Money Market. Npw York Gold QmiMtloiM 12t IUti Francisco Legal 'fender rates 8J Epitome of Telegraphic News. costriusD max th oncaoNiiX. DATISS TO MARCH 2T. 1 Chicnto, Mnri-li 27. Ttieliill ircear-inpr Hie in.miicr ul CudU Ht West Point, will be re- urleil ill H few days. Seiv York, Munli 27. The Herald" i Port Me., ppecir.l dispnich any : 'lii'ie whs n very l.ry.: nnd enthusiasMi: Feuiun demon-.-trillion lust Tvenincr. Tlie procc'vioii, a ii. I" a el the I'.-ehle Home, was n-Htcheil with much iiucri'si tiy tun Provincials -there as sembled. Tlie Atunatuik paj er d-niea that Hie Fenians in tbe extern section of the State intend to invade the Deigiiboritig proviuce of M'tv Urun.wick. . The Seuaie milium commit Ice. ve9terdnv lpasscd upon a Urge utitnber of applications military promotions and assignments ol West Poin Cadets to the regular anny, which will be acted tip on at tbe next executive ses kion of the Senate. ' The sum of $3b5,000 In fractional currency was yeaterdny delivered by the printing di vision of tbe Treasury Department. The World's Washington diepatch says the ways aud means committee are prep iring an other tax bill, in which they propose to put una articles as ought to be plat ed on the tree IUt. The only tneature that the committee lias ready to report is one putting a tax of live cents per pouud on cotton. Tu-diiy, how-i-ver, they expect to fettle some of the other natters, and ttcxt week report the bill to the Uou.'e. The Senate milftary committee, yesterday authorized Mr. Nesmiih to report 'a bill iu lavpr of rrimuursing the State of Wertern Virgiuia for the ttiouey expended in raising and tranaiiortiug tronps during the rebellion, to the .amount of $300 000 The c ise of the Meteor, the alleged Chilean privateer, was np yesterday in the U. S. Dis trict Court, and the case comes on again to- nay.- An exhibition of the game of bil Hards took place last evening at the Cooper Institute. Tbe players were It iherls, the English cham pion, Karnnangh, Dtery, Cohill, Fray and Foster. There wore four games pi iyed, in two of which Roberts was victorious againft Kavanaugh and Deeiy respectively. Cohill beat bini at the French carom game. The presiding officers of the different Tra lei Uuion societies held a mealing In this citv lor tbe purpose of making arrangements for Having a grand National Convention of the Trades Societies, and tbe U. Si credentials' to be presented from tbe representatives of the 60,000 members of tbe Trades Unions of tbe country at large. Resolutions were adopted. an I a committee appointed to make the nee- leisary preparations tor tbe.convention. Net? lorlc, March 27. The Herald' Rio Jane id correspondent writes respecting at iiuira id irati, ana ins. progress or war be i-.I I- T ...... u . lt ween the nun s and tbe Paraeunvans. Tbe grand attack of tbe former is not re: ex I.... .... Ipectea to De uiituo, tjuttne two tioet ilo forces tiavo confronted each other on the opposite aide of the I'.irana river, and it is rep"ed that tbe allied army would cross tbe river. xoout tne rtiMale ot rebruary, preparatory 10 a iormianoie assault on tbe Paraguayan mronguoia. i ' rriuimofon, March 27. The Rrvublicam kaserta that the President has laid up for Prosecution the cases of fire hundred of the principal participants In the rebellion, whom ue noias lor tue purpose or justice. waimngion, warcu '11. President Johnson knsmttted a veto message to tbe Senate to dy, on the civil rights bill. The message as not, up to this bour, 1:30 p. u,, been lead. f. : Senator Footo,' of Vermont, is supposed tie in a dying condition tuts noon. Sun Franeiteo, March 27. N. Willis Coles, gentleman well known la ibis city, and irmeriy hook Keeper in tbe olllce f ex- Ihoriff Doane, met with a most horrible oath -a few n.lnutes past eight o'clock tbis lorniug. at the station of the San Jobs rail- pad, on Fourth street. Mr. Coles was about take passage on tbe eight o clock train for or) wood City, and while standing on tbe morm talking to Ur. Mcwball, President the road, tbe train started. In attempt- Ig to jump upon tbe cars he accidentally ill between H ana the platform, and being lugbtby tbe moving train, was crushed in o moat horrible manner, his body being Irrieu by tbe train and twisted several lies around until it was pressed into a space It more than six inches in width. JJoiore i train stopped his body bad been crushed tin the legs up to the breast. The planks tbe plutiorm bad to be sawed out before could be removod. . ' ...s : P TIIE THAVJELIIVG 1UULIV'. IniK neSv huidge CROSS TDB LOWER DK3 CHUTES IS NOW COM. . nlete, and ready for the crossing of TEAMS. PACK f MALSj ate. TOLLS MODRltATH ' kits, Match as, uet. . nr:lr C. 8, Miller, Dalle: Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE :. ' AND DEALERS ' .. Wines te Liquors, And Iniportori anil Jobbers of - CLOTHING Roots & Shoes,' Under Clothing:, Illaiiket, etc., , etc, - etc. ASSAY OFFICE, WfTK HAVE AN ASSY OFFICE IN CONNECTION v v with our businsKB, under the entire supervision of Mr. Milter. We make returns in Bars in six hours. We guarantee, all our A whys and pay the HIGHEST eMail PK1UH Mr num. He alto pay the Highest Cuh rrlco lor Uuiu uust. BL00H, MILLER 0), Hiy6tf Cor. Main and Waiihingtnn atreou. Dulles, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THK PACKAGE, ( FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, . Adding cost of TruneportatluD. CDMMING A GRANT. Dalles, Qregon. mlSIf W. 13. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Birnbaum.) PSACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ASH DEALM IX :!- " . Iino Watches INVITES THK ATTENTION OF niS- FRIENDS AND the Public to hit choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods,' Respectfully soliciting their patronnge. ' Wa'chos PROMPTLY and PR0PEKLY repaired and W Attn ANTED. niOtf Next Door to the Post Office. , last change: FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER!! Goods "at San Francisco Cost It WILL CONTINUE TO SELL OUR STOCK OF COATS, PA-NTS, SOOTS & SHOES, HATS $ CAPS, , . ; .. And a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods. ,AT COST! : K wV?HOUT3FAfI "r;'' When lnM. . r XT Parties Indebted to us will please call at onr .store before tbo above date. liaif AliltAIIAMSON A KOHLBERG. AOAED. MADAME LB TELLIKR WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the Ladies of the Dalles and vlvlnlty, that she is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK and PALETOT making. Also, CUTTING and FITTING! In a new and Improved style, never before introduced In tills' place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. - - In the Rooms lately occupied by Mrs. White, over Degencr's Store, on Waahinatou street, between Second aud Third. , ' ' i. Dalles, March 27th, 18G0. mrZItf PAIB WARNING! ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO DDSENBURY t BRO. are hereby notified to call and settle before the 1st of Aptll ; otherwise, legal proceedings will bs had. Dalles, March 27th, lSOfl.-mr27td , ISAAC P. DLOCB, fan Fraucisroi '. WAM)nO! 1 BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, ' Mlu Street,' Cnllen, Oregon. WBNOW OCCUPY f'Ult NEW TWO STORY FIHB WW proof Stone uuiMlnit. nntitalte Bloeli. Miller Co.. nnd offer to the public a fall nnd complete stock of ui'ugs, jueaiciues ana t;iioDircai8, consisting iu part or KEROSENE. ' lamp wicks a cu1mnky8 uops, BACE, 81HWOES. r LKKCI1E9, 1UHPKNTINB, , ALCOHOL, ' ACIDS. LINSKKD, i LAKH, COItK, CAfTOll AND . . INDIGO AND NKATSFOOT Oil, LANPULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. . AND PATENT MICUlCItKH. Our stcick of FANCY GOODS I (of the finest nd belt quality; new stytioml mrge RsnortuteHts, SHca an LUlllN'SI'EltFUKKIIY, II A I s.UIMN'8 TOILET SOAP, FLESH, POMADES. . 8I1AVIXO, COSMETICS, . IIAT. HAIK 011.8, CI.0T1I"S, COLOGNE. TOOTH AND . FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL llltUSIIKS TOOTH POWDEltS, AND COMUS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Fur Medicinal purposes. Our fai-ilitiei fur buying goods are second to none In mo mute, ana we snail at all times sell at a small ml vuote from cost, lltuuly sales aud iDiall prollta. PHYSICIANS' TRESCUIPTIOJIS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night I'tuies, aept. v, i5io. ' leiu-tl RE M O V A L . GATES Ac CHAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, . ' Have Removed to RUDIO'S STONE Hl'ILDIXG, 1 WASHINGTON BTREET, DALLES. ' WHERE we will onntinne to sell articles nanally kept in a Firxt-Clius Drug Store, at 20 per cent, LESS THAN ANY STOKE IN TUB CITY. Our stock consists lu part of Patent Medicines. Pure Wln-s and Brnndy, Extracts, Fancy A Common Soap, Sponges, . Hair Brushes Trusses, Braces, Corks, Acids, Paints. .1 Tooth Powder, - ' Varnishes, Alcohol, . Oils, Hops, 1 Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ac, pnisiruxs' prescriptions . Carefully Componniled. Give us a call and satisfy y ur- seiTee ueiure purcnasing eisewnere.. ' " II. L.CHAl'IN, n!9tf JUSTIN GATES. VKKY IMPORTANT , ; '. TO ' " Merchants, Families, ITolels and BAR-nOOMM. - TUL7US KRAKMEIl HAVING BOUGHT TiTR FN. tire Stock of Uerchandiae and Book Accounts of tlie late firm ot M. Seller A Co.. lu this city, to which he has added ot nis own importation (while doing buslinise Ip rortianaj an imnieuse cluck ol the best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, v Plated Ware, Lamps, Ctaandcllcra, Table Cutlery Looklng-GlagC8 and All Kinds of Oils,' All of which lie offers at reduced rates. Persons wish. Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do wen togive me a can oeiore purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and gooos iwcKuu to go secure, uon't ran to call on me. lludiu's Stone Building, Washington street. Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMKR. Dalles. March 17th, 1805. mh!7tf Oregon Steam Navigation Co WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ' 0 ' ' !KlJrfsifVl IiftM fH AND AF1ER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th nntl Vf lurtner notice, .. ; . . . : Xlio Passenger Train, to connect with steamers , FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Nondayi, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at O A. ill, i THE STEAMERS ' "0NE0NTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. MoNULTY, , .'..........Commander, Wilt tears DALLES. DAILY. fSnndars f xcertedl at o'clock. A. Jt., connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, wiiii iiio Fveiinier r ... , "NEW WORLD " or " CASCADES," CA1T. J. WOLF,.... ...Commander, 0 Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Nov. 13, 1868. n!2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. : F . DEHM, Watcliniaker and Jeivclcr MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALER TN FINE WATCHES. JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver and Plated Ware, Bpectacles, CutleryAe. -Particular attention nald torenalrlnc fine' Tatches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by WV1TV lOODtllB. - N. B, Ail orders from the upper eountry, by Expn or otherwise, promptly atteuded to. -iitu w 1UV11VII JlUUills -, v (ONE DOOR ABOVE THE POST-pFFICB,) MAIM STREET, DALLES' CITY. ' el I will attend to (ales of " . ! Real Estate. ; . . . r . '1 : General Merchandise;. ' : ,. (. , Furniture, . -. r . I ' ' "' And Stocks. RiaULAR SALE DAYS, MONDAYS. AND FRIDAYS. " Slock and Special Bales any day, Sundays excepted. lylta I. A. O. PATN1. Auctbacei TRANKLIN MARKET: CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS s DALLES, OREGON, , , - JOH1TEPP1NGKR Proprietor , TfTB tTNflEllsrONBD linvlng fitted up tlie bore Murket In the II K T STYLE, will keep constant- Iv ou liauil all sorts of - . Fresh and Cured Meals,' ' Of the best awnllly frnl(ied at the LOWEST RATE ' , , , My motto Is to" ' PLEASE ALL." ,. PAP.TIE8 HAVINO SUPEMlOIt STOCK FOR (AH will do well to call ut the Franklin Market. JOHN EPl'lNOKR. Dalles, February 19th, 186&. , 11 ASH 1ft UTON MARK LT. I . ' cokitraor i ft COURT AND 8KC0ND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON ., JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. isrm. KEEP , 'tjfj'fonstanlly on hand all the varle- i isiilsjltities that tlie waiket can possibly aiioru, ui . , , a FRESH 3c CTJItEDi MEATS,. '; and always of the b st quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS;',.',', supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe nnderstune is alvraVs nriinarrd to nav the hlehv estcaah price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stink In good condition, are requested to rati on him before going elKswhere. . JOHN MICHELBACH. : uaiiea, siarcli Slst, 1BU0. . . . mbeltf FU11S, WOOL and HIDES. rjpiIB IIIOUEST CASII PRICE PAID f OK , . ; .PURS WOOL, AND HIDES, at I MeCRAKEN, MERRILL A C0.'8 ' - 18 North Fiont Street, Porthuid. , .,. mhlSSnt NKW YOKK BAKERY .'..;! '-. : : and - ; ': G R OCERY STORE, Itlalu Street Dalles. ; , ; mh23tf ' FREDERICK BKNZER. ' . J. A. FQK,I3Ii:S11 FAMILY GROCERY, ; FRUIT AND . ; - '' Provision Store, Y 1 CORNER OF WASHINGTON ft SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest articles of FltKSlI BUTTER, EGOS, and every variety or FAMILY GKOCERIES, ' xuts, candies; fa; $c:; 1 r Wholesale and Rotail,' at Reduced Prices' FOll CAEif. ' ' Also, dealer in '. I ;t hlUi't GIIAI.V, FLOUR AD FEED f! of all kinds, and will do a .. t ,.;., ,, , General CominKssIoii Business.,!. V No charges for Storage on Goods sold on CummMuoj I'rwefds of gales remitted promptly. JnlOtf. ' NOTICE TO FARMERS. riMlE DALLES LCMBEll AND MANUFACTCR1XO ' X COMPANY has recently attached a- ' .,, flourinq miliJ : :;; to their Steam Sash and Door Factory. In this CI It. ana are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UIUND WHEAT and ' CORN, and warrant to give the best sutlsfactivu. Ou nana constantly and for sale i i I " FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR," 'i .', . a , 8C0NDS OR MIDDLINGS,- " " -' 1 ;..'fto. DRAN AND SHOUTS, ' ! H ' ' . CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. ,, ., Alo, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from ur '" ' ' Corn, v . .,!! : .'1 ; .... " The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY. II.A.I10Guii,Agnt ,14 Dallus, Nov. J, 1865. r - n8tf. "AUCTION AND COMMISSION. : f JOHN 1 V I L Hi I AM H AUCTIONEERS r Ko. 100, Main Street, Dalles Clty.t -. WILL ATfEND TOTIIB SELLING AT ACCTIOX' ? ot General Merchandise, Real Estate, Groceries. Horses, New and Second Uund Furniture, 8tocks, Ac, Ac." , ' , ; Itogular Sales Day Saturday. Out-door and Special Sales attended to In any Dart of ', , the City. . ' Liberal Advances made on Consignments. ' W(h3m.' : JollN WILLIAMS. Auctlnn,i.. .. - . 1 'IMPORTER AKD JOBBtft.Of -i i'. ,.:. J Wiiics Ac Liquors, . ; ! ,V FRONT. STREET, ' '"?' r "Portland, , rv. , . i ONftn C OFFERS FOR SALE A. VERY LARGS ASSOKT . nient of Brandies, : tf Witv-.l r.r.; if , t i .Wines, : , j.. ;"; , ,;.-,",( i-'ir "" :-' Liquors, '" ' . ;r, ,7 Case Goods,. Ad, AC., ' " ' VC. ; - 43- The Trade 'is 'particularly Invited to examine my' ' stuck before pnrchaslui elsewhere. ' - eu24-tf JL300ItS! BOOKS! J :; wholesale- AND RETAti; '" ' fM ,3 Standard and Miscellaneous WORKs! fltTi Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS.i Ac, As., by every Steamer. Post-Offloe -T'V Bookstore, Alain street, Dallas. - Garden SeedS for tbe Million, aT-f ' ' H. J. WALDWOK " ; ' , . . . NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO COnN A BOITV atMt pay np by the 26th Inst., or Ugnl prucelincj will "t )',' r ' t.v