kiln Mloiintainecr. A New Hampsiiirs Boy. A good tiling in floating about New I'ork a't the exponsa of Gen. Klpatrick. Tbe !enerul rof.urnod there lately from Boston. While engaged in very ear nest conversation on the cars, and gesticulating very freely as is Kil's way of doing things one of his Bluff noticed a young New UarapBhiro boy, litftoning very attentively, with his mouth and eyes wide open. Tbo 'Officer, thinking to have some sport, addressed the unsophisticated youth, and got floorod, as follows : Major II. " My toy, do you know -who that gentleman is you are 4ook inir at so hard V "Boy" No, I don't ; who is he ?" Major II" Why, that is Maj. Gen. K'l patrick," Boy" You don't say so ! Ain't he notno on gabbing, though 1" T ho party retired to the smoking ar, amidst roars of laughter from the other passengers, the boy still looking na innocent us a lamb. Say 1 gabbing' to Kil. if you want an ugly look. Hi Didn't Advertise. Tbey tell a story in 'New London, illustrative of Groton business enterprise, which runs thus : . . A green grocer in Groton, sent his clerk to Now London ono morning Ust Hummer with a bag of green corn to disposo of. Tbe young man' was gone all day, and at night returned wilb his bag of green corn on his shoulder, and dumped it on the floor with tbo remark : ''There's your green corn, go and sell it yourself, I can't." "Why," said the grocer, "haven't you sold any ?" " Sold any ? No 1" said hce. "I've been all over New London with it, and nobody said anything about any groon corn. Two or three follows askol me what I'd got in my bag, and I told 'em 'twas none of their d d business." Josh Billings' Elements of Moral Philosophy.-Wo are apt to hato them who wont take our advice, and do, tnise them wbo do. It is dreadful easy to be a phool a man can bo one and not know it. Elegant lezzure chawing plug to backer and spitting in a dorg's eye. .Ileal happiness don't consist bo much in what a man don't huv as it tiuz in what he don't want. Fear is the first lesson larnt and the last ono forgotten. Nobody but a phool gits bit twice by the same dorg. A pet lamb makes a cross ram. Epitafs are like circus bills there is more in the bills than is ever per formed. Tew be hoalthy eat onions and go naked. BALDWIN 8L BRO.. OVFER FOR 8AUC IN CONNECTION WIT II A COM pieto stock of Htaaplo Groceries, ALL KINDS OF FEED. Barley & Oats, Ground Barley, Bran Ac Shorts, Wheat, Which we propose In sell In Quantities to salt at PORT LAND 1'KICM), adding freight. iul3tt Summons. In the Circuit Conrt of the 8tata of Oregon, for the county of Wasco. O. W. Ilrnbnck, plaintiff, is. Samuel . rarmnn ana mix, aoienaams. - fkTV 9AMUKL FAHMAN AND MIX. Defendants sl Yon are hernby summoned and required to appear and amwar the complaint in the abore entitled action, (which has been filed In the office of the Clork of the Canity of Wii-co.) within six weeks from the first nublU t cation of this summons; or if you fail to do so, Ihe plain tlft" will take Judgment against yon for the sam of Fife Hun tred rnd Blgli'-y Dollars and seventy-five cents, and Interest thereon from the U day of October, 18(15, and . for the conta ami disbursements of this action. By order . of tho Uon. J, 0. Wilson, Judge of the 6th Judicial Dis trict. UAIUS IIAVI, - mrMw Attorneys for Plaintiff. ,l. WiU DOUTIIITT, ATTORNEY A.T LA.W, ,-, v , 8ANK0CK CITY, Idaho Territory. ff Mf f'riioular attention paid to Collecting Debt. Virginia -City, Montana & BlackToot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEX. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. jgg COXCORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTI'KU DAY FOtt 1ILACK FOOT, Salt lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, -Connecting nt SALT LAKH CITV with Concord Stages JMlllUlllg 10 "Virginia City, Nevada, AND SAC11AMENT0, CALIFORNIA. Boise City to Palt Lnke City J100 00 .. .. .Virginia cuy, Montana ... lio ou " " Missouri Hivor, Legal Tcnucr WOO, UulJ, $100 4C0 00 For further Information npily at OVERLAND STAOR LINE OFFICE, Uoi.e City. I. T.. mUMlm J. Js. Tolll), Agent. DENTIST, IAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPPO ite Modi, Miller A Co., whore lie prepared to do ail kinds of DENTAL WORK, in a skillful and well flnl.ilitd manner. TEETH Inserter from one tonn entire set, on Mold or Rubber 1'lato. Prices range for llubber 1'lute, from $25 to (16 : Foi Gold i'liito, from $76 to $125. Persons having work done by me not proving sat isfactory will not bo required to receive or pay for til' anm-ti NEW II 13 .V. R 53 IS ! rpiIB UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM TUB CIT M. l7.eni of the Dalles soil Tlciuity that be has received NEW HEARSE, and will vVttend Funerals on short notice. Tills is the flrit, and at present, only uearsu in (lie cuy. I. M. EVANS Li.lles, May 19, 1305. niy:20-tf. LINCOLN HOUSE. Corner Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. F IRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN TUB STATE. Charge Heasonnblo. AN OMN1I1US will attend all the floats and nnn. Passengers and their baggage to tho limine Free of Charge, or to any other House in the Clry for 50 coins. M. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for Oregon Cltv. Vancouver.- Monti. cello and Astoria, land at the Lincoln House Wharf. SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVIiS AND TINWARE, ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS, rfVIB WHOLE embracing a line stock, ever- nrtlcle JL of which will bo sold at COST, as I desire to close out business.. Also, one UttAND PIANO, in good order. "... . ... .j li i-j x i, u uvi, uii pecuuu oncei, next to the oornor of Washington. The limine is two stories, witli a basement, and iswell adapted to the hotel hllHltlAM. AIM In nt ItVllllTVn ....... .., . . ....... ... ... Ul.wu. 11VJ, l.VIIIJl IBIIIK nilUUl ..sii.j-iiia uou. mo wmuib win do ciu&ea out cueup For furthor particulars apply on the premises. AlillKlir UKliinUfiN. MItS. LEESER'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND Dress Making: Establishment, Opposite CoUn tc, Dohm'a, WOULD CALL TIIK ATTENTION of the Ladles o B. iue iinnes to my lare and line stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONNETS, HITS, FEATHERS, Dress Trimmings, See. Having secured the services of MTtfl. PTIAHV in th Dress Making apa tineut, wo will do all wor in that line nun ausraniee periec( satisfaction. vxinu aoue in all en nra. Give ma an early call, and I will endeavor to milt everyooay ini'ASTKand at KKASONABLK PKICE3. rariicuiar attontior paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WIIOLESALB DEUGGISTS, Corner of Clay an&Battery Sts. SAN.FRANCISCO. mli22:ddm. SherlU'R Sale of Real Property. BT VIRTTJB OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Wasco County, State of Oregon, and to me directed. In fa' or of Jas. II. Neyce plaintiff, and against B. J. Drew de fendant, for the sum of Fonr Hundred and ninety-four and 70-100 dollars, ((19470-100) principal, and thirty-three and 05-100 dollare,($33 96-100icosts of action, with Interest and seeming costs, I have levied upon and will sell at pnb llo,suction before theCourt House door, in Dalles City, on SATURDAY, the 28th DAY OF APRIL, 1806, between the honrs of 0 o'clock, A. M., and 1 o'clock, p. M., to the highest biddor foe, cash In hand, all of the interest of the defendant In and to the south half of lots one(l) and two (2) In block five (6) in Dslles City, fronting 60 test on Washington street, and running west 116 feet iaoror leas. . CTIAIttBS WHITE, Sheriff. . By R. W. CltASBiTX. Ttepnty. Dalles City, March 28th, 1806; B30w4 1 i I'liiTiafflr UALLLS CITY DRUG STOKE. P. CRAIG, WHOLIE8ALI AND KKTA1L DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDICINKfi. Jtc. 1-tf JJUL'GS AND PATENT MEDll'lSES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES !! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLISM.I AND KITAI1, DRUGGIST, WaaUington Street, between Main and Second Streets . DALLES, ORLGOX. LEMON Is able to supply parties in want of Drills, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids. Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with tbe WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. Physicians and Merchant intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In groat variety. S. T.EMOX, ap.3:tf. Washington St.. between Main adn Second. PORTLAND 10lEUV AND MR8T 8TUKET, between Yttmhill ind Morrison. Jo of frmn 4 to 40 Intra power.tltlier Portable or Stationary. Also. CIK CUI.AR SAW M Hi COM PIjKTK, cunatuntly ODhiuid. Ainu, tiny l'res Ben of nllHizeft; I'lantnic Machines.(oi)lwt)rtli a pattern.) Wrought and Crtrit Iron work for Ver tical Sawnnd ti rit niilln; UrauBund Iran Cast in and WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I nm also prepnrod to furnish Quartz Mills oomplete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can Reforwnrded to any part of the mines the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & ierioultural Implements manufactured to order nt (Tie very LOWEST CASH 1'ltlCE N. B.l'articulor attention paid to Klil'AIllS. fo20-tf A. SKRIES OF Literary and Scientific Lectures "WrHICII lias been in con torn plat Ion for some time, v V is new offered to tbe peoitlo of tbo Dullon. The firut Lecture of the Serit will be tfven Monday Evening, and ono each Tnemlny Evening .thereafter, tbrouzh the Perlenof Kit: lit Lecture. Tho proceed will be diviilcd between the Cuugn-gatiouul and Methodist Subbutb Sclioole. Tickets for the Course : : ONE DOLLAR. Single Admission, Fifty cents. This lecture will be delivered hv RKV. PR ATKIN SON, in the Congregational Church lecture will com uience at 7 o'clock, ftuujoct: suuilATKS Ills TJMK. The following gentlemen are expectod to deliver each one Lecture : Rov. Br. Reuson, Portland; Rev. Dr. Atkinson, " ltev. Mr. Cnffroy, Judge II1II, Canyon City, Julge Wilson, Dalles; Rev. Mr. Driver, " Prof, ltolnnd, " J. A. Odell, Esq., " ltev. T. Conduit, " MRS. L. WHITE'S IEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Street. HAVISqVkWLY FITTED UP TIIK GALLKRT over Degnar's Store, would ruspcctlully auuounce to-all those wishing rhotographs, Carts de Ylsltc, &c, that they will do well to give her a call. Partlcnlar at tentlnn paid to taking Ladies aud Chi'dron's 1'ctures. oc21:tf. MANTUA XA.lXaU. mmnS. MATTIR TIOLDROOK would respectfully In VI JL form the Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, Hint she has opened a shop In connection with MissO'Kourko, where she is prepared to do all kinds of work with nout nessand dispatch. Having Just arrived from the East, sne nopes to lie auie to pieaso all as to form and ianliion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIIREB DOORS West ot the Corner of THIRD and UNlOM Streets. nc21;m3 Furs! Furs! TIIE IIIOII EST MARKET PRICK PAID IN GASH fo Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, By RICHARDS ft McCRAKEN. Portland Bept. 37, 1H0&. oc4:3m Washington Wagon Road. rrnm tindf-rsioned would r ponM tub J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades Is well being kept in good.travellng order for wagons and SUCK. K. C. HAitUY, Dalles Jan. 11th 1865. Janlltf Bole Proprietor. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND HllL.lsIA.Iir ROOM, tk itt. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF , Main and Court StroetH. . p2Ul i- IDalle Oregon. DAILY MOUNTAINEER fife POWER PUKSH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES... OREGON. . JOB PR1NTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IA STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAYORAHI.T . with the very best, and AT HATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ST ' to order: C a r t s and R i 1 1-EI e l . CHECKS. DRAFTS, JWCEIl'TS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES vnn THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS tie, etc., ic, PBINTCn l.W THE HOST ATTB1CTITI HAKMR. ALSO, WAX-BILLS, BILLS OF FA UK. . LETTKB, HEADS, HEVEU'T BOOKS. BILLS LADING, Rricfs and PampliIetiK, VISITING, WEDD1KO AND "AT HOME" CAliDI JJruKcists Ltvbels, In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job 1'rinlliiii Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Uill and which will be turned out In a style tliut cninit fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR FACIUTIIS FOR Till EXECUTION OF 'JECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Slxrdos and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills ! From e. Bin trie Sheet to the Largest Alatumoth, ORNAMENTAL HiiOW CAliVS, Aie nmurnaaded by those of any other establishment Oregon. We devote special attention to this braucb ot II biismeM. and are continually adding to our already extci. live aud well appoiuted aattortmeut of xuutcriit. NEW TYPES, BORDERS. ORNAMENTS. tec.. d?c, tc, Of the most modern aftd elaborate designs. Our stock ci. FANCY INKS. TINTS, &C, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. Hie principle upon which business is asked inr this e tabllslunent is, that persons will cousult their own inte -ests, by awarding their custom to that office in whiih" their money enn be expended to the best advantage. 1w this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at veiy reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, ai d Judge fur yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from tbe Interio may rely upon Having their orders niled promptly, as HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon! Address: , , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf Dalles, preson. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES. OREGON. T IIK UNDKR8IONKD, I1AVINO REMOVED FROM '111K "JJK1.LA UMU.V CKLLAU, I.TIU Gates' New Building, Beg to Inform the pnblic that they are prepared to serv their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch I Every day and evening. K. SCHTJTZ V S. KLEIN) decg-lf ' Propileloi s. Ilai'd. Wood Lxuntjei' CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK BKQ TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man lifactlirers and Dealers to the Large tind Com. plete assortment of CARHIAOK and WAUON MATKltl ALS wo are ooustautly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Orowth Asli Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Pules, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Rims, bliaits, & c. Ac. which we offer a(.tlie lowest Cash Prices v Mf lirders addressed to our bouss will receive promp attention. N. W. URAOU A CO., jel5:3m. 20 A 81 Battery Stiei t, cati Francisco, and 17 A 10 Seventh fetroot Sacramento. 0. WATKunousg, II. W. liRAao ft Co., J, W. LiKir.s San Francisco. Sacramento. New York IT. TILLMAN, SOLI AQBKT IN GALIrOaNlA r0B TILTON & McFARLAND'S Fire Sc Uurglar Proof ttt. STEEL-LINED VAULTS', Oomtina.tioil Lock. sTConStantly band a full assortment of BATKS. 318 BAITKKY STREET. Jft-tnk ' " Ban ffraacisMi