HBMIIiiHiTiMif in im "i WEDNESDAY MOKNING, APttIL 4, 1800. "New Military Post. Yesterday we noticod the arrival of Major Mar shall: liih U. S. In.faD.trv. at Fort lioiso, Slating that ho had assumed tho condmand of the subsDistrict of Boiso We lonrn to day From a relia ble source that the Major will not re main at $Oisd long, but that as Boon as the necessary arrangements can bo completed he will move into tho Harney Lake country, and establish a largo and permanent military post there. .The orders in the case are already , promulgated, and the Major is only awaiting tho arrival of supplies and troops. It is proposed to Bond about 200 cavalry and an equal number of in Ian try undor his command into that country which is beliovcd to bo the Lome of the thieving Snakes. This is a very commendable move, and wo doubt not will in reality benefit the whole country. Persons who.ought toknownroconi fident that in this yet unprospected region there aro gold and other valua ble metals, and that only a respectable amount of protection is need to de. velop them. If those surmises be cor rect) on account of their locality, they will materially contribute to the wel fare of the Dalles. m TXT t 11 mi . J. UK V HITS JiLUl't'S 140UTE. 10.6 Walla Walla Statesman attempts to east discredit upon the statements of our citizens to the effect that the route hence to White Bluffs overland, is the bost ovorlund route to Blackfoot and Big Bend mineo. Of course tho States man is perfectly disinterested in its assertions. We can only say in reply, that we sincerely believe the gontle men who composed the committee ap pointed to inquire into and report upon the merits of that routo totally inca pable' or attempting to deceive the public. We do know that at the mooting-which appointed them, we were thoroughly impressed with the idea that the disposition of that meeting was not to attempt to advance our local interests at the cost of a single indi vidual'sinconvonience. The States man's article does not admit of any other reply : we are not disposod to return personal abuso ' for personal Abuse ) its editor is well known in this community, and its disposition to mako A personal matter out of every little difference of opinion its strongest suit. Tub rush to Montana and Idaho from the other side promises to bo nearly equal to our own from Califor nia. The St. Louis Democrat of the 27th of March says that within the next two weeks two thousand persons, chiefly miners, and over three thou Band tons of freight will leave that city by steamer for Idaho and Mon tana. Oca friend Uapt. W. W. Thompson late of the W. T. Infantry, has gone into the service of Wells, Fargo & Co lie is to be employed as messenger somewhere ou the road to Boise, Wells, fargo & Go. par good salaries, and we think tbey have got a gentle" in Capt. T. if ho' doserves their confix aence, en; TqanKs to; Mr. - Holland,' Wells, Fargo 4 Co. messenger, for files .pi Portland fttoofs.''5'" 'y i i l u,;;; ' Pacific Railroad This importont measure is getting its proper share of publio attention these days; the east era papers aro full of it; Congress keeps talking about it; and material is being purchased and shipped for it, and it is now only a question of time, and tli u t time as short us labor and capital can mako it. The Central road is now probably in tho moBt ad vanced stuge of completion, and' tas most encouragement froiu Govern ment and capitalists ; but that ut least two roads across the continent will be built, jve have no doubt, and that ut no very distant day. The St. Paul correspondent of the Oregonian, writ ing undor duto of February 26th, says: The proposed ut:ioti of the Atlantic and Pacific by railroad over the-nnrlhern route, is attracting a great degree of attention in various parts of America, and in England. The Loudon Itailu-u; Record, in the interest of English capitalist, who it will be remember ed are laigelr in favor of the north-western railroad to the Pacific, has an nnicle well worthy of attention, from which I learn that of the routes by which. Central British Amer ica has hitherto been approached through Hudson's Buy, by Lake Superior, and over tho plains from St. Paul, the preference given to the latter is now admitted, and the events of the few past years show that there U no barrier so furruidnble but what it can be sur mounted, arid a railway completed within reasonable timi. The Hecord't article closes with the following paragraph : In 1862, the railway system of the United States terminated at La Crosse, in the State nf Wisconsin. Thence, steam navigation to St. Puul, laud transportation 250 miles to Georgetown, on the lied Rivtr, and steam navigation to I'ort (furry, were the improved modes of transit. Beyond the Selkirk settle ments the oared btteau and the wooden car of the lur-trader are the rude resources of the inhabitants. But, with gold discoveries a new state of things is at hand. Suamcrs once placed on Lake Winnepeg and the Sas katchewan, an emigrant can make the jour ney from Toronto, in Canada, to the mines of British Columbia it thirty days, and nt less expense than is now required for the journey ou land from the ruouib, of the Fraser's river to the Cariboo' couulry. If we are not mis taken., this great work will be a lead ng en terprise of the coming year. California and Owyuee. Tho Californians have not yet learned enough to cause them to desist from tbeir efforts to transport froight overs and lrom bacramento river to the Idaho mines. The Chicorouto seems to be given up for the present, as the experience ol last yoar demonstrated that it would not pay. But the en terprising Californians nothing daunt odare trying another route thatjy Truckeo Puss and the Mud Lakes. The Sucrumento Union of a lato date has tho following in reference to this new scheme. We presumo it will tuke tho whole of the present year to prdvo to thoso who have undertaken the work that it cannot by any possi bility compote with the quicker and easier route by the Columbia river. The Union says : " For the purpose of securing to CI - tJ t- . 1- - . L oacramemo me luano iraue, a suo scriplion has been started in the city to raise $5,000, to be given as a bonus to the first freight train which will carry one hundrod tons ol merchan dise by the Truckeo routo to the Owy bee mines. It is proposed to get up aii'oxpedition of ten or fifteen teams to go through together, and the money raised by subscription will be applied to the extra expenses inci dent to the pioneer trip." Oregonian. The steamers Montana and Pacific were expected at Portland yesterday. The telegraph announces a rush by them, mostly miners. ;The roads in the Willamette Val' ley are reported to be in a worse con dition than for years before. . . . . .. Grant UboU efc Ladder Co---Regular Meeting auid inennwaiyi atahihu ai l a ociock. Itorder. ; ,11.1. ClUPINf 8ec DENTAli NOTICJB.fc Doing about to make a professional tour to the town and settlements' tip the Columbia. I respectfully mil tin attention of those of my pelrouewhoarelnueed of Dental Operation! of anyenar- Waaco Lodge, No. IS, F. A. & A. M. Itn'da It stilled Communication' on the Firrt nnd Third Mondays of each month, at .their hall. In Dalles City. Brethren In Rood standing nre invited to attend. . Eetu L. 1'op, Soc'v. By order of llie W. M. . Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Meoti every Friday eveoing at. 7 O'clock, In OMes Unit, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing aro Invited toatteud. Byorder. N.O. NOTICE. fHAVE appointed K- K. II A FT my authnrlrcd agent to collect all moneys due me, and attend to inv bnsl wm sri'irerally. o3tr M. ItKNIU. notice. - OmcE 07 Cniw Quirteiumrtpk. ) Department or tub Comtmiua, V Tort Vanomxtr. W. T., March 28, 180(1. j SEALED PKDP'JrtA 1,3 will We received lor theTHANS I'OUTATION OF UOVEUNUhM FKK1011T over tiie following tmnied routes: Int. I'roiu Fort Imlles, Oregon, to CampsCnrry. Wnt son and Wiigtit. Biililes to state tiie price per pound in Coin, tliey will take the freight or. Separate hide rcunlruil for eueli Camp. Bids for this service will bo received lit Fort Dulles. Oregon, by Cttpt. James Uilllss. A. Q. M., U. 8. A., nnd ut thin olHcc, up to 12 M., on tiie lnt (Inv of Moy, 181.0. 2d. From Wnllulii, W. T, to Fort CoWllle. W. T. The price per pound In Coin to bo dated by bidders', bids for tnit Bervlro wilt be received at Fort Wiilhi W ilia, W. T., by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A. Q. M., aud ut tlii. (.nice. 1 1. to Vi Sjjii the lkt duy of Mny, 1800. ad. From Wnlluht. V. T.. to Fort Die. 1. T. The prlco per pound in Coin to bo stated by bidders for. this triiliHpoi'tiitiiiii. Ilids for tills servlco Mill be rveefved by Cnpt. T. J. Kikerson, A Q. M , U. S. A., Fort Home. I. T.- und ut this ollice, np to 12 M.,on the 15th day of May, ISO". 4th. From Fort Dnlles, Oregon, to Fort Boise, T. T the prlco per pound in Coin, f r which transportation will be furnished over thin route to bo stuted. Bids for tliis service will be received at Fort Dalles, Orugon, by Capt. Jiuhcb Uillhs. A. Q. M.. U. S. A.; Fort ilul-c. 1. T.. by Capt. T. J. Kckerson. A. Q. M., U. S. A.: and ut this cltlc), up to 12 M., on the 16tli day of May, IROtt. 'Bidders for all tiie routes will be required to give bonds with good and sufficient security tor the fuitlitul perfornmnce of any contract which may he awarded thorn nnder this advertisement. Bids to be in duplicate nnd accompanied by ou oath of llegiauce to the United Slates. The right to reject uny or all bids Is roserrcd, if so deemed best fur til interest of the service, All contracts minle subject to tiie upprovul of the De partuieat and Division Commanders. unmix u. uuinta?, " Brevot Lt. Col. ami Chief Qu rtorninsicr, aSdlwit.t stml Department of tho Columbia. AUCTION AND COMMISSION I HOUSE! 1 Ko. 100 MAIS STREET, DALLES. Tiik uxdebsionkd thankful for past Favors, ret-pect fully iiifm ins tlie.cltir.eiis of llio ImlleB, and the public generally, that he cuiitiuues lo sell nt - IU13TIC AUCTION OK F-KIYATE SALK, Real EiatBic. cnci;tl niercliandisc, Fin nUurr. RKOUi.An SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, ; And IMtOJIIT KETUHN ni-de of sales. Out dour und Sneclal Sales attended to in uny purl ol tho city. i JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. COAL OIL! OO-AJL. OIL! COAL OIL! . AT SAN FJRANC1SCO COST ! AT SAN FEANCISCO COST f AT SAN FEANCISCO COST ! AND FKEIGIIT, mr29:lm . At Oatea & C'hapin's, A. CAED. MADAMK LB TELLIEK WOULD RESPECTFULLY inform the Ladioi of tho Dalles am) Tit inlt v. thut she i now prepared to do all klndH of DHKSS, CLOAK, and PALETOT making. Also, CUTTING, and KITTING In a new und unproved style, nover before lutroduceu in this place. Kho will warrunt to Rive sat I nine t inn, and would most reRpectl'ully solicit a liberal pntroungot In the Kooms lntuly occupied by Mrs. White, over Dcgener's Store, ou Wauhlnjjtou street, between Second andThlnl. Dalles, March 27th, 1800. mr27 tf ONE HUNDREDJILES SAVED! BLACKFOOT & BIG BEND HUES BY WAY OF Wliite Bluflfe ! TIIE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dullea to White Dluffj. 100 miles " , ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oielll 160 ' , .. toColvllle 170 ' Travelers by ltfnd for either of the above Cold Fieldi, vriu save Save Time Distance and Money Br taking tho White BlufTi Hood. " . Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drive." The trad Is now open, and possesses advantages ovef any oiner lann route irom me iuuos. ruhllshfid by order of ' TIIK CIT1ZKNS OF TUB PAT.LR9. ' Dalles, March, 30, 1800. , , ni20:2m. 8ELMA(sr Or l1 AT GOMT! J. GOETZ & CO.- f TON IS DU1LDINO, WASHINGTON PTHEET, DALLES, Offer their well-selected stock of' TOUACCO, SEGAIIS, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND STATIONERY, . AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. m r27 tr J . JUKEE, Main Street. Dalles, WH0U8ALI 1MI KETAIl DEALER 1H CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUPF, PIPES, &o. ALWAT9 III 8TOHI TBI BEST MtANDB Of iijjirs, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1LAYINO CARDS, l'OCKKT CUTlJiRY, l'ORT MON IKS. COMBS and I1HU8HES, o' all kinds, PGKFUMKKY. ot every descrllition, CHINA OUNAMKNT3 . TOVB, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKftand FISmNQ TACKLE, MUSICAL 1NHTHUMKMS, FANCY GOODS. 4c. Also Powder. Shot, Lead. Powdor Flasks. Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. J- Interior dijaJere snpiilled with CiKrt, TobBcro.etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! ' A. . BOOTH... BARRT IIIVIBOS. BOOTH Sc NEVISON, FortVkrdlng ana Commliklon Merchanta AND DELRHS IN OF.NBRAT MKKCHANDISE, White Sluflid, , W. X, B-nHIOHT FOR COLV1LLR, UPPKTl (JoLUMllIA M: KOOTKNAI and BLACKFOOT MINES promptly lorwarurd. . - Mark Oodda B. k N. White Bluffs, W. T, , KEratiKojut , Porthsd Richards k McCraUen, Allan' Lewis, and v lodg k Calef. . i .'- ' DAl&ta-'Ploch., Miller Co., French t oilman.' 1 J actor, to tha ntct, so tltat tbey miy have an opportunity fives of my service Dettire my ueparttirei I will leave about the 20th of March, and l TOTTS ! TOYS Plots ! TOYS J toi ilia Holidays, w recfflnent all dealert In that una ..,.Vii.l.tlJi.iM4lli. return to tula pleoe to resnaie my practice, about the I Utof June.. 7..vttf J, W. OURlY, , l 1a tha BASKUT AND TOY RMPOHltlll of ' i.l 1 ,,i-., :b. ui THUMAyKHt ZUIN''' 1 .,1 I ,i ; n 130 and 823 Batter Street, ' . vSiiim ,.. 1 aUU oi Ban f ranciKa.. BALDWIN 8l BRO., FFER FOR SALS IN CONNECTION WITH A COM plote stock of S triple Groceries, ALL HINTS OF FEED. Barley Sc Outs, Ground Barley, Bran e&c Sliorts, Vlieat, Which wo propose to sell in quantities autl at PORT LAND PUtCbS, adding freight. mlStl J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dallas, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of tills uluna ninl i. clnlty, that having returned from a pro- i lenmuiitu lour iiirouun llie mtrnt. he hns . auain resumed tho nrnctice of jKNTik i'iiv i n... . formerly occupied by him, In the building occupied by Wood Butler, Photograph Artists, nnd uiljolnlng Wal dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes this nmlhod of ex- louu.i.K initims, mr me noerai paironage lieretolore ex tended to him, aud solicits a continuance of tha enuie. LIST or pKICt?. F.ntlre Denture on Oold Bnse ; $lfl to$32o w.fcr ucuiure, uom llliae , IHJ 11 1'JII " Denture. Vulcanite Bwie -70 ' 12S " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 86 " tf j Oold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Culldrelis' Teeth extracted (ttt af charge. sel3-lf TO TIIE TKAVEL11VQ rUBtlC THE NEW BllIDGE ACROSS TIIK LOWEn DE8 ClIUTES IS NOW COM plete. and ready for the crossing of TKAMS. PACK ANIMALS, te. TOLLS MODERATE DKS CHUTES KOAD 4 BRIDOECO. Dulles, March 39, 18C0. inr2H lj H.IIEUMAJV&CO MAIN Bt., DALLES, OPPOSITK EMPIRE HOTEL, J J AVE JUST BHCE1VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK 0 SPRING AJSO SCMMER GOODS, - Consisting in part of Fniicj ftnd Stsiple Dry Goods . i '.. !" Boots & Shoe, . i . . Boots ti Shoes, .. !thlc they offof toeell at SHAIX PROFITS - '' Dallee, Match 27th, lboo, artf i .Wrf'.int'.li-'i