VACTS AND FANCIES. TnK old custom of burning widows in India, lias for some lime been giv. ing way before an advancing civiliza tion, and the marriage of widows is now allowed. The first, it is believed, which has ccourred in the Presidency - of 13 am buy, took placo on the 22d of JMovember lust, at JJundora. An exchango thinks it would be well, before raising expensive monuments to the soldiers who have fullen in tho war, that towns and muncipaliios should see that the widows and child reo they have left behind are not al lowed to starve, or to exist on tho merest pittance. Tub "piatolcgram" ia the latest foreign novelty in photography. The picturo is taken by tho magnesium light in about throe seconds. -It is then enclosed between two plates of glass, which are then subjected to ucu a heat that they become one piece, and tho likeness thus becomes uci'mctically sealed. The AasLrailian papers mako men tion of sudden and intense heat in the middle of November, affecting the health of very many persons. The llelbourno Age says that at Boechs worth several animals, principally cats and dogs, died of sun stroke On the 21st, thermometer reached 133 in the shade. Tue Diamond Drill is coming into market favor. It was originally pat ented in Franco by M. limlolph Les ehaud, and subsequently patented in, the United States. It can -be-driven through compact sandstone at the rate five feet per hour. Fiftoon diamonds, costing about fiftoon hundred dollars, aro oso instead of steel cutters, and aro set in tho end of a tub to revolve by machinery. The drill leaves a core landing, which is broken off at cons vonient longtb, and drawn up. These diamond Gutters last a long time, and the maohino is said to be the cheapest In the end. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfbot OVERLAND STAGE LIME! DES. UOL.LXDAY, Proprietor. COACORD STAGES LEAVE B0I8K CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOB - BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKH CITY with Concord Stngea Jtunuliig to "Virefinin, City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIHOKMA. ir sCTt K : Boise City to f nit Like rity $100 00 " Virginia City, Montana la 0 " " Missouri River, Legal Teuder fclou, Gold, $100 400 00 For farther information apply at OVERLAND STAOR LINE OKFiCK, Iloiatj City, I. T., mhftdam J. N. TODD, Agent. D. 1. STi;iIE LS). DENTIST, f WAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OI'PO- , M.M. site Bloch, Sillier A Co., where be in prepared to ao ail Kinds or DENTAL WORK, In a nkillfiil and well finlshtd manner. TKKTII Insertei from one to an entiro get, on Gold or Rubber I'lnte. I'rlcfts raiiire for Kultber Plato, from Ala to ftxr. . Vn, Gold l'lute, from $75 to 1-5. Aar Persons having work done by me not proving sat isfactory will uot be required to receive or pay tor llw same. anl3-ti ne.w n 12 jv xt, s is ! rrnu UNDEHSICINKD BEOS TO INFORM THE CIT--SL Izom of the Dalles and vicinity that he has lKmirnH a NEW UEAKSE, and will Fixnerals on short notice. This is the first, and at prosent, only UVWBQ 1U IUB I. M. EVANS lVklles, Mny 10, 1805. my:2u-tf. - LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Street, PORTLAND, OKKO0N. FIRST-CLAPS HOTEL. LARGEST IN TUE STATE. Charges Reasonable. AN OMNlllUSill attend all the Boats and con Try Passongors and their baggage to the llnuHe Free of Charge, or to any other House in the Ciry for 60 cents. S. CUmN. Uimi,.t,.r P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers forOrczon Cltv. Vancouver. 1UL cello and Astoria luuil at the Lincoln House Wharf. epi:am . m NOTICE. On ici or Ciiinr QuARTmitiaTin, 1 Department or tub CoLOMnn, I Tttri Vancouver, W. T., March 8, 18110. ) SEALED PROPOSALS will be received for theTRANS POItTATION OF GOVERNMENT FREIGHT over tho following named routes: 1st. From Fort Dnlles, Oregon, to CanipsCtirry, Wat son and Wright. Diddeia to state the price per pouud in ftn, they will take the freight for. Soparate bids required for each Camp. Bids for this service will be received at Fort Dalles, Oregon, by Cnpt. James Uilllss, A. Q. M., V. 8. A., and at this ofnee, up M 12 M., on the 1st day of May, 1808. td. From Wallula, W. T , to Fort Colvllle. W. T. The price per pound In Coin to be stated by bidders. Illds for toil service will be recelvod at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A. Q. M.,aud at this ofllce, i p to 12 M. on the 1st day of May, 18G0. 3d. From Wallula. W. T., to Fort Holse, 1. T. The price per ponnd in Coix to be stated by bidders for this transportation. Bids for this servico will be received by OapL T. J, Kckerson, A Q. M , U. 8. A., Fort Boise, I. T - and at this office, up to 12 M.,on the 16th day of May, im 4th. Erom Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Fort Bolso, I. T., the urlce ner Dound in which transportation will be furnished over this rolite to be stated. Bids for tills SArvIra m-lll be received at Fort Dalles. Oreiron. bT Capt. James Gllll-S. A. Q. SI.. V. 8. A. Fort Boise, 1. T.. by Capt. T. J. Kckerson. A. Q. M, V. 8, A4 and at this offln, up to 12 M on the 16th day of May, 1806. Bidders for all the routes will be required to (rive bonds with good and sufficient security for the faithful performance of any coutract which may be awarded them under Ibis advertisement. Bids to be In duplicate end accompanied by au oath of allegiance to the United btataa. The right lo reject any or all bids Is reserved, If to deemed best for the interest of the service, All contracts made subject to the approval of the De- Dirtmejt and Division uouiniauaer. IIKNRYC.II0DOE8, Brevet Lt. Col . and Chief Qu irtermastor, Ml watt stmt Department of the Columbia. BALDWIN &, BRO., OFF KM FOR BALE IN CONNECTION WITII A COM' plete stock of ; , , fJtaple Groceries, s ALL HINT'S OF FEED. Barley , & Oats, : Ground Barley, Bran Sc Sliorts, . u f, o 7 7 ; Wheat, TThl'h we pmpos to sell In rjtUntltlei LAND PRICES, adding freight. to salt at PORT" ml3tt 777 D. Will DOtTUITT, . ATTORNEY A.T LAW, BAHNOCKtITT, Idaho Territorr. ' Partkular atUnllon paid to Collecting Debts.. NOTICE. M M, PKR80N8 INDEBTED TO O0HN BOHM moM UWl par tip by the 26th Inst- or legal pmoeedintn wi U had. Tills Is tbs last notlcb. COUMABOtlM. SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVES AND TINWARE,' ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. THE WU0LK embracing a fine stock, ever- article of wliicli will be sold at COST, as I desire to close out busluess. Also, one GRAND 1'IANO, in good order. mm,, ior snie, tue uuusr aau bur, on peconu etieet, next to the corner of Washington. The limine iaiwn storioa, with a basement, and iswell adapted to the hotel uasiness. aibo a lot ol HKUU1NU, comprising about twenty-five Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. amcom ALIIKUT HKTTINGKN. UALLLS CITY DllUCi STORE. P. CRAIG, , WUOLE8AH AND HkTAlb DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. 1-tf VRUOS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS. AND PA TEST MEDICINES'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! 11 S. L.EMON, - t J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tl DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Stroets VALI.ES, OREGON. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Dnw, Patent Medicines. Chemicals. Arid. Purliiinerv. and ovory other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. Physicians and Merchants intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great vailoty. . 8. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St.. between Mnin ailn Swond. i O It TLAJV Id FOIHI) 11 Y AND maciiuvk shop, FIRST 8TRKF.T. betwoen Yamhill and Morrison. of from 4 to 40 liorrto- . poirw.efther I'ortnlileor ut.inn.,., a i .. nt u r ,rj. v. ?s.:.iM3MSa I f war& unhand. Also, Uay Pres ses of all sizes: Plnninor Macliinos.(Woodworth's eiV?SW)r-SV; pattern.) Wrought and fSWM Cast lion work for Vr. xJj.1T fa 'SiSS2l'-- ilnl Hnwnn.l fliut n.lllix Brass and Iron Castiuirs aud WROUGHT IROX WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the nilnos as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed !i, Out) pounds. Horse Powori ft Aftriottlttiral Implements ' mauulactnred to order at the verv LUWKST (JASIl PRICK N. B. l'articuler'atteiitlon paid to RKI'AlltS. fo'2ll-tf MRS. LiaESICll'H v FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND Dress NaUlnsr Establlstaiuettt, . Oppoiite Cohn Si, Bohm'a, f WOULD CALL TUB TTKNTION of the Ladies o M. the uallos to my lar(e and fine stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONNETS, HITS, FEATHERS, Dress Trimming's, Sco. Having secured the services of MRS. FRARY, In the Dress Making apartment, wc will do all work In that Hue aim guarantee pertect satisfaction, -DYING done In all colors. Give Die an early call, and I will endeavor to suit everybody in TASTK and at RKAS0NABLK PRICKS. Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding; Stamping, LANGLEV, CROWELL & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WI10LESALK DHUGGKESTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN DBTtA-NOISCO. mh22:d6m. COAL OILI COAL OIL! COAL OIL ! At SAN FltANClSCO COST ! At SAN FltAN CISCO COST I AT SAN. MUNCISC0 COST! AND FBEIGIIT, mrttiim At Gratea fc Chpln', - A SHItTKS OF Literary and Scientific Lectures YMrniCIl has been in contemplation for snmo time, ww I now offered to tho people of the Dalles. The first Lecturo of the Eeries will be given 3Ionday Evening1, and niio each Tuesday Kvening thereafter, through the Series of Unlit Lectures. Tho proceeds will be divided between' the Congregational and Methodist fcabLmth Schools. Tickets for the Course : : ONE DOLLAR. Slnglo Admission, Fifty cents. This lecture will be delivered h RKV. DR. ATKIN SON, in tho CoiiKrogntlonnl Church lecture will com nience at 7 o'clock. Subject: SOUHATKS 1118 TI.MI4. The following gentlemen are expected to deliver each one Lecture: Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; .Tu-ige Wilson, Dallest ltev. Dr. Atkinson, " Uev. Mr. Driver, ' Rev. Mr. Cffrey, " Prof. Rohind. " Judge Hill, Canyon City; J. A. Odell, Ksq., llov. T. ludun, " DAILY MOUNTAINEER MRS. L. WHITE'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH E00MS, Washington Street. nATINd NKWLY FITTKD UP TIIK 0 AU.ERYover Degnar's Store, would respectfully auuouuce to all those wishing Photographs, Carts de Visite, tc, that they will do well to give her a call . Particular at tention paid to taking Ladles and Chl'drtln's Pcturos. ocilitf. MANTUA MAKER. MRS. MATTIE I10I.BR0OK Would respectfully In form the Ladies or the Dalles and vicinity, that she bos opened a shop in connection with Miss O'llourke, where she is prepared to do all kinds of work wltii neat ness and dispatch, slaving Just arrived from the Kast she hopes to be able to please all aa to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Conts and Dresses Cut to Order TIIUKR DOORS West ot the. Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. - - ocilima Furs ! Fin's I TUB HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOE Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Bklns, By RICHARDS A HcCRAKKN. Portland Sept. 27, lHOt. oe4:3n POWER PRESS BOOK & JOB PiW.N0 OFFICE. First Street, between Slain and 1) DALLES OREGON. JOB PRtNTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Kxecnted with accuracy and dispatch. ItA BTVLK THAT MILL C0VPAI1B FAVORADI.T with the very best, and AT RATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ST to ordlb: C a r 1 s n li l IS i 1 1-EB tad. CHECKS, DRAFTS. X.KCBll'TS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS itt., ICC, cc, PRIMTKI) IX XIII HOST ATTRACTIVE 1MN1IUI. ALSO, WAY-BILLS, v BILLS OF FARE? LETTJiR HEADS. RECHU'T BOOKS. BILLS LADING, Rricfs mid I'.niiplalets, TJSITLXG, WEDDING AND " AT. HONK" CARD IueciBts LabelB, In short, everything that can be done In a Book and Job Printing Ollice, from the smallest aud most delicate Card oi Circular, to the largest sioe and most showy Pouting Bill and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fall to insure entire satisfaction. 0CK FACILITIES FOR Till HKCUTI0N OP UECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a ninp;le Bhcot to the Luigest Uuiuuiotbi ORNAM&XTAL HUOW CAXDS, l'VhhiiMEUS' LABELS, Aie unsurpassed by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention lo this branch ol the unamend, and are continually adaiuK to our already ex ten- aive and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. de, c, tV, ' Of the moat modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business Is asked for this et -tablishment Is, that persons will consult their own intei esti, by awarding their custom to that ollice in which their money cau be expended to the best advantage. i this end we solicit ail In want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, ai4 Judge for yourselves. Orders from t be lpper Country Will bare our special -enre, and friends from the lnterio may rely upon hating their orders filled promptly, as NAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Btate of Oregon ! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf . Dalles. Oreiion. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER CODRT AND SECOND-STREETS, DALLES, OIIKOON. ITE UNDRR8TONKD, HAVING KKMOVED VR0M TIIK UNlUiN" UELLAU, Gates Now Building:, Bex to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors TUB MARKET AVfOHDS; . ALSO, A Free Lunch ! : Every day and evening. E. SCHl'TZ A 8. Kl.fcll decJ-lf f roprletiiti. Washington Wagon Road. TIIK ONDKH8IONKD WOULD INFORM TIIE TratrellnK Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is wen ueius; in gouuMitTeiiuBoruer ior wagons and swear. E. U. I1AHDV, . Dalles Jan. 11th 1865. Janlltf Bole Proprietor T and Cigars, MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILtlABO ROOJtt P. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER or . , Main and Court Stroets, Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BRO TO CALL ATTENTION or Carrlngo Man tifacturers and Dealers to the Larue and Com. plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAC10N MATE1IX ALB we are constantly receiving from the East, apecially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Urowth Ash Plank, Hickory Ail, Wagon Voles, Hobs, Spokes, felloes, Rims, Slfits, Ac. Ac. . which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. Orders addressed to our house will receive promp attention. N. W. DliAUU A CO., Jol6:3m. 20 A 81 Buttery Street, Ban Francisco, aud 17 A IV Seventh Street Sacramento. C. Watsmioi'SS, U. W. Ubaou A Co.) J. W. I.ibts San Vrancisuo. ' Sacramento. New York F- TILLMAN, SOLI AfllXT II OAUrOBlllA FOR TlLTON & McFARLAND'S Fire Ac Burglar Proof Sale. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, "-WITH ! ' Combination Loclz. -Constantly band a full assortment of BATRfl. 318 1IATTHKY STKKKTi , Baa frajietsiei