lailu Mlouritain.ccr. SPNDAT MOOING, APRIL 1, 1860. NOTIC& During; nry absence Mr. IIihrt Cathy will have charge of this paper, Mid ha la authorized to tr.moct all butlnes. pertofulng to thU office-. ' March 2J, 1866. . JAMK3 11ALLORAN. Willamette river is rapidly" Tub riling. 1 Found. Fred. Lusher has found a gold pen, which the owner can havo by satisfying Mr, L. that the proper person has applied. IIialtht Locality. A correspondent of the Miner' t Journal states that within the last three years over one hundred in aiders have been committed in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, Tus FiNiANt in Ibilamo A New York ppcr of February 4th has the following from the Liverpool Pott "Ellen A Maboney has arrived in Dnblfn, from New York, as a Fenian Kmbassatireas." Tub revenno steamer Lincoln, ordered to report for ditty in Puget Sound district, ar rived at San Francisco Feb. 25th. The Lin coln Ut, propcllor of 600 tons burden, a fust taller, and a beautifuT model. She is com manded by Captain J. W. White. Tbb man Montgomery, who was wo.unded near Umatilla recently, and who has been under the surgeon's care in this place sorao timo, is. wo are informed, nearly able to bo out again. Tui New Coinaoi. The first installment of United States gold and silver coins bear ing the inscription, " In God We Trust," was received at the Treasury Department -Feb, Mb. The collection consisted of $20, $10 $5, go'.d, and $1, CO and 25 cent pieces, silver. The $1 silver piece is worth $1,08 in gold. Tub Union Statu Convention ad journcd Thursday night at 11 p. m., after adopting their platform. In ad djtion. to the nominations announced yertterday, M. F. Mulkoy, Esq.; of ' Portland, was nominated as Frosecu ting Attorney for the 4th Judicial District. No other Dominations have been hoard of, although there were four oilier prosecuting attorneys to nominate. THE VANCOUVER MINES. We copy from the Vancouver Rtguter 'of the 31st inst., the following lengthy but ap parently interesting account of the recent quartz discoveries in that vicinity : "For several weeks there have been ru mors, more- or less exciting, that certain parties had discovered both placer and quartz mines a few mill's from this city. As much as has been certainly known, from time to time, we have fraukly stated. . De. siring to avoid creating Any unnecessary ex citement, we bare given no currency to mere rumor, and never having seen for ourselves, we could cny but little. The gentlemen who have been engaged in prospecting kept .their own counsel, ns they tmd a perfect r'ght to do, and besides they themselves probably did not feel fully satisfied that they had fonnd anything of much importance. At all. events, if they did, they did'not communi cate their impressions to ns.' Ii was only within a week that we bare had any very definite information in regard to the nature and extent of the discov- rice, and that infor mation we obtained by a personal visit to the localities whero gold bearing qunnz, it was supposed had been discovered. For the benefit of our readers, especially those at a distance, we propose to give some of our impressions. The locality supposed to contain gold is about sixteen miles north east of Vancouver. The best way to reach it is to take the upper Mill Plain road, and then from Mill Plain the road that cro-ses the Lackamas creek near Mr. Sb tibs. About a mile after crossing tho creek the road branches again, the left hand fork leading in the right direction. After ft few rods the road emerges from a belt of green timber into on upland opening having a slight nortb eastern descent toward the south branch of the Lackamas. Laying di rectly opposite, and nci oss" that Stream is the south declension of a ridgo of mountain country; upon which the timber has all been killed by fi e for several years. Cu tu g down that southern slope aro several small branches of Lackamas, dividing the slope of the raountaiu into ridges and ravines. Ex tending fiora we.-t to cuBt, nearly, along the southern slope of the mountains, the three or four ledges of quartz rock cut across the ravines, cropping out very clearly and dis tinctly ut muny pluccs, but more especially at the ravines. The number of ledges thus far discovered is three or four. The one hearesttbe foot of the mountain, which bns b"en named '! Co lumbia Ledge,'' where fi crosses a ravine is, perhaps, fifty feet in width, and can be traced in a wesieily direction for a half or three-fourths of a mile, ti ougb enstwly it soon goes under, the surface of the ridge The rock from this ledge is very red, and of a most singular appearance, though giving many indications of being gold bearing. Next above that, and probably forty or fifty tods distant, another led! crosses the ravine, running parallel to the first, seven or eight feet in width, of a grayish color, A single word in reference to the course of the lleyiiter in regard to the discoveries. Wo have always piven what we knw to be fact', and have not felt it right to give cur rency to mere rumor. What we have stated above is from personal observation on the ground. To say now that we are certain that rich and extensive mines hnve(been Btruck, would be saying what we are not confident of. When we are we shall say so. We do say, however, that enough is known to encourage prospector., and give hope that the future of this place, and of this county is assured. Enough is certainly known io give a feeling of confidence in all business transactions bere, real estate bag risen, and everything betokens an advancing prosperity. ! AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. TUB UNDERSIGNED TIIANKFDL FOR PAH Favors, respectfully inform, the citizens of tl Dsllea, and tho public generally, that lie cuulinur ell at PUBLICAUCTION OK PRIVATE BALK, Real Estate. General Merchandise, Giwcerles, UomeN, MuleH. Furniture, Mock, &.C. &c KEOCLAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. IViiimi l.nrilrn. . 111. D. A. A. A. Of IU ntnted Conininnlcntlou' on the rirrt and Third CilSh AdVlIlCCS HI 1(1 C Oil COnSlgDDlCIltS, Monday, of each month, at their hull, in Dalle. City. Brethren in good staudiugare invited to attend. Sttn L. Pont, Scc'y. By order of the W. M. i Columbia Lodge, No. O, I. O. O. F.-- Meot. every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, iu date. Unit, comer of Fecund and Corrrt Street.. Brother. Iu good .landing are invited to attend. Byordor. N.G. Gooes at Cost. Wo would cull the attention of onr reuder. to the. fact, that Mosera. Abrahatneon A Kohtberg are selling good, at Sun Francisco coet. Purtie. doslrlng to buy Clothing, will do well tn examine Ibolr .tork be fore purchasing el.ewhore. m!8tf DENTAL NOTICE. Ilrlng about to make a professional tonr to the town, and settlement, up the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who ni-o inuoed of Denial Opemtion. of any char- actor, to tho fact, so that they miy have an opportunity to avail themselves of my service before my departure, If so desired. I will leav attont the 20th of Marrh. and return to this place to riwume uiy practice, about the lain ut June. iiiflti j. w. CITIZENS' TICKET. For Major G. B. OILMAN, For Recorder 11. CATLEV, For Treasurer O. 8. MILLER, For Marshal 01IAS. KKKLKR, Fur Coiindlmou It. II. WiKID. OEOrtflK I.1EBE. D. tlAKDUKI, 1. S. AlCf AllLArii, JS. VtlMlATK. COAL OIL! COAL OIL! COAL OIL! AT SAN FRANCISCO COST I AT SAN FRANCISCO COST! AT SAN FRANCISCO COST! ,' A Roorback t Do you know what .that In? It is the slang name for a "dirty trick in politics, sprung on the evo of an election. J Just as we wero going 1 3-press wo' learned that one is being fabricated regarding the citi y.ons ticket, lue gentlemen inter- esiod desired utt to publish a card de- and filled with particles of quartz, and giv nyioa it, but as we aro personally in. a Ter' kvornblo prospect for gold. torcsted, wo deemed it would be suffi cient for us to say that the story which U being circulated, to the effect that certain persons on the citizons' tickot do not desire to stand the test of an election is false they will all run and are willing to ubido tho result. No NeWs. In consequence of the Overland Telegraph being down our Portland exchanges contain no eastern iiown, and very few items which we some $32 to the ton, thee ushed as $18 60 Three or four rods up the ravine another and widerledge crosses, of a somewhat more bluish color, with about the same quariz in dication as the other. Some fif een or twenty rods up the ravine another broad ledge ciosscs, differing somewhat in color from any of tbe others. Some specimens from this ledge have been tested and clearly dis close gold Some of the rock, from Columbia Ledge bas been tried both by assay and crushing and amalgamation. The assay was returned have not already had. Noithcr have we any late papers from above; bo that our little daily this morning has to be mado up principally of selections, and there is even a dearth of selec tions, for all of our exchanges are now filled with politics, in vain do we Whether those tests are reliable or not we canuot certainly tell. They are certainly sufficiently favorable to justify a thorough prospecting, We do not yet consider it settled wbat is the value of these discoveries, and will not be accessory to the raising of an unfounded mining excitement, yet we ought to state AND FREIGHT, mr?0:lm AtGntei Ac C.'hnntn'n, TO THIS TRAVELING I'UHLIC. THE NEW URIDGE A CROSS THE LOWER PES fllUTKS IS NOW COM- iV pinto, aud ready for the crossing of TEAMS, PACK A MM A 1.8, etc. TOLLS MOD&llATB Da'lcs, Match 2J. 1800. mr'.M:lw FOR CITY MARSHAL. FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL MY FRIENDS AND A few of my enemies. I announce myself as a Caudl time Mr uity uarshul at tne coming election. j. 31. P. vOUK. FOR CITY MARSHAL. A T TflE REQUEST OF MY FRIENDS I ANNOUNCE xm myself as a cuudidate lor Jte-eloctiun. uite CHARLES KEKLKK. llillUlllUAll V&"Sw'Vr9 MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, II AVE JUST RECEI VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF 11 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, CoDslitlng Id part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Clothing, Ilooti & Shoes, 1" Ilata & Caps, Which they offer to sell at BM ALL PROFITS. Dalle., March 21th, I860. mrlTtf DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Mayor J AMES M. BIRD. For Recorder JAMES A. CAMPBELL. For Treasurer 0. 8. 8AVAUE. For Marshal N. H. PACKARD. For Onunclltnen J. W. BLAKENY. E. P. FITZGER ALD, W. P. JulLLEK, WM. MOADUS, A. W FKRQU- B"n. mnzote And PROMPT RETURN mde of snles. Out door and Special Sale, attended to In any part l the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer SELLING OFF AT COST ! J. GOETZ & CO fTONB BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, Offer their well-selected stuck of TOBACCO, SEGAKS, PIPE8, YANKEE NOTION , AND STATIONERY, AT SAN ir-RA-ISTClSCO COST. mrt7tf ONE HliNCRELVMILES SAVED! LL VCKI 00T & J5IG CED jUlXEH BY WAY OF "White SlulTs ! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalle, to White Dluffj. ......... 100 mlVp ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiellle .100 " ' " toColvllle 170 Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Field. will av Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluffs Road. Wood, Water and Grass Are fonnd on this-Rood within easy drlre. . The mnd I. now open, and possesses advantage, tn er any other land rot.te from the Dalles. 1'UDllHiei! ny oroer oi TDK CITIZENS OF THE DAI.LV. Dulles, Mareh, 20, 1866. ni20:2m. ... ....I that ttin nenllnmen wlifl liars dnnit mnal tn turn from their long loacors 10 ineir , . , .... i prospect and tlevelou tue country as u rain- joum vumi i I Ing district, ro sanguine of tho value of the columns io lueir misceiiuncouu para A. CARD. "AVaDAME LB TELLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY J.YJS. Infurni the Ladies of the Dalles and trlrinltr. that ledges, and are also sanguine that extensive nnd paletot makioa;. aim, cutting and m-fiNO urapbs for copy, finding them to our placer diggings exist very near them. From ; ","w hai luPro1 r'. n" or. introduced in groat dmcomnture, nil ponticui. oome- wbat little we have eeau of mining country she win warrant to aire satisfaction, and would most limes we got politics on tbe brain ft we deem it certain thai gold exist. In, that ito'CS?' lyMTMr.. Whlo, little ourseleve, and long to pitch in vicinity, but whe'her it will be found Io I JJ'xhiri'0' 08 "'a,'''l'0" ,'re'i "'waaa Beeond od give eomobody goas. ' , paying deposits, U question to fce solved. ( Daiic' Mnrch zTth, rZ7tf .'JUKEE ,v Main Street, Dalles, VBOLUAll AHS MTilL MALIK I!l CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Sco. I ' ALU AT i IK BTORI TBK BUT BRAHDB OF ' Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 11LATINO CARDS. , l'OCKKT CUTLERY, , PORT MON IKS. COMBS and BUU8HE3, o' .n Hnd, PEKFUMKRY.ot every description, CHINA ORNAMBNTB, TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FI8H H00K8 and FISHING TACELI, -MUSICAL 1NSTRUMBNT8, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder. Slurt, Lead, Powder Flasks Baskets. d many ether articles too numerous to uientlon. t?- lnteriordealer. supplied with Cipar.. Tubaecej.ese. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, nsvs BALDWIN 8l BRO., . OFFRR FOR SALI IN CONNECTION Wtm A C0M pletn stock of Staple Gioccries, ALL KINDS OF FEED. Barley .& Oats, Crroiiiid Barley, i Bran Sc Sliorts, "Wlieat, Which w propose to sell In quantities to nit at PORT LAND PRJCtS, adding freight. niiatl J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RK8PBCTFULLY INFORM the citizens of this place and t1. dully, that liatlng returned from a pro- wssioniu lour inruutrn tne mln.. lie has swam resumeu uie practice or DENTISTRY, In the roow formerly occupied by him, In the buildlns; occupied by Wood A Butler. Ph jtocruph Aitlst., and aillolnlug Waf dron llro..' Drug Btoro. He takes this nietliod of r. tendlug thanks, fur the liberal patronage heretofore ea tended to biui, and solicit, a continuance of tho mom. LIST. Or PKI0E8. Entire Dentnre on Gold Base M...'i..4180 to tX " Upper Denture, Quid Base, M " ivt " Denture. Vulcanite Base 70" 13S " Upper Venture, Vulcanite Base U " fl Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. CbildrtM' Teeth tatracted fret of cbarge. tM-tr