onniawccr. Money Market. New York fluid Quotation! 124 Vuii Francisco tagal Tender ratca 78 Epitome of Telegraphic News. fCOJIFILIS riOM OBEOONIAK. llAAO r. BLOCR, 8an Francisco.. C.8. MlLLU. Blocli, Miller & Co, WHOLESALE O- JEL O, C E R, S , AND DEALERS IN "Wines & liquors, And I ni porters and Jobber! of OLOTHINa Boots Sc. Shoes, UnderClothing, ' Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ' ASSAY OFFICII. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with oar bnstneHs, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make retnrnt in Bare in six hour. We Kuaninteo nil our Amur. and pay the tUOIIKST CASH PRICE 'or Bnre. We also pa; the Highest Cuh Price fur Gold Duet. myttf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. TTAL.DR0N BROS., Wholesale & Ketail Druggists, Mala Street, Dalles, Oregon. XWTK NOW OCCUPY OBH, NEW TWO BTORYniB W nrnnf KFm bnildlm. onnoaite Bloch, Miller A Co.. and offer to the pnvtic full and complete atock of Drugs, Medicines im Clunilcau, consisting iu pun ui DATES TO APRIL 0. iVfW lor. April 3 Tba Tribune' special iVi.'putvli 8Hvs all reports about probnble pas sage ot the resolution p-tinrauiveing tue :u 0 o loan, are lalse, started by an industrious lobby, to give to the bonds a temporary and ti t lions value. Not twenty members of tba House dare vote for such n measure, as it is well known that the committee on Foreign Relations are nearly unanimous against it. The Secretary of tbe Treasury having re ferred to experiments in chemistry, the ques tion, is petroleum combustible witbin tbe meaning of the law? has received a report that it is combustible, and that passeng'-r vessels carrying it require s-para'e license. Aspinwall's proposed , steamship opposl tion has fallen through definitely. C K. Garrison bought a controlling interest in the company owninii the Star line.of steam ers, thus defeating iheir transfer to the new company. Another opposition scheme is maturing. Tbe Nicaragua lino is also about to be re organized and greatly improved by chin-builder Webb. Chicago, Airi I 4. At the municipal e'ec- tion yesterday in St. Lout, tbe conservative candidate tor liecoraer receivee z.uuu major- Annul nr ity. Tbe City Cruncil is largely conserve. nflKU WftKtj tive. in Cincinnati tne Kepuuncan ticnet L'ot 2.100 majority. Tbe Council stands 27 Republicans and 9 Democrats In Milwaukie a Democratic Mayor was elected without op position. At Madison, Maine, a H-publican Mayor was elected. without opposition. In t olo'ed people voted for tbe first time in Wisconsin. Springfield, III., gave 150 Dem ocratic hiajority. At Leavenworth, Kansas, ex-Uovornor Kearney, Republican, Is elected Mayor, the vote untiir the largest ever poll' day the Itepubl.can ticket elected all their At Sail FiailCiSCO FliCGS, KKIinSRNE. TURPENTINE? ALCOHOi ACIDS. LINSKEB", LAKD. CA.-TOR AND NfcATSFOOf Oil, MP WICK8 ft CUIMKEY8 HOPS, SAGE. SPONGES. LEECHES, COKK.o, INDIGO AND LANPULACK FRANKLIN MARKET. G0&R1X Of SECOND AND WASsTlllWWON STREETS DALLES, OJtESOir, JOHNBPP1NOEB Proprietor nE VNMtRSIGNKD rail JE having Btted up the CC DEALERS IN i IRON &, STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE. FOE CASH," Adding cost of Transportation. ml3tf CUMMINQ ft GRANT, Dalles, Oregon. (Successor to William Birnbauin.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AXD DEALER IX The Iowa Legislature has adjourned, hav iuir adopted a proposition to amend tbe con stitution by striking out the word " white " from tbe suffrage article, which if concurred in by the next Legislature will be submitted to a vote of the people. Cincinnati, Apiil 4. M D. Potter, editor "VV". 13. DOUGLASS, nau. pruurietur oi toe commercial uiea whs morning. - jVeir York, Ap il 5. Advices from the city of Mexico to March lOtli, any Gen. Osrazon kad proclaimed himself President of the Re public by virrue of the constitution of 1857 uen. .Mendez bud sustained a severe reverse on the plains of Uruarapnn, where, it is ' st.it ed, 2u0 prisoners were shot In retaliation for the execution ot Liberals by Maximilian A statement has been published in several parishes to the effect that the tiorerument of the United States bud purchased of Den mark the- Islaud of Santa truz for ft naval etatio", in the West Ind es Cincinnati, April 4 Judge Bettl discharg ed the disti lers charged win bribing reve nuo oflicors. on the'ground that the law does not muKc it a cr.rne. - Trtntun, iV. J., April 5. The probability is very strong that there will be no joint meeting of the Leg slatnre, and no Senator elected. A resolution for a joint meeting failed again to-dny by the usual vote in the Senate. The Legislature will adjourn line die to-mnrrow. The lobby operators have cone borne, having given tin tbe contest. Wathington, April 5. The Mexican Mint ter has received intelligence from an El Paso cotninunicaiiou of important successes by tue Ltibentis. and announcing tbe expecta tion that Jua cz will establish bis seat of Government at Chihuahua. Hem York, April 6. Beatty, Brothers & io., mercunnis, nave suspenaea, liaouiiies I -m K , $3)0,000. Tlu Chronicle says that tbe fall- -tJarley 5C UatS, ure is nttr.buted to a member of tbe firm having issued bills amounting to $25,000 upon a forged document. Tbe delinquent purty is reported missing. - Washington, April 5 .The Supreme Court lias adjourned, having previously ordered mat an rases troin tbe lately rebellious States shall be d sposcd of at tbe next term in regular order ai. tbey may stand on tbe docket. The number of cases finally argued but on which there were no decisions and which arc ihcrcforo continued till next term, is 15. These includo tbe United States vs. Missouri; the test oath case, and that Involv ing the question oi the blockade. In add! tiou to iliese, the docket contains about 250 ithcr cases. The Court 'at tbe term just closed announced about eighty decisions. Chicago, April 5 At the Rhode I lnnd , electiori'yesterday.Gen. Burnside was elecV cd Governor almost without opposition, re reiving 7,749 votes, against 245 for Lyman fierce, Democrat. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. ' AND, PATKNT TIrI3ICIlVEH. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I of the finest and best quality; new stylm ond large assortments, such as LUIIIlH ' PKHIUKKKY. 1IA1K, LtBIN'STolLKTBoAP, FLKSH, - POMADKS SHAVING, ' VOSM f.lius, HAT, liAI It 011.8, CLOTH'S, COLOGNE. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES ToOTIl POWDERS, AND COMBB. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal pnrpo&w. Our nu-Uitlm for tmyfrrg gooto r Mrfond to non In tlia 6((tsnud we shall at nil times tell tsimallad" Tnc6 iron. cunt. Kwuljr taint and mall prunu. 1'IIISICIAXS' TRESCBIPTIONS Carefully enmpodnded at all hoim of the day and night. Villes,aept,u, isno. . aeiv-ti VERY IMPORTANT . TO I Merchants, Families, Hotels and 11AU-HOOMH. XTLIC8 KRAKMEK HAVING BOUGHT TIIB EN- v tire Stock of Merclimiriiie and Book Accooate ot the lateflrmot M. Seller ft Co., iu this city, lewhtrhjie hat added of his own iiuoortation (while doing business la Portland) an Immense Clock 01 tbe best manuiacturea Crockery, GlaNsware, Plated Ware, Lamps, CliandellerH, Table Cutlery sLooklng-Glabses and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the abore-mentioned articles, will do woll to aive me a call before Durchaslna: elsewhere. urdors from tne interior promptly atienueu to, ana goods packed to go secure. Don't tall to call on me. nnuiu's Btoue jsuuuiug, n asumgion street, uaues. JULIUS KKAKMKR. Dalles. March 17th, 1865. mhUtf almTe Market in the UK T BTYMjWiU keep oonalaot-' ky es hand all sorts of t resis and cared meats. Of the best quality tarnished at the LOWEST KATE Sly motto is to " PLKABK ALL." PARTIES HATING SUPERIOR STOCK TOR SALR will do well to call at the Franklin' Market. JOHN KPPINGKR. Dalles, Itemary 18th, 1806. W ASH 1 UTON HI AUli 1 T, . cotiistof COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREcTON JOHN MJCHEIiBACH, Proprietor. WdL Wlt.1. KEIF n nr. ft.! constantly ea hand all the varle-T" TT elULwties that the market caa aesseMy rjf FRESH Se CURED MEATS, end always of the hi It qsaaUr. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS snifjJsd sw rsessneete terms. Tbe undersigneej fc always en-pared to nay the Mrh- est cash price fur VAT CaTIUC. l'artiea Wing sti k In good condition, are rtajaeated to rail on him before going eisewnere. JUUK HiLUbL.UAi.ii. Dalles, March 31st, 18M. mbSltf NOTICE TO FARMERS. fMlK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTU1UNO J. COMPANY bas recently attached a XTLOUllIlSCr MILL. ' ! to Iheir Steam Sash and Door Factory, re this Cltv. and are now preiiared to CHOP FKKD, UKI1IB WHEAT m it CORN, and warrant to give tbe beet eailetKtiuu. Uu ns no eoMiaDiiy ana nr sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHOUTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Saverfor article of CORN MEAL, from ueir Corn. The highest market Drlceueld for WHEAT. CORN n BARLEY. II. A. 110(1 UB, Agent. IMllea, Not. 3, 1SCJ. i,:itl. , AUCTION AND COMMISSION.. JOHN WILLIAMS, A-TJCTIONEKB, , No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. ntir iiuinnrn iniro o i urn I tjixattbnd to the selling at auction unc nununcu iyiiixo oaicui BLACKFOOT & BIG BEND MINES BY WAY OF White Bluflfe! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. General Merchandise. Real Estate. Grocer!' Horses, New and Second lland Furniture, Stocks, Ac, c. Regular Sales Day Saturday. Out-door and Special Bales attended te la any Hurt of the CHy. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nlOtSni. JOHN WILLIAMS. Aactloneer. A. O-. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 miles I V jrina Tjirill OFS. . . FRONT STREET, White UluCTl to Pen d'Oiellle 160 " to Colville 10 Iino "Wsxtclies jND JEAVELRY, f NVITKSTHK ATTKNTTON OF HIS Fill ENDS AND M. the rubllo touii cliolco selection or New arid Fashionable Goods, Benpectfnlly soliciting their mtrunan". ... Ma'chcs PR0S11TLY and 1'ROPKIILY repaired and WARRANTED. metf Kext JDoor to the Poat Office. BALDWIN & BRO., OFFER FOR SALE IN CONNECTION WITH A C0M plete stock of - . Staplo Groceries, ALL HINTS OF FEED. Ground Barley, Bran Sc Sliorts, Wlieat, Which we propose to sell In quantities to suit at TORT- iiAitu I'liiuM, auniiig rreigiit. mioll cov.r OIL ! OIL! dolIL, OIL ! AT,SAN FRANCISCO COST I TO LET.-' : rpil R DESIRABLE RESIDENCE situated on the Blnff, JL formerly occupied by T. B. KELLY, Is for rent. There are Are room. Dirt I r furnished: also out houses: a good spring of cool water, together with one acre of I rlen gnrdi ground, with a secure fence around the same. xoruia reasonable. Apply to -.. liELLY ft DCNNY. AT SAN Fit AN CISCO COST I AT SAN FEANCISCO COST ! , - ; ( AND FREIGHT, : mrj:lm ., ... At Crntea & Cbnpln'ai, Travelers by hnil for either of the above Gold Fields, win save Save Time Bistaucc and Money By takiug the White Rluffi lload. Wood, Water and Grass Arc found on this Road within easy drives. The road Is now open, and possesses advantages over any other land route from the uaues. , I'uuutmcii uv onier oi Til K CITIZENS OF TUB DALLES. Dalles, March, 20, 16WS. ni2Utini. COLUMBIA KIVER MINES! A. B. P00TB ..........HABT IttTISOS. BOOTII & NEVISON, Forwarding nl Commlialon MercsMt AND DELM18 IN GENERAT MERCHANDISE, fRKlOHT FOR COLVILLR, UPPER COLUMBIA, KODTKNAI and BLACKFOOT MINES promptly lorwarui-u. . Mark Goods B. ft N., Wl lte Bluffs, W. T, iT'kiticnt Portuxd Richards ft McCrnken, Alien ft Lewis, and .;Hodge ft Calet Dallis Bloch, Miller ft Co., French ft Oilman. TOYS! T0YS!T0YS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers Id that Hue to tbe IJASKtl AND TOY EMPORIUM of TllCMAUKR ft ZUIN, , . 820 and 322 Battery Street, n28:3m . . San Francisco. 1 . r EH M , Wnlclmiaker nnd Jeweler, I . .MAIN STREET, DALLES, TVEALKU IN FINE WAT0HR8. JEWELRY, r, 1 CLOCKS. Gold Pens. Silver and Plated Ware. V&. Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. . jr3i A9-Partlcnlar attention paid to repairing fineWUa9 batches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. N. II. All orders from the unDernouutrv.Lv Express i utumnim, pruuipiiy aiieiiueu 10, AOARD, TBvSTADAMIi LB TKLLIEIl WOULD ItESPHCTFULLY i.YJL inl'orni the Liulies nf the Dalles and vlrlnltv. that she Is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALETOT making. Also, CUTTING and KITTING in a new and improved style, uever before Introduced In this place. . Bho will warrant to clve satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal catronaire. In the Rooms latelr occuDied br Mrs. White.-over iieirenerB store, ou V) asnlngton street, netween ceeoM Dalles, March 27th, 1800. ' . mrlTtf m Oregon. VERY LARGE ASSORT Portland, aTkFFKRS FOR 8ALE A J meat ol Brandlei, Ulnex, IJquorg, . , . Case Goods, Ac, &c, i- &.c. a- The Trade is partlrnlarly Invited to examine my St ick before psrclieahig elsewhere. . . au2-tl II. HERMAN & CO.. MAIN ST., DALLE8, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, JfgAVK JUBT RECEI VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK 0V SPR1NG AND 8Vai91ER GOODS, Consisting In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Clothing;, ' Boots & Shoes, Ilatt&Caps, Which they offer to tell at SMALL PROFITS. Dalles, March 27th, 1SB0. ' mr27tf ' BOOKS! BOOKS ! ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T7 Btandardand Miscellaneous WOK KB, Late NOVELS. MAGAZINES. PAPKI18. Ac. fte.. by every Steamer. Post-Omce Bookstore. Main street, Dalles. Garden Seeds for the Million. m7-tf ' II. J. WAI.DHOV FUKS, WOOL and npHE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR inhlSSm WOOL, AND HIDES, at Mc&lAKKN, 3IERRILL ft CO.'S 10 Nor Mi Front Street, Portland. NEW YORK BAKERY ' AND GROCERY STORE, Main Street Dalles. mh23tf ' ., ...' FREDERICK BKN7.EII. THE NEW nillDGK ACROSS TIIB LOWER DES CHUTES IS NOW COM plete, and rea.lv for the crosslne- of TEAMS, PACK i vf u i i o srvI i a uatiiid a tic Mali JtB am SdOt WW 4FlJlL7 JTIVI'Dnnim . DESCHUTES ROAD ft BRIDGE CO. Da'les, Mutcb S, 1800. , mr2;lw