gaihj Hlo.nnlamccr. Now York Hold Qm.tutimia 121 aUn Francisco Legal Teuder mien 78 Isaao X. Biocn, - San Francisco. 0.8. Mllt.Il. Dalles. J low It was Done In an article en-itled " Hon. Wilson Iiowlby," llie Oregon Statesman explains Low. the nomination of Mullory was m-cured ut tliu Union Slule Convention, ut Cor vulliri, us folio wo : . Hon. Wilson Bowlby Tlio pro ceodings of llio Ui'ion Siate Conven tion show thai this uenllemun re ceived but twenty Jour voii'8 tor iho iiooiiiudion to Ui'iilti-u.s. It it u duty which wo owo to Dr. Iiowlby and Ins liieiids, we buin one of ibein, and which impurtiul justice dernundtt, Una this vote of the Convention be ex. jiluincd, und Unit it bo not permitted tj go to the world as the measure ot his popularity . or the true estiinuio ot that Convention or the- Union purly of Orc'L'on. ot one of the uurest. ublor t und best men in the Stale. Wo were tt the Convention, und know whereof wo Hpoulc, It was not expectod by Dr. Bowl by's friends thut he would be nomi nated on Iho first ballot; while Mul lory's friends wire sulistiid thut un less their man wits chosen on the first ballot, ho could not be nominated at nil. Mr. Buker, of Union county, was brought forwurd by the deloites eust of the monnluins, not with uny ex pectulion of nominating him, but in ordor to givo him a complimentary vole, und then on the second ballot go in a body for Bovvlby. Mr. Mallory was the first choice of about fir'y deW cgates, made up of the vote ot Marion county, the vole of Malmemuh wilh one exception, the vote of Linn wilh t wo or three exceptions, the vote of Douglas, und part ot the vole ot Jack von, with so-uno ou-lsidoscuttering votes. Of these votos which would be cast in lUe first inslunoe for Mullory, about twenty would have pnllod uwuy und trono lor iiowlby on a second ballot Thus it wus plain, to-the lrieuds ot Mr. Mullory, and also those of Dr. iiowlby, that unless Mallory was chosen on the firm, ballot, Bowl by would receive a minority ot thirty or forty on the second ballot. Upon these circumstances the fiiends of Dr. Iiowlby relied with confidence, and awaited the result without fear, their tiuvoriie totally refuning to make any bargain or urrungemcnt thut. would enlarge his vote on the first ballot,. With Mr. Mullory's known strength his friends had no hope of securing his nomination; but to- increuso that strength, und, if possible, seeuro the victory on the first bolloting, minus, pecting friends of Dr. Iiowlby were upproached und ueked to cust their first vote for Mallory,' us a compliment (try voto; that "Mallory hud no ex pectations of a nomination, und, there pliinent him with a hundeomo vole." In this wur, votes enough wero se " cured to swell Mallory's voto. on tbe first ballot to a majority ;. and when the bullots were counted .' out the strategy was visible. We will not conceal our disappoint ment and chagrin at the. defeat of Dr. Bowly, accomplished In this way.. We labored for his nomiialiona8 the first consideration of the Convention, alter the adoption of a. platform of sound, vital principles. Wo have soon tho . man thoroughly tried, and- tempted by all the inside workings of a polit ical convention', and wo must, say that we. have never to and a purer, a more upright and thoroughly honorable and noble man in uli our experience. He L is above all prico. Under a plain and unpretending exterior is ooucealod the jewel of incorruptibility. He is a man that tboso who know turn will fight for against any and all odds. When tho Union party of Oregon learn to confide their loadorship to such men a Wilson Iiowlby of Wash irrgton county,, tbey will have learned to honor and. respect tho noble princi pies which made the party strong, tnumpnant ana nonorauio. ,.. Blocli, Miller & Co., VHOLESALE ' GROCER Sv, ASR DEALERS IX Wines &, Liqxxors, And Importers and Jobbere of CLOTHING Boots Si Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. -nrii HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IX CONNECTION V wilh our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make relume in Burn in six hours We guarantee ell our Aseave iiml pay the HIGHEST CASH PKlUiS 'or tinrs. vte also pay trie iiignesi Cash Price for Gold Duet. BEiOOII, BllLiliElt a IJJ., myStf Cor. Main and WashliiKton streets. Dalles. VTJALDRON BROS., Wholesale & Retail' Druggists, Main Street, Dulles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY CUR NEW TWO STORY FIRR proof Stone building, opposite BIikIi, Miller A Co.. and offer to the public a full unit complete stink of 1 Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consutlug lu part or FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNEB 01 SECOND AND WA8U1NOT0N BTRKKT3- 4 DALLES, OREGON, . JOHNEPP1NGKR Proprietor C3 nnifH tmKH9I0!ED M.' having flttad up tli KK1IOPRNK. TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACins. LIN8KKD, LAIU. CAi-TOR ANT) NhATSFOOT Oil, LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS HOPS. SAUK. BPONORS. L.BKCIIB3, CORKS, 1 Iftftf. I.NUIOO AND LANPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATKIT MKD1CINKS. Our stuck uf FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and best quality; new stvli-s ond large assortments, snsh a LUIIIN'S PKItFUKKItY. 11A1K. LUIIIN'STOlLKTSuAP, FLUSH, POMADKS. SHAVING, . . '. CM8.MKTICS,' 11AT. , UAIKOiLS, CI.OTnH9. C0I.0QNK, TOOTIl'ANDi FANCY SOAPS AND N AJL BHU8IIKS , -TOOTH POWfiUUS, AND COMUS. PURE WINE 3 AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal nurnoses. Our (iirllitlr fur liu-vina: Koods are second to none in the Stan, ind we shall nt all times sell at a small ad- vani e from cost , Kuuily sales ami small profits. rillSIClAW rKESCRlFTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and nlirht. Dulles, Beat, u, JLSUD. seiu-ii alniTe Market in the UK T BTY.MC, will" keep constantr ly on linud all ebrta of , i-reu ana Cured Menfs, Of the best quality furulshed al the LOWK8T RATE My motto is to PLKABlt A LI." TlATtTIK8 nAVINO BUPKK10R 8T0CK FOR BALI JL will ilo won to call st tile Vranklln.Markvt. Dalles, Vebninry 10th, 1806. JOUN KPP1N0KR. SEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON &L STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAQE. FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Tinnsportntlon. VEKY IJIPOBTANT -TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and I BAR-ROOMH, WDLICS KRAKMKIl 1IAVINI1 BOUGHT TFIE EN- lire tock of MerchaniliKe and Book Account of the lute Urm ot M. Seller A Co., in this city, to which he has added of his own Importation (while doing uuslness in Portland) an ImuieuBe Uuca ol the beat niiinuiactured Crockery, Glattsware, PlatetMVare, Lamps, ChandcllerN, Table Cutlery Looklng-Cala&scB and , All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the abnviMuenthmed articles, will do well to give me a call before purchnsliiK elsewhere. Orders from tlia interior promptly attended to, and goods paojteu to go secure. Don t inn to cull . on me. uuulos atone uuliuiuu. wasu nuion strest, uanes. JULIUS KHAEMER. Dalles. March lTtli, 1800. atliUlf ml3tf CUUMINO A GRANT, Dalles, Qregon. V. 13. DOUGLASS, (Successor to Willliuu Diritbauin.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AXD lUUt US - Iiiio Watches AND JEWELRY, VNYUKSTIIK ATTKXT10N OF HIS Fill ENDS AND JL tho I'ubuo tu hU cliulcc sulectiou of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting tholr pnlronngo. ' Wn'chos PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and - uxM . Nt Door to-the Post Office NOTICE. ' Orricn or Tniur QoAHTKHMHTrR, Dkpartmkm us tub Coli muia, Frni Vantmmr. IK. K March 28. 186. SEALED PltOPOSALS will be received for the TRANS PORTATION OJf OOVERNJlJiNI FREIGHT ovor tho-fullowiiHt named rentes: 1st. From t'ort Dalles. Orenron. to CamnaCurry, Wat son and Wright. Didders to state the price per pound In C( in, they will take tho freight or. Sepiintte bids reaulred fur eiich Camp. Bids for this service will be ruceiren at Fort Dalles, Oroitou, by Capt, James Oilllss, A. Q. M., U. S. A., and at tills oltics, up to it M., on ins 1st any nt may, inoo. 2d. From Wallula, V. T, to Fort Colville, W. T The price per pound In Coin to be stated by bidders. Bids for tnis leavioe will be received at fort Walla Walla, W. T , by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A. Q. M.,and at this office, rp to 12 M. on the 1st day of May, 1800. 3d. From Wallula, W. L, to Fort Boise, I. T. The prico pop pound In Com to be stated by bidden for this transportation. Bids for thls service will be received by Gapt. T. J. Kckerson, A. Q. M , U. B. A., Fort Boise, I. T - and at this office, up to 12 11., on the loth day of May, ITOO. 4th. Krom Fort Dalles, OreRon, to lort Botse, I. T. the price per pound In Coin, i r which transportation will be furnished over this route to be stated. Bids for this service will be received at lort Dallas, Oregon, by Cant. James Omits. A. CI. H., U. S. A.: Fort l)ole. I.T., by. Capt. T. J. Kckerson. A. Q. M., U. 8. A and at this ouio. up to uc Ji. on tue l&tu day or aiay, umo. Bidders for all the routus will be required to give bonds with good and sufficient security, tor tbe faithful performance of any coutraet which may. ba awarded thorn under this advertlsoment. Bids to be lu duplicate and accompanied by an oath of allegluuce to the Doited States. The rl'irlit to reject any or all bids Is raservad, If so deemed best for. the Interost of tbe service' All contracts made subjoct to the approval of the De partment ana Division uomninnuers. . . ,r , , , - IIHNKY 0. HODOKS, ' Brevet- Et. Col. and Chief Qu irtermasier, a3dlwkt.t stuil I , Depariuieut,o(.tbe Culuuibbv. v NOTWiE. AIL PERRONS INDEBTED TO COIIN k DOIIM most pay up by Hie 26th Inst.; or legal proceeillnics will ba bad. ,,1'uls ts tue last avtlce, t WUS bVUL ONE HUNDREDMILES SAVED! BLACKFOOT&BIG BEADMOES BY WAY OF Wliito IBIhITh! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Iancl Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 miles " ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Uiollle 160 ' " to Colville ,....170 Travelers by bind for either of tbo abovo Oold Fields, will suvo Save Time Distance and Money By taking the- While Bluffi ttoad. Wood, Water and Grass Are-found on This Road whhln easy drive. The rnad Is now open, and possesses advantages over any other land ronte from the Daiios. I'uoilened ov orner oi TIIK CITIZENS OF TUB DA1.LR'. Dalles, March, 20, 1666. t m2U:2ui. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! it. . booth ninnr nftison. BOOTH Sc NEV1SON, Forwarding- ml Contmlitloh MercIiaHti AND DELKRS IN GK.SERAT MERC1IANDIEK, White KliiffH, W., X,: FRKIOHT FOR COLVILLK, UPPKR COtCMBIA, KOOTKNAI aud BLA(;KF00T MINES promptly lorwardtwl. Mark Goods B. it N., Wl.lte Bluffs, W. T, Poetund RlchanU k McCraken, Allea k Lewis, and ;iIodge- Calef. . Dtuo Bloch, Miller k CoM Keenoh.A Oilman. TOYS ! T0YSIT0YS ! TOYS I FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, wa racnmmend all dealers In that Una to the bashC aku tus Kjii-uuium oi - . ", T,I1MAUKR k ZUIN, 820. and 322 Battery Street, b3Mb ; , i. Ban Francisco. avasui;to market. ' oorrii or COURT AND 8E80ND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MJCHELBACH, Pioprletor.H fb-iconstnully on hand all ths varie ties that the market can possibly ... auoru, oi FTtlCSII &CUBED MKATS, ' . and always of tbe quality. , FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' J supplied on rensouable terms. Tbe undersi&ncq Is nlwayH prepared to pay the htch. est cash price fur FAT CATTLE, Parties havlilg stork. In good condition, are requested to rail on him before going elsewhere. JOllN M1C1IELBACU. uanes, Marcli Ulsi.iBOS, .. nilinltr , NOTICE TO FARMERS flMIR DALLES LUMBER AND MANl'FACTUKIN J. COMPANY has recently attached a I; ! .: - FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and) are now prepared to CHOP FEED, OIUND WHEAT ai.d CORN, and warrant to give the beat satislkctlun. On. hand oonstantly and for sale ' KXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Bl'.UUNDSOK SUUDMNOB, BRAN AND SHORTS. CHOP FEED, CU1CKEN FEED:. , Also, a Snnerlor article of 60RN MEAL, from now Corn. The blithest market orice paid for WTIRAT. CORN a. BARLEY.' H. A.1I00UK, Agent.. . Dalles, Not. 2, 1865. ' ntri "auction and commission. JOHN WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEER, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING. AT AUCTION nt Oeneral Merchandise Henl Hstat. firm-orti s, Uuises,New and cecoiidJtund Funiiture, Stocks, Ac, Ac. Begjular Sales Day Saturday. Oat-door and Special Sales attended to In an curt of the City. Liberal Advances made on Consignments nlO:Sm. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. ' A.. O. UllADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF . KWiiios & I-siqiiors,, FrTONT STREET, Portland, - - - OregBih. . kFFERS FOll SALE A VKRY LAKQE ASSORT nient ot Ilraiidleg, . - - ( Wlucs, . . Liquors,' . .s . Cage Goodi. &C. , - Vce i &s3 A- The Trade Is rmrtlenlarl v. invited to. examine ni- st ck berui'tpnrcllaHihg elsewhere. au24-tf O' Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, f-VEALKR IN FINK WATCIIE8, 'JEWELRY, J CLOCKS, OoUlPens.bllver and riatetl n are, ' Spectacles, Cutlkry, Ao. J a-Parllcular attention paid to repairing flneM Vatchea, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.. All Watnhes repaired by me warranted for twelve months. ' N. B. All orders from tlaa upper oountry, by Express or otberwiset promptly awendvu to. AOAED. MADAME IlB TELLIBR W08I.B RESPECTFDI.I.Y. Inform the Ijwlles of the Dalles and vicinity that Sli. is now prepared mi uuii wiu. w.i l, mmn. , and PALETOT making. Also. CUTT1NO and Fl ITINti- In a new and Improved style, nevee) before introduced. In till. tllUF..' . ' ' She will warrant to give satlsftietlom, so would most respectmily solicit a liberal patronage, - i In the Koonis lately occupied by Mrs. White. over Drgener's Btore, on Wsshlugton street, betwoen Second II. HERMAN &CO. MAIN ST., DALLES, OPROSITX EMPIRB IIOTEIl, JJAVE JUST RECEI VJJD A. BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF Sl'RIKG AND SU319ICII GOODJS ' Consisting in part of , Fancy and Staple Dry Good ciothtog, . Boots & Shoes, "7 . . O ,i , '. i Huts &. raps,. W'lilili tlley offer to sell at 8M-ALL PROFITS.1 " J Dallas. March 27th, 18H0. ' ' mr27f BOOKS! books: " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL., . . . ; . ' sCIlOOB BOOKS, STATIONERY, Btanuirii awl .itisceiianoous WOKKts Lata NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS. Ac Ao.. by every Steamer. Poet-Omcea Bookstore. Malu street, Dalle. Garden SeedS foe 1h Million. aaT-tf II. J. WA1.DROW PU2tS, WOOL and IIIDliS. rjpill! lUQIIESTCASn PRICE PAID FOR ' Fl'R8,. WOOLrAND HIDES, at aihlP-lm MeCRARKN, MERRILL k CO.'S 1 NnrtH Fiont Street, PortlaoO-. NEW YORK I1AKEIIY ' J . ' and, - ' GROCERY 8 TOR E., ' ' Main Street Dalles. : nilUBtf i FJIEDENIOK BKN7.E1I. and Third Dalles, March Z7lb, 1800, urJTtr TO TUB IKAVIiLIJVG PinLICV TIIFV NEW" 'BRIDGK ACROSS tn LOWER DES 0IIUTE8 IS NOW COM., plete. and ready fir the crossing of TEAMS. PACK. ANIMALS, etc." TOLLS MODKRATB " DK CHUTKa ilOAD k BIIIDOKCO. Pa'.les, MarcU 3v,lSiM). - T. . .. airWtl '