iitiljltntaiiucr. FACTS AND FANCIES. A young cunidalo for the legal pro' feasion was -asked what ho should do first when employed to bring an action "Aek (or money on account," was the prompt reply, lie passed. It is is slated at tho Treasury that nt our present ratio of income the na tiotialdobt may be easily reduced $100, 000,000 tho present j'our, after provid ing for all current and contingent lia bilities -, . 7 A Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore lias distributed throughout the South, without regard to creed, the 812,000 collected in tho Catholic churches of Maryland and the District of Columbia for the benefit of those who suffered dirring the war. George Francis Train has bought four hundred and thirty lour acreo of forest land in Omaha, Nebraska, fur 575,000, for his Cottago Uompuny and for a Central Park. George says Omaha is destined to Jbo one of the great cities of the continent. . v Tub Germans are buying largoly of American seouritio.s, and from . this cuusio they havo mado themselves bof lor acquainted with our resources tlian formerly and thereby an emigra tion fever baa been developed. Tub English journals tell us of am other article.' lrom " which paper is manufactured with sucoes. It grows in Spain,'nnd is called Atocha or es parto grass. . So groas is the demanJ for it that tho price has risen to over twenty dollars a ton. Eugenie Is no longer looked up to, in England, as tho groat oraclo on fash ion. The English Indies are moro goverencd, now, by tho Princocs of Walos, who is younger and more gay, thorefore better" fit'.ed to set tho exam- The Western papers are complairn ing that it costs ihreo bushels of corn to send ono to murkot a distanco of ono hundred miles, one hundred bush els to get a pair of boots, one thousand biislioltt to got a suit of clothes, and two tons of corn for a ton of coal. Barley has been sowed with suc cess one hundred and frty-five yo-irs after it was produced. Wheat may bo kopt with the germmatig principle forages. Seeds of different grasses will vogetate after having been buried in the earth a thousand years. Amos Kondallfc Postmaster General under Jackson, is building in Wash ington a house of worship, the "Caval ry Baptist Church,1' at a cost of sev enty five thousand' dollars, which ho . proposos to give the Society of the ohurcb, on condition that, when fin ished, they will furnish it. COAL COAI OIL! OIL ! OIL! COAI AT SAJ FRANCISCO COST ! AT SAN'FRAjiciSCO COST! AT SAN "FRANCISCO COST! , - :-.IM a$q FREIGHT, mr'9:lm AtOatei & Chnitln'o, BALDWIN & BRO.. J-VVFKR F6R j ALB lj CO.NNKCTION WITH A COM- P plete itoekyf ,. .". SSto-plo Groceries, ALL KINDS. OF FEBD. .. , Barley & Oats, Oroiiiktl Barley, Bran & iSliorts, i-unT;i. .K Wlioat, WNHi w propoe to Mil In qoatttitlel to lolt at PORt- lkxv PBiuts, MtUD rreigm. . , i muu Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BES. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. CONCORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE C1TV EVERY OTHER DAY FOR ULACKOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages jiuiimug io Virjjittln, City, IVovntla, AND SACRAMENTO, CA LI FORM A. FAUKi Boise tlty to Pnlt Luke City fuoo 00 Irglnln City, Montana lift OU " " " Missouri lllvur, Legal Tender a00, Gold, $100 400 00 For Further information npply at OVERLAND STAflK LINK OFFICE, UoUe City, I. T., mhOil.lm j. N. TODD, Agent. I. 1. STEPHENSON DENTIST, IP! AS REMOVED HIS OFFICK OPI'O- Ite Much. Miller & Co.. whore lio is Jirwpiii eu lo uo all KinilSOl DENTAL WORK, In a ikilirnl ami well flnttlit.it mamwr. TEETH luseltec Iroin ono to mi entire ant. mi (luM nr Knlihnr l'lni. t'rk'ca runnel for Itubher Plate, from $Jo toiso: Foi Oolil Plato,' Iroin $75 to $12o. Ponon huviuj! work June by me not proving sal isinctory will not be roiiuired to receive ur pay tor tin tuny ti NEW HEARS13I rmMlK UNDERSIOXKD BKU8T0 INFORM TIIK OIT M. Izens nl tho Dalles and vicinity that he bun received a NEW IIUAKSB.und will .Attend Iixnei-als on short notice. Thla is the lira, and at present, "only I. 51. EVANS iu!ics, May 19, 1803. uiy:Jo-tf. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Street, PORTLAND, OKEUON. ITVRST-CLASS HOTEL. LAROESTIN THE STATK. Charges Ueasonable. AN OMNIIU1S will uttend alt the Boats and ennvty Paxsengcrs nml their baggage to tho Mouse Froo ot Charge, or to any other Uounu in the dry fur (0 cents. ' COFFIN, Proprietor. P.S HOT AND COLD BATHS In (lie llouso. All tho ritoruurt fur Oregon City, Vancouver, Montl ccllo and Astoria land ut the Lincoln House Whin f. sept :3m SELLING CPF AT COST! My entire slock of STOVES AND TINWARE. ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. THF. WHOLE embracing a line stock, over- article of which will he Bold nt COST, at I deaire to close out business. Also, one GRAND PIANO, In good order. noxt to the corner r Wiulilmvtnn Ti... n. ...... i. . , - " aim IIUUI. IB I WO iin u. oasemenr.auu is wen adapted to the hotel business. Also a lot of BEDDING, comprising about twenty-five Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap. . (iuiiuuiuid ujijiiy un me premimoi. nuu.um ALUKI 1' UKri'IXfiKV. MltS. LEES Ell'S FEENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND Dress Making Lstablihnient, - Oppoalte Colin &. Bohm'a, I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the Ladle! ( tho Dallea to uiy lurte and One stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONNETS, HITS, FEATHERS Dross Trimmings, &c. Having secured the service nf MRS. PRARY, In tli Dress mikinn npa- tmeut, we will do all work in that tin and Kunrantce perfect satisfaction. n'ln ilnna In .11 Give mo on early call, and I will endeavor to r everybody In TASTE and at REASONABLE PJtlCKS Particular nttnnlinn nul.l n ult Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE PHIJGGISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts, ! SAJV FKANCISOO. mh'22:dftni. Slicrin'n Sale of RCal Pronertv. lY,VIJITDKL0,r AN KXKCUTION Issned by the M9 Clork of the Ciroiiit Conrt In and for Wasco Couuty. Slate of Oregon, slid to me directed. In fa- or of Jas. Ut Neyc, plaintiff, and against B. J. Drew de . ("VJ'T .t1" "m ' Po,,r Hundred and illnety-fonr and itH00dollars,(B47-10O) principal. and thirty-three and Ii6-100dollars,($3395-lu0)fosrsof action, will, Interest and accrulnKCosts.Ihave levied upon and will sell at pub lic auotlini before the Conrt Huttse door, In Dulles City, oil SATURDAY, tho 2Rtu DAY 0 APRIL, totwMh the hours of o'clock, A. and 4 o'clock, . sM to the hlnhwt bidder for cash In hand, all or the Interest of the defendant In and to the south hslr of IdU on(l) and two (3) in block Are (6) In Dalle City, fronting 60 tmt na Waaliluglon street, and runuiug west 11 feel mora or Ism v C"R"8 WHITE, ShwirT. , By 1L W. OiAniKLV. Depntr. , ... . Dallea City, March 38lb, UW. tt30w uALlLtS til i UUlii MOItt. P. CRAIG, WUULRBALI AND RETAIL DEALER IN DROGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDICINKS, 4c. tRUGS AND PATENT MEDIVtNESU DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, wnoi.Ktui.r axd hitail DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGOiV. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties lg want orDrnjrs, Patent Medicines. Chemical. Ani.lj. I',.r id every other article enumerutud with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. T- Phyxiciitns and Merchants Intendlnir to nnrchajie for t lie Mines, will do well to give ti tin a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In groat variety. 8. T.mmv. ap.3:tf. Washington St.. between Main adn Second. V O it T L AND V 6 1 IV DK V AXD 3IVCIIIIVK SHOP, FIRST BTItKl'T, bctwoen Ynuitilll ami Morrisoo. ytenm Kncrlnes 0 of from 4 to4o horse- . . power t'tiior L'or table or HUtlnnary. Also, C1K CL'LAIt SA.W MILLS COM l'LETK, constantly ouIihihI. Also, liny ivvi fts of all sizeu j Planinir MacliincH,( Wootlw or tli's puttftrti.) VroUKht and ;aMt Iron work lur Ver tical Sawn ml it rint nil) In; HiaHHaml lrou Cuatinga and XVROIIGIIT IUOX WOEIK of every description. I am iilnb prppared to fnrnUh Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills csn beforwarded to anv Dart of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery wi!l uot exnefd 3. UU0 pounds. Horse rowor & ABnoultural ImDlomanta miuiulactuieil tourder at ilie very I.DW EST CASH I'll ICK n. u.rarucnior attention pulil to KKI'AIHS. feal-tf A. S12UIICS Ol'1 Literary and Scientific Lectures nilCIl has been In contemplation for some time, w is new offered to the limmlo of the Dalles. The first Lecture of the Series will be Riven Monday livening, and one each Tuefday Kvcnlng thereafter, throuiMi the cones ol f.lclit Lectures. J lie procerus w ill be divided between the Congregational and Mottindist Sabbath Schools. Tickets for thfi Course : i ONE DOLLAR. Singlo Adiulsslou. Fifty cents. This lecture fcill ho delivered Iit REV. DR ATKIN. SON, In the Conuregatinnnl Church lecture will com uience at t o'clock. Subject: SOCRATES HIS tIMK. The following gentleuicn are expeclod to deliver euch one Locture: Rot. Dr. Bonson. Portland; Ju Ige Wilson, Dalles; iiev. ir. AtKinson, ' itev. Mr. Driver, Rev. Mr. Caff roy, " I'rof. Roliind, " Judge Hill, Canyon City; .1. A. Udell, Esq., itev. i . uonuuii, " MRS. L. WHITE'S 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, lVasliington Street, nATINQ NEWLY FITTED UP TUB G A 1. Mill Y over Drgnar't Store, would respectfully announce to all those wishing - rhotograpliR, Carts do Vlsltc, tc, that they will do well to give her a cull.. Particular at tention paid to taking Lad.es and Chl'dreu'i t'ctures. ooil:tf. MANTUA MAKER. MRS, MATTIE UOLDROOK would respectfully In form the Ladles ur the Dalles and vicinity, that she lias opened a shop lu connection with Miss O'Konrke, where she Is prepared to do all kinds of work witli n out ness and dlnputch. Huvlun Just arrived from the East, she hopes to be able to please all as to form and lasliluu Clonks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TI1I1KB DOORS West ot tho Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. " nc21;iuij TUB IIIOItKST MARKET PRICK PAID IN ASII ' ' ion. Beaver, Otter' Mink and Coon Bklns, ' ' Dy RICHARDS A McCRAKKN. Portland Sept. 2T, 18(i. oc4;3m ' Washington Wagon Road. riMIH UNDERSIGNED WOULD I' FORM -TUB J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well being kept In good .traveling order for wagons and oca- B. li. IIAKUY, Dallea Jan. 11th 1805. janlltf Sole Proprietor. MOUNT HOOD SALOON ....,V ANb ' ' . . IttLLlAltl) itOOM, 1?. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF ;j Alain and Court Stroetw, ri-tf DAILY MOUNTAINEER I'OWEll PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and 1) 1 DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY - Executed with accuracy and dispatch. lr A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with, the very best, and AT BATES A8 CHEAP A3 TEE CHEAP T to order: C .1 1 ! s a n 1 It i I l-CI e ad. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, POSTEKS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS ce., iCc, ' rf-c.,' PRINTED IX 7 nr. HOST ATTRACTIVE UA.t'NUt. ALSO, WAV-BILLS, BILLS OF FARE, LETTER HEADS. . , UEVEWTDOOKS. BILLS LADING, BTriels and Pamphlets, VISITING, WEDD1KQ AKD "AT HOME" CARbS In short,' everything that can tie done in n Rook nmljob Printing Office, from the smullcst and most delicate Curd or Circular, to the largest size uud most showy IWirig Hill and which will be turned out in a style that muuut. fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR r.U'lLlTIKS FOR Till EXECUTION CF JECORATIVE PRINTIfslG In the uiOBt beautiful Colors, SIiiuIub and Tints. Such as Pancy Posting Bills ! From a Hlnlo Blieet to tho LHigettt Muniniothj ORNAMKJSTAL CAliUSy rVJiflMKltS' LABEtS.iit Ate nnsurpuBMed by those ot any othur entHblislnnfijt in Oregon. Wo tlevoto speciitl attention to tlutt bntnch ot tb uv.,1 ,lrn ....nllu u.lillt.sr ti. .ill- ulrxu.lv ..vla.t.. Hire and well uiipoiutud asriorluieut of mutt-rial, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. tCc, etc., rfc, Or the most modern and elaborate designs. Our fltQck o FANCY INKS, TINTS, &.Q., Are of the finest quality, ami for richness of color and durability, cannvt bo equaled in the State, The nriuciple upon which buoiness is ashed for this ett tnblishmeut is, that pursous will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that ilice lu which their money enn be expended to the best advaiitRge, To this end we solicit all inwaut of good Frinting, ut very reasonable charges, tu call and examine specimens, jud;o for yourselves. Orders from Ike Upper Country Will have onr special bare, and friends from the tnterlor may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED 60RD0N POWER PRESS In the Htnte of Oreeon i Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER 0,0 URT AND SECOND STREETS, UAliLES, OKEGON. TIIKUNDKIISIONFD, HAVINO REMOVED FROM THE "llKLhA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' Now Building:, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to eerv their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free launch. I Every day aud evening. ' EMIL BCHX.TZ, dec?-lf Proprietor Hard. Wood Iimilei4 CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS . WE BEQ TO CALL ATTENTION or Carriage Man ufaeturera and Dealers to the Lnrte nml Com plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAGON MATKHI AI,S we are ooustantly receiving from Hid East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak) Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axlrs, Wagon Voles, Hubs, fpokes, Felloes, Rims, Bhalts, Ac. sir. which we oiler nt the lowest Cueh Pricest Ojf orders uddressed to our house will receive proniy attention. N. W. BRAGG t CO., Jcl6:3iu. ; 0 ft 31 Battery Street, fnu Francisco, aud 17 A 1U Seventh street Sncrnuieulo. C. Wati.ruouse, II. W. Ubaoo A Co., J. W. Ltntra San Francisco. -Sacramento. ' New York F. TILLMAN, out iaiT ix cAuroRNfA roa TlLTON & McFARLAND'S Fire Ac Burglar Prooi Salr. STEELLIftED VAULTS' i , ... --WITII Combination Locli. jXerCoostantl hand a fitH assortment of APKfl. 31 8 BATTERY STREET, - rs niiasi