THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1800. IDAUO ITEMS. From the World of wben a desciiption of him published in ttao l St. i.oais vmiocrat, attracted t' e attention Thanks to Mr. West, Wells, Fargo k Co.'s messenger; for files of Callfor ula papers. Wf are fndebted to II. J. Waldron, Esq., for late Eastern and Sun Fram Cisco papers. Tbi democratic State Convention assembles at Portland, to-day. Look out (of breakers ahead. The Pacific is in below with a large passenger list and heavy freight. The Montana bad not arrived wben the Cascades loft. Sho probably got in tome lime ycs'ordaj;. St'DfEN eatii A much respected employe of the 0. S. N. Company, named Polor Clark, died suddonly at the rail roii i mess house, some eight miles above town, yesterday, at'O o'clock, A. M. Ho was in perfect good health tbo day before. Peaceful. The election at the Dalles on Monday Inst, though closely contested, passed off quietly without any unpleasant features JJerald. Why don't the Herald inform its readers how tho "olosely contested" election was decided ? STABftlNO A man named William Thompkins was arrested night before last, shortly after being engaged in a fifeht with another man, whom ho stabbod wflh a knife in throe places, inflicting very ugly looking wounds, but which are not considered danger' pus. Fob Blackfoot-tOvehland. Our friends, Mike Honig and Frank M. Iluntj are two of a large parly of gentlemen who start for Blackfoot, to day. They go overland by tho way of Whlto Bluff. When our own cili Zens' choose this route, of course it must be because they wish to deceive somebody. Wo wish tbcm a plotsant Journey, and a speody return to the Dalles With plenty of tho oro. CotMT Court. Judgo Denny has been holding his usual monthly term of court for two or three days past Considerable business has been trans acted, among the rest, establishing a few county road from Mr. Wo. Gil Ham's, on Fifteen Mile Creek, to the claim) laying off two new products cne.on Cherry Creek, and one to in elude the Warm Spring Reservation; and appointing the judges for the ap proaching Juno election. Yesterday, W. Tompkins charged with an assault with intent to kill, was brought up before the court and plad not guilty. His examination was set for this morning at 10 o'clock. , Public School The following is the report of tho Dullos Publio School ' for the month of March, 18G0: Grammar Department. Whole number of scholars, 44; males, 23, fe males, 21 j daily arerago, 87. Second Intermediate Department Whole number of scholars, 45; males, 20; females, 25; daily average, 80. First Intermediate Department.- Whole Dumber of scholars, 60; males, 26j females, 24j daily average! 80 ' Second--Prima'ry Department--Whole number of scholars, 60; malos, 27 females, za; a&uy average, ov. Firat Primary Department. Whole number of scholars,, G6; males, S3; ft male. 84;' daily average; 40! J "" the 24th of March we get the follows ing items: Alfred Slocum, charged with embezzling the Territorial funds, has had his trial, which was very closei ly argued and contested. The World says: ., . , We understand that the jury failed to agree on a verdict, and that, thore is but litllo probability of their ever doing so standing nine for acquittal. Such is the result of all the flood of misreprosentions anckfulsehoods which have poured over the Country about the facts in the case. Tho jury was composed of fair, unprejudiced in or many of whom knew nothing, pre viously, of the case. If such u jury failed to convict, no jury over will find the defendant guilty. If there is any money duo the Territory it will undoubtedly soon be paid. Miners are receiving six dollars per day as wages. ' There is not a suffi cient numner of men now in tho Busin to work the claims that will rt quire hands during the Spring. A number of ditches are being cleared out and water will soon be running in all di rections, and more men will be wuat ed than are to be obtained unless there is a greitor immigration this spring than is now anticipated. Such being the case, it is folly for men who really desire to work and make good wages, to wander off to Blackfoot, or any other country. -. Thero is a great excitement con. ccrning tlio Elk creek country, eituu. led about 60 miles from Cottonwood City, Deer Lodge county, between Ilellgate and Cottonwood river,, and ubout 100 miles west of Ilolena. The crock is reported to bo about fourteen miles long and rich the whole distance, and. a great many gulches putting into it prospect well. 'J hero will not bo much mining done about Helena before the first of April, The snow I is about ono foot doep about that town. The Yellowstone country will bo pros pected thoroughly this spring also tho Big Horn country. Into both of thoso a great crowd are preparing to go. Iho lnOians have been buu onj tho Ycllowstono but will be driven out. Emigrant Gulch, on that river, has been worked porno during the past year, and turned out well, but tho whites were compelled to leave. We publish the decision of Judgo Kelly on the law requiring Chinamen residents to take out a license. So far as tho law affects Chineso residents who are not actually engaged in min inc. it is declared invalid all others must take out the license The decis ion will probably encourago " John " to put up a great number of wash. nouses. ISvThr Recovered Child. We have been southern boundary of Mr. Logan's 'kindly furnished by Mr. Miller, of this city, with (he following extract from the Qulncy, (111.) Herald, giving the full particulars of the recovery of the lost son of Mr. Sylvester, of Albany, Oregon. Mr. Miller received with it a photograph of the boy, taken since his recovery, and be la truly an intelligent look ing little le low. Late yesterday evening Mr. J. A. Sylves tcr, of this city, called at our uflicc, accom panied by his fiephew, Qeo Henry Sylvester, who was captured by the Indians in June, 18U1, on the Humboldt river, in Nevada Ter ritory, at that time, while on his way to Oregon. We will give the account of his life with the Indians and bis escape from them In his own words as near as possible. ' After living with them about live years, and be coming weary of the life he was leading, concluded to make bis escape, if possible and return to his Iriends, the pale faces. lie speaks but little English, but enough to enable us to understand bow be made his escape, which is as follows I He was sen out to watch a train of sixteen wagons, bu before ttolnar told his captors that be would not run away; and would be back in a short time.- They took his bang (gun) away from him. for fear the " pale faces " would get it. lie then started and traveled over sleep (night) and ki.Ied bis pony by bard riding and after that was compelled to travel or foot. The second night b built a fire for the ourDOse of keeninit off the iirar wolves. and tin the fifth sun, (day,) reached the big warriors, (13th Mo. Cavalry, commandod by Col. King.) On bis trip ho bad nothing lo tat but dammie. ox and crow.' He reached J ibe above regiment On the 27ih of $9X; 1805 of Mr. Sylves er, Ms uncle. The Democrat slated that the regiment would lie in St. Louis between the 1st and lath of January, 18G6. Mr. S. then forwarded a communica tion to Col. King, who after airiving at St. Louis, bad the lioy's likeness taken, which he sent to Mr. S., who recognized it imme diately as bis brother's son. -He also re- kceived a letter from Capt. Hint, Asst. Q. M., s'ating that the boy was in charge ot Col. King, and bad left St. Louis for Jefferson City. Mr. S then left here for Jefferson and anived there on Friday, Feb. 2d, and met Col. King and his nephew at the depot, just on the eve of leaving for North Missouri. He recognized the boy as soon as he saw him, and made b 8 bu-inecs known to the Colonel, and showed him the likeness of the boy and his little brother and two sisters, who at once saw a fum ly resemblance. Mr. S. and the Colonel then agreed to place the likenesses in the hands of some five or six representatives the legislature . being in session at the time and let them form their own judgment as to their family resemblance, wben they agreed that they all belonued to the same family. Mr. J. A. Sylvester was recognized by Hon. Chas Uowlund, foi merly of this city, and now Senator from St. Louis county, as being the brother of II. Sylvester, of Dal es City, Oregon. Col. King being satisfied with the decision of the above named gentlemen, placed tho boy in the ands of Mr. a., acting in belinit of his bro ther, and arrived with him here late yester day afternoon. The boy is about twelvo years old, well ade, has black hair nnd very keen black ves, and is very intelligent, nnd we think it will be but a short time until be again be comes familiar with bis native tongue. Relief Hon Company-Regilnr Meeting This Evening at 7 o'clock. O. A. LIEIili, Sec'y. Wun Lodge, No. 15, F. A. Sb A. 91. Holds Its italed Communication on the First end Third Monday! of each month, at their hull, in Dalles City. Brethren. In good standing are Invited to attend. ckth ii. fori, sec y. Jiy ontor oi me w. oi. AUCTION 1KB COMMISSION EC O TJ S E ! No. 1C0 MAIN STREET, DALLES. rWIHB UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR PA5T M. Favors, reaped fnl ly infninm tlm citisenn of tl bailee, uud the public generuUy, tfiut Le coutiuut-i to Boll ut PUBLIC AUCTION , Oil PRIVATE SALE, Real rate, General Merchandise, Gioceileti, llOI'KCN, Blules, Furniture, a MockN, &C. &.C. KEGULAIt SALE DAIS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN nt-uts of sales. Outdoor uud Special Buloa attended to In any part ot the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. Columbia' Lodge, No. 8, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, lu Gates Hall, comer of Second and Court Streets. Brothers la good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. G. NEZ PERCE CHIEF, WEB-FOOT, TEMNO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA, SPRAY & VHANAGOil. nrinclnal. 1230 48.1001 and 13 83-10O dollars costs of rtnni.ln. It. T. nnil. fl. C. FEI.TOV. J. 11. Ti. nnAV. mid action, trim interest ana accruing cosis, I nave lev.eo " I i.a.i.n unit Ircgon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER. "ARRANGEMENT. JPR tJP lT"'' THE STEAMERS SELLING OFF AT COfcT ! J. GOETZ & CO, FTONK BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREKT, DALLES Offer their wcll-aelccted (tuck of TOIJACCO, SEGAHS, PIPES, YANKEE JNOXIOISS, AND STATIONER Y AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. mrWtf J . J UK EH, . Slain Street. Danes, WHOU8AIK AND KBTill SEALER I! CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES , & o. ALWAT8 IK STORE THE BEST BRANDS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1 JLAYING CARPS. fOCKKT CUTLKRY. , PORT MUNIK8. COM 119 and UltUSIIES, o' all kinds, l'KHFUMKUV, ot ev.ry description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOVS, WILLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FTSII7NO TACKLK, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, 4c. Also Fowder.Shot, Lead, Towder Flasks, Baskets, an many other articles too numerous to mention. star lnteriorritalers supplied wilh Clears. Tubacce.ete. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 Slier I (I'm Sale of Real Property. BY VIRTUE OF AV EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of the County Court. In and for Wasco Coun ty. Stnte of Oregon, and to me directed. In favor of 7. Donnell, plalntift", and against R. O. Alwell, defendant, lor tne sum ot Two Hundred and Thirty 40 loo aoiiara. TIIOS. J. STUMP, Will ran during the season from CELILO to UMATIL LA, WALLULA, WUITH 1ILUFFS, PALOUSK and LKWIBTUN. One of the above named boats Till leave CE I.I 1,0 for UMATILLA and WALLULA, DAILY (Sunday, excepted) Tlio PaHtseiijjex- Tnilii to connect with steamers at Celllo will start from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at & o'rloci, A. M. lloats will be dispatched for WUITK IILUFFS, PA- LOUSK and LEWISTON as often us the necessity of the trade will demand. FOR PORTLAND THROUGH IN ONE DAY. The Steamers "ONE ON T A," Oil "IDAHO," CAPT. 3. MoNCLTY, Commander, Will leave DALLKS, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at 6 o'clock. A. M., connecting by the CASCADK RAILROAD, wun uie steamers NEW WOULD, CASCADE, or WILSON G. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF, 1 .'. Commander, lot Portland. FRANK T. DODQB, Dalles, Api 11 5, 1800. (nlZlfl - Agent O. . N. Co. iip)0t.Hnd will sell at public unction before the Courc House door, In Dalles City, on n KLIN EciUAi. tne atli day of M .y, 1806, between tho hours of 12 o'clock, M. and 4 o'clock, P. M f to the highest bidder for -cash In Hand, the west hall ot Donntlon Clnim of 11. U. Alwell, Notification No. 6034. described as follows: "A part of Sections one (1) and twelro (12), Town 2 North i Itanfie 7 east, anil a rust or Section six (o) and seven (7); Town i North, Range 8 Kust, contalnine: 160 acres. uiiaklcb minis, enonn. Ky R. W. Csabdall. Deputy. Dalles City, April 2, 18(10. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St. 1 Dalles, Oregon. VTTOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM vw the citlzotis of this placo and vi cinity, that having retnrned from a pro- lesstonal tour tnrongh the mlrfs. he lias again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY, In tile room formerly occupied by him. In the building occupied by Wood A Butler, Ph itograph Artists, and adjoining Wal dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes this method of ex tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore exV tended to umi, and solicits a continuance or the same; . L1BT or PHICIS. Entire Denture on Gold Bnen..... $180 to $22 " Upper Denture, Gold llose BO " VM " Denture. Vulcanite Base 70" 124 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 86 " tj Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Childrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. sel3-tf II.IIEttMAN&CO., MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, , TTAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK Of GATES fc GUAJPITS spring astd summer goods. WHOLESALE A RETAIL ' ' ' Consisting Iff part of DRUGGISTS, Fancy and Staple Dry Good Clothing, STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON. Importers and Jobbers of ' PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS FANCY 00OD3, ' C BODA, CORKS k ACIDS, . V OILS, ALCOHOL, - PURE WINES A LIQtfOHS, , PAINTS, GLASS A BRUSHES. ' ,1 ', I . FftTStCllNS' PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately compcfcidcd.' ' ' S ' PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORlUMv A fail and complete assortment of all articles In the Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON BAN VRANCIHCO PRICES. . . .1 . .roc v . . AW Merchants will please get one prices before order. roc ueiow. Boots & Sboes Hats & Caps, " . Which they oner to sel) at SMALL PROFITS. . Dulles, Mnrch 27th. 18tid. mrOTH lO THE TRAVUL1AIG PUBLIC THE NEW BRIDGE " ; ACROSS THE LOWER DES CHUTES IS NOW Com plete, and ready rr Ihe cf.iesing of TEAMS, PACK -I ANIMALS, Me. TOLL8 MODERATE , DKC CHUTES HOAil BRIDGE CO, - ' tla'les, Mnrch 2, JStW. . mriftlw TO LET. .E RESIDENCES ivied by T. B. I There lira Ave rooms, partly furnished ; also out bonser. rfnilDRBin ABLE RESIDENCE sitnated on the'Blnlt; formerly occnpiea uy 1. it, kelli, is for rent. J,.01IAPtN, . - ,Bllc,.-iH Ctrl' JUSTIN GATES.. afauxut, Cala a good spring of owl water, together wllb on acre of "7 rich garden ground, wun a secuie rence arnnnd theasme; Xcrius reasonable. KELLY KLNAY.-