sr,ul" O U III fflli I GOODS BALDWIN El'BRO. Oronnd Barley, Bran &. tSlorts; ! .."Vlre-at, Which we propose to sell In quantities to suit at PORT LAKD PltlCkS,' adding freight. .... ,,. nilStl fFFKR FOR SALS IN CONNECTION WITH A COM- LF plele stock of Staile Groceries, ALL KINI.g OF FRRD. sank, and with tho exception of tLis pBarley & Oats, man an ,uo ivbii puuutauuu ut gpiung lift Wo ro. At Buona. Vista Bfor. a man nimaad McKay was shot by unother named Dunn, under circumstance which ins duco the belief that it ws-a premed- ituted. murden- There had been an old gndge between the parties, and at the time of. shooling-the murdered man was passing, and even attempted to escape. Dunn fled but was-cap tured and committed, The Ada volunteers, have returned " after being out twenty four days with. out finding any Indians.. The' streams were all exceeding high.. The Snake-was banta, full, the Grande .Rondo wa over flowing, the bridges on the Weieer wre allcarried away, and, Powder liiver is up all around Baker City.- - ' AND DKLKK8 IN 0B.NEKAT UKRCHANDISH, White Blufl's. W X.. WTTREIGnT FOR COLVILLK. UI'PKR COLUMBIA, KODTKNAI aud BfcACKFOOT MINKS ur'umotle lorwarded. .... . i ' Mark Goods Bt ft N., Wl IU Eieffi, RWRRKCEt: . ,, , ,.,, ,! PoarusB Richards ft McCraken, Alle ft Iwis, aad Hodge ft Caler. - ' Ditxn Bloch, Miller ft Co., French ft Oilman. ' ,'( I Consisting In part of ;, . ,,,,,,, Faiicy andi taple Dry Good. i ;Clotlilngr,jl ; u '-'i' Doott & Shoes; ' ' i ,iu'l ;!; ; : Hats & Capsy i 1 Which thoyKffer to 'sell at SMALL PROFITS. ' ', ,' DllsMroh gTtlst 186i ' " ' : mr2Ttf : BOOI! BOOKS I" ' " nrOEESALE ANQ RETAIL. ,. r TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS I FOR TO YS AND FAKCY COOnSI 4Cl,OI BOOKS, STATIONARY, tM. IUI9 f AMLI 3 Standard knd Jlhtcellaneens WORKS we. recommend all dealer! la that For the Holidays, line to tile BAUKtT AND TOY KMPOIUUM of n 88:3m TIIUMAUKH ft ZUIN. 820 and'822'Btttter.y Street. Sani Francisco; tjtste 7 coal: OIL! oxiir COAL, AT SAN. FEANC1SCO COST I , AT SAN' FRANCISCO; COS'r V " AT, SAN FRANCISCO' COST 1 i ': ti ; 7,n . j:J : and-freigiit:' ' i :! . M GsvU 4c Obnpin'ai, P. DEHM Watchmaker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET,' DALLES,' i -ft ft DRALRR IN FIWR WATCIIE8, JRWKI.RY, CLOCKS. Oold Pros. Silver and Plated Worn Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. . VfartKuiarattenHoiMald torenalrini fine' batches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches renaired k. I nie warranted for twelve months. i N. B. AU orders frerni the upper xoutotr j, by Kxproat MADAME LI TRLLIER WOULD RKSPECTFULLT Inform the ladles of the Dalles anil vliinitv.that I she is now prepared to doall kinds of IIBK88, CLOAK, anil FALKTuT maklnK. Also; CUTTING and FirriNO in a new and Improved style, never before Introduced to this placo.s - . .- r' if ;" I She will warrant to tT satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patrouaipu Id the ftooma lately occupied by Mej White, over Degener's Store, on Washlnuton street, bstweea Second nu t Late NOVELS. MAOA7.INKH. Picrm' c, Ac., by every Steamer. I'ost-Offlce Bookstore, Main street. Dnllee. i Garden Seeds for the Mlllton. , ma7-tf , . ' t H. J. WAI.DBOaf 1 lltSi, WOOL and jpmiiiGiiESTCAsnpRiCefPAfDjTjir ; ' ' IFURS. lVOOb, ANJQ HIDES, at VcCRAKEN', MERRILL ft CO.'8 It North Ftont Street, Portland. . .' I. I. yiw i mhlBSm YOHK '' l"J AND BAKERY I Third. Q ROC ERY STORE n i'.t.ri Main Street Dalies. ''lnll23tf r FREDERICK RKK7.a-u TO 11HJ TU A VJELIip TPVU UK. ''xiife;rVEir ,:;iiitiiGe"E ACR0?8nRrL0WER DE8 CHUTES 18 KOWCOM . pletevknd readaiittn croeslni ol TXAtSi. PACK. AyiMALS, etc TOLLS MODERATH - ,, , DKS CHUTia ROAD ft BEIDOF PA Da' lee, llatth M, 1(M. .M l. Dalles, March 37ih,lU. tutltl