CI) a hi y i r 'u-fl v,fi vol.. r. DAIXES, OREGON, FRIDAY; MARCH 30, I8CO. NO. 3. V it5 nil w SlftY PUBLISHED EVER! MORNING, (MONDAYS KXOKPTKD,) BY E. G. COWNE & J. IIALl.ORAX, ' . EDITORS AND PROPRIETOR. : Vuv8- Twtnty-fiteemtt pur week, payable to the carrier par month, by mail. $1; three months, (2 60; six ivuiilbs,K; uue year,. AdvMtisetneuis Inserted at low raise. ,v , Job Printing. Kvery description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe ted with neatness and deBHtcu,and forwarded a per . erd" to any partflf thecuwntry. HttfmtHtJorJobi'rint my mutt Ik studs tm oWteery oj work. W. II. DOUGLASS, Practical Watohmukor, And Dealer In -g FIXE WATCHES A. JEWELKY, ' .' 1 'DALLES, OREGON. Established ItsiSr. BALDWIN BltO., ' DEALERS IN aROCERIES! ' CORNER OK Mnlnuud Union Streets, Dalles. J.C.BALDWIN nii2l-tf .F.W.BALDWIN. FURNITURE! FURNITURE DIKUIiAM &, WENTZ, -tlTMIT0. GLOBS HOTKL BUILDING, em in nnlUii fiitv. have on hand a varietr ' Household Furniture, embracing Tablea, Chairs, Bureaus Beds and Bedstead, Bedding, Carpets ic, rtc, all of which will bo told at low ratal. Furniture Kepatreu,anu upholstering uoneiooruer. ao.oh mw aleurnases aud Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. au!2 jtfV" a.. x-,rn KOADC8. . 0. B. KOCOCL. WM. MOABUS & CO., CITY BAKERY, . AMD m 0 VISION STORE, Corner of Firat and B Street!. WTIOLESALB AND RETAIL DBAU.KRS In BREAD, CRACK.KR8and Family GROCERIES. J0rders from a diatauce oaroful ly fl lied and promp ty ispatcnod. . . ' 1-tl jrOSEIII ELFELT, , WHOUUUU ANO aSTAIL DEALEa IN Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CU THING. BOOTS AND SHOES, . 11A.TS ANO CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, corner or Main and Court street. oe-lt llUU VSO Ac ODELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL I'KACTICK IN THK SUPREME AND OIR enlt Court of Oregon, and the District CourU 0 Washington Territory. PRrtlr.nlar attention nald to the eollectlon of claims, - 0. HUMAS3N Dalles, Ogn. J. A. ODELL. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, " OBy the Night, Week or Month, NEXT DOOR TO JA0K80N KNQ1NB HOUSE, aritf - , . ... MRS. 8PRRNGKB. . B. ATES. a. DAFT. GATES Sc HAFT, . Attorneys it Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON. , DIL. A.. II. STEELE, AOTINQ ASSISTANT BUROKON, TJ. S. 1. ornciAT WALDH IT BROS. DRUG STORE WW. BROWIV WARNER, M. D. OVVIOB T4 SECOND 8TRKET, between Wasbiogtop and Conrt. .(. Ornsi IIodh t toll, A.M.! 2 to 4 f Ms and to 10, . a O. li. BROOKS, M. V. Offloo At Dr. frnia'a Drua; Store. DALLES, OREGON. IR. R. V. MITCHELI OpVioi WALDRON'S BUILDING. . ; RaaroMci Corner of Third and Waahlngton Street CO A I. OIL! COAL OIL! WALDRON BROS, hare luat received a larire In skeof COAL OIL, iriiicb they vffr at rreatiy wlMed falte. .Jn7tl , fltf i it ii m a ii a i ii n a i, IMPORTERS A!tD WBOLKHALI Dealers in Wines, Liquors GUOCKUIES, Uliners' Goods, float Stores, &c., BATS RKMOTAD TO TBtlR NtW STONE BUILDING, coH.itaor Second and Washington Streets, DALtE3 CITT. NOW IN 8T0RK A LARGE AND COMl'LKTK AS ortmcnt of the Very bstt branda of WI1N1SS AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. ( Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York atid San t?rncico, we itre able and willliik to sell at very snnvll advauce on Snn FrHncisco prices. Tbey hope by adopting a strictly surrnct and prompt metliod ol doing business, tuey will receive the patrouage ct the pul 1IC. BV1VMI UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIAjVDLEY &SI..01T, 1'rop'rs. THIS POPULAR UOUSE, OUITRAUT LOCATED, - Near the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, llaa heeu receutly enlarged and Improved, and will now accommodate 300 GrTJEHTS. IT WILL BM CONDUCTED aa heretofore, aa a FIRST CLASS IIOU.SK, and the patrouage of the traveling public la respectfully aolicite l. 49 Baggage taken to the of charge. Home open all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dulles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIM STREET, DALLES, 0RE00N, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. . TBI CEHTR1 OP BU8!NH, Near the 8teamboat and Bailroad landings Superior Accommodations for Faniiliea-HUid can AO -oiuinodate Oue Hundred and Fifty Quests. , Meals 50 est. Lodging....... 60cts. Fir. Proof Safe for depoeltoof valuables, teh. House open all night. Baggage taken to the TToute f.eo of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mhS-tr Proprietor. CO XJMBIA RIVER MINES. . -A.. H. BOOTH, WUITB BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AKB OEXEHAL DEALER IN MEBCIIAND IS E AMD ITllIMERS'SLP PLIES. PACK ANO SADDLE H0H3E3 FOB SALS. -T HEIGHTS CON3IONFD to my eare for Colvllle EL Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Minos, will rs ocltf oeive prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864. !VEV rill IT, CUOCEKY AND PROVISION STORE. aaaaaaaaa-aa rpiIE UNDER8IONED INFORMS ni8 FRIENDS and X the public generally, that he has just established on uaiu street, next aoor to j . j uker, Tobacoonlat, , ' A NEW STORE ! " . where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortments selected FRUIT. Also, In store a completo stock ofcholce unwaaiAii, rtturJMViva, rnuBTABLKS, etc. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RK DUCKD PRICKS. Come and see and aatlafy yourmlf. . eel-tf JOHN 8P081TO. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles. Has on hand a large and well-assorted stock or GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ITrosh. Ruttor Sc EjfffS, Renelred dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of alt kinds. FRESH VBOKTABLKS etery morning. All articles warranted., . . Give Me a Call, Everybody! 1JI1ICKS LOW, F.LIKB1. JM. BROWN & BROs, WBOLSSALE AHS RETAIL SEALERS II FANCY AND STAPLE DBYGOODS! OROCBRIES, PROVISaONS, &0. Mr. M. BROWN, being a' resident of Baa Francisco, we are enabled to oner great lndc.rn.nts to purchasers. W resneotfully Inilte the pnbllo to eamlne oar stock belir pnrohaslng elsewhere. sals-ti " Btoa Store, aorta tide Uala street, Dallas. FORIIOIS12 MIXES DIRECT. TT ,JL AA JCU WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ... . . ... AND w . ;. . ,:. Weill, Faro & Co.'s Express, Is now nmklng Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI corrllle, (lloim Miuee.) Through in Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and th Bouts of the 0. B. K. Company. UKO. F. THOMAS k CO., np27-tf Proprietor NOTICE. . TIIE PIONEER STAGE C03IPANY Will carry FST FEEIGHTS , v FROM TJ. M rJ? I L TaJ , AFTER THK FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW- I.NO RKDUCKD RATKb; To Boise City...... 10 Centa per pound " Idano City ISO " OwyUcc 0 ; . For lens amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per ponud will bo charged. ' TIME PBOM UMATILLAt To Rolse City 3 Days. To Idaho City :.3 1-2 Days. TO Owyhee, .....4 Days. ' JOSKPU PINKUAM, Asent. Umatilla, Oct. 1,186ft. . . ocl8:tr. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. m W ISS 0'ROURKE D KSIRES TO INFORM the 1.1 M. Ladles of Dalles and Tlcinlty, that she has Just received a fresh supply of , ITuslilcmablo Goods, The latest Paris, New York and 8nn Francisco styles of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACKS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, o. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladles' Iteady-Itlade Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of ) . DRESS TRIMMINGS! 8TAMPIN0 for Embroidery and Braidfng. PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed In the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Ready-MaAe Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Claa Dresa Maker, I am prepared to cut aud fit Ladies' aud Children's DRESSES ami CLOAKS. THIRD 8TREET, one square east of the Catholic Church.. : oc21:am. TO TEAMSTERS ANDDAIRYMENI FJEED! FEED!! SHORTS, " ' AND FEED ; Of ALL KINDS, FOR SAC B7 ,' 11. H. LAW, . Si Front 8treet, Portland, nlO: . -. Opposite O. 8. N. Warehouae. . ' NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. . THK UNDERSIGNED would reepectlnlly aminnnee that he will open a first-clam aleon In Freuch k Oilman's New 8tone Bnililing, THIS EVENING, and is prepared to serve cmtomere lib the best uf Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A ; E R E E LUNCH Krery day and Evening, . " , : ocMtf- ' JOIIM ftlMDLAtlB. atTARTZ MILilrS! v And all kinds of Machinery Manofacrnrsd at th OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and TH streets, . ' PORTLiAIVD. A.. 0. 0IBD8 k CO.,' 1 J., 1' w. 1 ' Bnccessors to Perlland.Dee.eth'M. oeBtf .L.JoeA Co. notice; WB OALt TH8 ATTENTION 09 Tn POBI.IO t. the bet, that we hkv. concluded to give op hne. Umatilla, J3 o i s e! ' AND IDAHO - Express and Fast Freight Line. nHI8 LINK 13 N0W1N COMPLETE RUNNING M. ordor from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Bob City, and prepared to carry Freight aud Valuable Packagre . between these aud all Intermediate points with certaiuly aud draputch. , . The Line is Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affords and entirely . New Thorough-Brace . . iiilil wagons; Which ensures Speed anil Safety In the transmisiilou uf Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We otter' Supe rior inducemonta for Shlppiug Goods front tan Francit-o . and Portland to Idaho, as our arraiiRvjaieiits with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregou Stoam Navl-., giition aro such that all Goods shipped by this Line wilt not be subject to the usual dulayS but pass through as . Fast ITreijylit. Ooods shipped from San Francisco to our cure at Port land, Chargua wHl be paid aud Guodt shipped to destiua- GOODS SHOULD BE MABKBDi-lCARR B. M. P. k CO., F. LINE, and Shipping UecvipU sout to our Agvuta at Portland aud Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid- by th Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dinpuicb to oyhe aud South Boise. . . PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations In Now and Easy Riding Thorough Brae Wagons on tlie Most Liberal Terms, We lay over oucn night on the Road at Good and Conrenieut Stations, su that passengers will uot be deprived of regular rest. - , AOUMTHt ''." RICHARDS k McCUAKEN San Francis. RICHARDS McCKAKKN Portluud JOSEPH TEAL., .Dalles POWELL 4 0"E Usialilla J. B. WILKINSON .....LeGrnnl B. M. Dl'RKI.L a CO Uolse City B. M. DuRELL CO , Idaho City MAJOR 81'EER.... Rocky Bar (South Boteei DURELL k MOORE Ruby aud Silver Cities . ' B.M.DuRELLACO.;' ' 25tf ..' Proprietors. ' A CARD FOR TIIE . . Fall & Winter Clothing Trade , OF SAW FKAIMCISCO. , ,;. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, Hot. 411, 413 ana 418 Battery Street, Cor. Merchant, San Frauotaco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH ST0CK WX WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Merl chants to our usually large stork of Goods. Our stock comprisos erery article In tl, Clothing and Fur nisklug line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Casslwer snd Wool HATS at any lions In San Francisco, and our prl es for !he Hood, are less than I hoes of any tiouse, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our stock. r Summer and Fall Uoojn is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country mercUaut is the uuusually low prices. Less Than the Cost or Importation! W also keen the STAPLK ARTICLES in th. Dry Good' line, which Gonds we have purchased in this market un der the Tiamtnar, and are uttering them at New Voik Cost, and less. 1 Ws publish this card In order that we easy malt, n.w ', and induce those who have uot herotufur. purchased of as, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are th. greatest Indnoements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of us can niake a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low flguro. We remain, respectfully, Vour Obedient servants, ' '; ! BADGER k LINDENBRROER, Ti isolesale Clothing aud Hat Warehouse, ' Noe. 411, S and 416 Battery street, Ban Fraaclioo, February a, laoo, , j-ao,w.' DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC a COMPOUND, An Expeditious Our for all diseases or the ' SEXUAL ORGANS, THIS prompt and efflcatlous Remedy forth car GhonorruM, Gleet, Strictnrss, and Diseases of tin Urinary Organs, makes a epeedy cure without th least restriction to diet, exposure or cbaag in application business; it will radically cur any caa which oaa be produced. The dlseas It removes as speedily as Iscok slstent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted II tha SPECIFIC COMPOUND is taken when exposed. Its Ingredients are entire! y vegetable, ad no Injurious , Itsuse constitutionally or locally.can be ausd by Prlci On Dollar and Fifty cents per bottl. Sent by Express cure Hi Mr packed. . H08TETTKH SMITn BfAN. Agents, -' ,. "anu 408 Battery street, c,r day, ,, .vallah. 0. w. AEats. . a. ARUFe n ai 'aii Importer and Jobber of . WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. , BRUSHES, TWINES, CORD AOS. Ac .,'!. And Manufacturer of , . f ( California Palls, Tab.?, Brooms Ac, JU,"lnlii'i?Cr'n,''t0 8t,ttt' '"'WMtt Front .r 1 r-.,U.