122 it AmnnnfawriT Money Market. New York Gold Quotations . 121 f mi FruuciNco Legal Tender rates 81) Epitome of Tclesraphlc News. BY TILEQRAPa TO TIIK OREOONI AN. PROCEEDINGS OF THE HMOS STATE CO.VVEM'IOS. Corvalha, March 29. The vote for Oonerefs- nimi siuol, on first ballot, llillory, (!S ; Howl br, 'I'd ; Henderson, 7 ; B iker, 23. Wood whs nominated for (Jovcruor, S. E. liny for Seere t'ry orSmm, E N. Cooke for Treasurer, nnii W. A. MvPherron for Stale P, inter. The fol lowing resolution! were adopted : ' ltesokctl, 1st. That we bate an aMJing con fiJence in the j iaili-e, intelligence and palri otUm of tlie people of the United Stales, that they have the firmness end wisdom to pre serve the Union their vnlor bus sustained. 2d, As the beat plan of restoring the late revolted States to the exercise of nil their functions in the Union, and the legislation necessary in relation lo freedtnen, loyal men niity honestly differ. We deprecate that ob stinacy or pride of opinion, where or by whom displayed, that would give strength to the en emies of tit o Union, through discord and di vision among its friends. 3d, Holding the cardinal principle of our Government to be that the right of represen tation goes with taxation, we desire a full re cognition of nil civil and political privileges to the inhabitants of the Stat es lately in re volt, as soon as compatible with the national I tfety and the protection of the loyal people in those Sta'e. 4th, The name of the binn or of the party tliut would propose to thN nation to repudi ate its jii't pecuniary obligations, Bhonld be consigned to everlusting infamy. 5th, The courage and devut on of those who have borne arms in the cause of the Union, entitle them to our enduring grati tude, and we pledge ourselves not to dis honor them by destroying the principles or surrendering the results for which they fought and bled. Cth. That we will, as we evor have, sup port the State Governments in all their rights as the most competent administrators of their domestic concernsand the surest breast work against anti-republican tendencies, and to preserve the General Government in its whole Constitutional vigor. ' 7tb, That the doctrine, of nullification and iccession, hold by the so-called Democratic party, is antagonistic to the perpetuity of " the Union and destructive of (he peace, order aud prosperity of the Ameriran people. 8th, That we pledge ourselves to sustain the National Union, and to organize for ac tiou iu carrying oat and maintaining these principles, and in support of the candidates nominated by this Convention 9th, We regard any measure which has for its object the taxing or sale of the mineral lands ol the United States, tlwt tends to re tard or d seournge the free use or occupancy and speedy development of the same, as detrimental to the best interests of the coun try, and inconsistent with sound national policy ; and we respectfully call the attention of our present delegat on in Congress to the subject of this rcsolntion. Passing Counterfeit Greenbacks. A roan named David Lindsey was ar. rested a week or more ago, at Straw berry Valley, in El Dorado county, charged wUhpassingcounterfeitgreen. bucks. .He has been taken to San Francisco and indicted by tne United States Grand Jnry. At the time of his arrest bo had some fifteen hundred dollars of the spurious currency, in five and ten dollar bills. The counten feits are well executed, apparently having been printed from the original plates, but the press work is bungingly dona, and the whole appearance of the money is coarser than the genuine, but is well calculated to deceive when not soen in comparison with the gen uine. jxevaaa jjauy uazeite. . McDonald, who was not Wells, has probably struck a good thing. The California Legislature propose giving liirn 91,500 hs part compensation for the resemblance be bore to another man. and the citizens of Sacramento have given him a beneSt. A CARD. -WM-ADAMH LE TRLLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY XtJL Inform the Ijulies of the Dalles and vicinity, that he is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALEIOT making. Also, CUTTING and FITTING tn a new and Improved style, never before lntrodaced In this place. Bhe will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a Uheral patronage A,. k Uuwna I.,.1n mwnnlAil t Ifni VXTI.II Df goner's Store, OD Washington street, between Second aid I Third. Dalles, March Zttb, 1808; ar27tr- C. S. Miu.tR, Dulles. Bloch, Miller & Co., v;holesale G R O C E R S; AND DEALERS IX Wines fc Liquors, And Lniporters and Jobbers of CLOTHING JSoots & Shoes, Under Clothing, fllanltets, etc., - etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. virE have an assay office in connection we with our liuHineHs, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. Wo inake returns in liars In six hours- We guarantee an our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH I'lUUlS Tor liars. We also pay the Highest Uaan I'rice lor uoia uust. ni.ocn, MILLER C) myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON &L STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE. FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINQ GRANT, Dalles, Oregon. mlStf W. 33. IOXJLtVSS, , (Successor to William Blrnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND DKALEB IN Fino TVatclios AND JEWELRY, WNVITESTIIK ATTENTION OP HIS FiUKNDS AND M. tne rublic to his choice selection of Xew and Fashionable Goods, Itespectfnlly soliciting their patronage-. Wa'ches PROMPTLY and PHOPERLT repaired and naiuiaaijttf. Biulf Next Door to the Post Office. LAST CH ANCE ! FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER It Goods at San Francisco Cost ! ! 'V'VrE WILL CONTINUE TO SELL OUR STOCK OF COATS, PANTS, SOOTS $ SHOES, EATS $ CAPS, And a full assortment of . !'' Gents' Furnishing Goods. AT COST! Untlt the 81st day of March, when wa snail close our Store, WITHOUT VAIL. aT- Parties Indebted to ns will please call at onr iwib ueuire luvauuTO anie U3tf ABKAHAMSON k K0IILBER3 FAIR WARNING ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO DU 8KN11URT k BRO. are hereby notlBed to call and settle before the 1st aprii j oiuerwise, legal proceedings will be bad. ofDallea, March 21th, 1806, mrZTtd TO LET. THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE slttwtod on the Blnff, formerly occupied by T. B. KELLY, is for rent. There are ftve rooms, partly furnished ; also out houses: a good spring of cool water, together with one acre of ncu garden ground, wun esecuro fence around the ssme. xerms reasonauie. Apply to &KLLV SENNY, KOTICE. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED 4 m. are reqnesiea to -eosae ana see me" before the oiit insi., at tue uaoa; jexcoonge aauwn. aUat H.RKSIO ISiAO F. BlOCH, San Krauclscn. lYALDUOrV BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dnllee, Oregon. rEN0W OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone building, oimostte ltloch. Miller A Co.. and offer to the nutdic a fnll and complete stock of vrugs, JUculcines and Chemicals, consisting lu part or KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS", LINSKED, HOI'S, 8.M1K, Bl'OXOKS. LKKCH K3, LA HI), UOIIKS. CAtTOR AND 1ND1U0 AND NKATSFOOT Oil, LANl'M.ACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND I'ATKNT MKDICXMKS. Our stock of FANCY OOOUS 1 of the finest and best quality; new styl.-s onil large assortments, such as LUUIN'S I'KIIKUKKKY, II A IK, LUBI N'B TOILET SvlAP, FLESH, POMADES. SHAVING, COSMETICS, HAT, HAIR 011.8, CLOTIIFS, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAlLBIlueitHS TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. FTJHE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal pnrnosos. Our facilities for buying goods aro second to none In tie Mate, ami we snail at all times sell at a small ad vance lrom cost. Heady sales and smnll profits. nilSICIAXS' ritESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. i'aues,acpi. u, iaoo. , selu-tr It E IVI O y A. ILt GATES CHAPIN, WHOLESALE A ltKTAtl. DEUGG IB T S , KUDIO'S VrONE HOLDING, TVASIIINGTON STREET, DALLK8. WTIEUK we will contlnuo to sell articles ueimlly kont tn h KlrH-CLiHfl Drill Htoni. nt 'JO ner cent. LKHS THAN ANY BTOKK IN T1IK CJTY. Our Itock coi.Bldta (u part or Patent Medicines, Pnro Wlnn And Brnntly, t tit icy A Common Soup, iluir 11 ru a hen Corks. Aciils, Tooth Powder, 1 Alrr-lml, lion. .bxiracie, Sponges, Trusses, Braces, Paints, Varnlvbes, una, noliemian Toilet Sets, upportern, Ac, PMSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compomidcd. 01 to ns a call and satisfy y ur- seivus ueioro purcnasing eiouwusro. 11 . Ui ui i Arm, iniuttj JuariNUATKS. V XZ It Y IMPOKTAKT TO Merchants, Families. Hotels and 1IAU.IIOOMS. TULIUS KKAKMEK. HAVINO IIOUOIIT TIIR KN- f tire Stork of Merchauilliie anil Lauk Accounts of the late firm of M. Seller Co., In this cily, to which lie has auueu 01 nis own importation (while doing business In uruanu) an luiiuenve stock ol tlie best nianutacturea Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, . Lamps, C'handcllerN, Table Cutlery Looklng-GlaftflCH and Alliiluds of Oils, All of which he offers at reilnced rates. Persons wish. Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. uruers irom tue interior promptly attended to, and gouus pacaeii 10 go secure, jwn t lau to call on me. llmllu s Stone llulldiuir, Hueliininnn street. Dalles. JULIUS KUAEMKB. Dalles. March 17th, 1805. tnlilTtf Oregon Steam KaYigation Co. WINTER ARRANCEMENT. gs and after Monday, November lath nnti w lurtner notice, Xlio Passenger Train to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITT, on Mondays. VVedneadavs. and Frldava. at THE STEAMERS "0NJ10NTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. HcNULTT, ., ......Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILT, (Sundays excepted) at 9 o cioca, a. at., oonneotnik ny tne uabvadk h&ILHOAD. wiiu vne sieamer " NEW WORLD or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. W0I,F,........ Commander, i Portland. ' W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles, Nov. W, 1805. n!2tf Ageat 0. 8. N. Co F . T3 E HM , Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, TEALER 15 PINK WATCIIE8, JEWELRY, IJ CLOCKS. Sold Pens.Silvei and Plated Vara. Bpectacles, Cutlery, Ac. "Particular attention said to renalrlrnr final Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, eto. All Watches repaired by is naitaiitsu lur .whitb IliUIlLIia. N. B. All orders from tha UDDer Aonntrv.tiv Rvnrou vt uuvi who, fruuiptij tnaeu to. P AYNB'S ABCTION ROOM! (ONE DOOR ABOVE THE POST-OFFICE,) MAIM STREET, DALLES CITT. I will attend to sales of ' '. Real Estate, General Merchandise, Furniture. And Stocks. REGULAR BALI DATS, MONDAY! AMD FRIBATS. Stock and Special Sales any day, Sandays excepted. 1) lte I. A. 0. PAINE, AncUeneer FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHNEPPINGEH Proprietor rrVlB UNDERSIGNED - . baring fitted up the above Market in the BE T STYLE, will keep constant- ly on baud sll sorts of Freait and Cured Meat. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST HATS My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL." TJARTTKS HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR 8AI.1 M, will ao well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN EPP1NGER. Dalles, February 10th, 1865. CORNER 0V v COURT AND 8EC0ND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILT. KEEP constantly on hand all the varle- J MiUm that the market can nojulbly alTord, of FRESH As CURED MEATS, and always of the b at quality, FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS mppiled od roaaonable terms. Tbe nuderalirneq 1b alwayH uriwared to BftT tht lilurtk- estcRHh price lor VAT CATTLE. Parties liar ing tUwk In Romi tiondltlou. are requustvd to end on liim befor goitiK oUewltcre. . JOUN MICUKLHACII. . uaiieff, ware 11 am, 1000. 1 mnoiti FUKS, W OOL and HIDES. i (jpiIE IIIOnEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR .PURS, WOOL, AND HIDES, at MoCRAKKN, MERRILL k CO.'S 10 North Flout Street, Portland. aihlS.lm NEV YOKK BAKERY STORE, AND GROCERY Main Street Dalles. FREDERICK BEN7.K1I. mh23tf J. A.. FORBES' FAMILY GROCERY. FRUIT AND Provision Store, - CORNER OF WASHINGTON k SECOND STRKKTJ. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles o F11KSI1 BUTTER, UUOS.aud every variety of PABIILY GROCEllieS. NUTS, CANDIES, $!., Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Prices FOR CASH. p Also, dealor In fiKAI.V, FLOirR AD FEED. of all kinds, and will do a General Commission Business. No oharges for Storage on Goods sold on CommMon Proceeds of Sales remitted promptly. ' JiilOff. NOTIQE TO FARMERS. rmynr, dalles lumber and manufacturing- A COMPANY has recently attached a ITIOTJKING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Fnctory. In this City, ami are now prepared to CHOP PEED, UllIND WHEAT ai.d CORN, and warrant to give the best sutlsfuctiuu. On. hand constantly and for sale PXTRA FAMILY VL0UR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHOUTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKE3 FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN M RAT., frnm Corn. The hlKheat raalltet nrlce naid for WITRAT. COB V BARLEY. II. A. UOOUE. Airent. Dalles, Nov. 2, 1R05. . u3tf. JOHN WILLIAMS. A.TJOTI01S)EI1R, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles. City WILL ATTEND TO TIIR SELLING AT AUCTION ol tienernl Merchandise, Ileal Estate, Orocerl' a, Horses, New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, c. llcffular Sales DaySaturday. ' Oirrtiior and Spoelal Sale attended to In anv nnrl nf the City. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nI9:3jav JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. A.. G5-. 13XTA.IF'OK.T, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF "Wines So I-siqnors FRONT STREET, Portland, - . . Oregon. OFFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARGS ASSQUt meut o( Brandle Wines,. Liquors-, Case (Moitt &c, Slc, - &c. 4aT"nie Trade is'partlcnlarly Invited to ozsjnlne my stoek before purchasing elsewhere. auSVtf BOOKS! DOOKS.I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. sjCHOOl, BOOKS, STATIONERY, 9 Standard and MlaceUaneons WORKS, Late NOVELS, HASAZINES, PAPERS.i Ac, A by every Steamer. Post-OSce Soekstore, suisi street, Dalles. . Garden Seeds for the Million.. T-tf . J. WALDROtf j . NOTICE, ; ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO COHN A BO KM sauna paj ap by the 2tth Inst., or legal proceedlnge wilb be had. This Is the last notice. COHN A OHIC,