C3 V ; ; Daiift $onntawccr Montf Market. Maw York Quid Quotations , u Franciitco Legal Tender rates ...124 30 Christian Anniversaries yester. tcrday wug Good Friday, lo-morrow will bo Easter Sunday. To day is tbe last of the fast, ot Lent. Tli object of Lent, which is a (ant of forty days immediately preceding Easier, bus been deputed, but it is generally re garded R8 a timo set apnrt for repent unce over tbe sins of the past year, tbe number of forty days devoted to it is supposed to have reference to the Savior's forty days fast in the wilder ness, to tbe forty days ot the Deluge, the forty days granted tcMhe-Nine. vitea for repentance-, tbe forty y nrs' wandering of the Jews, or the time spent in fasting by Mosos ai d Elias. The word, it is said by some, is of Saxon origin,' and implies Spring, or the season when the days ''lengthen ;" others that it is of German origin, and implies " thawing." The festival of K'ister is called by eomo writers tho ' " Christian paBsover." The name is of Teutonic origin, derived from the goddess of Spring, " Ostera," but ao cording to both English and German kuthors, come from the Saxon. The early Christians differod in regard to tho time of celebrating Eaptor the churches of the west observing the nearest Sunduy to the full moon of Nisan, without taking nccount of the . day on which the passover was cele brated. . Tho A'siatio churches differed materially, and tbo dispute on this point became serious, when, after many years, tho bishop of Ilomn was appealed to and was very preornptory in requiring tbe Asiatio Bishops to conform -to the rule ot the Western church. Tbis they refused to do, and communion between tbo .wo churches was broken off. After this tho qnes-N tion was again disenssod, and finally settled for the whole church by adopt ing tho rule which makes Easler-day to bo always the first Sunday after tbe full moon which happens upon or v sT r . (. next alter Marcu zist, ana it uie full moon happens on a Sunday, then Easier day is the Sunday after. By tbisurrangornent Easter may come as early as March 22d, or as late as April 25th. God Friday is always tho last Friday in .bent, and the rrt day before Easter Sunday, which Will - account for its occurrenco last yoar on April 14lh, this year on April 1st And next yeir on April 19tb. Ore.' goman. ... - i Inoksdiaribm. Two of tbe old Hudson Bay buildiogs at this place couttUDing, as we are tntonned, some elirlitT or one bun d ed tons of sheaf oats belonging to the uorernment. were bnrned on Sunday eve oing last, and a large sbed lull of straw on Monday evening. Tbe two fires occurred early ai the same hour about nine o'clock p. if., and appear to us to be acts of premed itated incendiarism. Great pains should be taken to ferret out the pcrpretrators ot such villiany, Hnd to prevent similar cases wbicb it is expected will if not prevented by tu vigilance of tbosn whose special duly it 1 to protect and preserve tbe proueity of tb Government. Vancouver Jleguler, March ZUt FOUND. UNDER TUB 0. 8. N. C0.'8 WHARF, A BLACK CAKPET BAG, supposed to hnve boon hldilen there bjr a thief. The owm.r can have the aame by calling at this office, proving property, and paying for this adver tisement. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! ; A. K. 00TB BARKT 1UV1BOK.' BOOTH St NEV1SON, Verwardlng and Commlikton Merchant . AND DELBEB IN OENERAT MKHCIIANDI8E, Wliite Illua't), w. X, WRRIGHT FOR COLVILLB. UPPER COLUMBIA. M? KOOTENAI and BLACK KOOT MINES promptly wwvurq, Murk OoodsB. A N., WMte Bluffs, W. T, UP-MKOSSt PoarusD Richards A McCrnken, Allen A Lewis, and ;ilodge A Calef. Diuo-Blocb, Miller A Co., French k Oilman. TOYS! T0YST0YS! TOYS! FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For tba Holidays, we recommend all dealers In that Una til the BASKET AND TOY EMPOKIUM of THUMAUEIt A ZUIN, . 820 and 822 Battery Street, bSS:3ba - ' Sau Francisco, . 0. 8. MUUR, Delloa. Bloch. Miller &Co.9 WHOLESALE O DR, O C E Tt S , - . AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, And Importer! and Jobber! of CLOTHING Hoots Sc Shoes, Under Clothing, lllankets, etc., etc., etc. A8SA.Y OFFICE. TrT8 HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICB IN CONNECTION v . with our bnnlueu, nniler the eutire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bare In el, hours- We guarantee nil onr Assays And pay the H10IIK3T CASH PRICE for Hire. We alio pay the Highest 1,'aau I'rlce lur uoia wusi. BLOCH,. MILLER A 0)., my6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON &, STEEL. GRO CERIES. BY THE PACKAGE. ii FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO A GRANT, Dalles, oregon. mlStf V. 13. IOtfGMJLSS, ' - (Successor to William Blrnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, m niAua a Fine Watches AND JEWELRY, WNVITKSTIIK ATTENTION OF 1113 FRIENDS AND JL the Fublio to his choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods Respectfnlly soliciting their patronage. ' 4 vra-chea PROMPTLY "d PROPERLY repaired and uiDtr Next Door to the Poit Ofllce, LAST CllVIVCi:! FOR TWO W EE ItlS LONGER M Quods at San Francisco Cost!! "W"B WILL CONTINUE TO SELL OUR 8T0CK OF Tw COATS, I? ANTS, BOOTS & SHOES, DATS $ CirS, And a full assortment of Gents'' Furnishing Good. -A.T COST! Until the 31st dny of Mirdi, when we mall close onr oiore, vrnuuui rAiu 43- Parties Indebted to ns will please eall at onr iure ueiure iiio auove naie. liatf AUKAUAMSON A K01ILDER0. FAIR WARNING ! A LL PER80N8 INDKBTEDTODUSENnUIIY A BRO. are nereoy nottitni to calf and settle before tbo 1st npri. ; oinrrwise, legal proceed ugs witl be had, ofDiilles, March 27 th, 1880. mr27 Id : TO. LET. TIIBDESIR ABLE RESIDENCE situated on the Blnff, formerly occupied by T. B. KELLY, is for ront. There are five rooms, nsrilv fiirnUbAii ? .i.inniimii. a good spring ot Cool water, together Willi one acre of ncu garuen grouna, Willi a secuie fence amniid the mine. 101 lus reasouauia. Apply to . KELLY A DENNY. NOITCE. A LLPERS0N8INDBBTEDT0TIIEUNDERRT0KKD are requested to "cou.e and sm me" bafora tba 31t lint., at the Bank Eicliangc Saloon, uia ,v . U. RENIO. Isaac F. Buwn, 8au Francisco. waldros bros., . ; Wholesale & Retail Drusreists. Main Street) Dalle, Oregon. tT NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY PIRR vronf Stuno building, oiiiiiMlte Dlouh, Millar A Co.. and offer to lite nubile a full ami complete stork of Drugs, Mt.-diciues and Cuomlcals, consisting lu part or KEROSENE. LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS HOPS, . BACK, 8PONGK8. LEECHES, . TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS. ' L1NSKRD, LAnu, . " CASTOR AND , NEATSFOOT Oil, CORK. " : -INDIOO AND . LANPDLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND ; ' PATENT MHDICINK8. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I a of the finest and best quality; new stylrsond large assortments, sncli as LUlllN'8 PEUFUKBKY. II AI IU L L' 111 N '8 TOILET SuAP, FLKSH, ' POMADES. BI1AVIN0, OSMETICS, HAT, HAIIIOII.S, , . CL0T1I"8, COLOGNE, 1 TOOTH AND FANCY 80AP8 AND NAILBUU8HES TOOTH POWDERS, AND C0.VIB8. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our fat illtloa for buying goods are second to none In the State, and we shall at all times sell at a small ad vance from coat. Ready sales and small profits. rursiciAxs' rnKscitirTioxs Cftrttfally conipoumlrnl tit all liourt of tho day and night. KE M O V A L ' GATES Ac"" OIIA.PIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL . D R TJ Q G I S T S , Ilave Removed to ... RVDIO'S STONE IUJILDIXG, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. VTHERE we will nnntlnnn to soil article usually v kept in a fir-t-Uliuw Drill ytoro. at m per cent. LESS Til AN ANY 8T01IE IN THE CITY. Our stock consists in part of Patent Medicines, Fur Win s and Brandy, extracts. Fancy A Common Soap, Br"iiges, Trusses, Braces, Paints. Varnishes, uair urusiies Corks, Acids, Toittl. Powder, : Alcliol, Hops, Oils, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, 4c, PnTSK'IANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Give us a cull and satisfy ymr selvus beforo purchasing elsewhere. H.L.CIIAPIH, t"1"" i JUSTIN UATKH. VERY IMPOKTAM TO- Merchants, Families, Hotels and HAU-liOOMH. TULIU8 K KAMI Kit HAVING BOUGHT TUB EN 9 tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late Arm ol M . Seller A Co.. In this city, to which he has added of his own importation (while doing business iu fortiand) an immense ?toca ol (lie best manufactured Crockery, GlaNsware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers Table Cutlery Looking-Glaftscs and All Kind Of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. uruers from ti.o interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go st'eure. Don't lail to oall on me. ' Uuuio's Btoua JluilUiug, naslilnirton street. Dalles. JULIUS KUAKMER. Dalles. March 17th, 1805. tnhmf Oregon Steam RaYteation Co. QUI! kMVUItS JIUIlQl WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AF1 ER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th nntl further uotice, 1'lie Passcnucr Train . to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Monday!, 9 A. M. Wednesdays, and Fridays, at TUK 8TEAMER3 "ON FONTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNULTY ........Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted at ( o'clock. A. connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamer "NEW WOULD" or "CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF, Commander, 0 Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Not. 13. 1866.- nl2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. F . D 13 II M , Watclimaher arid Jeivelcr, MAIN STREET, DALLES, rVEALER IN FINK WATCHES. JEWELRY. YJ CLOCK 8. Cold Pens. Silver and Plated Ware. Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. -Particular attention paid to renalrlng One' batches, Clocks, Jewolry, etc. All Watr.hea repaired by Die warranted for twelve months. N. B. All orders from the nnner ennntrv. b Eznress or otherwise, promptly attended to. P AYNB'S AUCTION ROOM! (ONE DOOR ABOVE TUB POST-OFFICE,) MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY. ' I will attend to sales of Real Estate. General !tlercunndlge Furniture, And Stocks. nvnrrr.in atm niva unvrtiva inn nmiva Stock and SpKlal Bales any day.-Bnndaya excepted.' f) Its 1. A. 0. PAYS i, AmctUnosr FRANKLIN MARKET. corner of second and Washington btrmw DALLES, OREGON, JOHNEPP1NGKR Proprietor 11! B TJNDRH9TGNKD having fitted up tb UaaWa above ICZ2L-. 8TYL Imve Market in the II B T STYLE, will keep constant- 1 ly on band all sorts of Fresh and Cured Meata, . Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATI My motto Is to " PLEASE All'" ' TmAIlTIKSnAVINfl 8UPKRI0R STOCK FOR SALE JL will do well to eall at the Franklin Market JOHN El'l'lNGKft. Dalles, February lftth, 1865 , v asiiii-to M vniitr. COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, 0RE00N JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. Mrr WII.L, KEEP fbSilconstantly on hand all the varie- j iQJLttitlos that the market can possibly . anoru, 01 FRESH Se CURED MEATS, and always of the biet quality. , FAMILIES, HOTELS, ANO STEAMBOATS.':';' supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe nnderstgncq Is always prepared to pay the high est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties lmvlug stock in good condition, are requested to rail on him before going elsewhere. JOHN MICHELBACH. Dulles, marcu aist, it. , nuiom 11KS, WOOL and HIDES. rpHB HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR '.PURS, WOOL.; AND HIDES, at . ' McCRAKKN, MERRILL A CO.'S mhlESm 16 North Fiont Street, Portland. ' NEW YORK 13 AKI3IIV ' . , ' ASD . , . i . . G PL O C ER Y S TO R E ; Slain Street Dalles. " " y ' ml.23tf , FREDERICK BBNZER. : jr. A, Foitciisi . FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT i AND ; . . .... ..V - T3.. cm-. -a. llivisillll VJ1 3 " - CORKER OF WASIUNOTON A SECOND STREWS. : CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles of FIIK3I1 BUTTER, E003, and every variety or , FAMILY GKOCKUIES, A'UTS, CANDIES, $e , ,$., i Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Prices FOR CASH, Also, dealer In I, ; GIIAI.V. FLOITR AXD FFKIK of all kinds, and will do a . ' General Commission Business. ' No charges for Storage on Quads sold on Confession Proceeds of Sales remltied promptly. JnlOtl. NOTICE TO FARMERS.! f M1R DALI.E8 LUMBER AND MANUFACTCRINO J. COMPANY has recently attached I,-' I LOTJ11IJNO MILL I -I to their Steam Sash and Door Fnrtnry. In this Clty.An are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UIIIND WHEAT ai.d CORN, and warrant to glre the beat aatUfiwUuB. Oa hand constantly and ftir sal ,.,!... JTATKA rAMll.Y FLOUR, ,..-;.,(. 8LC0NDS OR MIDDLINGS, " ' ' ; . - BRAN AND SHORT,' 'j.l 'tfrt - , CHOP FEED, CUICKKNFBEp.,, Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new . The highest nmiltet price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY. ' ' II. A. UOQUE, Agent. " Dnllos, Nov. 1, 1864. 7 . , nfltt; ! AUCTION AND COMMISSION.. " JOHN ,VVJ Tj L I 'A. M S .AUCTIONEER, IVo. 100, Main Street, Dalles City.' WILL ATTEND TO THE BELIJNO AT ACCTIOlf til General Merchandise, Real Estate, Oruccrl' a, uuik., new nuu cccoiiu uanu furniture, eiocaa,arcnAc Regular Sales Day "Saturday. . Out-duor and Spoclal Sales attended to tn any Dart of -the City. ... Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nl9:3m. ' JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. ' -A.. Gr. 13Il,A.rF,OIlT) IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines Sc lLi quor, FRONT 8TREET, Portland, - - - ' Osrtgait. 1 OFFERS FOR BALE A VERY LARGE A880M ment of Brandies, , Wine. . Liquors, . ' Case Cloods, -&.C., &.C., lc. tlr The Trade Is particularly Invited to examine my lock before purchasing elsewhere. baM tf stock I books: BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SfJHUUb UUUK.B, STATIONERY, Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES. PAPERS.4 Ac, Ao.. by every Steamer. Post-Office' uooastore, naio street. Dalle. Garden Seeds for the Million. iaT-tf ' - H. J. WALDHQef ' KOTICE. . . " , AI L PERSONS INDEBTED TO ConN BOTtM saaal nay no by the ZSth Inst.,' or legal proceeding iH he had. Ibis la th last avtic. OOUN t VOUM.