11 ma paito fltatainccr. ' fc-ACTS AND FANCIES. "Sal, what time doen your folks dine?" "Soon as you gocB tbat's missus' orders." - Aunt Botsey says, " a newspaper is liUo a wire, because every man should have one of bis own." Aunt Betsey is right. A young lady rofused to go into the Woolwich Arsenal, tho other day, be. cause cbe heard that some of the mus kets wero without breeches. There's Uelioacy, for you ! An old bachelor says, the most dif1 flcult operation in the practice of sup fiery, is taking the jaw out of a wo' man. The rascal! He ought to be wont to Salt Lake at once. Jerry Diggs remembered his miser ly uncle in his will, for be bequeathed .' To my mother's brother, a gun flint ad a knife to skin it with.'' A notorious cxaggerator, after de scribing an impossible tree, said to his auditor : " 1 would not have believed it myself, if I had not seen it." 'Well,' roplicd the dry listener, " I don't see A Frenchman having frequently hoard the word "press" made use ol to imply persuade, as for instance, "press that gentleman to take some refresh raents," "press him to stay to. night," thought he would show Lis tatonts by using a synonymous term, and thorefore, made no scruples oue voning to cry out in company : "Pray, squeezo that lady losing." A traveler stopping a Western hotel exclaimed in tho morning to the waiter, What are you about, you black rasi calf You have roused mo twice from my sleep by telling me breakfast was ready, and now you are attempting to strip off tho bed clothes." "Why," replied Pompey, "if you isn't gwine to git up, I must have do sheet, any how, caus dey's waiton' for do table cloff." . , A manly Httlo fellow of fivo years foil and cut his upper lip so badly, that a surgeon had to be summoned to sew np the wound. Ho tat in his mother s lap during the pnintul oper ation, pale, but very quiet, resolutely kcoping back his tears and moans. In her distress, tho young' mother could not refrain from saying : " Ob, doctor, I fear It will leave a disfiguring scar I Charloy looked up into her tearful face, and said, in a comforting tone i "Never mind, mamma, my mous tache will cover it r Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEH. IIOL.LIDAY, Proprietor. COXCORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE C1TV EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKH CITY with Concord Stages Jtuuning to Virginia City, Neva tin., . AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. FAUKi Boise City to Fait Lake Pity flOO 00 u Virginia City, Mnntima li'S 0U Missouri Hiver, Legal Trader 300, Uold, $100... 400 00 For further information apply at OVERLAND STAflK LtNK omCK, Boise City, 1. T., mh0d3m J. N. TilDI), Agent. i. i). sTurtiuAso:-. HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPI'O Kite liloch, Miller A Co., where he la prepared to do all kinds of DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well fiiiiahtd manner. TEETH Insertec it ono to an entiro set, on Uold or Kubbor Plate. Prices rango for ltubber Piute, from fcld to s5 : Foi Gold Plato, from $75 to $I'J6. Car-1'ersons Having work dono by me not proving sat islactory will uot be required to recoive or pay lor th name. uul3ti NEW HEARSE! rjHB UNDErtSIONKD BEOS TO INFORM THE CIT. JL i7.ons of the Dalles end vlciuity that lie has received NEW HEARSE, and will Attend Iixnerrils on short notice. This Is the flr.,t, and at present, only ucarae in me ciiy. 1. SI. EVANS Lslles, May 19, 1865. my:20-tf. Sheriff's Sale of Ileal Property. BY VIRTUS OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court in -and for Wasco Count State of Oregon, and to me directed. In fa-or of Jaa. II. Neyre plaintiff, and against II. J. Drew de fendant, for th sum of Four Hundred and nlnely-fonr and TU-100 dollars, ($49470-100) prioclpal.and thirty-three and uyiwaollara, avawo-iuuicostsoi action, wun interest and accruing costs, I have levied upon and will sell at pub lic auction before theConrt Iloue door, in Dalles City, on SATURDAY, the 28th DAY OF APIIIl., 1816, between the hoors of t o'clock. A. H.. and 4 o'clock, r. if., to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all of the interest of me fletoniiani in ana to ine mum nan oi iota one (ii and two (S) in block Ave (5) In Dalles City, fronting SO In on Washington street, and running west 116 feet mora or less CHARLES WHITE, Sheriff By R. W. Cimmhix. Deputy. Dalles City, Slerch 28th. 1868. m30w4 LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARUE3T IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonable.' AN OM.NII1US will attend all the Boats and conrev PaHsongars and their bairicaire to the House Freo of Charge, or to uny other House In the Cliy fur 60 cents. H. uurriN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS in tho House. All the Steamers for Oreiron City. Vancouver. Montl- colloaiid Astoria laud ut the Lincoln House Wharf. sepl:Jm SELLING OFF AT COST! Hy entire stock of STOVES AND TINWARE, , ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. fWVIE WHOLE embracing n fine stock, ever' article JL or which will lie sold at COST, as I desire to close out business. Also, one GRAND PIANO, in mod order. Also, lor sale, the HOUHK AND I.UT, on Second St.eut. next to the corner of Washington. The House Is two stories, with a basement, and Is well adapted to the hotel business. Also a lot or liEDDlnO, comprising about twenty-nve Beds, 'ine whole will be clused out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. auv:am a ii ut. ii T o a I'l l N u EN . TOYS! TOYSIITOYS! TOYS I FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers In that tine to tne iiabhist and toy emporium or THUMAUKR ZUIN, 820 and 322 Battery Street, n28:3ra Ban Francisco. S.LEMOIV, WHOLMMM AND KETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, beta-con Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. LEMQX Is able to supply parties In want nrDriies, re Patent Medicines. Chemicals. Acid. Perfuinerv. and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. 4Hf Physicians ami Merchants Intending to purchase far the Mines, will do well to give him ft call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. S. LEMON, ap.Sitf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLAND l Ol iMHU AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. ITiteam hnsines of from 4 to4u horse- . A1k"p.1A power,titlier Portable or Stationary. Also. CIR CULAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly on hand. Also, Hay Pres ses of all sizes; Plaiting Machines.! Woodworth's patteru,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Vor tical SaWaud (J rist mills; Brass and Iron Castings ana WROUGHT IROK WORK of every description. I am also proparod to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to anv nart of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers Acrionltnrftl imDlemanti manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICK N. II. rartlculor attention paid to REPAIRS. feUO-tt Notice to Settlers. TIIR PUDLIO SURVF.YS of Townships 4, North llama. 32 Kaat, and 4 and 6 North llanire. 33 Enst Willamette Meridian, Orcgou. have been approved by the Surveyor fleneral of Oregou. and the plats thereof, bear ing uate, reuruary lu, wee, men in tnis nmce. OWEN WADE, Register. Land Olflce, Oregon City, February 27, 180s. J m9w3 COLUMBIA RIVER MINES ! 1. 1. tOOTI. ....... RAMI iimsoH. BOOTH .te NEVIS ON, Forwarflllig and Commlsalon merchant! AND DKLKRS IN OKNERAT MERCHANDISE, White HImiTm, W. X, MnoTin. sen rAT.VTI.T.H TTPPPH rVTr.tlMtlTA X KOOTKNAI and DLACHK0OT MINKS promptly turwardrd. . . . ' Mark Goods D. Wl lteuiuns,w.T, . (irrBSNCis I PSkTUliB Bichards A McCraken, Allea Lewis, and , piodge A Calef. DAU.H Bloch. Miller Co.. trench Ollmah. 77. to LETT TUB DESIRABLE RKSIDBNCR situ i ted on the Bluff, formerly occupied by T. B. KELLY, Is for rent. There are five rooms, partly fhrnished I also ont houses; a good spring of Onol water, together with one acre of rfcii garden ground, with a secure fence around the same. Term reasonable. Apply to KELLY k DENNY. rr noticc. . ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TITK 0NDERBTOKKD are nquasust la 'come and ee me" before the Mt Inst, at the Dank EXcbanfe Baloebv IMitd . . H.BKHIO. ' fa a V'Uil.l '1 . - . , , . LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO,, " IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DUTJGrGrlSTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts. SAN FIIANCISCO. mhMriiein. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE And Dress JMahlusr EHtabllNhment, Opposite Cohn t Bohm's, f WOCt.D CALL TIlH TTENTION of the Ladles e JL the Dalles to my lar.e and One stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, DOKNETS, II4TS, FEATHERS Dreoa irrlmmlngs, Sco. Ilavlng secured the services of MR8. FRARY, lu the Drees Making apartment, we will do all Work la that line and guarantee perfect satlslactlom ' nVTNII itntia In &II enlnHI. - Give me an early call, and I wilt endeavor to suit everybody In TASTB and at KKASUNABLB PRICKS. Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLRSALI AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. UED1CINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, fATKNT MKDICIiNKS, Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATHS T MEDICI A DRUGS AND PATENT MEDWIS DRUGS AND PATENT SIEDIC1S ESU ESH ESU A. SI2IIIKS OF Literary and Scientific Lectures YVTHICH has been In contemplation for some time, v v is new oifured to the peoido of the Dallos. The first Lecture of the Eorics will be given Monday Evening, - and one each TueBdny Evening thereafter, through the beriesol Mbl Lectures, 'liie proceeds will lie divided between the Congregational and Methodist Sabbath Schools. 4 - Tickets for the Coarse : : 0XB DOLLAR. Single Admission, fifty cents. This lecture will be delivered by BKV. DH ATKIN SON, in the Congregational Church lecture will coin mence at 7 o'clock. Subject: 80U11ATKS HIS TISIK. Tne toiicwiog geutiemvn are expected to dollvcr each one Lecture: Rev. Dr. Benson, Portland; ' Juige Wilson, Dalles; Bov. Dr. AtKinson, llev. Mr. Driver, " Kev. Mr. Caffrey, " Prof. Itolund. ' Judge Hill, Canyon City; J. A. Odell, Kq., Itev.T. uonau, " MRS. L. WHITE'S 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THEOALLERY over Deguar's Store, would respectfully announce to all those wishing Photographs, Carts de Vislte, Sic, that they will do well toglve her a call. Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies aud Children's t'cturoj. ociici. MANTUA MAKER, m WltS. MATTIK H0LBR0OK would reinectfiillv In ITi form the Ladles of the Dallos and vicinity, that sue hob openeu a shod in connection wun juissu notirae where she is nrenared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the Kost, sue nopes io os auie w please an as to irorm ana irasblon Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THREE DOORS West ot the, Corner of THIRD and union streets. oc21;m3 DAILY M0TWTAIEEER 'J. ' POWKB PRKS8 BOOK h JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES.... OREGON. JOB PR1NTINCOF EVERY VARIETY Kxecnted with accuracy aud dispatch. I A STYLE THAT WILL COM PARK FAVORABLY with tho vury best, and AT SATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ST . to order: Cards a nil B i 1 1-II earit. CHECKS, DRAFTS, JiECEWTS, POSTEttS AND PU0GRAMME8 FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS c., rc, c, PRIMTEl) IX THE MOST ATTRACTIVE MANN1K. ALSO, WAT-BILLS, BILLS OF FAKE, LETTJCK HEADS, HhVEJVT BOOKS. BILLS LADIKti, Rricfs mill fnnipiilelN, YI&1T1KQ, WEDDING AXD "AT HOME" CABV3 DrucsiHta Labels, In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job I'rintinc OlDce. from the smnlieHt and most dellmtoL'srd or Circular, to the largest sir.e and most thuwy Posting Bill and which will be tunica out in a style that muix.t fail to itisuru entire satisfaction. Ol'H rAOlLITIKS riW fill IXECUT10!) OF , . JECORATIVE PRINTING In the moat beautitul uolors, Bimdea auit hum. Such as Fancy" Posting Bills-! f mm a Bin tie Sheet lu the Largest JUuiuiuoth. ORNAMENT A h SHOW CAItDS, ruHFVAtEHS LABELS, Ate nnBurpawjed by those ot any other eutuul.Hhu.eiit a Oreguu. We devote Hpeciul uttentioo to this brunch ul t h buHiuew. and are contiuuiilly adding to our alrendj extri live and well appoiuted asuortiueut of material,- NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, d-C, i ofc., o?i.' Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock e FANCY INKS, TINTS, &.C., Are of the finest quality, uud for richness of color aud durability, cannot be equaled in the Stute. The priuciple upon wlitcb business is asicoa lor tins es tablishmeut is, that persons will consult thoir own inter ests, by awardiug their custom to that othce in which their niouoy cnu bo expended to the best advantage. T this end we solicit all in want of good Pi intiui;, at very reasonable charges, to call aud examine specimens, and Judge for yourselvus. . Orders frftm the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the luterio may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, us we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon ! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE - mlS-tf Dulles. Oregon. . Furs I Fiirs ! TUB IIIOIIKST MARKET PRICK PAID IN CASH FOR : Beaver, Otter Mink and Ooon Skins, By RIOUARDS A McCRAKKN. Portland Sept. 2T, 1H06. oc4:3m Washington Wagon Road. mim UNDKR8IONKD WOULD I'FORM TIIK J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road irom roruanuana Vancouver 10 llle upper uiscades is well being kept In good.travelljig order for wagons and "VOCK. K. U. HAKDY, Dalles Jan. 11th 1869. Janlltf Sole Proprietor MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILLIA-ItD ROOM, f . M. HUNT, Proprietor, ' CORNIB OF ' Main and Court Sti-oet, !- ... m. '. : J ItXdles, Oregon. JAGKSOIS SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLESJOIIEGON. TIIBU.NDEI19IONKD, I1AVINO REMOVED FROM TIIK "UKLLA UNION" CKLLAlt, INTO Gates' New Buildingf, Reg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch I Every day and evening. BBIIli SCI11TZ, doc?-lf ! Proprietor. ll&rtl Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS Wit I1KQ TO CALL ATTENTION or Carriage Maa ufacturors and Dealers to the Lnrge nud Coin plete assortment of CARUIAUKand WAUON MATKltl ALS we are constantly receiving from the Kant, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Illckofy.'and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Hlms,bhu!ts,Ao. Ac which we oiler at the lowest Cash Prices. Orders addressed to our bouse will receive promp attention. N. W. 1)11 AGO t CO., jelft:3m. 29 31 Battory Street, San Francisco) and 17 A 19 eleventh Street Sucruuienlo. 0. Watkhhouss, 11. W. liiuuo Co., J.W.Lehvm San Francisco. Sacramento. . . New York boh AatxT is cauforxu ro TILTON & MoPARLAND'S Fire & Burglar Proof Safe. ; STEEL-LINED VAULTS, Ooxtibination Lock. -Constntl ' hsnd a full assortment of EAFKSi -r 318 SATTiSRY BTREKT, IfUm . Ban rrancJaeai