Ihutmmx. FACTS AMD FANCIES. A thousand laborers buvo boon en gajjed to rebuild Charleston, S, C. . "WonKtNU for bare life" is defined to bo making clothes for a new baby. 'Why did Joseph's bretbern cast ' liim into tuo rill" "Uocause they did't want him in tho Family Circle." There will bo but one oil ipso ibis year that will be vmibio to us a total elipso of the moon,Murch 30lb. T.HB highest inhabited place on the globe is at Ancomaro, Peru, which is 1(5,000 feel above j tho sea. Mrss Thompson says that every un marriod lady of sixty may consider that oho has passed tbo Capo of Good llopo. A man nd vertiaeg for competent per sons to undertake tho sale of a new medicino, and adds "that it will be profitable to the undortaifer !" The wheat exports of Minnosota lust year wero seven millions bushels. Tlio town ot Winona alone shipped two and a half millions bushels. Joseph Billings says: "God save tho fouls, and don't lot 'era run out, for if it warn'i for them, wise men couldn't got a living. What is tho difTeicnco between homicide and pig stealing? One is assault with intent to kill; tho other, kill with intent to Bait. "Your milk docs not pay any in. come tax, 1 suppose, Mrs. Skinpenny 1" "Why not, Sir?" "I shouldn't think it was rich enough." The Charleston Courier Bays that $120,000 have be.n subscribed in that city for the purpbso of securing whilo laborers for South Carolina. Foua millions pairs of copper tips are annually applied to the toes of childcrn's shoos, consuming in their liianufacluro aboul fifty tons ol copper. A joker in tho Washington Rcpubli can Says he would be perfectly willing to share the fortunes of war with the Doblo army of contractors. A distinguished English clergyman rocontly stated that there were places in London where, for generation after generation, the name of Christ never reached. A Chicagoan npplios for a divorce because his wifo proves to havo a cork leg. Sho resists, bocauso, as she alleges, ho kuew all about that before inarriago. Out of two hundred thousand mar riages in England in 18G3, only one hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and eighty person wore ublo to sign their names. ' Balmoral skirts to the nnmber of 72.087, and valued nt 62,040,000, were manufactured in Massachusetts dui, log tho year ending in May last. A Connecticut man, some time sinco, rociovud a patent for the process of hardening iron, lie dispoeod ot his patent for $50,000 and the purchaser recently sold out the same for $2,000, 000. ) Oni of a party of friends, referring lo an exquisite musical composition, said; c.."Tbat song always carries me ' away when I hear it." "Can anybody whistle it?" asked a wag who desired his ubsonce. John asked Julia if sho would mar ry him. . "No," suid she, "I will not nave you;: out uotoro jonn couia re cover from tbo shock, sho archly put in "but you may navo mer Isn't it pleasant to bo surrounded by such a crowd of ladios ?" said a pretty woman to a popular lecturer,.. "Yes" said.' he, "but it would be pleasantorto be suronnaeq py opav, . ' D.,WJ?I 'DOIITIHTTV" ATTORNEY A.T JL.A. W, " BA1JN00K CITT, Idaho Territory. tf PtftWw attention paid to Collecting Debt. , t,oat K-X '. V ' ; , ' ' ' ir-.Mf Ufi-.t 7.. .;.:... H "'.i ' :' .KUCil Af.lWJ .i!i;.i.i .; , ..t.I . Virginia City, Montana & Blacklbot OVERLAND SJAGE LIKE! BEX. IIOJLLIDAY, Proprietor. CONCORD STAGES r.V-'. LEAVE DOISK CITY KVEUY OTHEU DAY FOR. UIA-CIC FOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting fit SALT LAKH CITY Willi Concord Stages lluuuiug to "Virjafitiin City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. IP Ait n: i Boise City to Putt Lake City JlflO 00 irginia wiy, .iloritura 120 00 diiU'jiiri Hiver, Legal Tender J3M, Uold, ilUO 400 00 For furthor information apply at " OVERLAND STAOK LINE OFFICK, Boise City, 1. T., Iiili0fl3in j. TJ1)1, Agent. DENTIST, MAS RKMOVKD HIS OFFICE OPl'O- g"s is prepared tu do all kinJirof ' ttT DENTAL WORK, In a sKillful anil well nnlslKit manner. TEKTH Insertet from one to an entiro set, on Uold or Itubbvr Plate. Pri.'ita r m f..p It.il.l..... ill . . Gold I'lato, hum $75 to tl2j. . ...... i.i, uunu uy me not proving sat. Islnctoi y will not bo required to receive or pay lor tin Hume. NEW IIEAItSE! rrUK UNDEKSIOXED DKOSTO INFORM THE CIT- JA IZtillH III' ttiU DllHl'rt lllul vli.itii.i. .I.... I... I..... i... . a NEW UEAUSaml win '""eu A-tlend Funerals on ; hart notice This is tho flrot, and at present, only tulles, Mny 19, 1805. uiyrfo-t 8 LINCOLN HOUSE, Curlier Washington and Frout Streets, PORTLAND, OREUON. IinfT-OLA?S IIOT-KL. LARGEST I.N TUB STATE ; Charges Kcaonable. AN OMMIIUS will iitiend all tho DoatB and convoy . ...... . . IIUUNg free 01 Charge, or to any other House in the dry fur 60 cents. P. 8 -HOT AND COLT) l.AT.,8 In tho' llZT All tliH Stmitimru fin- i.t.r..n v cello iiml Astor:a luml nt the Lincoln House Whui f. SELLING OPF AT COST! My ontirc stock of STOVES AND T I A WARE, ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. THE WHOLE embracing anno stock, ever? article of which will heboid nt COST, as I dimlrn t.. ..i.,.- out business. Also one UllAND PIANO, in good onler. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second Et.eet next to tho corner of Washington. The House Is two stories, with a basement, and is well adimted to the hotel busiuess. Also a lot of BEDDING, comprising nlwut twenty.flve Beds. Tho wholo will bo closed out cheau. For further particulars apply on the premises. auO:8m AI.iiF.itT rhttthovv MRS. LEESETt'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND Dress Slaking Establishment, Opposite Colin & Bohm'i, IVOULD-CALL THE ATTENTION of (he Ladies o tho Dallos to my larj e and fltie stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BOET&, II ITS, FEATHERS, Dress Triliuiiins, :0. Having secured the- services of MRS. F11AIIY, In the Dress Making apni tmeut, wo will do all work ill that line and irunrnnteo perfect satisfaction. DYINO dono In all colors. ' Give mo an early call, and I will endeavor tt suit everybody In TASTE and at II KASO.N ABLE PllICES. Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, ' LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO,, IMPOItTEltS AND WHOLESALE DHUGrGrlSTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN FRANCISCO. mh22:dtlm. Sheriff's Sale of Real Property. BYrlVI'iTV" OTAN KXKCUTIOH ls.UeI by ll,e Clerk of lha Circuit Co.irt In and for Wasco County. State or Oregon d to m. directed, n f,i o" of Jas. 11, Noyca plaintiff, and against I). J. Drew de fe"!,?JVf ? . uf 0"r Hundred and BlnSr-fow ant 7H-100 dollars, ($40,70-100) princlpal.and th ?tthn andOWWdollars.ttoBa-lOOJcost.ofSc! oTw hh&Ur lie auction before the Court House door, in Dllmfit. SATURDAY, the 28th DAf OF Ami," lemSt JC i,h0,."T ?'J 0'C,lock' A: "- ln ', f!m, to Sh5 highest bidder for cash In hand, all of the Intereat of the defendant in and to the south half of lonV one fl) and two (2) n block flv. (6) in Dalle, city, fitting 60 6, R. T&Xj!?? ,. .IlsOlt,,Marebth,l4., ' ' '": 1 ! i . J- .!,.,,-' .vt.-ff-- i--. 1 ' " uALLLIS ill! 1 UlillU Vl'OUE P. CRAIG, WUOLBSALB AND KKTAlb DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATKST MKDICINKS, 4c. DAILY MOUNTAINEER DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES: DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES.' DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES! 4 S. LEMON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets UAL.LES, OREGON. CJ LEMON Is able to supply partlos in want omnia:, r" Patent Medicines. Chemical,, Acids', I'erfumci v, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. - Physician and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a cull. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In groat variety. .8. LKMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St.. botween Main atln Second. r o is t li a si n v tiii'iv iiiiv' AND MACHINE SHOP, FIltST STIiKET, bctwoon Yamhill and MorriBon team Kngine of from -1 to4o linrsu. vt -r.flE'. a i. i....... .-jiUHi jnftvii! i Stnt onarv. Alan. flllU r fti:K-Mi CCLAR SAW MILLi ,171 CO.MPLLTK, ennetnntly &W&WtsWk ''MgS on hand. Also, Hay Pros- lffS'yir7i BHSof nil sizes : IManinz fi'SJZtt"f&&r Ai" Macliinos.(V.x.dworth's V -JSMSSa-vi" luittern.) Wrnmrlit nnd I J'52.a. Cast lrou work for Vor- m, llcalSawand Orist mills: jf a "LB J-i Hr.wa and Iron Castings -fejC9t ' and ... WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of tlve Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to anv nm t nt tl.n min.. as the woicht of the entire machinery will uot exceed S, Horso Powers & Agricultural Implements lurmuicturwl l.iordernt tliovery I.UWKST CASH PllK ICE N. 11. l'articulor attention paid to KEl'AIKS. fe20-tf -tV Ni:iJI5C OF literary and Scientific Lectures irillCil has been in contomplatlun for eome time, ww is now olfored to tiie neolilo of the nUi's. Tl. first Lecturo of tha Series will bo given Monday Evening, and ono each Tuesday Evening thereafter? thnniKh tho Series of Kiitlit Lectures. The proceeds will bo divided botween the Congregational nud Methodist Sabbath Schools. Tickets for the Course t ! OXE DOLLAR. Single Admhislon, Fifty cents. ' This lecture will be delivered by ItKV. DR. ATKIN SON, in tho Conrogationtvl Church lecture will com mence at 7 o'clock. Subject: SOCKATKS Ills TIMB. The following geutleuun aro cxi'ccled to delivor eacli ono Lecture : . Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; Rev. Dr. Atkinson, " Hev. Mr. Caftrey, - Judge Hill, Canyon City; ' Judge Wilson, Dalles; llov. Mr. Driver, ' Prof. Rohiud, " J. A. Odell, Kst., " . Rev. T. Conduu, " MRS. L. WHITE'S 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, 4 Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UPTIIK OALLKRYover Deguar's Store, would respectfully anuouuee to all those wishing Photographs, Carts de Vlsitc, &c, tint they will do woll to give her a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Lad.es and Clil'dren's Pcturos. oc'ilitf. . MANTUA MAKEK. MnB. MATTIB 110LBUOOK would respectnilly in form tho Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop In connection with Miss O'llourke, where she is prepared to do all kinds or work with noat nessand dispatch. Having Just arrived from the Kast, tho hopes to be able lo please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. .J.'flF 1,00113 West 01 "''.Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. , , ' ;2ima Fur s ! Furs ! ; . THE IIIOHKSf "MARKET PRICE PaId IS CASH - . " roa Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon skins, ' . y RICHARDS McCRAKKN. Portland Sopt. 27, 180S. oc4:yni , Washington Wagon Road. , rinB , UNDERSIGNED WOULD ' V I'OttM ' tub J Traveling Publie that the Waidiington Wagon Road from Portland aud Vancouver to tho Uppor Cascades is well being kept In goodtravellug order for wagona and K. C. 1IAHDV. Dalles Jan, 11th 1866. ' Janlltf Sole Proprietor. MOUNT HOOD SALOON BIJL.JL.IA11JD R003I, P.m. HUNT; Proprietor, Main and Court Btroeti,1 ,pa-f ' ' '..r: . i. .. IMtM, Oregon." , f I '.t V.. . ... I'OVVElt PltESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. . First Street, between Main and B DALLES .". OREGON. - JOB PRINTINCOF EVERY VARIETY - rAcuiKu wivii okuui ucy uimi UlnjiiltCll. A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVOR ABLY with the very best, and it ntTvs AS rwvt.v ar Tut? rmin ti TO.ORIir.B I Cards and It i 1 1-S3 e a tl m CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS AND P110GI1AM3IES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS cCc, rfc. . etc., PKINTEU IX TIIE MOST ATTRACTIVE MAMNUt. AUO, WAV-HILLS, BILLS OF PARK, LETTEK HEADS. HEVEll'TBOOKS. s BILLS LADISQ, Oriels and Pmiinhlefs, riSlTlSa, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CAUDS Drueaiats' Lnbels, In sliort, everytiiing tinit can be done in a Book and Job Printing Oilico,. from the Nnmllcst and most delicateCard or Circular, to tiie iargost size and most t.howy posting Hill and which will bo turned out in a ftyle thai caunt fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR fAOlUTIEU FOR tHX IXtCUTIOX Ct JECOFIATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to tho Largest Mainniotli, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rVRt UilEIlS' LABELS.at Aie unsurpassed by those ot any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this brunch ut the buBiuess, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, NtW lYrtS, UUKUtKS, UnNF.MtNIS), tc ffc.. c.. ' Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o FANCY INKS. TINTS, &C. Are of the llnest quality, nud for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business is aaked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter, ests, by awarding their custom to that office in which their money can bo expended to the best advantage.. To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call aud examine specimens! and judge for yourselves. Orders from tne Upper Country Will have ourspechtl care, and friends from the Interlo' may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, oiwe HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Htate of Oregon I Address; - MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON! ouuiioiv vuoivt anu oHuiiuomuiO! DALLES. OREGON, THKCNDHRSIONKD, HAVING REMOVED PROM THK "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' Now Buildings Reg to inform the public that they are prepared to serV ' their customers with the best Mines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MAHKET AfJtfOHDS. . ALSO, A Free Ijimch. I . Every day and evening. ' ' - " EJIlL, SClllTZ, decMf Proprleton : Hard Wood Ixmber CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK BBQ TO CALL ATTENTION of Carrlngo Man ufacturers and Dealers to the Large and Coin, plete assortment of CAIUllAOK and WAUON J1ATKIU : ALS ve are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for .the California market, comprising, Oak.' Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, felloes, Itinis, Shalts, Ac. Ac.. ' which wo offer at the lowest Cash Prices. . .. , i 40 Urders addressed to our house will rrcbive nromti "V.w.im n. n. oiiauu uu.. JolSJm. ., E9 A 31 Battery Street, Sun Francisco, .'. and 17 It 1U Seveuth Street Bncrnmento. ' C. WATEnilOtlSB, , II. W. IIkaoo A Co.( d, W. Lebtib omi rnuicisco. - eacruinento. ' Mew York t ' Tt1 TTT, X .'"TVT : A : XT , .' " .. -cak. J-l i. i '" "' flOlil AGIST IK CAUrORMA. 0 ; , n TILTON & MoPAHLAND'S i i WM - w . I.;- ; "J ' STEEL LINED VAULTS, i ? Combination1 Lock ' ,r Cunstanlly ; bund it fttll iwaorf mint bf Sa'fkA e : 'V