f aito 111 v . t - lu- : I i. - . I . .UUlUaiUtU Moj. Glenn, U.S. A., for a copy of tlio Idaho Statesman of tho 22d inst., SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 18C0. (rom w)ich we et lho following' items: TWO StBgOb -NOTICB. During royuluonoo Mr. IlENRKCATLkT IrSVCl 18 increasing, will havechargo of this popor, mill lie It nnthorixcd to I came Jfl from the WCet Oil Tlie8day, tr intact nil Dusincss peruuuing io mi oinco. Match 23, 1800. JAVKa 1IALL0RAN. A linseed oil mill is to bo started at Salem. Tub Olymjiia Standard says that place can boust of the best sidewalks and streets on the Pacific Coast. loaded, and another yesterday. The lino will, hereafter, be run daily to and from Umatilla. The valloy was visited night before last with a most beautiful ruin. It will serve to bring forward the newly sown crops in fine style. Tho grain prospects look very encouraging in deed this season, and there is being a large amount bowo. Captains Walker and Collins, Lieut. Pepoon, Dr. Cochran, and thirty men start again this morning for Indians anywhere they can find them, no matter whether on the Owyhoo, Mais heur, or any other place. Captain The steam tug Jlabonni, which has VValker will got twenty five additional The gold and silver produot of Mon ' tana for tho past year is reported by the U. S. Collector to have been $16,-'000,000. The Lowistonians claim to have fonnd the shortest and best route to tho Bluckfoot country. Of courso one end of tho route is at Lowiston. been endeavoring to build up a busi ncss for ilseli at the mouth of the Od lumbia, has been withdrawn by the owners, and taken to San Francisco. They allege that there was a combin ation against them. Don't Like men at Camp Lyon. Tho citizons of Boiso'City most heartily wish them success. The theatre is doing a good busis ness, Mrs Gotzler being the principal star. Tho Avalanche complains that by It. Our Democratic friends who, in their persistence in some unauthorized interference, the nominating a strict party ticket, have money spent in raising tho Ada county provod that they think nobody but a volunteers have been worse than Democrat fit to hold any offlco, aild thrown away, and tho protection have forced the Union men to put which- might have resulted from the another ticket in tho field, pretend organization have been lost to tho that they don't like the way in which 1UD11C- the Union Mass Meeting was conduct- Gold and Silver Smelting Process. ed. Wo wonder how they like the The-Ptctfc Tribune describes a new Citizens' Ticket f Guess they don't like that cither. ver thus : samo category, and tho notice "Gone to the mines" is on the editor's sane turn and oflioo doors. Assays of this ondrous ledge have been niado; tut not coming up to tho expectations of lhoe interested, other tests are yet to be made. Wo hope our friends will AUCTION 1KD COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAIS STREET, DALLES. nrtUB UNDERSIGNED Jl K THANKFUL FOR PAST 'avors, respectfully Informs the citixriin of thi find some good and lasting ledges in Il"d ",e ''ublit is"". "' h Co"1'" ' their vicinity, but they must get some different looking rock before they can lay claim to any quartz discovery of value. Thanks io Wells, Fargo & Co., for expressfavoi s. Goons at Cost. Wo wonld cull the Attention of our readers to the fact, that Messrs. Agrahanison k Kohlberg are eelling goods nt Sun Francisco cost. Parlies desiring to buy Clothing, will do well t examine their stock he lore purchasing olsowhore. mlStf DENTAL NOTICE. Being abont to mnke professional tour to the towns and settlements up the Columbia. I respectfully call tho attention of thoso of my patrons who are In need of Dental Operations of any char acter, to the fact, so that they nny have an opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my departure, if bo desired. I will loavo about tiie 20th of March, and rotiirn to this place to resume my practice, about tho 18111 oi June. J, w. UUU1.KY. PUBLIC AUCTION Oil PltlVATB SALE, - Ileal Estate, lieneral merchandise, Ciiocei'icN, ItOI'NCN, AllllfN, Furniture. Mocks, &c. &.C. REOULAR SALE DAY?, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN nu'ile of sales. Out door and Sitccial Sales attended to lu any part t the city. Auctioneer. COST ! JOHN WILLIAMS SELLING OFF AT invention for extracting gold and sil- Tho discovery is simple, having a blast or cupola furnace, constructed tho samo as tlioso used for smelting would state that tho White Blufl's iron from the ore. This process melts route adverlisod in another column, a" u' 6ld, silver, copper and lead in For tho information of some parlies, who do not appear to know it, we lies entirely on the north side of the I ono mass, .which is drawn off and re xouivr. WTNDER THE O. S. N. CO.'S WHARF, A BLACK U CAKPKT it AO. supporod to have been hidden there by a thief. Tiie owiu.r enn havo the same by calling at tiiHoince, proving property, aud paying for this auver tisemcnt, ' - CITIZENS' TICKET. For Mayor O. B. OII.MA.V, For Recorder II. L'ATI.hV, For Treasurer 0. 8. M1LI.KU, For Manual CUAS. KF.hLF.lt, For Cniincilnit-ii It. II. W KID, GEORGE MERE, I). IIA.VDLEY, I. S. McFAULAND, E. W1NUATK. COAL OIL! COAL OIL! COAL OIL! AT SAN FKANC1SCO COST I AT SAN FEAN CISCO COST 1 ' AT SAN FRANCISCO COST 1 mnnMfiri intn inrrnta whir.ll inflvr rtn .t.! t....i: i: . t ' ""' . " ly VUIUIUUUI IIVUI, iuiuce iniCIIUIIIL' VU f. kl1 In Unm Ynft n.S.n If van ro that way to the mines should cross cisco, where the different metals are the river hero, and forrv it again at easily separated. By this process all Whim RliiffM. Saveral trains liav nl. me vaiuabio motais mat tiie quariz a.. ,v. . n r may contain is oDtained the same as ady gone that way. On account of . Ja ,,,, . . , " J I hv nrn aHHAr. 'I hprn hrincr nn nntnnt. the hills nearly all having a southern on lhil, anv Dor8on ia ttt libertv t0 U8e exposure, the grass will bo earlier on Uhe same. Mr. John Clark, of this thai route than on any other. place, (Oly mpia,) has a furnace of this Jas. 0-M..A, editor ofS. Albany Jfi tJS State's Eights Democrat, in the last llir8( nnd wiu hold one ton of rock. issue of that journal publishes a per. When melted, the metal can be drawn sonal article of over a-column in off evory twelvo hours. Ihus,Hwill lenirtb. tho unshot of which is that be apparent to all that this now pro t- t n t..p r..-.n:-i.-.-i. ..i ce88. " successfully put in operation, t in uaivuiubuu bi give uitpuvuo lu iuui it O'Mera with having accepted money mining in this country, and gives tho as a roward for his political course poor miner a chance as well as the during tbo coming canvass, which rich. Mr. .Laman says in his letter to n'Vforn HnninB nnrl rmhimiv, nmninima bis brother, that ore in Colorado, that ' r V . . -n , ... .K D(or .:ii lofr. ill TiPft tvill rrnT a lunn nn oafia r .. . . -r ' WWMH ..... L..IV UW UMHU- j,.-. IV tAO M t St t 1 ( H fhtt (llfttOfin ., , , . . 1-v T" . rVi I IJUyO VUVV LVl IV II ITIbU VUU IUIIIHVU tmtfAn anrl tnt. 11 1 Ti ia n Iiai TKota !-'. AND FUEIGIIT, mrCDrlm At CJntes ic CJlinpin'n, AUCTION SALE T WILL SUI.L AT PUI1L10 AUCTION, AT THK JL Store of Abrahanison A Kohlhurg, on Main street, n Saturday, March 31t, at IO a. in All of their Stock of CLOTIITKQ and Qeutleuieb's FURN1S111NO GOOD?, consisting of Coats, I'autH. Vests, Hats, Boots, CUIUS, &.C., &C, tiC. This rale Is worthy of the attention of Dealers and others. The Stock must be sold v.-ttht'Ut reserve Messrs. Abrahemson A Kolilberg intend to close out tueir ousintss at me uaues Dei ro tno 1st or April. mrMtd JOHN WILLIAMS, Auct, TO THE TRAVELIKO PUBLIC. XIIK NEW BRIDGE A CIIOPS TI1B LOWER T)KS CIIUTKS IS NOW COM- 1. plete, nnd ready fur the crosilng of TKAMS, PACK IIIISCIIUIES JIUAU t llttlUdKCU. Dalles, March 23, 18(10. nir20:lw J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING. WASHINGTON STKBKT, DALLES, Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SEGAT18, PIPES, YANKEE JNOTIONS, AND STATIONER Y, AT SAN" PHANC1SCO cost. mr27tf ONE KUDBEDM!LES SAVED ! BL1CKF00T&1UG BEX D MIXES BY WAY OF Wliitc Bluffs! TIIE SIIOltTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distanco from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 mile. White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiollle, 100 " ttoColvIUe 170 " Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Field., will save Save Time Distance and Money ' By taking the White Bluff Road. Wood, "Water aud Grass Aro fonnd on this Road within easy drives. Tho road is now open, nnd possesses advantages ever any other laud route from the Dalles. ruOHsiieti iiv order oi Til K CITIZENS OF TIIE DALLF.S. Dalles, March. 20, I860. ni20:am. J. JUKEE, .nam street, uawes, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DKALER IX cigars: tobacco, snuff, PIPES, See. ALWAYS IS 8T0RI THI BEST BKAICSS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches. &c. WJLAYINO CARDS. M. l'( a " figotio word" as lho boys sny. Eed Tafe. At a rocont eetlloraent of tbo accounts of a collector and diss burslng agoot of the Government, named Foote, he was found to have a balance duo him of two cents, he re ceived a check as follows: " Draft 2,050 on Treasury warrant, I Treasury oi the United States. JNo. This great difference is owing to tho motal being in sulphates. The VANCocvea Quartz Ledge. Hatched egs don't turn out quite as weir as some expect. The Vancouver quariz discovery is now a question, as will appear by the following from yesterday's Herald : Oca neighbors at Yaneouver are truly exercised rotative to the disco v 1,954. W ashington, J anuary 8th, 18GC ery 0f quartz in their vioinity. Divines At siirht pay Lrastus Foote, collector &nA ipVmon annear to ha eno-nored in ft and disbursing agent, or order, two grand Bcramblo to see who will get cents F. E. Spinner, Treasurer of the best location in which tt secure a the United States. Eecorded January fortune. Last Sunday evening the 8th, 1868. S. B. Colby, Begistor of congregation in a certain ehurch in the Ireasury. Assistant iroasurer Vancouver,, after sitting an hour over U. S., Boston, Mass. time waiting for tbo Domini, were in On this important document thero formed by a lay member that the were seven signatures, and all for two Reverend gentleman bad not yet re ..... rrk o,U turned from the minest and recom. v t I manHari that f ha nnn irtArva f vtn aari I r A the draft was offered a dollar lor it, l8elf inU fl rrayer meeting wbict bat said he would not sell it for five was no sooner sutreosted than adopted. ddllari. "' ' . The editors and printers are in the I'OCKET CUTLERY. POUT MONIES. COMBS and UROBHKS. o' all kinds, PKHKUMERY. nt every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and PISH1NO TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY OOODS. 4c. Also Powder.Bhot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, uui many other articles too nunierons to nieution. Air Interior dealers suitnlied with Cigars. Tubacco.etc. t less than Portland prices, with freight added. oc-H FOR CITY MARSHAL. BALDWIN & BRO., p-lOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL MY FRIENDS AND A "iiiiw"!!!.." """"I IOR TIIE BENEFIT OF ALL MY FRIENDS AND A JL few of my enemies, I announce niyHolf us a Candi ante lor uty Marshal nt the Doming election. uuiiiie j. n. p. uouii. FOR CITY MARSHAL. A T THH REQUEST OF MY FRIENDS I ANNOUNCE XH. myself as eauthdatej for Re-election. mite CHARLES KEELER. MAIN ST.. DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, f WAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF MM. SPRING AND ISCiMMEH GOODS, Consisting In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Clothing, Voots & Shoes Hats & Caps, Which they offer re-sell at SMALL PROFITS. Dalles, March 27th, i860. mr2Trf UE.1IOCUATIC TICKET. Tor Mayor JAMESM. BIRBi foe Recorder JAMES A. CAMrDELL. ' o Treasurer O. 8. SAVAGE. Vol Marshal N. R. PACKARD. For Covucilmen J. W. BLAKENY. . P. FITZGER ALD, W, t. MILLER, WM. MOvABBS, jj. W. FKKOU- OFFER FOR SALE IN CONNECTION W1TU A COM plete stock of . Stnplo Groceries, ALL KINLS OF FEED. Barley Ac Oats, Clfroniitl IBarley,. Bran &; Shorts, Wheats Which we propose to sell in quantities to suit' at PORTi LAND PRICKS, adding freight. inlail J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, JSatu St.r Dallci, Orcgoiu. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM tho citizens of this nlaco and vl. cluiey, that having returned from a pro- i kmiuiiw iimr inroutrii .lie mirs. lie ha. again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY, In the room. u. u.v. tj- uu.upm uj uiiu, m wis ouiiuing occupied w Wood a Bittlen, Photograph Artists, and adjoining Wal. . "n -.".w. w who. .III. UIPIIIOU OI SXf- trnding thnnlu, foith liberal patronage heretofore "w u mu .oucus a commuRuoe or the i Liar or mioia. Entire Dentnre on Qold Blii........,..,.4l80 to t?M . " Upper Denture, Oold lia,.......M 90 las Denture. Vulcanite Base.......... 70 " V Sold Fittings Inserted from on dollar upward. Children.' lestu extracted free af charge. telS-M