nnntainctr. PACTS AND FANCIES. To think uloutl is the Iraif y ofa fool. ' Only crows nnd fools aro ofruid of a (shabby suit of clothes. . - This prisons in .Richmond ore to bo enlarged to necommodule tho no uioroua bluck convicts. An ngcd man, in GIapcow fell on tho -sidoWalk, broko his Kpoctacles, nnd a piece of the glass entering his oyo, ho bled, to, death. ... ; , Why. aro wheat and potatoes like tlio idols of old? liocatme tho lormttr liavo ears and heur not, uud tho latter eyes but see not. - Promises to Behave. Pollard, of tho llichmond Lxaminer, on rocipvinsj pni'miasion J to 1 resume tho issue of his paper, was compelled by the Pres ident to givo tho following written pledge: '-If tho. publication of tho Examiner shall bo permitted, 1 solemn ly piedeinyhonpr -that it shall bo lovoled to tho support of the Union, Iho constitution and tho Luwp, and that tho journalAvill heartily support tho President's policy,". Three vonornblo ladies still survive who woi e of tho choir of young ladies that, drosaod in white, gructod VVmhIi. iiigtoni as heonterod Trenton in 1780, on his wny to nssumo tho Presidency, nnd who strewed his pathway with flowers. One yet lives in Trenton, nnother is Iho mother of tho lion. Mr. Chestnut, formerly Senator from tSoulb. Carolina, and .the third Mrs. Warah Hand, resides in Capo May county, N. J. ' AN exchange says: An almost in credible story is told of a lelegrnph operatdr in Washington, to tho effeci that ho lately recieved two long disi patches by two different instruments simultaneously, interpreted them both by sound, and wrote them out simul taneously as ; recioved, one with bis right hand and dnb with his loft hand. Powons familliar with the usual relia bility nndaccuracy,(!) of telegrams will not consider tho a'jovo story ' in crcdiblo" at all.- - - An Artificial Snow Storm. Tho intonsity of tho, cold in New York ro coolly was demonstrated by a very singular phenomenon. It was a snow storm formed by stoam. At tho Ful ton Ferry houso a pipoof the heating apparatus carried the exhausted steam into the a:r ; the on a ot the pipe point cd upward, and the force with which tho steum issued caused it to ascend thirty or forty feet. While in the air it was not only condensed but con pealed, and came down In -beautiful flakes' of snow. Sleeping in ma Moonshine For tho information of thoso who, do- not know the injury resulting to those who sleep in the monslnno, we copy tho following. "A boy, thirteon years of ago, named Henry Lowry, residing Dear Packhamfye, Ohio, was TesJoy night last expelled from his home by his mother tor some trilling misdo moanor. He at once ran away'to a cornfield close by, and on lying down in tho open air fell asleep. Ho slept throughout tto night, which was. a moonlight one. Somo laborers on Ihotr way to worn, soeine luepoor boy apparently asleep aroused him; tho lad opened his eyes, but declared ho could not sea. lie was conveyed home, and from tlienco to an ocular institution, where medical avicod wus obtained. Tho surgeon afflrmod that tho loss of sight roeulted from sleeping in tho moonshine. Tho boy is totally b ind, and few hopes: are entertafned tor his rccovory. . . . , , IV IS W II 15 V It S 13 ! r fJMIK UXDKUSIONED IIEQS TO INFORM THE CIT JL Izena of the Dulles ami vicinity Unit lie has received a SEW 11UAKSH, and will , -A-tlend Funerals on short notice. Thin Is tlio,nrt, and at prosont, only . . I. M. KVAN8 tulles, May 19, 1SC5. uiy:20-tf. D. Witt OLTHITT, attorne'at iA.vr' BANNOCK CITY, Idsho' hiTl'torf.'1 ' 4tf Paitlmilar attention paid to Col looting Dents. . A 1,1, PKRHON8 INOKKTKD TO COHN BOTIM mnt , pay up by tin ilfttli lnet., legal t'roeeedlinra will be had. luuu iuo ioi oviico. iviu iwu.n. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND SJAGE LINE! BEX. IIOLLIOAY, Proprietor. COXCORI) STAGES LEAVJJ BOISE C1TV EVEIIY OTHEtt DAY FOn 1JLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LA KK CITY with Concord Singes lttiiming to- ' . , VirginSa City, Nevada, AND SACKAMKNTO, CAUKOKNIA. FAIiKi Boise City to f nit Like flty ......100 0O v irgiuiu city, Montera us ou " " " llinajiiii liiver, Legul Tender tliOO, , Oold, $1U0 .. 400 00 For further information apply at OVEULAND STAOK LINK OFrTCM, Uolae Cll), I. T., JHll?!i! J T JUU' Agent. . Si. I2. WTKPHEA'SON dentist, fWAS KRMOVED HIS OFFICE OI'I'O-, tM. eitu ill,K!li. ftlllUi- Jt l . wl I,n ' in urenureil to do all kind of ill"? UfcIN I ML. WOR.K, in a skill Till and well flninluil iiiauner. TEKTII Iniertec from one to un entire set, on Unld or llubber I'liite. I'liruH raiiiro for ItuMier I'luto. from tiit tn jua- if. Oolil Plato, IVonijf75 to $15. flirl'eriioiis liiivinir work done bv me nut nrovlnv mil. tulnctory will not bo reiiuirud to ruceivo or nay tor Hi' name auiati LINCOLN HOUSE. Corner Wanhtngton and Front Streets, ' . i'OUTLAXI), OllEaO-V. -rinsT-cLAss hotel, laiioest in the state. JL CliitrgeH Keasoimble. AN 0MMUUS will attend all tho Boate nnd convey PaHnengera and their baggage to tlio llnime Free ol Charge, or to any other lluiido in the Clry for SO cenn. ., b. uirns, Proprietor.- P.S-n.TT AND COLD BATHS In the House. All tile Steamers for Oregon Citv. V cello Hnd Aturiu luml at tho Lincoln lluuao Wluui. MRS. 'LEESEB'S PRENCH MILLINERY STOUE, AND Dress Slakiiisr EKtabltalinicnt, Opposite Colin & Bohni'i, . I WOULD CALL THE TTKNTION of tlio Ladies o tho Dalles to my lur, e nnd flue stuck of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, IIOXXETS, BIATS, FEATHERS, Dress Trimming-H, &c llavlne secured Uto scrvicos of MnS. KRATIV. In t1. Dress Making apii' tmout, wo will do all woi lu that line aim guarantee pcrinct satisfaction. DYING done in all colors. Ulve me an early call and I will endeavor to suit ereryooay in tastk mid at KKASONAULK PllICES. Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO,, s iMl'OltTKRS AND WHOLESALE DUTJGGKTSTS. Corner of Clay and Battery Sts.', mli22:d6m. NOTICK. OrnrE or Ciiict OtiAnTntMASTrn, DKPAltTMKNT OF TIIK L'Ol.tlMi fori luncouver. IK 7'., March itrn, ) IIMIIIV, 28, lKOO. ) CJEALr:r PHOPOriAL8 will he rerelwd for tli. Tit AN8 O PDHTATION OF UUVKKNMBNI FKEIOI1T over the followlBit named rontes: 1st. From Fort Dalles, Oregon, to CampsCnrry, 'Vat- arni anil vvngnt. jiiitoers to state tne price per pound inCoix, they will take the freiicht or. Sepuratn bids repaired for each Camp. Bids for this service will be received at Fort Dalles. Oregon, by Cupt. James Oilltss, A. Q. M U. 8. A., and at this oBlce, up to 12 M., on the 1st day of Mav, lRUd. 2d. From Wnllula, W. T,"to Fort Colvllle. W. T. The price per pound lit Coin to be stated by bidders. Bids for tnls service will bo received at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., by 1 t Lieut. Juhn Noble, A. A. Q. M.,and at this nlfli-a. to to 12 M. on the 1st day of .Mav, 180U ' 3d, From Wallnla. W, T.. to Fort Boise, i. T. The prlco per pound n Colic to bo stated by hhlders .for this traunpoitiithin. Bids for this service will be received by Capt. T. J. Kikersoii, A. Q. M , V. 8. A., Fort Boise. I. T.- and at this olllcc, up to 12 M.,on the 16th day of May, 430,1. 4th.' Erom Fort Dalles', Oregon, to Fort Bote, I. T, the in-iro ret piiiind In Coix. t' r which transportation will be ftirntsheil over this mute to be stated. Bids for this service will bo received at Fort Dalles, Oregon, by Capt. .lames OIIIIks. A. Q. M.. U. 8. Aa Fort Boise. I. T.. by Cajit. T. .1. F.cfcerKoii. A. Q. SI., U. 8. A.; anil at tills ollk'i.un to 12 M., on tho 10th day of May, 1800. BifldeVs for all' the routes will be required to glvo bonds lth good and suftlclent Hecurlty fur the filthhil btrforiAai(ce of any contnrct wlifcW may be nwAi'ded tlieni Amler this advertisement. Bids tn be In duplicate and accompAnlcd by ail oath of slleglairto to the United Stales, The right to reject any or All Hl la roserVial, If so deemed best for the Interest otlh surrlce, All ooutracts made subject to the approval of tho De partment and Division Commanders. IIKNKYC. IIOTKIKS, -- " Brevet Lt. Col. and Chief Qu irterrnasier, Sdlwet.t stmt Department of the Columbia. DALLES CITY DKItl STOKE. P. CRAIG, WUULISALX AND HETA1L DEALER IN OR U G S. . . MEDICINES, . -. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. 4c. 1-tf sii5 DRUGS AND TATE ST MEDIViXESH DRUGS AXD PATES T MEDICISES!! DRUGS AXD PA TEST MEDICISESH WHOLESALE AND RET AIL DRUGGIST, Washington S(rrt, between Main nu Secoml Streets Q LKMON In nble to supply parties In want .of OruiB, Pati-nt MtiJit'lnui. Clioniituli,, Aciiln, I'uifuiinjiy, aud every other article etiitiiu'nited with tho WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. O ir Plt.vHicianft ami .Murchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. , ' 9. LEMOV. ap..1:tf. Washington St.. between Main adn Second. v a n t Si a. xii vo u x a n i" ' AND MACIIIiVIi: SIIOl?, FIUST STHEET. botweeu Yamhill and Morrison' tesia ti.iiitee DAILY M0UKTAI1TEIR iff JXm C oltloni4toi nurse- . ,. power.tithorl'oitableor -V VS?1?-" U Statlonavy. Also. (Jill- rJj. JSVr.j. CU1.AK SAW MILLS yViaJSaJi lWS COMPLETE, constantly $ . ihpmi 'Jfaife oiilmnd. Also, Hay Pres- i-iSSfftlffJrM. ses.pf all slz.es; Planing f-tCXAvJin Machines.fWoodwortirs r,-W4$-'?'.-.? .4 niutern.) w roiiuiu iuni -.-I'-'- h Cant Iitu work fur Vnr- ticnl Siiwtiiiil O rtikl mill: Brasif and Iron Culiuj;d WKOUGIIT IRO WOKK of every description. I am aleo prepared to furnish . ; Quartz MUl3 comploto, of the Latest' & moat Improved Patterns. These Mills can lioforwardod to anv nart of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will uot exceed 3, 000 pounds. liorae Powers & Agricultural imtilnmnnta maiiutacttireil toorderat the very LOWEST CASH PIIICE a. 11. rariicuior attention paw to UKI'AIIIS. re2u-tr A. OF77 Literary andSclentific Lectures riltCH has been in contemplation for some time, ' is new offered to ti e neotdo of tho Dalles. The first Lecture of the Merits will be given Monday livening-, and ono each Toepilny F.venlng thereafter, through the Series of Kkht Lecture. The proceeds will bo divided lietueeu I lie Congregational and .Methodist Sabbath Schools, Tickets for the Course : : 0XK 'DOLLAR. Single Admission. Fifty cenla. Tills lecture will be delivered by 11 KV. DU ATKIN SON, In tho Congregational Church leciuVo will com luence at 7 o'clock Subject: SDJIIATKS HIS TIME. The Dilhitvlng geutleuieu are expected to deliver each ono Lecture Bev. Dr. Benson. Portland; Bev. Dr. Atkinson, " Ilov. Mr. Cuiliey, " Judge 11111, Canyon City; ?ii'lge Wllnon, Dalles; ltev, .Mr. Driver, i'rof. llohuid, .1. A. Udell, Esq., Bev. T. Cond.,11, " MRS. L. WHITE'S EW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Mrect. H AVISO NEW LVJFITI'ED DP TUB OALLEltYover Detcnar's Stoic, would respectlully aiiuouiico to all those wishing riiotograplis, Carts do Ylsltc, &b., that they will do well to itire tier a call. I'artioiilnr at tention paid to taking Ladies aud Chl'dren's 1'ctiiros, ocJlttf. , ... liAiNT uXmXIci:r. MP.9. MATT IK llOLIIIIOOK would rospcctfnlVv'l'n Torm tho Ladies of the Dulles and vicinity, 'that she has opened a shop in connection with Miss O'llotirke, where she is prepared, to do all kinds of work with neat ness aud dispatch. IlaviliK just arriVed front the East, he hopes to he able to please all as to form and i'lutliiuu Cloaks, Conts and Dresses Cnt to Order. TII11EE DOOns West ot the Corner ofTIIIltD and UNION Streets. ' . nc21;iuU Furs ! Iiif 54 ! TIIK IIiailEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, By RICHARDS t McCIlAKEN. Portland Sept. 27, 1K0&. uc4:Um ' Washington Wagon Road. riillH UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM THE J Traveling Pnblio that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to tho Upper Cascades Is well being kept in good traveling order for wairnn and stock. M. C.IIAKDV, Dalles Jan. 11th 1865. janlltf Sole Proprietor. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND - " 1 ' ' v" . BILLIAItD ROOM, F. M. HUN T.; P Hi rl e 1 0 r, CORNER OF Main nnd (Jb'urt StrcetH, , . pSi'-tf , lDlle, Orogom POWER PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGOX. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY . Executed with accuracy and dispatch. II A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very befit, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP 6T TO Order: .t 1 l ami R i I I-E3 ead!. CHECKS. DltA FTS, XECEUVS, POSTEUS ANDT110GRAHHK8 FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS dc if-C, &c, PRIMTP.D I.t THE MOST ATTRACTIVE ItANNLK. ALSO, WAX-BILLS, MILLS OF FA KK. . - LET TEH HE A DS. HEIEWT BOOKS. " . . BILLS LA DIAO. gTricfs ami B'.-Jtuplilfcls, rjsrriA'e, weddiso akd at uohe" cakds l)ru;st', Ijivbflu, In short, eveithini.-that can be dene in a Book and Job L'ritit ini; Office, from the finnlltst and trust delicate Card or Circular, to the largost size and nioet thowy Postii, Bill and which will be turned out in a ttyie that cannot fall to insure entire satisiaction. - OVR fAClUTIES fOtt Till EXECUTION Of DECORATIVE PRINTING lu tho most beautiful Colors, Sluulc aud Tints. Su-ch as Fancy Posting Bills! from a single Sheet lu tlio Lnigeat iluiumuth, O It N AMYTAL XliVW VAUDSy PLhtlMERS LABElS.ttc Aie unsurpassed by those ot any otlier etahl.eliineiit 'n Ongon, Wodevotw rifiei-ia. uttf ntiuu ;o thitt bruuch ol the budinoss. uud aro coiitinuully uduiug to our alrcauy exitit dive nnd well aitpoiuteil auhortiuout ot uiattrinle NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, tc tc, i;., Of tbo most modern and elaborate designs;- Our iitock Ui FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C.t Are of the fluent quality, nnd for riclmoss of color and dunibillty, cannot beeijualud in the Sttito. The iiriiiciule upon whicli businvtm is arked for thin e- -tabliblimont i, that persona will coiiMilt tlicirown intc eHtn, by awardiiifj; their ctifitoiit to that ollico lu tthiih their money can be expmdud to the bt-Kt advantage, lu this end we solicit all in want of good 1'i intiu, at very reasunablo cbargea, to call and examine specimens, hi id I udge for y oursel ves. Orders from the Tpper Country WillhfiTO our special care, nnd friends from the inter." may rely upou having their orders lilted promptly, a t HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Htnle of Orecon ! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE nilB-tf Dalles. Oreaon.. JACKSON SAU)ON! C0IINER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON. nrIIK UNUEI18IONKI), 1IAV1NO RK5IOVED FROM A TUB "11KI.LA UMON" CKLI.AH, lTO Gates' Now UuHtling1, lleg to Inform the public that they are prepared to servs their customers with the best - Wines, 'Liquors and Cigars, T11K MAUKET At'l'QHDS. ALSO, A - Free Lunch ! Every day and oveiilnir. K. KCHITZ &. 8. KLEIN, dcc2-lf I'roiirietiiis. Ilax'd. Wood Lumbers CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK II KG TO CALL ATTKNT10N of Carrlano Man ufaoturers and Dealers to the Lare and Coin plute UAHortmentof CAHKlAUKnud WAUON MATKKi AhS we aro constantly receiving from the Kant, specially ttrlvctcd for the California market, coniprialn;,', Onk, Hickory, and Second Growth Ah Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Voles, Hubs. B pokes, Kvlles, ltlnw, EhalU, &c. t.. which we ofl'er at the lowest Cash 1'rWes. fi- Orders ftUdresst'ti to our liouse will receive proinp nttoitltm. . N. W. HHAtHI & CO., Jel5;Um. SO h 31 Battery Street, San Francisco. 1 And 17 A ID Seven tli Street Sacramento, C. Watmuiovsk, 11. W. Urauq & Co., J. W. Lrhtk'h fiau Francisuo. - Sacrnmeiitu. Now York F. TILLMAN, ' soli or.nt ix CALiroRi.i ron -TILTON-& McFARLAND'S Fire fc Burglar Proof Safes. ; : STEEL-LINED VAULTS, ''' l'u' , , V. .WITH ' Combination. Lock. JVGonstaiitlr ..hnnd a foil assortment of BAFK81 318 DATXEHV 8T1IKKT, JjrO-Om San yrnDcitooi