C37 14 ccr. Money Market. Now York Oold Quotations , fun Fraiiclsco l.epil Teuder rutos ,..V1 SO Epitome or Tclesrapliic News. OOXWLID MOM THE OHHIOXIAX. DATES TO M AKCII 31. Chicago, March 30. A bill inuktnir eiijlit Imura n IcruI rlaj'n work passed the WiJcon ain lluuse "I R"ire9enuti Vt'8 on Wednei'ilay; by 60 and 36. Next day the votu wis reconsidered, andtlie bill postponed till the Hh of July, by 54 against 42, thus Ullinn tlio measure Tba Wisconsin rloui'e of ltepre setitutives also adopted a resolution submit ting to the people the question of culling a C tudtituliniml i onventinu. Wath'tigton, Mnrch 31. The statement of the publiu debt, which will be published next week, will not show any leduction of the debt. No new issues nor conversions having b en mude since the last statement, but will f how a large increase iu the funds. It is expected that the civil rights bill will ejie tnken up it. the Somite on Monday, when Mr. Trumbull will make a speech reviewing i he President's objections, and other St mi tors may also speak. There is much active Fpecu Int'.oo about two or three doubtful Senators, mill an ugly rumor is afloat concerning one not hitherto Considered doubtful. New York, Murcb 31. The Tribunt't special dispatch says orders have been Issued to muster out all the colored troops the 1st of March. ' Waih'ngton. March 31. The prominent Re publican candidates for the New Jersey Sena tmhip are A. G. Co'ell and James A. Sco vi le. The following dispatch wag received I y ticoville during his speech in the New terser S nate yesterday, dated Washington, M.irch 29: To Hon. Jama M. Sc.oville By all means liurry up. I he election. Oive us no Conserva tives ; a Radical like yourself or nothing A coppeihead is better than a twiddler. (Signed) Thad. Stevens. The rumors circulating here, that Scoville had sold out to tbe Democrats were not be lieved, but on the other band, that be will in sist on the election of a radical or no body. Chicago, March 21. The Wisconsin Senate passed the House resolutions, submitting to i lie people the question of calling a Conslitu-, tinnul Convention. Jesse D. Bright has re appeared in Jndiann politics, endorsing the President's policy, and is A candidate for ro-eleclion lo the Senate, vie Henry 8. Lane". Veto York, March 31. In the case of recent Distillery frauds on internal revenue in this -city, some very heavy assessments have been made, one or two as high as Si 60,000, but the defaulters profess their inability to meet tbe demands of tbe Government. Compro mises will probably be made in sojne cases, lint none of tbe civil sui's will be relinquished. Tbe Newurk AdvertUer says Senator Wright is stiil confined to his bouse, and it Is doubt ful if he evor resumes his seat in the Senate, New York, March 30. Advices from the seat of war on tba Parana river, state that on January 21st, a Paraguayan force of 3,000 crossed to the southern bank, had a battle with the allied vtnguard, destroyed a large accumulation of timber which the allies were collecting to make rafts; and retired In good order. The Brazilian fleet remained at Car- rieotes availing the arrival of tbe Admiral, when operations would be commenced. But it is believed the obstructions in the river are so complete that tbe vessels will not be able to do much. Wathington, March 30. Tbe Navy Depart ment is sending a squadron to the fishing hanks of New Foundland to protect American . interests. . No- trouble is apprehended, but it is thought desirable to have a force on band. Late London advices indicate that tbe British (Government will not insist on driving Anierl can usbermen from tbose waters, though there may be some delay in establishing their rights after the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty. ,k . Washington, Marsh 30 The Intelligencer says (Jen. Terry has warned tbe colored peo ile of Richmond, not lo attempt so imprudent n course as their proposed celebration of the fall of Richmond ou tbe '3d of April, but it appears Iti movers are still engaged in per feeling arrangements. It is needless to say that no demonstration will be permitted by the Government, and measures have boeo taken to prevent it. Tbe tanking bouse of Duncan Sherman & -, 'o , on William street was on nre to is morn tag. Tbe building was but little injured, but considerable damage was done to the books, pipers and furniture. The steamer Helvetia from Liverpool, landed 1.OJ0 immig-ants to day. Tbe $20,000 and books stolen from Lord Hire have been recovered. Tbe remain der it is expected will also be recovered. The) Austin) Texas, convention on the 28th passed a resolution to" send Utssrs. Porter, Hancock, Lane and Henderson as delegates to Washington."'" " ' The State election is to be beld on the fourth Mqhday, .of Jane,, and; the legislature meets on the first Monday o( August. :.,, tan Francitco, March'. 31 t-Sailed for Port land sUamert' Paeifio and Montana. C. 3. JllLLIB. . Dalles. BloeSs, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, Anil Importers and Jobbors of . CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, .Blankets, etc., etc., ' etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WK AJf ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION V whh our business, under the entire supervision nf Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bars I u six hours- We Kuarantee all our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH PR1CM for liars. He also pay the Highest Cash l'rico for Qold Dust. BLOC IT, MILLElt ft C)., myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, , IRON Si. STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE. Si FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO k GRANT, , Dallos, Oregon. mlDtr W. 13. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Blrubaum.) ' PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AXD DEALER IX Eiiio Watches AND JEWEL RY, VNTITKS TIIK ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND JL the Public to bis choice selection of - New and Fashionable Goods, Reepectfnlly soliciting their patronage. .-, ... Wa'dres PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and W A llll A.MED. -aiOlf Next Door to the Post Offloe. ' ; ' : ; , LAST CIIA.TVCE ! " FOR. TWO WEEKS LONGER ) I Goods at San Francisco Cost ! ! 11TK WILL CONTINUE! TO SELL OUR STOCK OF COATS, PANTS, BOOTS J- S70S, DATS $ CAPS, ' And a lull assortment of Gents Furnishing Goods. - AT COST! Until the Hint day of Munch, when we snail close oar store, wiiuuui raiu , wrariin indebted to us will please call at onr store before tlio above date. 113tf AllltAHAMSON KOIILDERG. FAIR W-ARILSriNGr A IX PER80N8 INBEBTEDTODDSENBURT A BHO. 21 are hereby notified to call and settle liofore the 1st April ; otherwise, leial proceeillngs will be had. ofDalles, March 27th, 1800. nirmtU ..,,,,,-',.1 .: v.. TO LET.;t.. Tlia DESIRABLE RESIDENCE situated oh the Bluff, formerly occupied by T, B. KELLY, is for rent. There are five rooms, partly furnished also out houses; a rikhI spring of cool water, together with one acre ot rich garden ground, with a secure fence around the snrae. Terms reasonable.: Apply to .KKLLF k DKNN.Y, OTICK.-j;- - LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TUB UNDERSIGNED f. aM requested to "come and see me" before the 31t lnitv at the Bank Cxchaun Salooa. . " m'Uti ' M.REN 10. , lSAAO F. I)LOCd, San Francisco. WALDRON BROS. Wholesale' & Retail Druggists, m.iw s. ii.ii. . V NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone, bulldiinr. omioslta Klorli, Miller Co.. and offer lo tlie public a full ami completo stock of I mugs, oieuremes and Uhvniicals, consisting lu part or KKROSKNK. LAMP WICKS k CHIMNEYS TUIIPENTINE, HOPS. ALCOHOL, 8 AUK. ACllIM, 1 SPONGES. L1NSKED, LEECHES, L.tltU. UOIUV.'". CArfOR AND N KATfKOOT Oil, I.ND1IIO AND l.A.Nl'ULACK TRUSSES, ' SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS - AND - PATKNT MKmCIlVKS. . Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and best iinilltyi new stylet ond largo, assortments, such as LUMN'S PEHFUEHIIY, II A I It. Ll'UIN'8TiILKTSuAP, FLESH, POMADES. SHAVING, COSMETICS, II AT. IlAlIt 011,3. CI.OTIIfB, COLIX1NK. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BIIUIfllKS TOOTH POUDKUS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In tne state, ana we slum at all- limes sell at a small ad vance from cost. Ready sales aud smnll profits. PHYSICIANS' rilESCKlPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. lMiies,sepi. v, inoo. seiu-tl It E M O Y A- L -GATES it-CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE k RETAIL DRUGGISTS, nave l.euioveu to RVDIO'S STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. . WITKKK we will continue to soil articles usually kcDt In a Vint'Class Druir Storo. at 20 nor cent. LESS THAN ANY STORE IN THE CITY. Our slock consists in part of Patent Modiclnos, Ture Wln"S and Brnmlr. extracts, Sponges, Trusses, Braces, Paints. . Varnishes, nancy A uommuu Suap, ilair Brushes Corks, Acids, Tooth Powder, Alcohol, Hons. mis, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, ic, PniSICIANS' PttESCKIPTIOXS Carefully Compounded. Give ns a call and satisfy y ur- seives ueiore piircnasiog eisewuere. II. li.UllAflW, nmtlj JUSTIN OATES. VERY IMPORT A.3N X TO Merchants, Families, lTotcls and nAR.ROOMS. , TULIUS RRAEMEK HAVING BOUGHT TUB EN- J tire St(K-k of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late firm ol M. Seller A Co.. In thUclty, to which lie has added of his own importation (while doing business in f oriianu; an lniuiouse mock oi me oest manuiactured C'roclury, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-GIaftjes and . All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing: eleewliere. Orders from tbe Interior promptly attended to, and gooue pacKuu lo no secure. Don i lau to cam on me. uuaio'e Htoue uulldluit. Vtasninirton street. Dalles. JULIUS KItAEliER. Dalles. March 17th, 1886. mliUtf . 1 Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. N AND AFIER MONDAY, NOVEMBER T3th untl mriuer uotice,'. - . - 1 ' Tlie l'assciiffev Train to conneot with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from tlio R. 11. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, VVedneadays, and Fridays, ml a A BM.m ... THE STEAMERS "ON EON T A" or "IDAHO," CA1T. J. MoNDLTY .' Commander, Will lean DALLE8, DAILY. (Sundays exoepted) at 6 o'clock, A. M.. connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, wiui ill. nwimrr "NEW WORLD" or "CASCADES," CAVT. J. WOLF,.. ,. .......Commander, 0- Portland.' W.B.BRADFORD. Dalle. Not. 13, 1806. n!2tf Agent O. 8. N. Co. Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN 8TREET, DALLES, DEALER IN FINB WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. sfirPartlcular attention noitl to renalrlni fine' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. - All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. i N. B. All orders from the upper oountry, by Express or otuvrwise, promptly auenaeu, lo. ' PAYNE'S AUCTION ROOM! ' (ONE DOOR ABOVE TUB P08T-OFKICK,) JlIAIN STREET, DALLES CITT. i ' ' ' I will attend id sales of ',' i ... Heal Estate. t - General Merchandise ' 'Furniture, .- j m ;-. ..!'; tn r' v i-iii' And Stocks. ,s REGULAR 8 ALB SAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. J Stock and Special Sales any day, Sondsys excepted. 1ylte I, A. 0. FAIN II, Aactisaeer FRANKLIN MARKET. corner of second ani .Washington streets DAL Lis, OREGON, n JOHN EPP1NOEH Proprietor rrVIK UNDERSIGNS M. having titled up the above Market In the BE T STYLE, will keep couilant- ly ou hand all sorts of FrcNli ana Cured Bleats, Or the bust quality furnished at the LOWEST KATE My motto is to ' PLEASE A LI." TTJAttTIES IIATINO SUPERIOR 8T0CK FOR 8ALB JL will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN KPPINUER. Dalloe, February l'Otli, 1805. WASHINGTON ITIAKKUT. conNsaor COURT AND SECOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MiCHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP mr ., constantly on hand all the Tarle- 4v4f' t'I tties tliatthe niarketcan possibly alTord.of ii ..J PUKSH & CURED MKATH, and always of the but quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS uppiled on reasonable terms. Tbe miderolRiieq U alwnvH nrpnred to pkt tbe litvh est chbIi price tor VAT CATTLK. piirttei having nttwk In row) condition, are requested to rail on film before goiug elaewlieve. JOU1N M1C1IKLBACII. jjfliio. marcii Dial, inuo, ninoiii FUKS, WOOL ai.l HIDES. fJMIR IIIOIIEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR IFURS, WOOL, AND HIDES, at McCRAKEN, MERKILT, A CO.'S 10 North Fiont Street, Portland. mhl83m 3KW YORK BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE Main Street Dalles. 'FREDERICK BENZER. mhZltf .T. V. FORBES' FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND ' . Provision Store, CORNER OF WASHINGTON k SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles of EltESil BUTTER, ROUS, and every variety of ITA.M.IIV GItOOEKIES. NUTS, CANDIES, $c, $c, Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Prices F0K CASH. Also, dealer lu . GKAIV, FLOiril AXD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. No charges for Storage on Goods sold on CommMun ' Proceeds of Sales remitted promptly. Jnlutf. . NOTICE TO FARMERS. 'U1B DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JL COMPANY has recently attached a FLOUltING MILL r to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and Bio now prepared to CHOP FEED. GI1IND WHEAT niKl CORN, and warrant to give the best satlsfactlou. On uaml constantly and for sale . , , ,, , , FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, ' , 81.CONDSORMIDDI.IN08, . , ; i ,. BltAN AND SHORTS, " CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. ) Also. A Sunerior article of CORN MKll. (mi. Corn. The hlirliest market nrlce nnid for WHEAT !nnw: 1 BAHLKY. . .. U. A. IIOUUK. Aire.it. , Dalles, Nov. 8,1805. 'Si . ..." l,tf,f ' "auction and commission. h r JOHN. WJLLIAMS. LTJCTIOnSTETflR,' No. 100, Main Street, Dallea City. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION -ol General Merchandise, Real Estate, Grocerb s . Ilores,New and Second liaud Furniture, Stocks, Ac, c Regular Sales Day Satardaj'.' . Outdoor aud Spoclal Bales attended to la an tiart of the City. Liberal Adraiiccs made on Consignments'. ' nl9:3m. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. " A.. . BRADFORD,; IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines Sc Liquors, FRONT STREET, . Portland, ' - - Oregon REFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT W meat ol , Brandies, ' M'lnen, 'Liquors,'; Case Goods, - 9 The Trad, ts particularly Inrited to examine my ' stock before purchasing elsewhere. ( ";i an24-tf - f BOOKS! BOOKS.! i ' v WH0LESAL S AND RETAIL.' ' ' " J SCHOOl BOOKS', STATIONERY, 9 Standard and Misoellaneoas WORKS, ; ."."fri; V.' Ut. NOVELS. MAOAEINES. PAPERS. I . Aom Ae.. by erery Steamer. post-OtnceesaMBsaasaar ' Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. - .Garden Seeds Tor the Bllllfon) ' . isT-tfy r , y . T IH. J. WALDAOK J.. :J!iHroTI3E.' u -j'.i ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO COIIN BORM BStlet 'pay up by the 46th Inst., ur legal proceedings will be had. TliU is the lost otic. COUN A BOUM.