CM ailn lEountahuix IS A DEATH BBD MARRIAGE LEGAL1 An interesting cubo is now pending in the Circuit Court, involving Home nice points of law io relation to the eolemuization of Ute murriugo cere mony. Some )ar8 hine'e a prominent citizen, Mr. Andrew Fuqua, died pos Besuessedof considerable property. By bis will his wile by a second mar- : riugo came into possession of all liis property, in case ebe remained a widow. At her death, if she remained ' unmarried, luo property would revert to her husbund's relatives. If she married however, one half of the prop erty was to bo hers, to be disposed of tta she might think proper. Mrs. F. , was hopolessly ill with lung disease, and two days before her death she was induced by her brother to marry, that bhe might thus acquire the title in fee simple to half the property, which she could then deed to her own relatives, isstead of allowing her husband's heirs to inherit it. Her brother had been a captain in bno of the Indiana rigiments, and in duced one of his soldiers to play the part of husband in the deathbed mar riage, in consideration of five hundred dollars paid down. The arrangement : was made, the purcbaso money paid Over, and the dying woman, unable to hit up in her bed, was married to, the heartks4 adventurer, who could thus make merchandise and a mockery of 'the most solemn Bucramcut recognized in the civilized world; tho ceremony was preformed by a minister of this city, who, it would seem could not be altogether ignonant of the transaction. ,At aoj rate, the husband, after the ceremony, left the house and went on u spree with his five hundred dollars, and never saw his wife any mere, who died two days alterward. lie never slept under her roof. Tbo action was brought by Mr. Fuqua's relatives to contest the validity of the marriage. The best legal talent is employed on . both4 sides, and tho case will un doubtedly provo one of great interest to the public as well as the legal frater nity Indianopolis Herald. In regard to the above, while wo claim no legal knowledgo, we Are clearly of opinion that bad the mar. riuge not been a mero mockery, it ought to stand, and that upon the point of its realness only, can the question of Ibe legality be decided. Had it been, capablo of proof, for .instance, that from the antecedents of the parties there was affection between .them its taking place 'at the death-bed would have made it even more holy. 'And again tho will left a matter of at the oplbn of this woman and she chose to marry Ed. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEX. UOLLIDAY, Proprietor. jg$ COMORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR ULACKFOOT, Salt lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKH CITY with Concord Stages Jtuiiuing to Virginia, City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. If Ait Ui Boise City to Fait Luke It v 1100 00 " Virginia City. Montana . Ia6 01) " Missouri lliver, LegalTenuer WOO, Uolil, tlUO 400 00 For further Information apply At OVERLAND STAGE LIVE OFFICE, lloUe City, I. T., mlM3m J. ft. T.iDD, Agent. NEW II 13 . V It ft JE ! flIIK UNDHI1SIGNKD BUGS TO INFORM THE CIT JL lena of the Dalles end vicinity that be has received NEW UKAKSIi.aiid will . ' t Attend ltxnernls on ihnrt notice. Title la tho flrrt, and at present, only Hearst, iu the city. I. H. EVANS tsilen. Jlny 19. 1805. my:20-tf. MAMTUA MAKEU. MRS. MATT1R UOLRItOOK would respectfully In form tho Ladies of tlie Dalles ami vicinity, that site had upeued n ihip In connection willi MiasU'llutirke, wile re she h prepared to do till kind of work with neat ness ami dispatch. Having just iirrived from lite Kant, site hopes to be able to plutiae all as toFortu mid Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIIIIKB DOORS Went ot the Corner of THIRD and UNION Street!. " oc41;ui3 Xixrs I Furs I TUB HUMEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH roa Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, lly RICHARDS A McCRAKEN. Portland Sept. 27, lh0&. oc4:3tn a. '- Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. fc A. M.- Holdt IU itated Communications oh the Firtt and Third Mondays of each month, at their ball. In Dnllei City Brethren In good standing are Invited to attend. .Sara L. Pore. See'y. Uy order of the V7. M. Coroner's! Sale. TY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO ME DIRECT- .13 od, tinned out of tha Circuit Cottrt, for the County ol Union, Btnta of Oregon, In favor of I. Otmr, sheriff. "and against J. A. J. Chapman et a!., I have this day levied on the following described ronl estate, to-irit : The undivided hnlf of the Siiw-nilll (water-power) and land cltti h on which said mill Is situate , cowdstln of . 100 acres of land, together with all the appurtenances bvlontrlnir thereunto. Th" mill Is situated about six miles above the town of Union, Union ootinty, on Outlier's creek, auo eommoniy Known as me uennington llol brook sawmill. 1 will expose the same at publlo sale in front ol the Collrt House door in Union cnutity. on FRI DAY, APRIL the 27li, between tho hours of 6 a. m.and 4 p. m..and will sell tha same to the highest bidder for cull, to satisfy the sum of tWl 61-100, and Interest front the lUtti day ol Noreniner, mtio, ingetiierwlih costs. CAAS. AHKRLKY, apOt t Cofoner Union County, La Orando, Union oonnty, Oregon, March loth, 1800. Slier! IT'S Sale of Ileal Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued by tha Clerk of Hie County Court, In and for Wasco Coun ty. State of Oregon, and to me directed, in favor of Z. 'potuiell, plaintiff, and agalnst.R. O. Atwell, defendant, fur the sum of Two Hundred and Thirty 40 100 dollars, principal, (IJ30 40 100) and $13 83-100 dollors oosts of action, with Interest, and accruing costs, I have ler.ed tip in and will aell at publlo auction before tha Court 'Home door, III Dalles City, ou WEDNESDAY, the 2th day of M iv, 180(1, between the hours of 11 o'clock, M, and 4 o'clock, P. M., to th highest bidder for cash In hand, the west half of Donation Claim of R. O. Atwell, Notification No. 8034, deerrilied as follows: "A part of Sections one (1) and twelfo (12), Town 2 North ; Range 1 East, and a Part of Section si It (") nnd sov'eu (7); lown 2 "Kortli, Rango 1 East, oontalnlng 160 acres. . CHARLES M lllTE, EherlK i ' By R. W. Cbaihimx. Doptttyi , , . jt LallesCity, April i, 1809. . , " . . , :. UALLCS CITY DRUG Sl'OBE. P. CRAIG, WBOLIBALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, : PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. 1-tf Washington Wagon Road. 'I'llK UNDERSIGNED WOULD I FilHM THE I Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland antl Vitnrunvur to the Upper CaMcadca is well being kept in good traveling order fur wagons and stork. K.C. IUKDY, Dalles Jan. 11th 18C5. Janlltf Sole Proprietor MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND ItlLLIA.Ul BOOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Main an i Court StroctH, ap21-tf Dalles, Oregon. NOTICE. OntcB or Ciiikf QiMRTBRMtSTm, Depaktmknv or tub Columbia, Fort Vancouver. W. r. .March 28, 1800. SEALED PROPOSALS will be rerelvcdfortheTRANS PORTATION OF OoVtRNMhNT FUEIUUT over the following named routes: lat. hrttin Fort Dalles, Oregon, to CamnsCnrry, Wat son and Wright. Rldde'B to stitto the price per pouud in Cnix, they will take the freight or. Separate bids required fm each Camp. Bids for this service will be rccelvoo at Foil Dalles, Oregon, by Capt. James Utilise. A. Q. M., U. S. A., nnd at this office, up to 12 M., ou the 1st day of May, lSl',0. 2,1. From Wallnlo, W. T, to Fort Colvlllo. W. T. The price per pound In Coin to be stated by bidders, ltitls for t Is service will be received at Fort Walla Wnlla, W. T , by 1 t Lieut. John Noble A. A. Q. M.,ahd at tlii. office, t p to 12 M. on the 1-1 tlav of May, 1806. 3d. From Wallnla. Vt . T.. to Foi t Dtilse, I. T. The price per pound in Cots to be milled by bidders for I his transportation.- Rids for this service will be received by Capt. T.J. Kckerson, A Q. M , U. 8. A., Fort Boise, I. T - and at this office, up to 12 M., on the loi It day of May, 1806. 4th. Eroni Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Fort Boise, I. T., the price per pound. In Coix. I' r which transportation will be furnished over this ruuie to be stated. Rids fur this service will be reoelvod at Fort Dalles, Oregon, by Cnpt. James Oilllss, A. Q. M.. U. 8. A.; Fort Ruiee. I.T., by Capt. T. J. Kckerson. A. Q. M., U. S. A.: anil at this office, up to 12 M., on the Kith day or May, 18C0. Didders for all the routes will b required to give bonds with good and sufllclent security lor th faithful performanc of anV contract which may ba awarded them under litis advertisement! Rids to be In duplicate and accompanied by an oath of allegiance to the United States. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved, if so deemed best for the Intorost of the service, All contracts made subject to the approval of the De partment and Division Commanders. 1IKNKY 0. II0DQES, Brevet Lt. Col. and Chief Qu irtormnsier, a3dlwat.t stml Department of the Columbia. DRUGS AND PATS ST SI EDI VISES!! 'DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLBBAU AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washiugton Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, ) Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and overy other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest markot rates. ? Phyaicians anil Merchants Intending to purchase for the Minos, will do well to giva him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. 8. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St.. betweon Main adn Second. IMHITLAIVI) I Ol Aim AND SIACIUNE SHOP, FIRST 8TRKET. between Yamhill and Morrison. A" t mm nra h'.nirln! ol frmii 4 to 4o homo- power.tither 1'ortnbleor MfUn.imry. A leu, t lit- CULAH SAW MI IjIjS COMl'LKTK, constHMtly onlmml. Also, liny Prerj- . hh tif all sixi'b; naiiiii , Mnctiine.(Wootlworth'8 jnittern,) n roiiKlit nnd ChhI Iron work for Vwr ticnl tfnwiiml (lrint mil In; BrrtHBami Iron Cub tin ( MUOt GIIT IRON WORK of every dwerlptlon. I am alio prepared to furninh Quartz Mills oomplete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can befor warded to Any part of the mlneB an the weight of the eutire tuachluery will not exceed 3, UUU poundri. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements mnnu!i.c!urm tounlerat iliovory I.OW KS r (JA8H I'JUClS N. U. i'arttcuhtr attention paid to KKPAlltS. fe'20-tf MRS. L. WHITE'S 1NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, lViiKhtugtoii Mreel. HATINO'NKtrLY F1TTKD CP THK OALLERYovcr Dt'gnar's Store would respecttally announce to all those wishing. Photographs, Carts cle Ylslte, Jlc, that they will do well to give her a call. ' Particular at tention paid to tnkiug Ladies and Chl'dren's Pctures. oc-Utf. 1. 1. STKIaSICiSOi dentist; OAS RKMOVED HIS OFFICK 0PPf site Dloch, Miller k Co., whom t ' is prepareu 10 uo an ainus.oi DENTAL WORK. In a skillful and well fliilflhld manner. TRKTII Insertec Irom otl to an entire sut on Gold or Rubber Plate. Prices rangti for Rubller Plate, from ti to 36 : Foi Qul.l Plate, Irom $70 tu T Persons liaviug work done by me not proving Bat Islactory will not he required tu receive or pay lor tin eanio. au!3-tl msmmm , Sumiiiou8. tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fur the county of Wasco. C. W. Droback, plaintiff, vs. Samuel Varnian and Mix. defendants. MHO SAMUEL FARM AN AND MIX, Defendants: .1. Yon are hereby siimmonoil and required to appear and answer the complaint In the above entitled action, (which has been filed in th office of the Clerk of the Oonnty of Wancn,) within six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons; or if you fall to do an, Ihe plain tilt will take judgment against yon for the sum of Fiva Illindred mil Klghty Dollars and aevonty-flve cents, and Interest thereon from the 2d day of October, 1HU5, and lor the coats and dltbur-omente of this action. Dy order of the Hon. J. O. Wilson, Judge of the 6th Judicial Dis trict, dATKS UAFT, -mrfMJw Attorneys for Plaintiff. D. WITI DOUTIIITT, ' ATTOtlNEY A.T XtA. Wt BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territory. 3 Particular attention paid to Collecting DsbtB. ; DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditions Cnre for all diseasoa of th SEXUAL ORGANS, TniS prompt and efflcatlous Remedy for I lie cnre Ohonorroia, Qloet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makea a speedy cur without the least rrsiriciion to mot, exposure or change in application business; It will radically cure any cam which can be produced. The disease It removes as speedily as is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the diseaso cannot be contracted if the SPKC1FIO COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are entire) v vegetable, and no Itvtnrlnni effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its uso. Price One Dollar and Fifty centa per bottle. Sent by Express carefullv pnekod. ' , HOSTKTTKR, SMITH A DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 llattery street, cor Clay, JyM-6m. San FrAnclsco. DAILY MOUNTAINEER B. DALLAM . O. W. AHVBS. O. W. ARHBBI AR.MES 1 i v D ALL AM Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AXO WILLOW WARE, ; DUU3UBS, TWINES, CORD AO E. Ac And Manufacturers of California Palls, labs, Brooms, Ac. 217 & 219 SacramentoStreet, between Front and Davis Ban Francisco. ocll:3mdaw. FOWKIl PRESH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch lh STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP Sf to order: Cards a Bid It i I NI9 cad. CHECKS. DRAFTS. RECEJJ'TS. POSTEttS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS tc, rfc, ' c, PRIMTXn lit TUB H08T ATTRACTIVE KAKNMl. AUO-, WATBJLLS. BILLS OF FAKE, LETTEK HEADS. XEVEJl'TDOOKS, DILLS LADlXOi ITriefs nnd Pain pit I els, VISITING, MEDDJAO AKD "AT JIOME" CARD DruKitiula Lnbeln. In short, everything that can be tbtne tn a Rook and Jtih Printing Office, from the smallest and ltmst tU-lirate Caid or Circular, to the largest sice and most rhowy Posting Rill and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. , OUR VACIL1TIBB ruRTIII BXBrVTIOKOr JECORATIVE PRINTING Id the most beautiful Colon, Bhtnlea and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills I From a fliiitflti Sheet to tiie Lai gent Mammoth, I . l-tHtbJUKhSi9 lAhtLS.d-9 Ate unsurpassed by thoxe ot any other tatiiblii)ihient in Oregou. VV e devote (tuuciiil attt-ntiuu tu tliih brmicb ot (!: buaineHS, and are continually add i tig to ouv already exttriiL live and well appointed asoortinent ol iiihUtihI, NEW TYPtS, BJKDERS, ORNAMENTS. (t'C (Cc. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock fi FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C, Are of the finest quality, and for richuess of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the titate. The principle upon which buHiuess is asked for this es tablishment is, tliut puisrUi Will commit their own inter ests, by awarding their custoni to that otbee in which their money can be expanded to the btst advamuge. Iv this end we solicit all in want oi good Pi iutiug, at vary reasonable charges, to call and examine specimeua. and Judge for yourselves. Order from tho Upper Country Will have onr special care, nnd friends from the intertd may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as ws HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In thA Htate of Oregon! Address: ' MOUNTAINEER OFFICE . ntlMf 1m1!os. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COUllT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLESt OREGON. TUB WNDEH8IONKD, I1AV1NO RKMOVED FROM THE "bfcXLA UNION" CKLI.AK, INTO Gatos New lJuliainty, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serva their customers with the hest Mines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFVOltDS. ' ALSO, A Free Ltinch I Every day and evening. ' ' ' K. BCIIUTZ ft 8. KLEIXi dec2-lf lruiiletuiB. .LINCOLN HOUSE,, Curner Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON i FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN TIIE STATE. Charge Reasonable. AN OM.NllllJU will attend all the Boats and eonrey Passengers and their baggage to- tho (louse Vree of Charge, or to any other Ilouse in the Clry for 00 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P! 3 HOT AND COLD BATHS in the Huuse.". All the Stoamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti Cello and Astoria laud at tha Lincoln House Wharf, eepldui Hard Wood Lumben CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BEG TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man nliicturers ami Dealers to the Large aud Com plete assortment of UAltltlAUE and VYAUON MATKH1 ALS we are ouiietatitly receiving from the Hint, specially selected for the California uiarkot, comprisliig, Oak Hickory, and Second Urowth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Ppokes, Felloes, Hints, Shaite, Ao. Ac. which we olfer at the lowest Cusli Prices. Mi orders addressed to our bouse will receive promp attention. N. W. UKAUU A CO., Jel5:3iu. 29 A 31 Battery Street, San Francisco, and 17 A ID Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. WiTEEUOuat, . 11. W. Uaaas A Co, J. W. Lestbs Ban Francisco. Sacramento. New York F.TILLMAN, soli aosnt in CALiroaxiA rot v TILTON & MoPARLAND'S Fire Ac llurglar rpooi" talcs'. 1 STEEL LINED VAULTS,:. . N WITH Combination Locke r. -Constantly hand a full assortment of BAFKSi 31 8 BATTKKY BTRMKT. ' " Jy8-flm i , ;'r Ban nunistou . '. : . . ' ' ,'4 .:i'X(- 'i - .. i J l