vol. r. I VLLE9, ORRGON, TClJSDAY, APRIL, lO, 1800, NO. 4S. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS f XOKPTID,) BY K. n rrkVMII7 Si m a tr 3 -ran i tv KDITORS AND PROPRIETOR. TEitxs 7'.on(y:Ii'ent per week, payable tot ho currier par munch, by mull, $1; throe months, S3 60s six. months, $5; dug yew, IS. Advertlseineuls inserted at low rates. Job Printing. Kverjr description of plain ami fanev Job Prlntincexe. uted with uentnuas and despatch, and forwarded ad per erd-jr to any pin t of the country. Payment j or Job Print mg mun oe mint on uemiery oj worn. W. EI. lOtjft l,ASS, Practical Watchmukor, ' I'V I i.i-s-.i . . . And Dealer In I'I.E WATCHES &. JEWELRY, ' DALLES, OREGON. lsta.llisHel 1857. BALDWIN BRO., - DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! CORNER OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles, J. C. BALDWIN uh21-tf P. W. BALDWIN, FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIEltLAM Sc WENTZ. -.i'mPA QI'OBB hotel building, ' cy--.y v-j, i:yo on nauu n variety KfeKiSiSJ.TS' II..oh,.IJ U I. jSKSJVeinliracln Tables, Chairs, II n ream ""snijuf" Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpets Vic, etc., all of which will bo sold at low rates, furniture Unpaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also.on hand s-attr.se.suud Pillows. Spring Bedauiado to order. aul2 W4. UOinua. 0. B. EOSUKL. WM. MOABUS &CO., AND r 110 VISION STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. ttB0rdera from a distance carefully filled and prompty lspatcnea. l-t JOSEPH ELFELT, WHOIESAUI AMD EITXIL SEALER IX ' Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHINC, BOOTS AND SHOES, U ATS AJSU VAPS, AaU Gentlemen's Furnlslilnfr Goods Fire-proof btone Store, corner of Main and Court . treets. oc4-t ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME XNOCIR cult Court! of Oregon, and (he -Hstrfct Ooarts o nasnington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0. UUMASON . Dalles, Ogn. J. A. UDELL. FUBNI8HBD ROOMS TO LET, iBy the tfigh't, Week or Month, NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE. m2(T MRS. 8PRKNQER. ' If . b. oatis. 1. 1, run. GATES &c HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON. rR. A-. II. STEELE, 'ACTING ASSISTANT 8UR0B0N, U. 8. A. orrici at WALDR N BROS. DRUO STORE 74. T4. ffM. BROWN WARNER. 11. D OFFICE T4 SECOND STREET, between Washington end Court. . Orncs Hoom 9 to!2. a.m.; 2 to 4 r. M.t and t to 10. r. M O. IS. BIIOOK8, m. r. 'OXHce At Dr. Craig' Drug Store. DALLES, OREGON. , COib OILI COAEQII.!. WALDRON BR08. have Inst received a Urge in voice of COAL OIL, which they offer at groatly duoed rates. . Jnltf ntf TO LET. THE DESIRABLE RK3IDBNCE sltu-ited on the BlnfT, formerly oceupled by T. II. KELLY, is for rent. Thore are five rooms, partly furnished; also ont honaoa; a good spring of cool water, together with one acre of 'rich garden gmnnd, with a secure fence armtnd the tame. TstaM 'rOMOualile. Apply to , . KELLY DK.NN Y. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE j Dealers in Wines, Liquors GUOCKHIES, Miners' Goods, Moat Stores, &.C., , HAVE EEMOVED TO TUElIt - NtW STONE BUILDING, cosnkr or j Second and Washington. Streets, DALLES CITT. . NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETB AS surtmcnt of the very beet brands of - I . WINES AN13 LIQUOltS. N ' Also, a full tusortineut of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. O-CoiMtantly receiving our supplies direct frnin New lork and San Krancleco, we are able and willing, to sell at a very small advance on Sau Francisco price. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pnb. 'ii . si-UMf UMATILLA HOUSE. DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE Y &SIiNOTT, I'rop'rs. IBtS POP IlltH H0BS, OrTlIBAI.LT lOCATSD, . '-' Koar the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot, Him been recoutly enlarged nud improved, and will now accommodate , 300 GUESTS, V IT WILL BE CONDUCTED as Jieretofore. ns a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and trie patronage of the traveling .public Is respectfully solicited. - 1 i sT llnggaice tnkou to the House froe of charge. Uonae opou all nixht. , , LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. ' ' EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIM BTRKET, DAUU, ORMO.t, . . THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IH THCJ1SNTRI Of BUSINESS, ' Mnvu 4JttUUAUK,S Superior Accommodations for Families and can.Ao Mlllimmlii,. .1. 1ItAA VIA- n Menls 60 est. Lodging.. oOets. Fire Proof Safe for depositeof valuables. 3 Ilorue open all night. Baggage taken to the Hooie THOMAS SMITH. mh8-tr Proprietor, CO UMBIA RIVER MINES; A..' BOOT II v WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT; AND GENERAL DSALIB IN MERCII A N T I S E i AND JTllHljlRS' SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE H0B3E3 POS SALE. FREIQIITS CONSIGNED to my oare for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864. oc2t NKW FltfJlT, HOCLItV AND 4' PROVISION STORE.! riMIB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS niS FRIENDS aid J. the public generally, that he has Just established en Main street, next door to J . Juker, Tobacconist, j A NEW STORE! - where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment o selected FRUIT. Also, in store acompletestnrk ofoholce QKOCKRIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, ttc All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RB DUCED PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yonrself. j "13-tf JOHN 8P0S1TO. FRED. LIEBE, j GROCERY, PROVisiONV AND 1 FRUIT STO RE , Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles. Has on hand a large and well-assorted stock of ( GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Received rtaVv. A lArira lot of OlflCKRNa lu-v. 'n hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRK31I VEQETAULE8 every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICKS LOW. ; I:tf . ' F. LIEBE. M. BROWN & BRO., WnOLlSlU AND RETAIL DEALERS IN " ' FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISaONS, &o. Mr. M. BROWN, belnr a resident of San Francisco, we are enabled to offer great Indcements to purchasers. We respectfully invite the public to examine our stock befbr purchasing- elsewhere. mlft-ti . a-8toue Store, north tide Main street, Dalits. - roil 1IOI8E MIXES DIRECT. THE ' WALLA WALLA &, BOISE LINE OF . CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Well', Fargo & Co.'s- Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (lloise Mines.) Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with tire Wallula Line of Stages, end tu Boats of the 0. 8. N. Company. UKO. F. THOMAS k CO.. , ap2T-tf Proprietor iotioe: the pioneer stage company Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FROM TJ X V. rJT I L IL. , AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW ING REDUCED RATEb: To Uolse City...... .13 Cent per pound " AUV ...MU "Owyhee ...,.H0 For less amounts than ono hundred pounds an addition of Five Oeuta per pound will be charged. . TIME FItOM UMATILLAi To noise City, 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-a Days. TO Owyhee,....: .....4 Days. JOSEPH PINKIIAM, Atfent. ' Umatilla, Oct. 1,1865. oc!8:tf. MILLINEKY AND DRESS-MAKING. TfATISS O'ROURKR DESIRES TO INFORM the. .i.TjeL iuiies oi uanes anu vicinity, that she as Just received a fiosh supply of Fashionable Goods, j Tlie latest Paris, Now York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, o. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladies' Ready-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of . DRESS' TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embrolderyand Braiding. PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Blenched and Pressed In the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Beady-Made Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Class Dross Maker, I am prepared to cut and lit Ladles' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. THIUn STItMI,vn Ana ........... .u. v..ui- ....... , njuw. nw. ui iuu niiiuue Church. ocaV;3m. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED! FEED!!'. SHORTS, i AND OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY it. ii. law, So Front Street, Portlnnd, Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. Bl9:tr. , NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. THE UNDERSIGNED wonld respectfully announce that ha will nnnn k fli..,.nl... aninnn f v. i. & Oilman's New Stone Building, THI8 EVENING, and ts tit is no. raA tn sasitisi M.m4.. .iaI. at. i m favafwwu v ova ig isUl.uiunisl Willi (UO UHIUI Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, a EBEE LUNCH Every day and Everting. . oratt JOHM RINDLAVB. -And all kinds of .Machinery 1 1' Mannfi4fltnpA(1 Mf fitak OREGON IRON WORKS wnnnn, ur uuiitusuN and ?TH streets, PORTE AIVD. A.. 0. GIBBS CO., n ! 1 . . ' "Successors tn Portland, Dee. 6th '64. deBtf K. L. Jonas A Co. NOTICE. WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIO to thA flU.t . t . - 1. -a n . , . Inoss and thore. ore. all parties indebted to us M UST PAY JJP WITHIN NINETY SAYS or legal proceedings will be hail. . . II. BROWN a aim Dalles, March 10, 1806V, . alt ' Umatilla., Boise, AN I) IDAHO Express and Fasj Freight Line. nruna line is now in complete runninu m. ordor from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages between those and all intermediate points with certainty and desputch. , The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely . New ThorougU-Eraoe CONCORD rfl Which ensnres Speed and Safety In the transmission of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We offer Supe rior inducements fur Shipping Uuods from Ban Franciuro nnd Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oi-eitun Steam Navi gation are sue!) that all floods (hipped by tills Line will nut be subject to the usual delays, but pass through as Fast JTi-elfflit. ' Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port lnnd, Charges will bo paid and Goods ahlppod to destina tion, i , GOODS 8H0ULD BE MARKED s-CARB B. M. D. k CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts sent to our Agents at Portlnnd and Umatilla. Advance Charges for transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Ooods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyuee and Booth Boise. HATES. Families will be rurnlshod with Superior Ac-, commutations in New and Easy Riding Thorough Brace 1 Wagons on the Most Liberal Terras, W e lay over each night on the Road at Good atid Convenient Stations, re that passengers will not be deprived of regular rost. ' AGUONTHi . RICHARDS k McCltAKKN San Franclsee - ltlCH4RDS k McCRAKEN : Portland' JOSEPH TEAL .' ,. Dttes . POWELL A 0E Umatilla ' J. B. WILKINSON LeOrnnd t B. M. IruRKLL A CO ,t...Bolse Cltv ' B. M. DuKKLL k CO...... l,il, city . MAJOR Hl'KEK Jloclty Bar (South lloise) ' DuRELL St MOORE Ruby nud Silver Citits - B. M. DuRELL CO., 25tf Proprietors. A CARD FOR THE , Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAW FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGEIt, ' aoi. in, ia and 415 Battery Street, Cor. Merchant, San Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. UNTIBE NEW AND FRESH ST0CK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Men. clients to our usually large stock of Goods. OnT ' stock comprises every article in tl,e Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest M.V..,.,DW .nllDV. UI VMMIUIOI, luu VtOOl 11A.1S Ol any house in Ban Francisco, and oar prlios for these uwu. a.a ,rn. iii.u .uiibv VI II J gitUH, OS 1, rOCeiVV thorn direct from the manufacturer's Consignment Our - bmkm. ui oiiuiiiiorauu snii uoops is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the oountry rueroluuit la tins - unusually low prices. . . Less Thantho Cost of Importation ! ; Wb al.n fe-nn, tt. STIDLS I.TTn, OQ I. .l'- Tv .. - ... e ... -. uu .. . v. .j n.j i ii , ii . ii j uouua line, which Ooods we have purchased In this market uu tier the hammer, and are ottering them at New Yoi k ' Cost, and less. We publish this card in order that we may make new acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore .-.V,,.U u. W W.II .uv VAMDIua UUr HIKK, Good Articles and Low Price t Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell agarn. Merchants who buy of OS Can make n good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. We remain, respectfelly, . . i our uueuieni servants, a , BADGER k LINDKVBKRQER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nos. 411. 413 add 416 Battery street, Son Francisco. February ft. 1888. . f9-3ruv MRS, LEESEU'ff FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, k AND Dress Maklns Establishment, . , Opposite Cbhn 4c. Bohnthi, ' I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the Ladlos o the Dalles to my larie and fine stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, nOKIVETS, HATS, FEATHERS, -rx-8S Tplinmlngs, Sco. na'ving secured the servlcos of MRS. FRARY, In the Dress waking apartment, wo will do all work in that line ' and guarantee perfect satisfaction. DYING done in ail colors. Give me an early call, and I will endeavor to suit everybody In TASTE end at 11 EA80N ABLE PRICES. Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO., ' -i ; IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE ' DUTJQG-ISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., i SAN FRANCISCO . nu2d8e-r. .: