1 atlg lllonntamccL Momy mrkt. New York Gold Quntein.... Sun Francisco Ugs tteaiet Tstes... -.124 ...-80 Epitome of .Telegraphic News. f COMPILED rROX TBI 0WONIi,J DATES TO MARCllTtl. Washington, March 31. The President ha jirocliiiinej a treaty of pence ith the Black- toot and Uacotali Indians, similar to ifc treaties recently made with the Sioux Itanda, by which tley pledge tbem-elves to with, draw from 'lie Overland routes, in consider ation of receiving $7,1)00 yearly for twenty yera. Baltimore, March 31. A'chbishop Spnul ding, under authority from Home, has issued letters ad tressed to Archbishops and Uisliops of the Catholic Church in the United States, convening tlieru at Baltimore ou the first Sunday of next October, to inaugurate the second P enary Council. Cincinnati, March 29. There is much feul- . ing here among stockholders of the D. S. Telegraph Company, in regard to the action' f the Trustees, and a. meeting will be held in a day or two to consider what is to be done. Reports are current, and believed in well informed circles, that some Trustees s n.nde a large amount of moi ey and rendered themselves liable to criminal prosecution. Washington, M irch 20. In the Senate, Mr. Sumner moved that a copy of the resolution . in reference to Mr. Stockton be communi cated to the Qove.nor of New Jersey, which was adop ed. - Mr. Poland, of Vermont, said he would ask the indulgence of the Seuate to pro nounce a eulogy ou bis late colleague, Mr. Foot, at a future time; he offered a resolu tion that the Senators wear the usual badge of mourning during the remainder of the session, which was adopted. Mr. Trumbull moved, at fifteen minuies past twelve o'clock , that the Senate take a recess.until 1 o'clock, nt which hour the funeral services of Mr. Foot commenced. The galleries were densely crowded, and on the floor were the president and the members ol his Cabinet, uen. Grant, the Supreme Court Judges, members of the House and Diplomatic Corps, with officers of the Army and Navy. At one o'clock the corpse was brought in, "escorted by the Con mi'tee of Arrangements, the following being the pall-bearers: Messrs. Fessenden, Harris, Johnson, Qutbrie, Iinno, of Indiana, and Sumner. Rev. Dr. Grey, Chaplain of the Senate, read the Scriptmes, and offered prayer, niter which the Rev. Byron Sunder land proceeded to deliver the funeral ser mon. New York, March 29. The failure of Cul ver, Penn h Co. has cau-ed the suspension of several banks in tbe oil regions, and cre ates much commotion among oil operators Culver is a member of Congress from Penn sylvania and a leading land speculator. Toronto, March 20. Orders have been- is sued to muster out he volunteers in excess ot 10,000, retaining that number as a stand ing army of observation against the Fenians Wathinglon, March 29tli. A vote on the passage of the Civil Rights Bill over tbe veto in tbe Senate will not be reached for several (lays, and it is hoped meanwhile the vacuo c es from Vermont and New Jersey will be miea rjy Republican Senators Returns received at the General Land office exhibit nearly 12,000 acres taken up iluring January at Roseburg, Oregon, for actual settlement. - Since the mail service began to be restored . in the Southern States the reeeipts of. tbe department run nrcrely behind ihe expenses Tbe Secretary of the Treasury has author ized the Collector of New York to admit a cargo of hides arrived from South America via Aspinwall. The May interest on tbe 5-20 bonds will be paid early in April, amounting to $22,' u'ju,uuu in trio. - Cairo, III, March 28. Mrs. Jeff Davis and Iter two children arrived here to day on tb steamer Luminary, accompanied by' Colonel Jenkins. The party go to Louisville en route for Canada, The Evening Pott snys the only feature of importance in Government securities Is tb inci easing demand for compound interest notes, la which the banks are Investing large amount of their surplus means. One reason is. the fear that Government will cease to nay interest on deposits. Washington, March 30. In the Senate, Mr. Sumner moved that a copy of the resolution in reterence to tbe seat of Mr. Stockton b communicated to tbe Governor of New Jer sey, which was adopted. Santa Clara, April 3. Wm. Ilann, tho for mer owner of Haun'a mill t McOartyville was snot and instantly killed this mornin by a man of the name of Caldwell, In a squat ter row,.ln wuieb several persons were en gagei,and another person reported wounded Ualdwell has escaped. The row was on wood ranch. near Saratoga Springs. ' ' l'reka, April 3. Heivyniln .has fallen here almost Incessantly: for-th, past two weeks." Mountain streams . have been and are yet very full,! Mac!) .damage lias been done to bridges ana roads, . . . C. B Hum, Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE . G-B.O'OKRS:; J AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Liquors, And Importer! and Jobbers of CLOTHING Hoots Shoes, Under lloiiin, - Iltaiifeets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OirFICE. WB'UAVB AN ASSAY OFFICE IV CONNECTION wlih our bualueas, umfor the entire eupervlalon orMr. Miller. We ninke returns in Bars lu sis hours- We mmrKiilne all our Assays snd pay the IIIOIIKST CASH PKICK for ll:iri. - We aiev pat the Highosl Ciub Price for Uold Dust. IIL.UI II, IHIbl.KH uj my6tf Cor. Main and Washington etreete, Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON 8L STEEL. GROOERIEfe. BY TUB PACE AG B. (i FOR CASH," At "San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMING 4 GRANT, Dalles, oregoa. tnl3tr AV. 13. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Birnbautn.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, A!tD D CALKS VI Fine TVatclies JVISTD JEWEL RY, VNVITKS TIIK ATTENTION OF HIS FH1KNDB AND JLL tue Public to hit choice nlectlun of , New and Fashionable Goods, Bespectfnlly soliciting their patronage. Wa-ches PKOJ111LT aud PROPERLY repaired and UT 1 ii. i fiM-'n " UiDif Next Door to the Post Office. NOTICE. Ornci or CniKP QDAaTKKMASTnt, DtPABTUENT OP Till COLUMMA, Fart Vancouver, W. T March IS. 18G6. CE ALED PROPOSALS will be received for the Tit A.N8- 3 I'OllTATION Os GOVEUNMC.KT JfKElGDT over the foltowina named routes: lat. from fort Dalles. Oregon, to CampsCnrrv, Wat son and Wright. Bidde-s to stnte the price per ponud in uom, tncy win take tne iremnt or. Sepnrato bids requlrod for each Camp. ' Bids for this service will be received at fort Dalles, Oregon, by Capt. James Gilllas, A. L M., U. S. A., and at this office, up to is si., on tne isi asy ni stay,, lauo. . 2d. From M'allnla. W. T . to Fort Colvllle. W. T. The price per ponud In Coin to be stated by bidders. Bids for tois service will ho received at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A. Q. M.,and at tins omce. i n to 12 M. on ths 1st day or May, 1800. 3d. From Wallula. W. to Fort Boise, I. T. Tlie prlco per pound In Coin to be stated by bidders for this transportation. Bids for this service will be received uy Capt. T. J. Krkenmn, A. Q. M , U. B. A., Fort Boise, f. T.- and at this office, op to VI M on the 16th day of May, 1888. . . 4th. Erom Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Fort Boise, I. T4 the price per pound In Com, f r which transportation will be furnished over this route to be stated. Bids for this service will be received at Fort Dalles, Oregon, by Cnpt. James Gllll.s, A. . M., U. 8. Ki Fort Botae, I. T., by Capt. T. J. Kckeraon, A. Q. M- U. 8. A.A and at this office, tin to 12 M.. on the 16th day of May. 1866. Bidders for all the routes will be required to give bonds with good and sntneient security lor the laitiiiul performance of any contract which may be awarded them tinder Ihia advertisenieut. Illds to be In duplicate and accompanied by an oath of allegiance to the United States. The right to reject any or alt bide la reserved. If so deemed best lor tne interest or Ihe service, , All contracts made subject to the approval of the De- partinent and utvuioa uoiuinauaers r -i t Brevet Lt. Col. and Clilef Qu irtermaster, , aMlwst.t stml t j Deportmeat of the Columbia, i NOTICE. 1IIA TB appointed B. T.. HAFT-my anthorlsed'agent to collect all niunrys due me, and attend to my baat Isaac F. Btocn, Ban Francisco. ues icnoralljr. ' a8tfj M. B.N1U. WALDROff IlltOS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, fflaln Strtet, DnIToy Oregm. VKTKNOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRR Vf proof Stone building, nwoelte Bloch, Miller Co.. and offer to the public a full ami complete Hock of i ugs, Aiedlcluei uud uiii'tniiaia, cvasistiug lu pun oi RKROSRNB, LAMP WICKS C11ISNEY8 Tuupkntink, . HOPS, BAOK. BltWfiKS. LEECHES, ALUU1IU1,, ACIDS. LINSKED, liA II II, CORK. CAi-TOR AND N EATSFOOT OU, J.NDHIO AND 1.A.NP1ILACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATKNT MKDICINEH. Onr Block of FANCY GOODS I s of the-ftaeat mm! beet nunltty; new atylwond large assortments, sat, as LUHIK 8 PKItrUKKKY, 11AIK, LUBIN'STOILKT SUAP, iJ.ESH, I'V.-HAllUS BIIAYlIVr C'ib.MKTICS, 11 AT, II Al 11011. CI.OTlfS, COLOGNE. TOOTUAND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES . . TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMDS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS For Medicinal purposes. jur RViiium lor nuying goods are second to none in the Stnle, nnt we shall nt all limes mil at a.enmkl ad- Tame froin coat. Ready sulus and small profite, I'M'SICIAXS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. Dulles, Sept. V, IBiiu. seiu-it VEBY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and IIAK-HOOMH. VULICS RHAK.M-ER 11AV1NI1 BOUGHT THE EN- V tire tjtock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the lute Arm ol M . feller A Co., in tills city, to which he has adiled of his own Importation (while doing business lu Portland) an liiuueuae stock ol the uest nianulactured Crockery, ' Glassware, . Plated Ware, Lamps,' Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Gluiiscis' and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he ufTers at reduood rates. Persons wish ing to buy' any of tho ubuvomentloned articles, will do well to give nie a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don t lull to cull on me. KUdlo's stone llulldliig, ttosmngton street, Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMKR. Dalles. March 17th, 1806. nihUtf GNE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! a BLACKFOOT&BIG BEI)MES BY WAY OF Wliito Bluflfe! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Isanti Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 miles " ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Uieille 0 ' to Colvllle 170 Travelers by land for either of the above Gold will sure Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff Hood. , Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drives, The road Is now open, and possesses advantages over any otuer land rnnte rroni tne Danes. . ruuiisnea ny oraer or THE CITIZEN'S OF THE DALLR3. Dalles, March, 20, I860. ' nWZm. COLUMBIA EIVER MINES! A. . BOOTH .'... BAREI ItlVlsOB. 1JOOTII &. NEVISON, Forwarding and Commlttlon Merchants AND DELEKS IN GENERAT MERCHANDISE, AVlilte UluflH, W. T, TREIGIIT FOR COLVILLK, TJI PErt COLUMBIA, B? KOiiTENAI and DLACKKOOT MINES promptly forwarded. Mark Goods B. ft N., Wl.lte Bluffs, W.T, KKT'EINCISI Portuxd Rlcharda McCrakon, Alien ft Levis, and I lodge ft Calef. Dauks Bloch, Miller ft Co., French ft Oilman. TOYS! TOYS JJOYS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, wo recommend all dealers la that line to the bashkx anu tui KMruKium or TUUMAUKIi ft ZUIN, ' 820 and 822 Buttery Street. n28:3m Ban Francisco. Watchmaker nnd Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, TKALKR IN FINE WATCHES. JEWELRY, U CLUCKS, Uold l'ens,suver and flared n are, Spectacles. Cutlery, fto. sT-Partlcolar attention paid to repairing flne Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc All Watnuea repaired by me warranted lor twelve months. N. B. All orders from the upper nnunlry, by Express or otnerwtse, promptly attenneu to. y AOARD. -msjADAME LB TBLLTEIl WOULD B ESPECTFTJLLY 1 W Inform thm I.uliM nf thm TbillM nnA vlrlnlf V. that she is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALKivi malting. Also, uuttinu ami rininu la a new and improved style, novor before Introduced In this iilaca.' ' She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most resnectfullv solicit a liberal patrousge. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mrs. White, over Dsgener's Store, on Washington street, between Second anu mini.' Dalk.t, March 27 lb. 1808. mrZ7 1 f FRANKLIN MARKET- CORNER Or SKCOKB itf W8!TOWJDH JT1IETJ DALLES, pRSQOlf, . JOHN KPPINGKU Fropirleto TJNDRRSTON1D. M. I having Sited op the nlmve Itarket In the BH. T STM,wHHwpcoi ly on hand all sorts of Fresh and cared Meats, Of the beat quality furnished at the LOWEST RATS. My motto Is to ' PLEASK ALL." P ARDIES HATING SVPERIOR STOCK FOR BAM wm do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN KPPINGER. Dalles, February 19th, 186a. . . WASHINGTON MARKET. etnas a ' COURT AND SECOND STREETS, WI.IES, 0RE6ON JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprtotor. W1CE KBIP constantly on hand all tKe i warls-TT ities that the markutoasyposellMT anoru, ot FltXCSH As CURED MEATS. and always of the Vest quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AR& STEAMBOATS iwf uled on reaeoaaele tesss). Tbe uuderalineals always prepared to pay the Wjrsr estensh price for FAT CATTLE. Parties Wing stork rn good condition, ar requested to rail on him before going eieewiiere. juun HiiiiMjoauii. Dalli dies, March 31st, 1805. ruhSltf 1 IKS, WOOL and JUIDES. FJMIE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID f OK ;FlR9, WOOL, AND HIDES, at MoCRAKKN, MERRILL ACO.'S 10 North Fiont Street, Portland. mhl6ftn IN JK2V YORK AND I1AKEUY GROCERY STORE Main street Dalles. FREDERICK BENZIR. mh23tr .1. A., FORBES FAMILY GROCERY, TRUIT AND 3?rovision Store, v CORNER 0 WASHINGTON ft SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choleest articles of FKESH BUTTKlt, 1KKW, and every variety of FAMILY GHOCERIES. NUTS, CANDIES, e , ft., Wholesale and Retail, at Enlaced Pries FOB CASH. . Also, dealer in OKAIX, FLOUR AND FEED, of all kluds, and will do a . General Commission Business. No charges for Storage on Goods sold on CommMua Proceeds of Sales reniltied promptly. Jnlotf. ' NOTICE TO FARMERS. f 1MIE DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING A COMPANY has recently attached a ' FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sash andoor Factory, In tlilaClty.'aasl are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UIIIND WHEAT and , CORN, ami warrant to Kive the best satisfaction. Ob ' nana constantly and tor sale . . - FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, ! - i SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, . BHAN AND SHORTS, ' CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. ' Also, a Superior article ef CORN MEAL, trass n Corn. . . . ; The hlKhest saarkrt price paid for WHEAT. COUNT a BAHLkY. . 11. A. UOGUE. Acent. Dalles, Nov. X I80t. , . t nStf. . . AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS. -AUCTIONEER, No. 100, main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO Tn SBLLINO AT AUCTI0H ol Ueiieral Merchandise. Real Estate. Orocerh s. Uorses,Kew aud Second Hand Furniture, Blocks, fto.,ftc. Regular Sales Day Saturday. Ont-door and Special Bales attended to l snv nart r the City. : . .. ,. .. , ..' t J Liberal AdTaacei made os CossJgnments. nl0:3m. , .. JOHN WILLIAMS, AacUoneer. . 131 run i js n Anu jubbek OF "Wines 8c Liquors, . FRONT STREET. , Portland, ' - m- Oresrem. ' OVFK11B FOft EALB A VEST LARGE ASSORT nient ol Brandies,.')....'. ' ' Wines, Liquors, 'C'J .. . . Case Goods, Ac, V tic, Ac. -: 'V JTf The Trade is particularly Invfted ! (xasaln bit stack before purchasing elsewhere. 1 naM-tf JBOOItS! BOOKS X, WHOLESALE ' AND RETAIL. " ' r soCHOOI, BOOKS, STATIONERY,, WsrT5 5 Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS,' 7 V Ute NOVELS. MAGAZINES. PAPBltg W. Ac, .. by every Bteamer. , PosM)ffiosw"s)sl ssliiT ir Bookstore, Main strset. Dalles., r , j t. 'i A , ; Garden Seeds for the Million. maT-tf . y r H. J. WALDROsf KOTICE. AU PERSONS INDEBTED TO COnS ft IM)n snas . pay tip by the 26th Inst., or legat proceedings will be bad. This is the last notice. COUN ft toast. r