oimtaiuccr. Money Market, Now York fluid Quotatloua Vaii Frunilico l-eitHl Tender rotes ..121 Hit Epitome of Telegraphic News. fCOMi'lUn rUOM TIK OIIUIOMI.ur. DATES TO APRIL 1.' Clrcago, Mu ch 20. The Sen .to ycsterjiiy was occupied until nearly 6 o'clock, p. M., on ho Stockton ense, tlio discussion endiuir in 1 lie pns age of a reso utitin by nycs 22, noes VI, declaring 'him not emitted to a scat as Heuntor from Xcw Jerjcy, whereupon Slock tin vnciited. The I're ident's veto message) wns then rend, linviug been previously circu late I from bund to hand among the Senators mid Representatives who crowded the lloor. The JSenatc now consists of forty-nine members; of whom thirty-ono are counted in favor ot'pnssing the bill over the veto, nnd 13 against ; three -Dixon, Footo and Wright ftiiscnt sick. An uttcm.pt will be made to day, with every prospect of success. The Secretary of War laid before Congress an important report of Genoral Pope's on the condition and necessities of hi Military Dep rtment. He says the protection of trav elers crossing the plains is a question of ab sorbing in eicst, and urguo to show ihe ne cessity for the speedy completion of the Pa cilic Railroad which will do more than any other tingle cause to oveicome nnd prevent Indian difficulties. A sufficient number of troops should be stationed along the routes to protect emigration and serii re surveying and working parties of the Railroad, anil hIso, when necessary, to render aid in its constriction. It would be tulse economy to puffer, the construction of the roads to bo delayed or embarrassed for want of a few troops nnd the expense they would occasion. Gen. l'ope then enters into a long discussion of the various routes to MontaiU via Colo Tndo, Xcw Mexico, etc., ami proposes that the Government shouUJ restrict' itseU' 10 one routo lor furthering that route. Ho says the present Indian management is growing worse daily, nnd submits an estimate of the num ber of troops tltaf will be required to pre serve order. He specifies fifty-seven points nt each of which there shou d be a small garrison. The aggregate is twelve regiments of infantry of six thousand effective men and ' fix regiments of cavalry, of three thousand ellicient men, nnd that one-ihird moro of ench arm of the service should be added for contingencies. The resignation of Gen Geo W. Palmer, commanding tbo Department of Kcntu ky is accepted. Gen. Jen". C. Davis succeeds to the command of the Depart mcnt. Wvihington, March 28. Senator' FontC, of ermont, senator since 1851, died at lour o'clock this morning. The Senate, as a mark of respect, adjourned immediately after the reading of the journal. Sea York, March 28. The following is the tone (T the morning papers on the veto : The Herald says that the veto exhibits this lull us the most Hngrnnt device for overturn ing the reserved rights of the States in their legislative and judicial tribunals ever at tempted in Congnss. It appears lo bo r thousand times more ohjectionnl than i ho fieedmcu's bill nnd the veto marks the im passible bnrricr between the the President and the ruling radicals of Congress. . Hence forth, thero can be no indorsements of Con gress coupled with piofe.-sious of udhorcuco to tue Administration. The Tnbune says : Let ns not think that lie vetoes the bill he might have phrasetl differ cutty, but lid choses to let us know that not this particular bill, but any measure wheroby Congress shall attempt to protect the blacks Rgniust white abuse, must 'encoauter this determined deathly opposition. The Timet says the logic of tho veto is so keen nnd searching, nnd so characteristic. that we nre of tho opiuion that thestrongest advocates of the measures will Bee how very important it is that the veto power should . exist. The World fays tho veto is conclusive that tue contact between tbo President and Con cress admits of no compromise. Albany, Oreann, April 1. Thomas Smith whose trial was had yesterday for the murder oi ins Drotner and oi bis brother's wife, ter minated About eleven o'clock last niirht The jury brought in averdictof gvilty, being out less man twenty minutes. He is sen tenced to be hanged on the 10th of May next. In the District Court at Vancouver during Iho last week, threo divorces were granted; it Beoms that Vancou ver is a good place ftr divorcing as well as marrying. In tbe same Court Timothy Martin was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary on the charge oi gran a larceny, TOYS I TOYS jJTOYS ! TOYS I FOR TOYS AN I FANCY GOODS For the Holiday., we recommend nil denlere In that nusio me bab&kt a so tuk kmpukium or . t ' TlIOMAUKIt H ZUIK, IttendStf Button Street. wasa ... . . . Sau Fraucisco. At. C.S. UlLUX, Hallos. Bloch, Miller &; Co., WHOLESALE GROCER, AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Liquors, . Aud.Importcrs and Jobbers of OLOTHING- Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, . v Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WE IUVB AS ASSAY OFFICK IN CONNECTION with our tmstiHMt under tbo entire rtuperviKlon of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Hai ti in nix hour. RnnrHiittte U our Aouuyft it ml pay the IllfiliKST CASH PIUCS for Bur. We ttlao pity 'the Highest Caali Trice for. Gold Dust. BT,0CH, MILLER ft C., ' myOtf Cor. Main and Wrttihliigtmt street). Dulles. DEALERS IX HARDWARE, IRON Sl STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE. "FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adillug-ooat of Tranaportntlon. CCMMINO A GRANT, Dulles, Oregon . m!3lf "VV. B. DOUGLASS, (SucooBsor to William Blrnlmnin.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND BCALEtt IX AND JEWEL RY, TNTITKS THR ATTENTION OF HIS FKIENDS AND M. the Public to his choice Bclectlun uf New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronnge, Wa'ches l'ROMl'TLY and I'UOl'ERLY repaired nnd AltllA.H'iUV. uiUtf Next Door to the Poet Offlee. LAST CIIA1VCE! FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER I! Goods at San Francisco Cost ! ! B WILL C0NT1NUJS 10 SELL OUll STOCK OF COATS, PANTS, HOOTS SHOES, JJATS CAPS, And a full assortment of Cents' FurnlMlilngr Goad. A.T COST! Vntll the 31t riny of Mi,rch, when w snail close our Mi ro, n 1T11ULT 1A1U , . T Parties Indebted to us will please call nt onr lore ueiore liionuuve uaie. HStf AUItAHAMSON KOHLBKRO. fair warning i ALL PERSONS INDKHTEDT0DUSENI1URY A I1H0. are hereby notified to call and settle before tbe 1st April ; otherwise, ie(n! proceedings will be bad.. ofDalles, March U7th, 1800. uu"27td TO LET. TVI3 DE8inABIJf.RESIDEXCE itu,te1 on the Bluff, . formerly occapied by T. II. KELLY, Is for rent. There are Ave rooms, partly furnished: nlso out houses: a aood suxluii of cool water, tocotlw r wlHi one aero of rich garde groaml, with a secure fence around the same Terms reasonable. Apply to ivtCLLi DENni NOTICE. , 4 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TUB CNDKnSIOHKD TA. are requested to "come and we SB.' before the aist Inst- at the Uajik Exchauie twloon. - oUtta . '- M.RENIO. Isaac F. Bioch, 8an Francisco. WALDRON BROS., "Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street) Dnlles, Oregon. XTR NOW OCCUPY run NEW TWO STORTFIRK II proof Stone building, opposite Bioch, Miller A Co.. mill otter to the public n full and completo .took uf Di ugs, Medicine, una Chemicals, consisting ill part uf . KEROSENE. TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS. LINSEED, LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS HOPS. SAUK, SPONO ES. LEECHES, LAKH, CORKS. OA." TOR AND KKATSFOOT on, l.NDKJO AXD LANPDLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, AND PATENT MKDICITVKH. Onr stuck of FANCY 00 )1)8 I of tlie finest nml boat quality; new styles uud large nsHot-tmeuta, audi as LUII1N'8 PKKFUKKKY, llAtn, LUB1V8 TOILET SuAP, FLESH, l'OMADKS. SUA VINO, - OuSUKTlCS, HAT. 11 Al 11011,8, CLOTHFS, COLOGNE. TOOTH AND FANCY 80AP8 AND NAILBRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND C041BS. , PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes, ' Our facilities for buying goods arc- second to none In me state, aim we snail at all times sell at a .mail au vnuie from cost. Keady sales and anuiil protlta. l'UlSICIASS' l'UKSCKlPTIOXS Carefully compounded nt all hours of the day and night iinues, oepi. u, ioiw. seiu-u Ii E TW O V AL. GATES . .St-CIIA.PIN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, nitve lumovea to RUDIO'S STONE IUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. WHERE we will continue to sell article, usnally kept in a Flrt-ClaH Drug Store, at 2U per cent. LESS THAN ANY STORK IN THE CITY. Our slock consists in part of Patent Medisinea, Pure Wina nnd Brandy, extracts, xancy A Common Suap, Sponges, Hair Brushes Trusses. Bracos, Corks. Adds, Paints. Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Ale hoi, Oils, Hops, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, ic, PHYSICIANS' PUESCEirilONS Carefully Compounded. Give ns a call niul satiafy y ur- boItoh twfore purchasing elsowhero. it. h. ciiAfia, nmttj JUSTIN GATES. VKUY IMPOBTAJiT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAIt-ROOMH. ' JULIUS KRAKMEIt HAVING BOUGHT THE EN tire Stock of Merchandieo and Book Accounts of the late Arm ol U . Seller s Co.. lu this city, to which he has added of his own impurtation (while doing business iu t'urtland) an Immense ctock ul the best innnulactured . Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, 'Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaascs and All Hinds of Oils, Alt of which ho offers at reduced rates. Persons wish lng to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will du well to give me n call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't tail to call on me. jiu.nu sbiuuu uuiiuing, nnsiiington street. Dalles. JULIUS KRAEUER. Dalles, March 17th, 1805. nihlVtf Oregon Stcnm Aaviirution Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND ACT Elt MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th untl further notice, Tlio jPntssengrcv Train to connect with atenmora FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will (tart from the It. It. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Monday!, Wedneednya, and Fridays, at 0 A. M. TDK STEAMERS "ONE0NTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. MoNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Snnlava excepted) al S e'etnck. A. .. connecting by the CA8CADB RAILROAD, with the stenmer "NEW WORLD" or " CASCADES," CA1T. J. WOLF Commander, o Portland. W. B. BRADFORD. Dalles. Nov. 13, 1865. nl?tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. p EIIM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, TAKALKR IN FINK WATCHES, JEWELRY, U ui.uutvs, uota rens, stiver ana Plated wan, Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. Particular attention paid to repairing. One' alchee, Clocks, Jewetry, et. All Watches repaired by lie warranted tor twelve nionfha. N. 1). All orders from the tipper wintry, by Express or oiuerwise, promptly attended, to. PAYNE'S AUCTION HOT! (ONE DOOR ABOVK TUB POST-OFFICE.) M AIM STREET, DALLES CITT. I will attend to salea of Real Estate. . General Merchandise, Furniture, And Stocks. REGULAR 8ALX DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Stock and Special Bales any day, Bundnye excepted, 'ylte " 1. A.0. rAYN4, Asctlweer FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SKCOKD AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN KPP1NGKB Proprietor rWHK UNDERSIGNED M having fitted up tke nln.ve Market In the UK T STYLE, will keen coustnut- ly uu lianil all sorts of Fresh niil Cured Meats, Of the bejt quality furnished at the LOWEST HATH My motto U to ' PLKASB ALL."V - PARTIES HATING 8UPK11I0II STOCK FOR 8At will du well to call ui the Franklin Market. JOHN EL'l'lNGEIt. Dalles, February lttth, 1885. WASUIft(..TOrV MAUKliT. conssnor COURT AND SECOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON. JOHN MXCHELDACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP rj constnntly ua hand all the viwlo- f7Tfjl ties that the uiarkutcan poBaibly X..jfia afford, of " FliliSII & CURED MEATS, . nnd always of the bi st quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' supplied on rensonablo terms, i Tbe twdersigncq Is always urnnared to nnv the hlirb- estcasb price lor FAT CATTLE, l'artlos having stork m gooil cunultion, re rcqueatwl to call on ill in before goiug elsewhere. JOHN M1CUELIIACH. jmiios, marcn aisi.ieuo. uiliSltl I I US, WOOL iXiUl HtDLS, rjtHE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR 1FURS, VOOL, AND HIDES, at MrCR AKKK, MERRILL k CO.'S 10 North Ft out Street, Portland. mlilR3m NEW YORK BAKEBy AND. GROCERY STORE; Main Street Dalles. ml'Sotf FREDERICK BENJIEtt. J. A. FOIll31iS FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT . . AND Provision Store, CORNEU OF WASHINGTON A SECOND 8TRKKTS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND tho choicest nrticlts of FltESIl BUTTEIt, EUU.nnd every variety of . XXILV GBOCEBIES. NUTS, CANDIES, &c, &e., Wholosnle nml Retail, nt Iteduced Trice FOR CASH. Also, denier in GRALY, FLOUR AXD FEED, of nil kinds, and will du n . General Commission Business. No chiirgoa fur Storne on Goods eold on Cunnnlfoa" i-rticfBOHin owi'h mnit'eii nnnnptiy. Jiillitf. NOTICE TO FARMERS.' fBMrK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING M COMPANY has recently attached n '- . lTLOIJltirs O to their Steam Sash and Door Fnctnrv. In this Cltv. nmt are, now prepared to CHOP FEED. lilllND WHEAT at d CORN, and warrant to give tho heat sutislautiou. On itanu constantly anil for sale VXTKA FAMILY FLOUR. HI.C0ND80R MIDDLINGS, - ' Bit AN AND SHORT!). . , CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Snnerlor nrttrlo of ROI1N HKsr. fr..n. Corn. - - - 'I'he hlgliest tlinrki t price paid for WnRAT, CORN n DAIILKY. U. A.HOOUE. Aient. Dalles, Nov. 2, 1SU5. . "auction and commission. JOHN W ILL! m s . AUCTIONEER, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THE 8ELLIN0 AT AUCTION" l (ii.miml t..r, ln,,ll.n lil n i . Hurses,New and Ceund Hand Ftirniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac! Regular Sales Day--Saturday. OaMtwr and Snorlal Salm attendisl tu In m nnri ..r theCfty. Liberal Advancci aiade on Consignments nlO:Snu JOHX WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. A. BRADPOltDa IMPORTER D JOBUEU OF "Wiiios e&c' Hiiiuors, FRONT STREET, Fojctland, . ... . Oregoiv OVKEHS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT luout ol ...... Drandles, Wines, , LIquorflK. Case Goods-, &.C., tic., Ac. IfB- Tho Trade Is pnrtlrnlarly Invited to examine mat stock before pimluulug elsewhere. auM-tf "OQOIiS! BOQKST WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,-. SCHOOL, BOOKS, STATIONERY, -frs-m Standard and Mlscrllaneeue WORKS, lSIMr . Late. N0VKI.S SA0A.INK8, tKVVMi.MJi Ac, Ac. by every Stenmer. Po t-Olt) oe aahLaasiHas . Bookstore, Main atreet. DnlleeH Garden Seeds l'or the Million. ' tnaj-tf II. J. WAI.DKOM NOTICE. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO COHS A SOTtV t PT P by the iUth Inst., or legal nrorextinge will .... 4WI m ins, Bvtice. WUa Wmmm.