oitntamccr. A Cheerful DuirisR. Artemus Ward, in describing bis journo' from Oulilornia, says: "The drivef with whom 1 sat outside informod me, as Ire slowly rolled down the fearful moun tain road, which looks down on either side into an appalling ravine, that he lias met aocidonts in his time which coat the California Stago Company a groat deal of money, "because," said ho, "juries is agin us on principle, and and every man who 6ues us is sure to ruoover. But it will never be'so agin, not with me, yon bet!' ,Uow is that?' I said. It was frightfully dark. It was snowing, witball; and, notwith standing the brakes were kept hard down, tho coach slewod wildly, ofton fairly, touching the brink of tho black procipioo. 'How is that?' I said. Why, you see,' he replied, 'thatcorpsos never sue for dv mages, but maimed pooplo do. And tho next time I havo an overturn I Hhall go round and keer fully examine the passongors. Them as is dead, I shall lot alone: but them as is mutulatod, 1 shall finish with the kingbolt! Doad . folks don't sue. They ain't on it.' Thus, w'.th anec dote, did this driver cheer mo up." UNDER TUB 0. S. N. C0.'8 WHARF, A BLACK CARPET BAG, supposed to hive been hidden there by a thief. Tho owm.r can havo the sumo by culling nt 1 lilt ollice, proving property, and paying tor this adver tisumutit. "COLUMBIA. lUVER MINES I A. R. BOOTH nARRT JCF.VIS03. BOOTH & NEVISON, Forwarding ami Commission MercHanti " AND DELKH3 IN GENEHAT MERCHANDISE, Vhit 131U11V), W. T, F.I'lElailT FOR OOLVILLB. UPPER COLUMBIA, Jt? KOOl'KNAI and BLACKFOUT MINES promptly l.il -warded. Mark QoodsB. 4 N., mite Bluffs, W. T, pep rescks: roRTiiJXD Richards & McCraken, Allen & I.ow!f, and ;Hodge 4 Cak-r. DttlM -Bloch.Mlllor Co., French k nilmnn. 6HOUNDREOSILES SAVEO! BL VCKFOOT&KIG BEXD MIXES BY WAV OF Wliito 33 lull! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 milts " .', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiellle 160 " ' to Colvllle.T 170 " ' Travelers by land for cither of the above Gold Fields, will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluffi Road. Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this, Road within easy drives. Tho road Is now open, and possosses advantages over any other land rente from the Dalles. Published by order of , TIIK CITIZENS OF TIIK D 4.LLK3. Dalle', March, 20, 1800. m'2il:'2m. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Wasco. 0. W. liroback, plaintiff, vs. Samuel Farman and Mix. defendants. mV SAMUEL FARMAN AND MIX. De'endants: L Yon are hort-by summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint in liio above entitled action, (which has been filed In the oftioe of the Chirk of the Umnty ot hvo,) within six weeks trom the llrst puhll tution of this summons: or It' yon full to do so. Hie tlniu tiff will take Jii'lfcnient against you for the sum of Five linn lrvd rod Klh'y Dollars and seventy-five cents, and interest thereon from the 2d d-iy of October, 1800, and for tho coHs and diHltur.emoiita of this action. By order ot tho lion. J. u. Wilson, Judge or the nth Judicial 1H trlct. UATKS ft HAFT, " mriMlw Attorneys for Plaintiff niimrnonH. In tlis Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the county of Wasco. John II. ilesplie, Plaintiff, vs. Join i Henderson, Defendant. TU JOHN L. HENDERSON, Defendant: You are M. hereby summoned and renuired to niitioir and an swor the complaint in the above- ontltled action, which has be n fllod in tho office of the Clerk of Wasco county, wiiuin six wojki iroiu me nrsi punuennon ot tills suiil inons. or if you fall to do so, the plaintiff will tnke ludir- meut against yon for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars, and Interest thereon from the 18th day o September. A. 1). 1805, and for the costs and tllshur. einenls of this ac ti m.' Br order t Hou. J. U. Wilson, .Indue of the Ith JlldlCi.ll District. . UATKS ft.IIAFT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dated At Dalles City, Feb. 10, 1800. fciMw C - Notice lo Settlers. rifVIB PUDLTO SURVEYS of Townslilps K. Norttl X Range, 02 Kast, and 4 and 6 North Katnro, 33 East Willamette Meridian, Oregon, have boon approved by the Purveyor General of Oragou. and the plats thereof, heap. lug date, February 10, 1HUO, inert in tin "itlce. umi na.ua, uegister, l, - i' ni9w3 Land Offloe, Oregon City, Fobruury 27, 1800. J : D. Wi?I DOUTIIITT, ', :;, ATTORNEY A.X T-.A. W, BAHK0CK CITTi Idaho Terrltorf. . , ' fP-uticular attention paid to Collecting DebU. , j . (:,! '. . MtlX t .eiti.-i; t.i 1W Virginia Cfty, Montana & Clatkfoot CVEBLAHD STAGE ilNE! BE. laoLXIDAY, Proprietors C0K0RD STAGES E3re LEAVE BOISE CITY fTKRY OTiiER DAY FOR 11LACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages Running to Virginia. City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. Bolso City to fait Like City fioo 00 v irninia city, Montana lift 00 " " " Miss jurl'liiver, Legal Tender jjuo, Oold, $100 '400 00 For furthor Information apply at . OVERLAND STAGE LINE OFFICE, llol.e Ctty, 1. T., "'liOdOnt J. N. TODD, Agent. DENTIST, M.A Bite liloch. Miller & Cn . whrA l. SJ'j" l- i ... il .ii i.r.r. V .' " ' - M&&.-ieMa' in jjitjmiia IUUUUII J11IMIH JI DENTAL WORK. In a skillful nnd well finlslud maiiner. TEETH insertct from one to an entire sot. on Gold or llnl,l.r i'it l'ricos range for Rubber l'lute, from f M to j5 ; Foi Gold Plato, trom $79 to $lr. sr Persons having work done by me not proving sal. Islactory will not be required to leuuivo or nnv lor tlw "ue. , ui:i.ti NEW IIEAItSE! rjpUE UNDERSIONKD DEOSTO INFORM THE C1T- a NEW llEAUS,i;and ,viii attend Funerals on short notice. This Is the flrt, and at present, only tulles, May 19, 1805. ttiy:20-tf. LINCOLN HOUSE, Curlier Washington and" Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREQON. ITVRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. ; Charges Keasonahle. AN O.MNIIHIS will allend all the Boats nnd convoy ... .u vnu iit.uae rruo Ul Clmrge, or to any other House in the Ciiy for SO corns. rtM ... - wrrin, ITOprietor, P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS in tho House. All tlitt Htnumnrti f,ir iWoon nit. If,, .. r ...ii ---- u.nii uiij, iitiuuui or, iiiuiiu collo iiml Astuna luud ut the Liiicolii Uuuse Lui f. SELLING 0FFAT COST! My entire stock of STOVliS A.I) TII WARE, ALSO, TINMA-N'S TOOLS. rjTVIE WHOLE ombraclng a fine stock, over- article JL of which will be sold at COST, as I desire to el.mt. out business. Also, one UltAND PIANO, in good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, ou Second St eet next to the comer of Washington. Tho House Is iwo stories, with a basement, and iswell adaptod to l lie hotel n iu, n, iiwiiiu. comprising about twenty-five Buds. Thowhole will be closed out clioau. For furthor particulars apply on the promises. B"9:3' AI.UK11T IlEl'TINOEN. MltS. LEESEU'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND Dress Making Establishment, Opposite Colin it Bohm'i, I WOULD CALL TUB TTENTION of tho Ladioe o the Dallos to my Iarre and fine stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, IIONIVETS,. II ITS, FEATHERS, Dross Trimmings, Acc. Having secured the sorvicos of MRS. F1MRY, In tho Dress uaklng apartmeut, wo will do all work iu that line ami guarantee perfect satisfaction. DYINO done in alt colors. (Jlva me an early-call, and I will endeavor to suit everybody In TASTE nnd at II EASO.N ABLE PRICES, i ' Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALH DRUGGISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN FKANCISCO. mh22:d6m. uALLES Cil 1 UKliU STORE. P. CRAIG, WUOLKSALB AND KKTAlb DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT 'MEDICINES, Ac. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATEUT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND rA TENT MEDICINES!! -JBL S. LEMON, WHOLBS!,t AND RETAI1. DRUGGIST, Washington Stroet, botween Main and Second Streots MAEEES, OEIEGOA'. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Oruirs, Patent Medicines. Cliemirnls, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tliolowoHt fnnrkot rates. Physfciftn! ami Morchimts fntCTiilIna: tn pu relume for the Minos, will do well to give lilin a cull. TRUSSE3 & SHOULDER BRACE S In groat variety. i s a. LKMOV. ap.3:tr. iranliItigtoQ St., between Main imIii Second. I 9 1 T ij A I E) t'OUA'IJItV AND ' MACI1I1NE SHOP, FIRST STHKKT, botween Yamhill and -Morrison. team engtuea K.7 ol iroin 4 1040 liorse. -AiSSi "I'a. power.tllhor Portable or jfcfflS!? MSffijfy Stationary. Also, C1R CULAlt" SAW MILLS f $ iT2z COMPLETK, constantly tf , &i onnann. a ses of nil niacnnios.i noodwortn s jTiSraffit'ST' llrass and lrou CaBtiugs und WROUGHT IRO WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. Those Mills can beforwardud to any part of tho mines as tho woiht of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & Agricultural ImPlomonts ninuulactured toorder at Ibe very LUWRST CASH PRICE N. It. Particulor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe2U-tf A. S12IICS Ol' Literary and Scientific Lectures WBriUCII lias been In contomplation for some time, ww is now offered to tho people of tho Dalles. The first Lecture of the Series w ill be given Monday Evening-,. and ono each Tuesday Evening thereafter, through the i-eiicsof Kiuht Lectures. The proceeds will be divided between the Congregational and Methodist Sabbath Schools. Tickets for the Course : : 0NK DOLLAR. Singlo Admission. Fifty cints. Tills lecture will bo delivered by RKV. DR. ATKIX- BOM, in tne coircgational Church lecture will com monce at 7 o'clock. Subject: SOCRATKS HIS TIMK. The following gentlcuiin arc expected to doliver each ono Lecture: Rov. Dr. Benson, Portland! Ju Ige Wilson, Dalles; Rev. Dr. Atkinson, " Jtov. Mr. Driver, " Rev. Mr. Caffrey, " Prof. Roland, . " Judge 11111, Canyon Cityj J. A. Odoll, Esq., " Rev. T. Condon, " MRS, L. WHITE'S HEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington street. HA VINO NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY over Degnar's Store, would respectfully announce to till these wishing Photographs, Carts dc Vlsite, fcc, that they will do well to give her a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Lad.es aud Chi'dren's Pctures. oc21:tf. . Slicrlfl's Sale of Real Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Wasco Oouuty, State of Oregon, nnd to me directed, in fa- or of Jas. II. .Noyce plaintiff, and against B. J. Drew de fendant, for the sum of Four Ilumlrod and ninety-four and 7M-109 dollars, (4 70-100) principal, and thirty-threo and 96-100 dollnrs,(S38 95-W01 costsof aotlon. with interest and accrulngcosts, I havo lovled upon nnd will sell at uub liciinctlon before tlie Court Houso door. In Dalles Citv. on SATURDAY, the 28th DAY OF APRIL, 18U6, betweon the houra of 9 o'clock, A. ., and 4 o'clock, r. u., to the highest bidder for rash In band, all or the Interest of the defendant in anfl to the south half of lots one (1) aud two (3) In block five (6) In Dalles City, fronting 6 leet on Washington street, cud running west 116 feet more or less , ; ;f t I ' CHARLES WIIITE, Sheriff. , By R. W. Cbawbai.l. Deputy. I i uatiosuityjJIarcriaiiu.ltitMI. . . m30w4 DAILY M0UHTAIHEEE ' MM ' ' ' i v. Job ll.g Hot MANTUA MAKER. NVIfRS. MATT1E I10LDR00K would resi.octfullv In ITJeL form the Ladies ol the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop iiiconuoction with Miss O'Rourke, where she is prepared to do all kinds uf work Willi neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the East, sue nupes to uo aoie to pieasu all as to norm and rashion Clonlts, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THREE DOORS Wesf ot the. Corner of THIRD and u.mu.1 Btroets. ; n,-21:m3 - Furs! lvirs ! THE IIiailBST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH . roB Beaver, Otter Mluk and Coon Sklna, By UICnARDS & McCRAKEN. Portland Sopt. 27, 18l)i. oc4:3m Wasllllltrtoil IV a iron llnnil. flIIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IvFORM fllE J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well being kept in good.traveling order for wagons and E. C. HARDY, Dalles Jan. 11th 1865, Janlltf Bole Proprietor. MOUNT HOOD SALOON : ' . , ' and . , - ; BILLIAXir ROOM, ., F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, ! '" ., . . , corner br."'. , ,, Main and Court Streets, : jH21- . , M 1 ' - ; ; pMtoi, Oregon, j BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, betweeu Main anil 11 DALLES OREGON. J03 PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch It Jk STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAYORAVI.V with the very best, nnd AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ? to order: Cnrl a st l Nil l-ll e a i . CHECKS, DRAFTS, UECKWXS, POSTERS AND PllOGllAMMKS FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS itc., d-c, d-c, rmNTEO IN THE MOST ATTUACTIVE KASMill. ALSO, WAY-lilLLH, v HILLS OF FAKE, LKTTEK HEADS, liECEU'TJIOOKS. HILLS LADlXi Avici's and PanaphSvIs, riSlTJNO, WEVD1JSQ AUD "AT HOME" CAE X)ruettiKtsIjnlelt, In short, everything that can be done in a llooli and 1'rintiiiK Ollice, from the smallest nnd most delicate t or Circular, to the largest Biue and most showy I'osi 1ml and which will be turned tmt in a style that caii tail to insure entire satislactlon. oua fAinuTiKB roa tin executiok or DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades uud Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Shtjet to the Largeat Munnnoth. ORNAMENTAL SHOW VAHD&, l'VXb LAttliS1 LABELS. H Aie unsurpnflHed by thone of any other eatublirjluuciit in Oregon. V wile vote Bjiuciftl attcntidu lu tltiabrniicli ul tt.u LiurfiuoHS, ana aro continually auuiMK to our uircaiiv txtt n- sivu and well uppointod aatortuieut of niutt rinl. NEW TYPES, Q0HDERS, ORNAMENTS. tc, tc.t dc Of tho most m odor n and elaborate dunlins. Our stock oj FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C, Are of the finest quality, nnd for richness of color nnd durability, cannot be equaled in the State. 'ine princiijio upon whlclt buemeHs is aBKeu lor tliln en tabliuhuient id, that norsonft will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that ollice in whirl, ineirmonoy can be expt uded to the beet advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of tfood l'liutint;, at very reaeonable charges, to call and examine specimens, ai.'d fudgo for yoursolyes. Orders from tlie LTpper Country Will hare our special care, and friends from the lnterlo may rely upon uaviug their orders 11 lied promptly, as w HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS Ixi the Htate of Oregon I Address: . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE . m!8-tf Dalles. Oronou . JACKSON SALOON ! COIINEI? COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES. OREGON. s THE UNDR118IQNHD, IIAVIN'O REMOVED FROM TUB '-BULLA UNION" CELLAlt, INTO Gntcs' Vcw Buildiiigf, Meg to Inform the public that they arc prepared to serve their customers with the host Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THIS MARKET AFFORDS. ' ALSO, A Free I-ixincli I Every day and evening. ' EMIL SCIIITZ, decg-lf Proprietor. Hard AVoocl LxinVbei'. CARRIAGE AND VAGON MATERIALS WE UBU TO CALL ATTENTION of Cnrrlngo Man ufacturers nnd Dealers to tlie Linye and Com . pluto assortment of CARRIAGE and WAUON MATKRI Al.S wo aro constantly lecelvinit from tho Kn,it. speiially selected lor the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, uud Second Growth Ash Plank, UUkory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Cpokes, Felloes, Rims, Khalta, o.c. which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. Orders addressed to our house will receive promo attention. N. V. RRAUO & CO.. jel5:aiu. 20 4 31 Battery Street, Sun Francisco. and 17 ID Seventh Street Sacramentiu C. Wateruobsu, II. W. Uraoo St Co., J. W. Lksiir San Francisco. Sacramento. ... , ftewYuik- F.TILLMAN, ; " ' ' ' B0l AOINI IN CALIFOIINIA FOE " TILTON & McPARLAND'S Fire & Iturglar Proof Sales. , " STEEL -LINED VAULTS t v. : ! ymu-U '' ' ' ' . ; "' j Combination Lock, ,i -Constantly hand a full assortment of SAFK8, . 818 BATTERY STREKT, JyMm ,.i Ban frauelto.