vol. r DALLES, OUT iROW, SUNTJAY, APRIL , 1J00 NO. ITBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAVI tXCKPTBD,') BY U. . CWWSE & J. IIALI-ORAN, y KDITOKS AND PIlOIMt KTOKj. V U IS A' II & . I li M A I', Tkiim:) Ttomty-livectvU per wtiok, pivynhlo to the uiTior pur iiumth, by mnil, L; tlueo uwitttts. &I50; ix . ivoiitlin, to ; uiiu your, $S. Adve.-tisemeiitu insetted at - tow mtui, , . .. , ' x Job Printing. i: ' - Kvcry ilencrlptlon f plain julI fancy Job Printing ox uttttl with uetitiu'M mill tletjp.tch, awl for wu riled in per iif-sr to tiny pint or the country, hiyiruiU Jor Job 1'rint ing mutt be iinie oh delivery ftf work. ' iy. If. IM ftt I, AS s , ; I'raotleitl Wn'tciltmtilcci, ; Ami Dealer in ,; FI E WATCHES !.' JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON., IXPURTIRB AND WU0LUAL1 . . Dealers in Wines, Liquors GltOCKUIEai, . Miners' Cioods, Iloat Stores, &c..- HAVE IIMIOVED TO IIIKI& NtW STONE BUILDING, . . COIl.MiR OF Second and Wa.ihfngton Streets, DALLES CITY; NOW IN STOItH A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortiucut of the very beat brands uf WIIVISS A.NI3 LIQUORS. Alao, a full assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. Constantly receiving our auripltos iliract from Now York and San Francisco, wo are able Htiil williui, to Hell at u very amiill mlvuuce on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting n strictly correct aud prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cfthe pub lic. . . , sellMf rjA.Liwiiv lino., DEALERS IS ;;G-ROCERIES!' CHRNEIl OK .llulnnnd Union Streets, Dalles. J.C. BALDWIN nl.21-tf ' F. W. BALDWIN'. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIERLA3I & WENTZ, cpEM'TUs GLOBE HOTEL BUILDING, VsSBJKWraS Dulles City, have on hand u variety iflsi Household Furniture, , fi "hi. Hi'ilii mill UedHtoiulrt, lluililiiiCttrpetl ic. etc., nil ot which wilt bo sold nt ltw rated. Furniture Hcpilirt'dtiirid Uplioldterinp; dono to order. AIho.oii hand " A'allrt'iisuduud I'illows. Spring lledit umdo to order, ntil'j . W'J, M0ABD8. 0. B. KQiHKU. O I T Y" BAKERY, . "j .4 ' a.id . , j . ruoyisioy store, s ' Corner of Flrnt anil D Streets. W1I0LK8AI.K AND UKl'AIL OUAI.KKS In DItEAD, CKAOK KIIB and Faintly UltOCKItlKiJ. 9,0rdure from a dUtauce carefully ailed and proinply iKpatched. 1-1 1 TOSli:rtI ELFELT, TVII01E3VI.B AND RETAIL DEAIXU I Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, -WATS AKP CAPS, AND ' Gentlemen' rurnlslilnf? GondN -Fiit!.proo( Htiin toref comer of: Mailt und Court Itrueta. oc-l-tl IIU.UAS1. Ac OULL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW WILL PllACTIOK IN TUH SUPItGMH ANi) CI It cult Courts of Oregon, aud the District Court o Wagliiiijftou Territopy. t I'lrticulnr attentluu paid to the collection of claims. 0. 11UMAS0N nl . Uallea,0n. 1. A.ODKLL. FUHNISHED ROOMS TO LET, 3y the Night, Week or Month, . NEXT DOOU 10 JACKSON KNG1NH HOUSKi , "mStf . MI1S. Bl'KKNGKH. M. u. uatbh. e. . HArr. GATES & HAFT, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON. . . ; ., 13 Xt. STEELE, ACII.N'Q ASSISTANT BUItOCON, U. 8. A. .... , oyyioiAi . . ' WALDR N BROS. DRUG STORE WM . IIUOWIV WARMER. M. I. OFK1CB 74 SECOND STHKKT, between Washington and Court. - . : , . - ' OrricB UoVRs 0 toI3, a.m.; 2toip H.;nml6tol0, r.x O. R. R ROOKS, M. I). Offlce-At Ttr'. Craia's VrLz Store. : : . DALLES, OREGON. ' RR. -R. , ,W. MITCliELI,. " Ofricb WALDRON'S BUILDING. Hesidbkcs Corner of Third od Waslilngton Strenls '7 COtl OMli! CO if i OIL! 'i "irrAr,DriON nilOS. hare' lust rncel'veil a l-rne In- W ' Tolca or COAL OH., trtilcll they Cfftr at rrerffly dud rates, Ju7U 17tf UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. HAXDLEV it S!..OTT, Trop'rs. THIS POPULAR HOUSE, GIMRAI.I.T LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing & RailroaiDepot, Has boon reppntly eulnruud aud Improved, oud will now nccouiinodato 300 GUESTS. IT WILL HH CONDUCTKD(w lioretofora. as a FII1KT CI.AS4 IIOIJMK, and the putromtge of tlio traveling public 4s respectfully solicited. 5V llnirntalteu to the IIooso free of charge. Uouso opou all night.' i LARdJ FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dulles. Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, UAIN STREET, DALLES, 0RE00.V, TSIOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IS tat 0ENTR8 Or DU9I.NE8B, ' Near the Steamboat and Bailroad Landings Superior Accommodations lor Families and cau Ao anuuiodate One Uundred aud Fifty Unests. Meula 60 cat. Lodging 60cts. Fire Proof Safe for depoaltoof valuable. ft"5u Ilnnao open all night. Daggape taken to the Hons free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, nih8-tf Proprietor. CD TJMBIA RIVER MINES. a. . n - 13 o otii, WillTB BLUFFS, W. T., .FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AXD OBNERAL DEALER IX M E R C U ANDISE AND lTll?ER(i) SUPPLIES. PACK AO SADDLE H9B3E3 FOB SALE. roilEiailTS 00N31UNFD to my care for Colvllle E1 Kontoual, or the Upper ColuuiWa Mines, will re coivo prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1804. oc2tf tV'is w ritii TitociiiiV AND PROVISION SXORE. rpiIK UNDBUSIONKD INFOItMS HI8 FIIIKNDS and l the public generally, that ho has Just established on Main street, next door to J . Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand it large assortment o aelectel FKU1T. Also, In store a complete stork ofchoice GKOVMtlKS. l'ROVJSlOiYS, VEUETABLKS, da. All of which will be aold, wholesale and retail, at HK DUCKD PltlCKS. Come and see and satisfy yourseir. el3-tf JOHN SP0S1T0. FJRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND TT-RTJIT STORED WuhlnKton Street, opposite French k Gllnifui't PiilUn. Jliw on liantl h large and well-twaorted BtocR ttt GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, JTrosli Httttor & E&ffS, Kecelreil dally. A Jarfrt) lot oTCIIICKKNS always on hand. FIlUITS of all kinde. FKKSH VKUKl'AULES every morning. All articles wnrrhnted. x Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICKS? LOW. anlfctr. F. LEBH. M. BROWN & BRO., WBOLESAU AND RETAIL DIALERS W . . . - FANCY AND. STAPLE DRY Q-OODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AbV Mr. M, BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, we ire enabled to offtr great Indcenients to purchasers. Wa respectfully Invite the public to examine onr stock befor DhfchMlhir elsewhere. , mlR.tt T atouo Store, uorth side Mala s'trctt, Dalles. FOSl HOISE OIJIECT. ggfeg :'t II is , t-fe WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE , OF.- ...... CONCORD STAGES, . ' I. - ''CAKItlTl'NO' . THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS " ' and ' , Weill, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Modular Trips froiii Walla Walla to PI corvillv, (Uotse Mines.) ,i m . . i . . , . Through in Two and a Half Days Conuectinij with the Wallula Line of Stages, aud tU Hunts uf the 0. 3. Company. UUO. F. THOMAS k CO., ap2"-tf ' ' Proprietor . NOTICE. THE PIONEER. STAGE COMPANY ' ' ' ' Will curry PAST FREIGHTS :.v' - FUOM. . ;' XJ -Au 1L1 XJtllt , AFTBlt TUB FIltiT OF OQTODKIt, AT T.'IH I'OLLOW INUKUDUCKDUATUS: To Boise City ...... ..v. 13 Cents per pound Idaho City... S40 "Owyhee ,.,..i40 ' " For less amounts than one hundred pouuds na addition of Five Cents per pound will bo chnrgud. TI.M15 FUOM XJAIAXILIjAi ' To Kolse City ..3 Dityn. To Idaho City $ l'i Mays. TO On j Uee, 4 Oayo. Umatilla, Oct. 1,1806. JOSKl'U PINKUAM, Aeut. oclsaf. MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. miJISS O'KOURKKDRSIIIES TO INFORM the XT JL Ladies or Daliea and vicinity, that sho has Just received a fresh supply of TTiiisiiIonablo Goods, Tho-lntest I'arls. Now York and San Francisco styles of llilNNETS, II ATS, KUHIONS,. LACKS, FKATUKHrt, FLOWKItS, sc. A full und well-selected assortment of Ladles' iteady-.'rlade Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Kmbrnidorynnd nralduig. PINKING done at short notice. UONN Kl'S Uleaclied and Pressed iu the latest atylo. A largo assortment of Children's Kcndy-.Ialo Clothing Constantly on hand. Having seen rod the'services of a First Cla Dress Maker, I am prepared to rut aud lit Lndliis' and Children's DiltiSSKS and CLOAKS. Tlll.tU STUKblT, one siuare east of tho Catholic Church. . . . jocai:3m. TO tea)ktW1nd dairymen" FEED! FEED!! 4 siioxrrs, AND ' . ' ' OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE DV 1 ' , 23 Front Street, PortlnmL nlO:tf. Opposite 0. 8. N. Wareliouse. NEW SALOON. NEW 8T0NE St0U, WASHINGTON STItEET. . TUB UNDEKSInNED would respectfully announce thutlie will open a first class Saloon In Froucli Oilrlian's New 8tone Dnlldlng, THIS EVENING, and is ip-f eparei to serve cuitomers with the best uf ' Wines, Lt(iuors and Cigars. . ALSO, A '" EREE LUNCH Krery day and Evening. . ' '! " ; oc28tf. - . -JOHiy RIlVDLAim. And all kiiidH of Machinery Maniifacfured at the ' OREGON IRON WORKS C0RNE11 OF MORltlSON anil TTH streets, ;PORTIsAlVI. a., c. oibbs c6., Sil'i'pjinnrn ri Portland. Deo. 0)h M.. ; doOtf E. L. Jones ft Co. ' "NOtkc'E. W' riCAT.L THK ATTKNTiON OF TnR PUDLIC to the diet, that we linve oolicluilMl tu gl ve up bus iness andthere.ore.all parties fiuhdifedtb ns MUST PAY UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS vr gl proceeding, will U. BllVlV. DUO. lis I, nil. Dalles, March 10, ISto, ullt Umatill a,, ! , 13 oisOj , ! , , (i,c.-ANL IDAHO ; Express md FasJ FreigUt Line. rMMIIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE UUN.N1NU JL order from Umatilla to Idaho City, fla Uolso City, and procured to cany Frelnlit mul Valuab'.e Pm kun's between these uud nil iuteruieiliatl' puluts lthcvrtatniy uud despatch, , . , . The Line is Stocked Willi the Best Teams , the country affords and entirely , . New Thorough-Brace , Which ensures Speed and SirlWy hi tho ranSnils-lou of ' Freight, never before offered to Idaho, , We offer Supe rior Inducements for Sliipplug Coods from Sun Fronci-co and Purllaud to Idaho, us our arrangement Willi the Ocean Steamship Compmiy and tile Oregon tficain Nhvl gatlon are such that all Hoods shipped by this Lino will not bo subject tu the usual delays, but pass through as ITast li'plgrlit. Gooils shipped fjriftSan Francisco' to'onrcnreat Port land, Charges will ho paid and Uuoda shipped to dcsMua-. tlou. GOODS 8II0ULBDE MAllKKDsJ-CAftM B. M. D. ft CO., F. LINE, ami Shipping Receipts sent toourAgonts art Portlaud and Uiaatrlln. . , .' Adrniice Charges for Transportation Paid by the Lino and CoIloctoJ at Destination, (ioods will lie lurwimlcil with Dispatch to oybee aud South Uoisu. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED ' RATES. Families will be lunilslied with Superior Ac commodations lu New und Easy Riding Thorough llracu Wagons on tho Most Liberal Terms,, Wo lay over eacu night on the Road at Oood and Convenient BtHtions, so that pasauugers will not bo deprived of rtiular rest. ' ' AGICNXH: RICHARDS ft McCltAKKN..'i.....i',...;i....SRn Francisco KIClURDd ft McCUAKEN..,.: Portlund JOSEPH TEAL ; Dulles POWr.LLAC' 'E Umatilla, J. U. WILKINSON LcUran l D. M. DuKKLL ft CO Dulse City li. M. DuKKLL ft CO ..;..i.ldnho Oily MAJOR SPEElt Rocky Ilur (South Dulse; DuRELL ft MOORU.....Aw.i.,j(.;.ttiiby and Silver Cities . U.M.DuRELLifcCO., nSStf ' Propiletors, A" CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Noa. 41 1, 413 and 415 Unttery Street, Cor. Alerchaut, San fc'ranclsoo. Importtirs and Wholesale Dealers. ESTIBE NEW AND FRESH ST0CE. WE WOULD CAM, ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Uuoda. Our stock comprises every article in tl.e Clothing and Fur nishing line. Wo have constantly on hand the largest and greatest varloty of Cassimoro aud Wool HATSot any house iu San Francisco, and our prl ea for tliese Good, are Ic-sathatt thote of any house, as wo recefvo them diroct from the manufacturer's consignment Onr atnek of Sumnieraiid Fall Goopa Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to tho couutry merchant is the uuusually low prlcea, , ; less Than tho Cost" of "Importation! Wo alao keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods line, which Uoodswo have purchased lu this markot un der the hammer, and are otleriug thorn at New 1'oilc Cost, and loss. We publish thlacarj In order that we may make new acajuiilntunces, uud Induce thoae who have not herctol'oru purchased of ua, to call aud examluu our stuck. Good Articles and Low Prlcea! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of ua can make a good proilt, hhd sell to their customers at a low figure. We remain, respectfully, Your Obedient servants ' BADGER ft LINDENtERfJER, ' Wholesnle Clothing anil Hat Warehomo, ' Noa. 411. il a and 416 Batleryatrcfl, Bon Francisco, February tf, 1800. . . n-Umw. Dr. DAVY'S SPECIFIC c o ivx i? o tj is r , An ExpcUltlous Cure for all dlaeaacs of the SEXUAL ORGANS, rVIIIS prompt and elDcnltona Retnefly fur the cure Bl Glumorriua, tileet, Strictures, and Diaeueea of the Urinary Oignna. mnkes a speedy euro without the least restriction to illef, exp'is'ure or clmngo In niipllcation businem; Tt will radically cure any ciiie which cau be produced. Tho disease it removes as speedily as Is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Kurthur. tho disease cannot be contracted If tho SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients aro entirely vegetable, and no Injurlrms ofToct, either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by its hso. Pfice One Ttiillar nn,l tMflvn. n... 1.nlln a-u.w Express carefully packed. 1IUSTKTTBII, SMITH ft DEAN. Agents, 401 and 40U Duttery street, cor Ciar. Jy22-0m. - gn Francisco. D. DALLAM , 0. W. ARXE9. 0. W. ARCS. ARMES DALLAM, ' Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, fto,- . And Manufacturers of , California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, 5c 217 210 SacramontoStrcet, between Front and Davie San rnuscrice, ocUrtimtaeN