dih IPflimtahucr, First Blood. Below will be found tho official rosnlt of tbo election hold in this city yesterday. It will be seen that every man put in nomination by tho Demociacy is dof'eatcd. Of course cur Uuior. friends claim a big victory and feel mighty jolly over it. For our part we heartily rejoice over it. Thiri paper did all it could in its humblo way to keep politics out of our municipal election. Tho Democ racy, in thoir arrogance thinking that a Democrotio nomination was equiva lent to an election, would not listen to such counsels, but making politics tho only test, throw tho gauntlet by put ting a strict party tickotin tho field. Of course there was nobody left to oppose them but tbo Union men, and it was thought tho Union men could not do anything serious, all alone by lhem solves at the Dulles. So tho mighty Democracy went in to win, and then they would have the prestige, they said, in tho coming June election. Alus for the. frailty of human hopes and Democratic prestiges they bad'nt counted noses right, and the Union voters rolled op a majority that will put the prostige part of it on tho other bide, if anywhero; and we have no tears to shed. 6 For Mftvor, J. M. Wrd, (D) 87 0. B. Gilman, (U) ... Vo For Recorder. J. A. Cnmpbell, (D)... 9G II. Catley, (U) 105 For Treasurer. 0 S. Sarago, (D).... 102 C. S. Miller, (U) 97 For Marshal. .T SI. P. Cook. (I) 6 N. It. Packard, (L)... 03 U. Keeler, (U) 106 For Councilman. .1. W. Wakens, (D)... 98 li. P. Fit.gcrnld, (D) 80 W. P. Sillier, (U) 07 VTm. Sloabns, (D) 104 A. W. Ferguson, (D) 102 K. H. Wood, (U) 09 V,. A. Liebe, (if) , 1"5 I. Hundley, (U) 09 1. S SlcFarland, (U).. 101 K. WiDgato, (U) ....... 119 48 05 4G 0G 40 95 6 43 01 44 42 45 135 210 142 201 143 192 t 11 130 197 142 122 142 75 C9 44 50 48 .152 47 149 97 10G 100 205 05 194 08 199 09 218 Sudden Death at Vancouver. An aged gentleman named Joseph Dun gan, a minister of the gospol, died suddenly and unexpectedly at Van couver last Sunday morning at half. past'fivo o'clock. Ho retired to rest Saturday evening in his usual Btato of health apparently, and slept undis1 turbed during the night. At a little after five in the morning of Sunday, while his son was kindling a fire, his attention was arrested by a slight moan, and going to the room occupied by bis father and mother, ho found the former lying in apparont repose but just gapping bis last. He bad evi aentiy sutrerea no pain, . not evon awakening out of slumber, as hrs eyes were closed1, and every foature was in tho repose of sleep, but bo was dead Mr. Durgan was a nalivo of New llampshiro, but had resided in Maine, Ohio, and Illinois, from which fast State he crossed, tho plains in 1851 and settled in Clark county, where he has always sinco resided. To Freighter!.-. The advertisement ot Col. Ilodges, Chief Quarter Master Department of the Columbia is worthy the careful attention of all persons desirous to take freight on . govern - inent account. '' IDAHO AND MONTANA ITEMS. We compile from the Idaho States man of the 20th of March, the follow, ing news items: Maj. Marshal, of the 14th Infantry, has arrived at Fort B ise to take command of the f-ub-diatrict ot Boise, Capt. Walker is thereby relieved. Political aff'iirs in Montana are get ting mixed about a bad as in Con gress. Tho Union men do not recog nize the approaching Territorial Con vention, and are preparing to defeat at Washington any measuro it may doviso. They ulso declare that they will not rccoguize any acts passed by tho Legislature that convened on tho 5th of March. A largo party of Irish had arrived from Kootenai and commenced "jump- ng" claims in Elk and Bear Creek. They seized and burned the Recorder's books. Victims who lost their lives by freezing at the time of the Sun Eivcr stampede continue to be found. The acting Governor is unable to j obtain commissary storos of the mer chants and business men to carry on tho campaign against the Indians. Tho Irwins are playing at Virginia. Captain Walker and Lieut. Fepoon are going again to -visit Lo on the Owyhee in tho course of three or four days. They will this time be able lo mako a more prolonged and successful stay, as tbo feed is gelling so that their horses can stand the march longer. The Captain and all his men are anxious for another brush. They know pretty near whore to find it and aro going after it. There are plenty of Indians along the Owyhee lo be found any time within a few days ride. The Montana Post has tho following tern in regard to Indians up in Mon. tana : From a letter from Georgo Steele, of Benton, dated the 2Gth ult., wo learn that the Piegans and Bloods, of treaty-making notoriety, aro still camped there, and are stealing every. thing they can lay their hands upon. Jerry Mann and Dupont, who had just como in from Milk River, report another party ot- white men missing. who should have been in twenty days ago. It is thought the Indians have killed them, as the savages told of a man being killed near the Bear s l aw Mountain, two weeks sinco. A Correspondent of the Salt Lake Vedette says : It is unfortunate that tho Govern ment had not posted a small forco at l'ort licnton, and this probably would have been done before, had. not their ears been abused with steam treaties, entered into with the beggar portion of tho different tribes. A large camp ot riegans are reported ton miles be low Fort Bonton, numbering eight hundred warriors, who are said to be anxious for a fight with their "white brethren." In addition to tho nominations al ready published, the following gontle men wero selected by tho respective delegations at the Stnto Union Con vention as candidates : First Judicial District For Judge, B. F. Do well j Prosocuting Attorney D. M. Gault. 2nd District Proeocut ing Attorney; J. F. Watson. 8d Dis trict Prosecuting Attorney, P. C Sullivan. 4th District, M. F. Mulkey 5 th District Prosecuting Attorney U. li. JMeigs. Tax election yesterday, though a spirited contest, passed off quietly without a single disgraceful or un J plesaant feature. A Hoax We are afraid eome body has been April fooling the local of the Oregonian, if so, they "done it good." Bead the following : We have news of tho discovery of quartz within ten miles of tho Dalles, which bids fair to rival tho mosivuluin bio discovery in tho upper country. We were shown a specimen of the rock on Saturday evening, which, if it be genuine, and exists in quannucs as eprescnted, wo aro willing to- ad- init has enough in itsell, to more Uiyn pay off the national debt, within one year alter tho mine is successfully openod. Tho specimen whs so rich, being covered on nearly three Rides with gold, and on the fourth with a soft globulo resembling korurgyrito, that we wore in doubt about tho pos ibility ot a ledgo being found, so val. uable, and yet so liillo being said about t, but our informant stales ibat the jcrsons in the secret were not dis posed to say very much about it ut prescfit. Tho appearance of the gold s very dark, and would indicate an alloy with copper. I. O. O. P. Tlipro will be a sptchil Degree Moot ing of Columbia Loilgo, THIS EVENING, (it 8 o'clock. By order of the M.O. Wnoo Lodge, No. IS, F. A. &, A. Til. Holds Its stated ComnniniAition on the First and Third Mondays of each mouth, at their hall, la Bailee City. Brethren In good standing ure Invited to attend. cetu b. roHK, Sec y. . Uy order ot tue W. M. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F.- Meets every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, lu Gates Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are invited to attend. By order. N. O. DENTAL NOTICE!. Being about to make a professional tour to the towns and settlements up tho Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are in need of Bental Opo rations of any char actor, to the fact, so that they ni'iy have an opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my departure, If mv.dolrod. I will leave about the 20th of March, end return to this place to resume my pruetice, ahont the 18th of Jiine. K7tf J. W. GURLhY. NOTICE. fllAVK appointed E K. HAFT my antliorl.ciJ agent to collect ull moneys due me, and uttond to tnv bual lieiM generally. n3tf M. It EMU. NOTICE. Office of Cure? QuAnTr.Tui.iBTr.Tt, CE OF Clirt? QUARTF.TtMAFTni, "I Dkpahtwent of th. Coiumma. ancnimr. IT. J'., Mwrch 28, 18Ufl. J Fori Vaiicourtr. CJEALED PROPOSALS will ho received for thoTRANS 555 POHTATION OF OOVEllNMrSNT FREIGHT ovor ttiu following named rentes: 1st. From fort Dalles. Oregon, to uamnauurry, n nt- son and Wright. llidde'S to stHto the price per ponnd n ;cix, they will tnke tlio 1relc"t service will be received at fort Dalles. Oregon, by Cnpt. Jiime Gillies. A. i. M., U. S. A., aad at this ottlce, up Sennriita iiids renuirud tor eacii utmip. litis lor this to la Jl., on tho Jut dny of May, isim. M. mm nallnla, w. T . to Kurt colvlllo. . r. The price per pound in Coin to bo stated by bidden. Hills lor tnis service will lie receiveii.nt rort vtnitn Wiilla, W. T by 1 t Llent.John NobK, A. A. Q. )l..and at this utrlce. i p to 12 M. on tho lut day of May, 1800. 3d. From nlluht. v. T., to rurf lliilxo. 1. T. The price per pound in Coix to bo stated by biddors for this transportation. Ihds for this servlco 'lll be received by Capt. T. J. Ki korson, A. Q. M , U. p. A ., I'nrt Uolse, I, T.- and at this unite, up to 12 M.,od the 15th duy of May, lsim. 4th. Krom Fort Dalles, Oreiron, to Fort Uoiso, I. T., the price rer pound in Coin, l r whieh transportation will be uirnudieil over tills route to he stated, ituis lor tins service will lie received at tort Dullu. Uri'iton, Dy Cant. James Oil ins. A. U. M.. U. 8. A.: Fort Uoim. 1. T by Capt. T. J. K.ckerson. A. Q. M., U. 8. A.: and at this offici, tin to 12 Si- on the loth day of May. 1800. liiititers lor on the routes win un requirou to five uomls with cood and sutiicient security lor l no Minimi nerrormnnce ot auv contract Which iniiv ue awarueu thoni under this advertiseuient. Ilids to be in dullcitto and accompanied by an oatu of allegiaucu to the united Stolen. The rlcht to refect any or all bids Is reserved, If so deemed best for the Iniei-ust or tne service. All contracts made smilcct to the approval or tho De pnrtmoat auu uivisiou uouimaiitiers. II HA n 1 U. JIUiiUK.?, Brevet Lt. Col. and ClUef Qu irterinnmer, nSulwkt.t stuil Departuieut of the Columbia. COAL OIL! COAL OIL! COAL OIL ! AT SAN FRANCISCO COST ! AT SAN FRANCISCO COST-! AT SAN FRANCISCO COST ! AND FREIGHT, mrtOrlm At Oatea As Cliapin's, A. OAED. . W ADAME IK TELLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY J.TJL Inform the IuJUu of tho Dalles and vli inlty, that he is now prepared to doall kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and VAi.KIOT making. Also, CUTTING ami FITTING In ft new mil Imptoved style, never before Introduced la this place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, anil wonlil most respectfully solicit a liberal uatrouairo. In the Rooms lately occuplad by Mm. TfTilte, over Degener'e Btore, on Washington, street, between Second aim iiuru. Dalles, March 27tl, 1800. , ' ,' . r2Ttf AUCTION AKD COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAN STREET, DALLES. nniTK UNDKltFIONKD THANKFUL FOTl PAST M. fvnrs. reepiTtfiilly itifoinw tliti citfzciit of iUt Itullrxt mil! the uIjIIl guiitrully, that lie coutimivs t pull at 1'UOLIC AUCTION v OK l'HIVATK SALE, Real Estate. General Merchandise, UioceileK, HI ii Irs, Furniture, Stock, &c. &c. BEGOLAIt SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT ItKTURN nu (If of sale. Out-door anil Special Siilos attended to In anv mirt ul Uie city. . JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. SELLING OFF AT C.ST ! J. GOETZ & CO.. fTONE BUII.DINO.ITASniNtlTDN STI1KKT, DALLliS, Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SEGARg, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND STATIONARY, AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. nir27tf J. J UK EH, Main Street. Dalles, ' TVHOLRSALl i.XT RETAIL DEAIXR 1X CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFP, PIPES, &o. ALVfATB lit BTORI THE DEBT MUNDa OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. P LAYING CARDS. I'OCKKT CUTLERY. PORT MONIES. COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all Xlmts, PERFUMERY, ot every description, - CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, NU81CAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, tc. Also Powder. Shot. Lead. Powder Flasks. Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. V Interior dealers supplied with CiitnrB. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with frelsht added. oc-8 BALDWIN &, BRO., OFFER FOR SALE IN CONNECTION WITH A COM piete stock of SStaple Groceries, ALL KIN1 S OF FEED. 3Bn,i-loy Ac Oats, Ground. Barley, Bran & liorts, "Wlieat, Yl'xi' J" Pr"f" "H ,n nntmtities to suit at PORT- " nuuuig ireigni. ml3tl J. W. GURLEY DENTIST, JWnlu St., Dalles, Oregon. XTbTOULD llKSPEPTFl'LLY lXFOlur the citizens of this nliiea and vl. FS5! cinity, that having retnrned from a pro- acala resnmsd tke practice of JENTISTRY, In the room .vn...... ,..u, .iuunii me iniris. no uas .. . .....u&,1, nlllnii,, nun unjoining vi nl. tlron Dro.' Drug Store. He takes this ,m.ili .., .' tending thanks, for the liberal patronnge heretofore e. tended t him, and solicits a contlnaance of the some. war Ur i-uiUKS. Entire Denture on Quid Base $jsn to 225 " Upper Dentnre, Oold llase 00 " l-u " Denture. Vulcanite Base 70 " "lift " .Upper Dentuie, Vnleanito Base 35" iij Oold iillimgs Inserted from one dollar upward .CHildrcns' Teeth extracted free af charge. sel3-tf TO THE TBATEUHO PIIBUC; THE NEW BRIDGE ACROSS THE I.OWKR DEJCIIUTES IS NOW COM. plete. and ready fir the crossing of TEAMS. PACK ANIMALS, etc TOLLS MODERATE ' Tvn ,JKEIIUTJJ8 K0AD BniDOE CO. Dalles, March 29,1808. mriM-lV H.IIEUMAN&CO., MAIN ST., DALI.E3, OPP081TB EMPIRE HOTEL, J J AVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF SPRIIVC AKD SUMMER GOODS, Consisting In part of F.nicy and Staple Dry Good C'lolblngr, Boots & Shoes,. Uats&rnna. r - . Which they otTcr to sell at BMALLPEOFITS. , Dalles, llano a7tb, 10. rJTt'f