TUESDAY MOKNIXO, APRIL f9, 18GG. On Saturday last, Wells, Fargo & Co. brought down $30,000 in treasure. Remember, the auction sale at Mr. Prank's, on Main street, this morning. Bargains may be expected. Sport. Quite" a spirited footsraco carae off yesterday morning on Socond si root. ' Cot. CorpiNGEii'B company, of the lith U. S. Infarilryi will' soon be or dered from Fort Dallas to Fort Boise. Da. Duncan will deliver the seventh Lecture of the course, nt tho Congre gational Church, this evening. Wb noticed Cupt. Borland, of the 1st Oregon Inf., in town last niht. His company will arrive from Five Mile crock to-day, where they cnmp ed last night, and will soon be mus tered out of the service at this placo. Hon. J. D. Fay, Democratic nomi nee for Congress, addressed a large mooting at tho Court IIouso last even ing on tho political issuos of the day. Mr. Fay is a good speaker, and prom, ises to make a livoly canvass. lie was followed by Mr. Barnum, of Union county, who made a brief fipooch. Tns Herald is anxious to know why tho Mountaineer does not hoist tho Union Slate ticket. Wo will state for your benefit that tho Mountaineer belongs to no party or clique; but its advertising columns are open at ttU times to both parties, whore they can have their tickets published as other advertisements. Majou Blake, late of Wolls, Fargo & Co.'s Express and Major Robinson, an expurieneod assayer, loft the Dallos on Saturday last, for tho Suswap country. Those gentlbman go to su perintend the working of a silver lodo lately discovered there', and for which the British Columbia Gold and Silvor Mining Company was recently organized in Portland. h Tns old council hold their last mooting yesterday evening, and all , the new municipal officers took their oaths of office and qualified. Mayor N. H. Gates, in a few briof remarks, thanked the old council and city offi cers for the gentlemanly and prom pi manner in which tbey had performed their several duties, and the old coun cil returned a vote of thanks to Col. Gat" 85 whon tho meeting adjourned. The new council meets again on -next Tbursdny night at 7 p. m. .' x Fins. On Sunday last, at about 2 o'clock, an alarm of fire was given, 001 casionod by tho burning of a tempo' rary kitchen attached to the residence of Judffo Wilson, on tho bluff. The whole fire department was out prompt ly; but. owing to the great distance and the advancpd stage of tho fire bci Fore it was known in town,the"boys" did not reach tho spot till the fire bad nearly exhausted itself by entirely oonoumiog that part of tho house in which it 1 originated. Fortunately there waa a strong wind which aided the efforts made to Bave the main building. Judge; Wilson saved his ' house by determinedly standing up to and fighting the fire, and we regret to have to add tbatt in consequence bis lrce is bjidly burned, bq much BO,.tbat it is an entire blister. A Wat to 3top Indian Depreda tions. We have been shown a Jotter, addressod to N.'II. Gates, of this city, by a gentleman residing on the- Can yon City road, in which it is staled that tho people of Canyon City, exas perated at the repeated and long con tinued outrages of the Snake Indians, have raised a fund, and offer a bounty of 850 for scalps. It is urgod that tho people of the Dalles ought to take similar action if they wish ever . to render this important tributary to their prosperity a road which can be traveled in safety. This is a harsh and barbarous mode of proceed u re, but if it is the only way which can he devised to remedy the existing evil, the value of white life, and the impor tance of a civiliaed rospeot for tho rights of property are not to be weigh ed againet the extermination of a murderous, predatory horde of red. skins. The loiter lurther states that fresh outrages are becoming more and more frequent, and that plenty of par lies are willing to riBk their lives to socuro these bounties, and rid the couptry of these pests. Tue Mining Bureau. We find in the National Intelligencer the follow ing, which we commend to all persons having it in their power to contribute specimens. A collection 01 ibis na ture, properly labelled, accessible to everybody who visits our National Capital, will not only be an invaluu- ble and interesting museum of itself, but will be a most substantial expo nent of the wealth of our country to tho representatives of other nations : The Secretary of the Interior has prepared a circular, addressed to alt the mining companies of the gold and siiver mining companies of tho West, requesting ihem to present specimons from their mines of all the various ores. Within two years, it is tho opinion of the secretary, wo wilt thus havo at the Patent Office the richest and most varied and instructive cabi1 net of precious ores that exists any whore in tho world. This measure is introductory to the establishment of a Bureau of Mining and Minerals, which the Western milling interests require. The J?ews. It will be seen by a telegram in to-day's issue, that the U. S. Senate has passed the Civil Ilights Bill over the President's voto. A' bill has passed both Houses of Congress, granting the right of way to the Cascade Eailroad Company over the military rcservo,.at the Cas cades, Washington Territory,. It is estimated that under existing orders, nearly, if not all, of tho volun teer force of tho Government wiirbe mustered out by tho 1st of May noxt. ; The Victorians are having a little scare over Fenianism. A. Political Olla Podrida. The eastern dispatches contain the follow ing; When buoq heterogeneous ele monts combino, spoils, not principles, are the object. ' . A National Johnson Club hag been or p-nnized, with Montgomery Blairns President, Charles Mason as Secretary, James Gordon Bennett, Ward li. Lftmon, Uornehus Wen dell, Jobn V. Coyle, editor of the Intelligen car, and James Hughes, as -the executive committee ; and among the Vice Presidents, one being from each State, are James W, Dawcr, California; Blank Puett, Nevada; J. VV. Nesmith, Oregon ; Dean Richmond. New York ; Asa Parker, Penn., Senator Seulbury, De'eware; John I . Stockton, New Jersey ; James Guthrie, Kentucky ; Augustus O. Dodge, Iowa ; Robert McLellan, Michigan ; Alex. II. Stewart, Virginia ; Senator Norton, Minnesota ; uavia ioaa, ume j james u. urr, South Carolina; Marcus J. Partott, Kansas. Wasco Lodge, No, 13, A. F. & A. III. Holds Its stilted Communication on tlie Pint end Third Mondays of eucli month, nt tliclr hall, in Dalles City. Brethren In pond standing uro Invited to aMonfl. Sith L. Pors, Scc'y. lly1 order of Ilia W. M. Columbia Lodge, No. 6, I. O. O. F Meets every Frldny trolling at 7 o'clock, lu Gutos Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend. I)y order. N. O. DENTAL NOTICES... -Bolug about to make a professional tour to the towns and settlements up the Columbia, I respectfully cull the attention of those of'niy patrons who are in need of Denial Opomtions of auychar octer, to. the fact, so that they nny have nn opportunity to avail theiusi lves of my services before nr departure, if so desired. 1 will leavo abnnt the UOtli of March, and return to this place to resume my practice, about tho WthnfJnne. fJTtn J. W. UUKLkY. Democratic State Ticket. FOR CONGRESS: JAMi:S l. FAY, . Of Jackson. for governor-. JAMES K. KELL , ' Or Wasco. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: LAFAYETTE LAKE, Of Multnomah. FOR STATE TREASURER; JOII.11 C. HELL, -Of Marlon. ' FOR STATS PRINTER: JAMES OMIL'IKA, Of Linn. Union State Ticket FOR CONGRESS: IlIFUS itl.il. LORY, Of Marlon. FOR GOVERNOR: GEO. L. M OODS, Of Wasco. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE; SAMUEL E. MAY, Of Marlon. FOR STATE TREASURER: E. IV. COOKE, Of Marlon. FOR STATE PRINTER: W. A. MclIlEUSOi, Of Linn. . FOB PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTII DISTRICT: V. II. MEIGS, - . Of Wasco. a. beiiies oir Literary and Scientific Lectures ntrHICIl has been In contemplation for some -time, js now ottered to the people of tho Dalles. The first Lecturo of the Series will be given THIS and one each Tuesday Evening thoioafter. throoch the Series of tight Lecture.. The proceeds will bo divided between the Congregational ond Methodist Sabbuth Schools. Tickets for tho Course : : OXK DOLLAR. Single Admission, Fifty cents. This lecturo will be delivered by DR. DUNCAN, In the Congregational Church lecture will commence at 7U o'clock, Subject: THK MAMMi.TII CAVK. Tlx following geutlemen ar oxcvcled to deliver each one Lecture: Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; Rev. lr. Atkinson, Itev. Mr. Cnffrey, " " Judge 11111, Canyon City; ' Ju Ige Wilson, Dalles', Kev. Mr. Driver, " . Prof. Roland, " . J. A. Odell, Esq., Rev. T. Condon, " Treasurer's Notice. flHE FOLLOWING COUNTY ORDERS will bo paid JL upon presentation at my office : When Hegittcrtti Otau. An. In farm of. July 14,1806 , 6 ICS R W Cmndall. " 11, " -..5 .103 K D Crundall. " 17, " .........1 " Aug. V, " m'. 6 1KO J B ITarford. " " " 6 '1 T M McAuslln. S'Pt T, " ....6.....23a .1 B Harford. Sept 8, . ' 6...........24S T M McAuslln. Nov. 0, ' . 5,........2f.'i . 0 R Meigs. Nov 10. " 6 .801 J B Harford' Nov 10 " 6 .270 ' Dec. 8 ft o7 " ' " " Deo 12 " ....6 ...171 Jesse Keel. Jan. 6 1866 S .464 J 11 Harford Jan 13 ......6 .446 . J Kllelt FU9 " ft 484 BWMItcholl. aOdft IL JlW A LDRON, Treasurer. AUCTION SALE I will soli at Publlo Auction on Tuesday, April lO, at 10 a, m., All tho Household. Parlor and Kitchen "Furniture at tho rssldencvt of S. Frank, on Main Street, adjoining the Sofas, Chairs,' .' Thbles, Carpet,- Beds, Bedsteads, . . , ' Blattrosseo, Pillows, Hooking Glasses, Crockorn Cutlery, Stoves, hot, o.. Tlilt sale will be pnsltlvr, and wlthont ressTTe. . v JOHN WILLIAMS, Aueti Dlt. 33. W. MITCHELL. . Orrtci WALDRON'S BUILDING. REiryto Corner of Third and Washington Btreotl AUCTION AKD COMMISSION HOUSE! No. ICO MAIS STKEET, DALLES. THK UNDI'RSIONKD THANKFUL FOU VKbT FiiYora, renpctfuH informs Die citifpnx of thw Unites, uud tli public generally, that lie coutiiiucs ell nt - PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE, Real ENiatc. General Merchandise, -iiiocerieN, . llUI'NeN, Sillies, Furniture, MocKn, S.C. &.C. BEOCLAR SALE DATS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN tmde of sales. Out door and Special Sales attended to in any part ot tho city. " JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. SELLING OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STRKKT, DALLES, OITcr their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, -SEGAKS, PIPES, Yankee Notions, AND ST A. T I O NEEY- AT SAN" FKaNCISCO COST. uir27tf J . JTJK EE, Slain Street. Dalles, WHOLESALE aKD RETAIL BEALIE IK CIGARS. ' TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Acts. ALWAYS IN STORE TUI BEBT BRAKDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c 1 SLAYING CARDS. l'OCKKT CUTLERY, PORT MONIKS. GOMUS nnd BKUSHKS, o' all kinds, PKRFUMKKY. ot every description, CHINA OIINAMKNTS. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, c. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, anV many other articles too numerous to mention. 4ar Interior dealers supplied with Ciirars. Tohacce.ete. at less than'Portland prices, with freight added, ec-ft GATES &, CIIJPIIST WHOLESALE it RETAIL DRUGGISTS, STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON. Importers and Jobbers of PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS A FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS t ACIDS, OI L8, A ALCOHOL,' PURE WINES A LIQUORS, PAINTS, CLASS A BI1USHF8. ' PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately compounded. PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. . A full and complete assortment of all articles In th' Photographlo Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. 49" Merchauts will Dleasa (ret our nrlces before order. . Inu ttelow. U. L.C11AIMN, JUSTIN GATES. Dalles. . Sacramento, Cal. . J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Da.ll, Oregon. OULD RE8PKCTFULLT INFORM the citUeus of this idnco and vi cinity, that having returned from n pro- i lesslonal tonr throtnth the nilris. he hao anain resumed the praoticaof JKNTISTRY, In the room formerly occupied by him, in tho bulldine: occupied by Wood k Butler, PhotoKTiiph Artists, a no ailjolniug Wal dn.n Ilros.' Drug Store He take this method of tx tendhiK thanks, for the' liberal patronise heretofore ex-, tended to him, and solicits a coutinuans of the same.. list or pkicb. Entire Dentnre on Gold Base M .$180 to $226- " Upper Denture, Gold Base... 90" 120 " Deatore. Vulcanite Basok 70" 125. " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base.. St " Hi- Gold Fillinits inserted from one dollar upward. Children.1 Teeth extracted free af charne. sel8-tf CRYSTAL. SALOON: . " " ANtt" BILLrARD ItOOM,. JOHN UINOLATJD, Proprietor. WASHINGTON ST,, next dear to FRENCH A OILMAN. . FLOWGRSI FLOWElS!. I hare Jnst received a lot of ' ASSORTED FLOWERS- Which I wlHll at resmnabl Prke. at J. J4JKER. . notice. : I HATE Bpnolnied K. B. IT Air my tuthorbted Brent' to collect all moneys due ma, and attend to niv bnei DesJ generally. aotf . . , M. KkNIG. - RIILCIICOWS: MILCIICOWSir FIFTY SUPERIOR 11ILCH COW8 FOB SALE. In- ' qulrs at the MovitAuau Ornoa. ad3wl