FBlDAt MOBNIXG, APRIL 6, 1800. About 250 passongcrs came up on tfae steumef Oneonta yesterday. TnK Oregonian announces a Union Ratification Mooting at Portland to night. Liffb Applegate is to speak. Our city was full to overflowing last Digbt. The hotels wore all. fall and strangers were enquiring, about tho streets where to lay their heads. Cam. Gilliss, Quartermaster at Fort Dalles, invites proposals from freighters for tarrying immediately a limited amount of supplies iroiu this place to Camps Watson, Wright and Curry. See notice in another column. Chancs fob an Investment. A ferry is needed on tbe 'Yakima at Hall's old crossing on the road to White Bluffs, the stream is narrow, . I I . -1 . ! I MAnAnSnn mere isuiuuty ui nmuur vuuv cutout, and a man with a little means and a short' piece of rope could make a good thing there as that road is bound to be traveled. Held, to Afpeah. Frank Tomp' - kins had his examination before Judge Denny yesterday, and was held to ap pear in the sum of $500 at tbe next term of the Circuit Court. Wo very much regret that we mad a mistake in Tompkin's name in tur issue of yos' terday, the more so because there is a ! William Tompkins, who is a very . worthy man. B Hazzabd Stevens succeeds Lew. Day at Wallula, as the agent of the 0. S. N. Co. Mr. Stevens is the son of the late Gen. I. I. Stevens, for a long1 time -Governor of Washington Territory. He was with his father in toe war lor tbe preservation ot our Government, and was present when that noblo man gavo up his life for the cauBo. Thb White Bluffs Route. James A. Odell, Esq., returned last evening from White Bluffe and Pen d'Oreillo Lake. lie oppresses himself as much . pleased, with the conntry over which l ho passed, and is deoidedly of the .opinion that that is tbe routo to Black . foot. lie was ap to and took a trip , of some 30 or 40 miles on the Take. The now steamer will soon be ready to' run, and tbe lake is navigablo for a - groater distance than was at first sup- ' posed, shortening the land travel from the Bluffs to-tbe lake considerably. Tbe road to the lako is a good wagon road, not over 130 miles long, with .' plenty of wood, wator and grass all ,the way. I ' Mr. Z. F. Moody and others came down with Mr. Odell. They mot Mr ; Snipes with, hie cattle and teams on the Spokane, a'nd many others who started from the Dalles overland Tbey were- all getting along finely, - and Bond work back to every body to ' come this-way. To any parties intending to go to , White Blulfs overland, we desire to say that wo are reliably informed that tbo canyon trail in now open and is ranch better than crossing the moan tain f, though, persons contemplating akincV 'loaded teams with them should .VgVby way of Fort Simcoe. : A good j . . i - t i ; ' deat of travel has already gone over , Utter routo this year, anaa-plain A New "Cheeky" Route. Thoro is a class of peoplo who mannjro to always have profitable employment by shifting around from ono place to another, -and impressing folks with the idea that they are possessed of some particular kind of knowledge or peculiar talent of which, if the good people of that locality would only avail thcm8elves,they would be greatly boncfited thereby. Road-building and palbifinding, knowledge of this upper conntry, and a desire to benefit the public, appear to be the forte of Cupt. John Mullan. The correspondent of tho Bulletin writing ,from New York under date of March iid, says that Cup. John Mullan has organized a company in that city for the, building of a good wagon road from bacramento, or the end of rail road transit, via Chioo, to Ruby and Boise cities, ot which he is himself president. The length of this pro jected road is put down at ridiculously low figures. By way of recommend, ing Captain John, the totter concludes by telling us that it was the gallant Captain who built the Government road to Fort Benton, over which all the travel to Blackfoot is now going. We are well aware tkat the Captain expended a large amount of Govern ment money on such a road, but we have not yet learned of that road being much traveled, owing to its im practicability in winter and spring months. We hope tbe new enterprise wilt be better cared for, or it will never rise to the dignity of a respect" able trail. Supt. Huntington is fn town on bis way to the Warm Springs Agency, where he propose to turn over that place and all its tillicums to the care of Capt. John Smith, tbe recently ap pointed Agent; W. II. Baknhabt, Esq. is also hero on his rer.urn trip from .he Stato Union Convention to bis people at tho Uma tilla Agency. The Oregoniatf has information to tho effect that tbe organization of a company for tbo exploration of tbe region of Boutbieastern Oregon, where the emigrants of 1847 were lost, is in contemplation at tho Dalles. Somo lato discoveries in that region have stimulated this movement. Tbo pes' liforous Snakes have hitherto prevent ed prospecting in that conntry. More Gold Mines. It appears tbo Vancouver folks aint going to "give it tip so. Mr. Brown." Yesterday's Herald contains thefollowing : The citizens of Vancouver have again been aroused by fresh reports coming in from the mines, tbe last of which is,, that good prospects nave boen struck in a gulch below where tbe quartz lodge crosses. We were shown a prospect taken from one pan of dirt which we tbinli would weign about six cents, and looked as though it had beon washed but vory utile. We are promised a full report of the discovery io a few days. It is also rumored that placer diggings have boen found within, forty miles fvom this city, which promise well. Sosn weeks ago we mentioned the discovery of a copper ledgo seventy fuet in width,. situated about twenty- five mitos east of wand .Hondo valley Recentrnvestigationssbow that a very rich vein of silver ore-exists within the ledge.' .We have soen some of thfs argentiferous, rock , which., had. beon, subjected- to the heat of a common, fire, and which showed -globules, of B1,v'er al, over it.: Thia stfeak of sil- Ver bearing rock is thirty. six inchos Of all thieves, fools aro the worm, they rob you of time and temper. Goethe. Wasco Lodge, No. 19, F. A. efc A. M. Holds It! ataled Communication on tlio Flrrt and Third Mondays of each mouth, at their ball, in Dalles City. Brethren In Rood landing are Invited to attend. Bktb L. Porx, Sec'y. By order of the W. M. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets evory Friday evening at T o'clock, lu Gates Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. 0. DENTAL NOTICE. Deing about to make a professional tour to rho towns and settlements tip the Columbia. I respectfully call the attcutlon of those of my patrons who aro in need of Denial Operations of any char acter, to the fact, so that they liny have an opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my departure If an desired. I will leave about the Both or Mon h. and return to this place to resume my practice, about the 18th of Juno. M7tf J, W. UUItl.r.Y. FLOWERS! FLOWERS! I I have Just received a lot of ASSORTED FLOWERS Which I will sell at reasonable Prices, aS J. JUKEIl. CRYSTAL SALOON AND BILLIARD ROOM, JOHN KINDLAUB, Proprietor. WA9flIN(JT0N PT next deor to FKBNCII OILMAN, TO I.F.T. J THHDF.STRAWK.UK!lDHNUHn!rMieiionuieumii, formerly occupied by T. B. KKLLT, is for rent. There are live rooms, partly furnished; also out Iioubos-, a good spring of cool water, together with one-acre of rich garden ground, with a secuie fence around the name. Terms reasonable. Apply to w,i.i,i.rnn. Oregon Steam Savigation Co. SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. THB STEAMERS NEZ PERCE CHIEF, WEB-FOOT, TEXI1VO, . OWYHEE, YAKIMA, SPRAY & OKANAGOIV, Captains E. F. COE, C. C FELT0X, J. II. D. GRAY, aud . T1108. J. BTIIMP, Will run ilurlpg the eeaeon from CKLILO to UMATIL LA, WALI.ULA, WU1TH 11L.USSS, raiA'uso . One of the above named boats will Icavo CELILO for UMATILLA and WALLULA, DAILY (Sundays eicepted) The PiiHseutrer Train to connect with steamers at Celllo will start from the Kill I road Depot, DALLKS UlTK. at o ocioo, a. II.,.. .11 l, .iinntihed fur W II 1TB BLUKKS, PA- L'lUHK and LEWISTON u ofieo as the necessity of the trade will demand. FOR fORTLAND TIIUOUOH IN ONE DAY. Tbe Steamers 1 ji. ir J- -t- s. 99" ,0B "IDAHO." CAFI. J. MoNTJLTY Commander, Will leave DALLKS, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at 6 o'clock, a. v., connecting by tbe CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamers NEW WOULD, r CASCADE, or WILSON. G. IIUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF,.................'........... -....Commander, fol Portland. - FRANK T. DOLX1H, Dalles, Ap.ll 8, 1800. nl2tf. Agent O. S. N. Co, COAL COAL COAL OIL I OIL! OIL ! AT SAN FEANC1SCO COST! ' AT SAN FRANCISCO: COST L AT SAN FBANCISCO'COST!- AND FREIGHT, ; mr:;lm, AtCeatesi Sb Clint?la', -AUCTION AND. COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. TUB UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL ' FOR PAfT Favors, reepectfnlly informs the citlicne of tl Dulles, uuu the public generally, that be continues l sella! - PUBLICAUCTIOIS OK PRIVATE BALK, Real nutate. Cieneral merchandise, liioceilett, liomeN, Blule. Furniture., Mock, &.C. Vc. REGULAR BALK DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN m de or sales. Out door aud Special Sales attends to Is, any part ol the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. SELLING OFF AT COM! J. GOETZ & CO.. FTONB BU1LDINO. WASHINGTON STREET, DALLK3, Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SEGAR S, PIPES, YANKEE JNQTIOISS, AND 8TATIONEEY. ' AT SAN" FRANCISCO COST. mrZftf . J U KER, Main Street, Dalles, WHOLESALE AR BITAIt DEALEB IS 0 CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUrF, PIPES, Sets. ALWATS IS STOB1 THE BEST BRANDS OP Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1)LAYINO CAM. I . POCKKT CUTLEIIT, POUT MONIKS, COM 1)9 and UIIUS1IES, o' all Xlnds, PKItKUMKRY. ot every description, CHINA OltNAMKiNTS. TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS aBd FTBHTNO TACKLK, MUSICAL INSTUUMJiMS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder.Shot, Lead. Powder Flanks, Baskets, and many ether articles too nnmerons to mention. sT Interior dealers supplied with Cigar. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oe-e GATES te CIIAPIN WHOLESALE A RETAIL J)EUGGISTS, STONE BOILDINU, W ASUINOTOJf STUKBT, DALLES, OREGON. Importers ami Jobbors of IATENT MEDICINES, CIIEMICJfLS A FANCY GOODS; SODA, CORKS A ACIDS, OILS, A ALCOHOL, rtlHK WINKS A L1QUORP. PAINTS, GLASS A BUUSIIKS. PUYSICIANS' PRESCUIFTI0N8 Accurately comuciuided. ') PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A fuil and' comnlMo ansortment of all urtlclcs In the Photographts Itino. nt a SMALL ADYANCE ON SAN FltANCISCO PlllCF.S. . . 49 Merchants will please get our prices before order ing below, 11 L-.L.CU A PIN, JDSTIbl GATES-. Sscrsmento. Cai. Dulles. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Mala St., Dalles, Oregon, WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citizeui, of this place and vi cinity, that having rotnrncd from a pro- again resumed the practice of JBNT1STUY, In the room formerly oecupied-Ly- him, in the building occupied by Wood A Butler, Phitograph Artists, and ailjolning Wal dron Bros.' Drug Store. lie. takes, this method of-rx-tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex. tended to him, and solicits a continuance of the suuie. leis onai tour limmKn trie mirs. lie nas r 1.18 OF PRICES. ' ' Entire Denture on Quid Base......... ., 180 tc,(22& Upper Denture, Oold Base,...... 90" 120 Denturo. Vulcanite Base TO " 12s " Upper Dentwe, Vuloanile Base. Si". U5 Oold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Childrens' Teetll extracted free af charge. eel ! f Coroner's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO MB DIRECT ed, iBnued out of theXLrcuit Court, for the County ot Union, State of Oregon, In favor of I. Geer, sheriff, and against J. A. J. Chapmau et al I have this day levied on tho following described real estate, to-wil : The undivided half of the Saw-mill (water-power) and landclal n on wuisbieald:ralll Is situate ', eonklBtln- of 100 acres of land, together with all the apparlenanrrs belonging thereunto. The la ill Is situated about six miles ubove tho town of Union, Union county,on Cottier's. Creek, and commonly known as the Bennington llul brook sawmill. I will expose the same at publio sale in frost ol the Court Hunte door In Union county, on FRI DAY, APRIL the 27th. between the hours of V a. m. ami 4 p. m..and will sell the-same to the highest blddor for easli, to satisfy the-sntn of tWl 61-100, and interest from tho 16th day of Noreiuber, 1SC&, together with oostsv CAA8. AUERLEY, apeH ' Curoner Union Alounty. Ea Grande, Uhlonoountyt.Oregon, March 15th, 1800. NOTICE. 1HAVH appointed B E.'IIAFT my authorised agent to collect all moneys dno me, aud attend to my tal Mil gcnerallx... uSty -J - M. 1UNIU.