latlg IPou-utainccr. SUtDVT MORXISG, APRIL 8, 1800. The Doraocrucy hud a ratification meeting last night, which was rather u faint effort, bat was probably the host they could do under the circums fttances. ANOTttttt Bteam tug boat is to be placed oh the Columbia river bar im mediately, where one is much needed, nnd it is hoped that no selfish combin ation will freefce her out Ibis time. Govt. Fbuohtb The lowest bids for freights received by the Quarter- master's Department at Fort Dalles yesterday afternoon, were about 7o to (Jump Watson, and 14o to Camps Wright and Currey. The Oregonian says there is no dan' cr that the steamer Montana will be Kought off. She is doing a very prof itable business, even at the reduced rates. It is to be hoped that so im portant a trade and traffio as ours with San Francisco will not again be left to the mercy of a monopoly. A dispatch from Salem to the Ore fjonian, says that thero is great dissat isfaction manifested there at the re mit, of the two State Conventions in tboir nominations. Rumors were in circulation to the effect that conserva tive men of both parties were work ing to organize an independent party to run a ticket upon a Johnson plat form. Joking on Facts. Yesterday when the steamer arrived, tho returning de mocratic, delegation brought with them a large white flag, on which was vpuinlod in staring blackJoUers, "J. K. Kelly, for Governor," and which was stuck up before a well known place in town. Shortly after, a strangor pass ing looked up at it ani remarked, "Selling out at cost, to close buai-ueBs!" They iiaVb Done It. The democ racy, after a long and labored' session; adjourned on Friday, at 7 o'clock, p. M. We published yesterday thcirplalform and the following are tho State nomi nations: For Congress, J. D. Fay, of Jackson; for Governor, Jas. K. Kelly, of Wasco; for Secretary of State, La fayette Lane, of Multnomah; for State Treasurer, J. C. Bell, of Marion; for Slate Printer, Jas. O'Mera, of Linn. For Judge of the First Judicial Die. trict, P. P. Prim. For Prosecuting Attorneys as follows: 1st district, J. R. Neil; 2d district, G. B Dorris; 3d district, J. W, Johnson; 4th district, E A. Cronin; 5tb district, J. II. Slatef. If tbe Democracy had the most re mote hope before the convention of electing their State ticket, they hnvo rishly and foolishly destroyed it. That hope lay in their putting up men who had never strongly com mitted thomselves as being in sympa thy with the defunct slaveholders re bellion ; but true to their instincts, they have nominated "a ticket on wbiuh there is but one man who' has not rendered himself obnoxious to all good men by bis treasonable efforts to paralyze the strength of our people, iB order that secession might succeed. Tboir tntocedents damn thorn, and the people will ratify that much of their antecedents in June. The following is a lubiu of tue dis tances from While Blufls to Pen d'Or. cille: To Cribb Creok .....12 miles. '1 uence to second crossing of sumo 10 " " Black Rock Spring! 18 " ' Kock Creek 9 " " Duck Lake ... U " " BircU Creek 2 " Engle Springs 10 " - " Booth Springs 4 "N " Cottonwood Si rings 10 " ' Flag Springs......... 12 " Coulee Creek. 5 " Spokano River.....'.! G " Pen d'Oreille 30 ii it ii ii Tutul. 134 Missing. Considerable excitement existed in Springfield precinct during the past weelc, on account ot the mrs terious disappearance of Mr. Shelly, reniding aboutfivo miles abovo Spring field. It appears that Mr. Shelly was recently married, and a low days alter ward left homo for tho ostensible pur ' pose of coming to this place; nothing Mas hoard of bim lor somo days, whon huspicion was aroused that he had licen ' foully doalb with. Inquiries woro made, when it was ascertained 'that lie had not loft his section of tho , country by either of tho ferries. Tho i.eijjhbors in t ho vicinity met together Mid instituted ft search lor the body of young Shelly, but, so Jar os wo havo "fieri able to learn -without success they, however, found suflleiont ovi ' denco of his Jiaving been murdered, to warrant them in arresting a person n whom suspicion rested. Tho search for tho body was still boing prosecu , ted at last accounts. Tho particulars if the evidence we Intro not learned ."Eugene State Journal. ' :'i :.!:, Jaclcion Engine Company- DRILL TO MORROW (Monday), at 4 o'clock, I'. M. v By order i f tlic Foreman. Wasco Lodge, No. 19, A. F. & A. M. - Holds Ita atated Communications on the First nnd Third Mondays or each month, at their hall. In Dallea City. Brethren tn pood atandlngare Inrlted to attend. Bktu L. Popb, Sec'jr. By onler of the V. M. MICTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAM STREET, DALLES. THK VNDKR8IONKD THANKFUL VOU PAST Furor, inform Die citfr.en. of (lie DENTAL, NOTICE Being abont to make a,' P".,Md ,,,, ",blil n,ll ttat ' cuiitlouee to professional tour to the town and aettlementa urr-rhe Columbia. I respectfully call the attention of throe of my patrons who are In need of Dental Operations of auy char acter, to the fnct, ao that they nny hare fin opp-irtnnity to avail themselves of my aervlcea before my departure, If ao desired. I will leave about the 20th nf March, nnd ruturn to thia place to resume my practice, nboat the 18th of June. BTtf J, W. GURLhY. On their way to Idaho and Montana. The steamers Pacific and Montana, which will sail hence thia morning for Portland, Oregon, will carry up a number of sturdy and hard-fitted miners, who have determined to try their fortunes in tbe much Taunted cold fields to be found in tbe Territoies of Idaho and Montana.. Tbe major portion of tbem will cross tbe Rocky Mountains and proceed to tbe Blackfoot diggings on tbe eastern slope of tbe moumains. Tbe mining district, witb tbe principal city, Helena, is located in tbe Prickly Pear valley, on tbe very bead waters of tne upper Missouri river, uenr the dividing ridge separating tbe Columbia and Missouri waters ; the distance between' the two slopes, via " Mullnu's Pass," is so liort that tbo traveler can drink from tbe impid waters of the Co'umbia in the moru- ng, and crossing tbo divide," quaff tbe water of tbe Missouri at noon. Blackfoot is about 470 miles northwest fioro Walla Ynlln, n Washington Territory, and Some 150 miles sputli of Fort Benton wbicb is tho highest point that steamboats from St. Louis have yet retyfbed on tbe upper Missouri, We are nformed by a gentleman who belonged to tbe expedition, that Mullan'g party found gold on tbe Missouri as early as 1858, while engaged in building a Government rond through that country. That party was com posed mostly ot men who bad mined in '4!) in California ; they had become so disgusted with their Adventures at Frazer river, Ii. C, nnd joined tbe Government party in order to have an opportunity to return to tbe Atlan tic states, via tbe Missouri, so soon as they should reach Fort Benton. Tbey, however, knew what a gold bearing country was, and 8 aid : " Before many years a second Cahfor- nia in early days, will- be opened up here " just where tbe celebrated Blackfoot mines now are. Tbe Government road party also lound rea nermatite iron ore, traces of cop per, plumbago, etc. Cinuabar is said to ex ist along tbe Hellgate, and at a point along tbe upper Missouri. Goal is found on tbe upper Missouri, and a depositof cannel coal near the " Three Buttes,"' northwest of Fort Benton is supposed to exist. In this con nection we may observe that tbe Oregon Steam Navigation Company are having btrlt a steamboat at tbe foot of the Pen d'Oreillo Lake, intending to run here some eighty miles to the bead of tbe lake ; thence to Blackfoot is about 230 miles. The steamer will bo completed early in April, when Mr. Win. K. Isb, of Oiegon, will place a line of stages upon tbe line, to connect with the O. S. N. Company's steamers at some point on the uoiumola perhaps at Wallula or lux louso Landing ; thetice, via steamboat on the Lake to tbe mines. Tbe fare from the Co lumbia, including the Lake passage, will be 5100. Now that the nre hence to I'ortlanri Oregon, is put down so low, it is estimated tbat tbe sum of $130 will amply suffice to carry a person from San Francisco into tbe Blackfoot mines. S. t. Hag, March iltt. AUCTION SALE I will soil at Public Auction on Tuesday, April 10, at 10 a. m., All the Household. Parlor and Kitchen Furniture at tho residence of 8. Frank, on Mala Street, adjoining the F.mpfre Hotel, counting of 8"fas, Chairs," Tables, Carpets, Beds, Bedstead, Mattresses, Plllowa, x Looking Glasses, Crockery, Cutlery, Stoves, to., Ac. This sale will be nnsltivr, nnd without reserve. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anct. . DALLES THEATRE. THOMAS WARD, Puohiiktor and Manager. FOR A FEW NJGHTS ONLY I THE CELEBRATED ACTRESS AND ' SONGSTRESS, FANNY MORGAN PHELPS, Will appear nightly, aided and assisted by the fo1 owing well known astists: . MR A. It. PHELPS. MR. THOS. W.1D, THIS EVENING Will bo performed the excel'ent piny of THE STRANGER. PUBLIC -AJUCTIOIV OR PRIVATE SALE, Real Eft-late, General Merchandise, Cii trees lett, MortteN, Mules, Furniture. ' StOCkN, &.C. &c. regular sale days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN m -de of enlea. Ont-dnor and Special galea attended to In any part of the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. SELLING OFF AT COM ! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SEGAI18, PIPES, TANKEG JNOTIONS, AND STATIONERY. AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. ntrtTtf The Stranger, Old Solomon, Dlra, Hauler Sir. A. K. Pnelpa, Mr. Ward Fanny Morgan Plielpa. To conclndo with the laughable furce of raisig the mm Jeremy Dlddler Mr. A. R. Phclpa Uuicr cuaraciera of me uouipnny. Admission $1,00. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at quarter to 8. Seats cun be secured daily botwueu 2 Hint II l. M. IIILtHtOWS! MILCH COWS!! JO quire at the Mountaimlib Office. oTdSwl FLOWERS! FLO WEKSI ! I liarejnat received alot of ASSOKTKI) FLOWERS Wli icli I will soil at reasonable Prices. nO Tokatrb. To-nIs;bt will be played that old and 'excellent pieoe, f Tho Stranger," with "Raiaing tbe Wind," J as an ufterpieco. ' J. JUKEU. CRYSTAL SALOON AND I5ILLIA.ltr ROOM, ' JOHN RISDLAUB, Proprle'or. WASIIIXOTON ST., next deor tn.FRENCU OILMAN. Oregon Steam Savigation Co. SUMMER ARRANCEMENT. , TO!-' Sy T1H! STEAME11S WEZ PERCE CHilEF, WEB-FOOT, TEXIKO, OWYIEEE, SPRAY & OKAKAGOIK, Captains E. F. COF.,- 0. 0. FKLTON. J. II. D. Oil AY, uud THOS. J. 8TUJIP, Will run dnrlr-R the season from CEL1LO to TIMATII LA, WALLULA, HtlllE ULtriB, 1'Al.t.iUSK and LEWI STUN. - m. One of tho shore named boats will leave Clil.ILO for UMATILLA and WALLULA, DAILY (Sundays excepted) I'll Pttstseiigrei' Train to connect with etcamcra at Cclllo will etart fnim the Railroad Depot, DALLKS CITY, nt 6 n'cloct, A. M Routs will be dispatched for WIIITK ULUFPd, I'A I.OU.1K and LEW1STON as ofion us the necessity of the trado will demand. FOR FOHTLAND THROUGH IN ONE DAY. The Btoamara "ONEON T -JL , ' " OR , . "IDAHO CAPT. J. SIcNULTY .........Commandor, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at 6 clock. A. M.,connectint by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamers NEW WORLD, CASCADE, or WILSON G. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, fji Portland. . Dallea, Apill8,1860. I.JUKE H, Slain Street, Dalles, WHOLISALI AMD SKTAIL DKALXR IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUPF, PIPES, &co. ALWAYS III 8T0K1 Tn BUT BRANDS 01 Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. ILAYINO CAItDS, , l'OCKKT CU't'LEIlY,. PORT MONI ' COM 1)8 and El! USHKS, o' all kinds, PEKFUM of every description, CHINA O' l.V JIKNT8. TOYS, DO'.L?. etc. fish iioo : . ii nsniNO tacklk, MUSICAL ..ri'MUMS, FANCY OOC . U. .. Also Powder.S!.". ,Lvd. fo'.-iie-Flatka, Baskets, and man" other arti.'c v.- . c o.'a omeutlon. Intel or : c 'c ii-r i t' edv. .mC iars, at 'esa tbs,n To 1 ."o );.cv w h l eltlit added, oc-8 GATES & CHAPIN WUOLESALK RETAIL DRUGGISTS, STOXE BUILD' NQ, WASHINGTON STBKET, DALLES OREGON. Importers und Jobbers of PATENT MKDICINE8, CHEMICALS ft FANCY GOODS, SODA, COD KS ft ACIDS, OILS, ft ALCOHOL, PUKK WINES ft LIQUORS, PAINTS, GLASS ft BIIUSUES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS ' Accurately compounded. . . ' . PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A fml and complete assortment of all articles In the Photographic Line. at. a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FltANCISCO PltICF.8. M f Merchants will please get our prices before order ing below. II. L. CHAPIN, JUSTIN GATES. Dallea. Sacramento. Cat. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main fy., Dalle, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the cltlaeus of this idaco and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro. i lessloual tonr through the inpw.hehaa as.iln resumed the practice of JKNT1STRY, In the room io merly occupied by him. In the building occupied by Wood ft Duller, Photograph Artists, and adjoining Waf- FRANK T. DODGE, nl2tf Agent 0. S. N. Co. dron lire.' Drng Store. He takes this method of ex tending thanks, fur tbe liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to him, and solicits a coutlnuance of the same. LIST OF NUCI8. Entire Denture on Gold Dase v $180 to $2iS " Upper Denture, Gold Base.... . 90 " lift 11 Denture. Ynlcnnite Base.,... 7o ' y2 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base S5 " lis Gold Fillings iuaerted from one dollar upward. Chlldrens' Teeth extrnctod free af charge. se13-tf . Coroner's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO ME DIRECT ed, Issued out of the Circuit Court, for tho Comity ol Union, State of Oregon, in favor of I. Geer, sheriff, and agiriiiat J. A. J. Chapman et al, I have this day levied on the following described roal estate, to-wit : me unmviueu nun oi too caw-Dim (water-power) and lnnd clul ii on which aald mill la sltimto , eonsistin of 1B0 acres of lanil1, together with all the appartenuncea belonging tlnrennto. Th- mill is situated about six iiiilea ubovo the town ol Union, Union connty,onCotlier's Croek, and commonly known as the Bennington ft Jbd hrook sawmill. will expose the sameat public ante in front ol the Court House door in Union county, on FRI DAY. Al'ltlL'the 27th, between the hours of a, m. and 4 p. in., nnd will sell the aonw to the hlgheal bidder for cash, to satisfy the sum of tW 61-100, and Interest front the 10th day of Notembor, 1666, together Wltk costs. , CAA8. ABEHLKY, apotl Coroner Union Comity. La Grande, Union county, Oregon, Marob 16th, 18WJ. NOTICE. . I HAVE appointed V. K. HAFT my authorised agent to collect all moneys due me, and attend to my bus!- ueu gouerally. a3UJ JI, RtNIO,