i Tl rl nfm n i'l lin I'l likf v . Sloney Market. How York Quid Quotations , Kiiti Frunciitco Legal Tender rates ,.121 80 Epitome of Tclesraphlc News, fCOXl'ILED FROM Till OREQON1AN . DATES TO MARCH S4. - Cincinnati, March 24. Pike's Opera House U entirely in rnius. The A'nguirer ollico in ulao destroyed. The fire spread across liaker Btieet to the Adams Express stnblus, mid several bui dings on 3d street. The Express Company saved their valuable pack ages, but everything else was lo t. the total loss will reauu $2,000,000 ; Pike's loss lieirjg $10,00'), on which he had but a trifling insurance. It is supposed the fire was caused by an explosion ot l'us. New I'ork, March 24. Last evening the reaidence of John P. Moore, No. "100 Madison Avenue, was robbed of a tiu box containing $100,000 in United states securities. A re ward of $5,00 " is offered. Nothing further has been divulged about the robbery of $1,500, 0)0 from Lord's office, but mysterious advertisements lead to the belief that negotiations have been opened tor compromise with the mysterious ibicf. The Postmaster of Hartford, Conn., ten dered bis resignation, which the President refused to accept. In pursuance of general instruclions from the headquarters of the army, officers in command of military departments were es 1 tablished quarantines at Southern ports, and suitable vessels for guard sliips are being stationed along the coast as security against the inirodnction of cholera. - New York, March 24. In the U. S. District Court yesterday Judge Botts pronounced an rlaborate judgment, in which he declared that the application of the owners of the Ftcamsliip Meteor for bonding that vessel iliould be refused, out of a sense of obli gatioo to enforce neutrality; It will be re uifinbered ihat the Meteor was seized by order of the Government on information that she was intended to be u-ed asaChilonu privateer. Pending the final decision the owners wanted to give bonds fir the value of the vessel and release' her from further detention. A'cw York, March 24. The Commercial Ad vertiser says the passage of the Loan bill by the House has produced a slight fluctuation iu the market. The adoption of the clause authorizing a loreign loan took Wall street by surprise, and the bill is regarded ns Krautiog the Secretary substantially all the powjr he wanted. Tue action of the House would produce a more marked effect were it certain the bill would pass the Senate in its present form. There is doubt if the S-nate will not Insist on curtailing the Sec- retary's power. tt'uihinyton, March 24. Seth Williams, the well known Adjt Gen. of the Army of the -Potomac, uied ut the residence of bis sister in this ci'y last tight, of inflammation ol the brain. . Cincinnati, March 24. The Commercial gives prominence to the statement that leading members of Congress have Agreed to con tinue in session till the 4th of March, and will take ft recess from time to time as occa . sion may require, leaving a few membois on uauu to Keep up tue lormaiuy. - Wathinglon, Match 24. The House went into the Committee of the Whole for general debate. The attendance was small. The proceedings were not important. . The President's veto of the civil rights bill will probably be sent to the Scmte on Monday, and it is anticipated with much interest. Various' speculations are afloat regarding the probabilities of the message, nuu wnue nothing is certainly known, it eems to be believed the President will reit erate the- argument of the other veto roes sage against leg elation for the South while those States are unrepresented. He will avail himself of this occasion to further de fine his policy. The President yesterday expressed , bis .disapprobation ot senator Stewart s rrbno sition provid'ng lor universal amnesty on condition that the States shall grant univer- sul suffrage. Chicago, March 26. The Demoeratlo city convention of Milwaukie, nominated Mayor Tnlmadga fur re-election; declared its un qualified approval of the President's policy, and endorsed the patriotic course of Senator Doolittle. General Palmer, commanding the Depart ment of Kentucky, has tendered bis resigna tion, but it is not accepted yet. - During the debate in Congress the other x day, on tbe bill to protect army officers from vexatious suits for damages in Southern States, it was staled that 3,600 such suits bad been commenced In Kentucky alone. Returns from all but seven townships In New Hampshire, show a majority for Union candidate lor Uovernor or 48 against 42 It Is rumored that a formal misunderstand ing exists between the English Government and tbt American fttnbassy la London, rela live lo tbe imprisonment of the several per jobs charged with Fenlaolsno, who assert Ihelr claims to be Aaerloaa citizens, and de mand to be. either liberated or brought to trial. ; The misunderstanding has been re ferred to Washington for solution, and may prove embarrassing. - Senators Foote and Dixon are both better, but no hopes are' entertained of tbe perma nent recovery of either. San Francisco, March 28. A smart shock ot Co. an eaitbquake visitd the eity at" 12:15 p. tn. to-day. It was the most vivid reminder of the October shake we have had since that djte, and sent quite a number of citizens into the street. ' tfVIIl WARNING ! A LLTIERSONS INDEBTEDTODUSENBUnY RRO. xm. nro hereby notillo.1 to call nnd settle before tbe 1st or April ; otherwise, legal proceedings will be had.. Dalles, March 27th, 1806. nil 37 til Isaio F. IlLOCH, San Francisco. O. S. Miller, Dalles. Blocli, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE O H O C JE2 It S , AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Liquors, Anil Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING' Boots fc Shoes, Under Clothing,- Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WK HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wlih our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bars In six hours. We Kiiarxnlee ell our Assays and pay the 111(1 II K8T CASH I'KIUK Tor Bars. Vie also pa; tue Highest Cash 1'rice for uoid Dust. HLIKJII. MILLER a t;j.. mjOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. DEALERS IN . ' HARDWARE, IRON &L STEEL. GROCERIES. ; BY THE PACKAGE. Si FOB CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMIXQ A GRANT, m!3tf Dalles, Oregon. 33. DOUGLASS, m, mm (Successor to William Dlrnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ASS BIALU DFiiio Watches AND JEWELRY, TNYITES THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND M. the Public to his choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. Wa'chcs PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and ti niiitatl A uli niUtf Next Door to the Pott Office. LAST CHANCE ! FOK TWO WEEKS LONGER!! Goods at San Francisco Cost!! J WIIL CONTINUE TO SELL OUR STOCK OF WW. COATS, IAIVTS, SOOTS $ SHOES, EATS $ CAPS, t And fall assortment of Gents' Furnishing' Goods. A.T COST I: . Until the IW tT of March, when we anall elnu anf Store, WITHOUT FAIL 7-Parties indebted to as will plus celt at onr suire oeivre luo euoye aaie. U3tf - . ABRAHAM80N KOnLBERG. MB c WALDROS IJROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, vmtMA oirccii niuii vrcguu. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8TORY FIRE, proof Stone building, opposite lllorh, Mlllctr end offer to the public a full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting lu part of KEROSENE, ' LAMP WICKS ft CHIMNEYS TURPENTINE. HOPS, AM.UIIUU, BAIIK. ACIDS. SI'ONOHS. LINSEED, LEECHES, LARD. CORK A CAJ-TOR AND INDIGO AND NKATSFOOT Oil, LANl'ULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND rA.TINT. MUDICIN'XCH. Our stock of FANCY 0001)8 I s of the finest and best quality; new styles ond large assortments, such as liUiim p rrjiruKKiu, haul LIHllN'STIIlLliT SUAP. VLKS1I. POMADES, ' 8IIAVINO, COSMETICS, II AT, HAIR OILS, CLOTH'S, COLOGNE. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL RKIISIIKS TUOTI1 POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For MMIclnftl nuruoseii. Our (urilitifs fur buying (roods nre norond to none In me Mute, nuu wo snail at an ttmeancii at n tn.au oa- vame from coitt. Heady tales and small profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. Danes, sept, v, lBOO, soiu-ti X E 31 O V .A. L GATES Ac CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, jiave nenioTca 10 RUDIO'S STOiE2 BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. 'WTnERE we will continue to soil articles usually WW ' kept tn a Flrt-Claas Drujc Store, at 20 per cent. LESS THAN ANY STORK IN THE CITY Our stuck consists In part of Patent Medicines, Pure Wins and Rrandy, fancy A Commun Soap, linir Brushes Corks, Acids. Tooth Powder, Alcohol, Hons, iLicrriicrs, Sponftos, Triisses, Bmccs, Paints. A'arnlsbcs, UIIS, Bohomlan Toilet Sets, Bunnnrtcrs, Ac. PHISICIANS" PBKSCRIPTI0X8 Carefully Compounded. Give lis a call and satisfy y ur- soives uui.ire purcnasing eisewuero. II. 1j. UIIAflW, llllUtlJ JtJBTIN GATES, VERY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and HAR-KOOMH. TULIUS KRAEMEIt HAVING BOUGHT TUB EN. F tire ftiK-k of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late Ann ot M. Seller A Co.. In this city, to which ho has .auueooi mi own nnpornirion (wnne doing business in Portland) an immeuse ctocK ol the beBt manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Lookln?-Gla8C8 and All Kinds of Oils. All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons Vlsli- lug to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do wen io give me a can neiore purchasing elsewhere.- T Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and gooi paraeu io go seenre. uon i- tun to call on me. itudlo's stone IluilUing, v) ashlnirton street. Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMER. Dalles. March 17th, 1866. mhlTtf Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANCEMENT. fS AND AF1ER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th nntl Vf inriuer nonce, Tlio Passenger Train to connect with tteamors FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondavi, Wednesdays, and Frldavs. at 9 Aa iim. TDK STEAMERS "ON E ON T A" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundava excepted) at t o'clock, A. M., connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, Willi ine eiouiuvr . K ... : "NEW WORLD or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF i Commander, oi Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles, Nor. 13, 1805. fnl2tf Agent O. 8. N. Co. ip . r e ii m: , I Watchmaker ami Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Gold Pens. Silver and Plated Ware. Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. arrarticniar attention paia to repairing line' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by 1UV WIMTUUICU lot iweiv mourns. N. B. All orders from the unner nountrv. bv Exnreas or otuvrwise, promptly aiieuueu io (ONE DOOR ADOVE TUB POST-OFFICE,) MAIN STIIEET, DALLES CITY. I will attend to tales of . Real Estate, General Merchandise, . Furniture, . . .And Stocks. REGULAR SALS DATS, MONDAY8 AND FRIDAYS. Stock and Special Sales any day, Sundays excepted..; fylte . A. 0. f AYNat, Aacticer I ' r x iiAXV JtiLiliM lUAltJi-Xil. CORNER Ot SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS otoasao". JOHN EPPINOKB Proprietor THE UNDERSIGNED having fitted up the above Mnrlev ire the UK 1 STYLE, will keep constant ly on hand all sorts of 1 rcsli and Cured meals, Of the best qnality furnished at the LOWEST RATE My motto is to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR SAV1 will do well to cult at tbe Franklin Market. ' JOHN, KPPINQER. Dalles, February 10th, 1806. WASHINGTON ITIAIiliLT. ooiitraor ; . - COURT AND SECOND STR EETS, DALLES, OREGON. JOHN MXCHELBACH, Proprietor. -wpgL WILL HKSir , o lJuconstantly on hand all the Tarle- i taaiiLUiiities that the market can posstMy afford, of ... H U FBK8H &c CURED MKAT8, .and always of the b it quality . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe nnderslinen Is always prepared to pay the IiIkV est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties haying stork In go'xl condition, are requested to rail on him before goinc elsewhere. JOHN MICUKLRAC1L, Danes, march viar.isos. mitoitr IT fits, WOOL and I1IOES. ' rjrAIIE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID IDIC ;Pt'RS, WOOL,, AND HIDES, at McCRAKKN, MERRILL A CO.'S 16 North Viont Street, Portland. mblS3m NEW YORK BAKERY AND GROCERY STOR.Ee Main Street Dalles. mti23lf FREDERICK BEN7.F.H. FAMILY GROCERY. FRUir- AND Provision Store, CORNER OF WASHINGTON A SECOND STREETS. CONSTANTLY' ON HAND the choicest articles el FIIKHI1 BUTTER, KUUS.and every variety of - FAMILY 6110CEBI E. .. NUTS, CANDIES, &e , $c.t . .; Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Prices FOR CASH. Alsn, dealer in GRAIN, FLO IT R A.D FEED.. of all kluils, and will do a- ' ' .General Commission Business. No charges for StoraKS on Goods sold sa Cvmnii,li.is Proceeds of Sales-remltied promptly. JnlDtl. . NOTfCE TO FARMERS' rMMIB DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING. Jp C0K'AN Y lias recently attached a . FLOUHING MILL to thetr Steam Snsh and Door Factorv. in this Tit, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND W HEAT ai'd " CORN, and warrant t K've the beat sulUuwtlou. On ' 'FXTRA FAMILY f LOUR, BtCONDSORMIDDLINOS, i i . BRAN AND SHORTS, V ' CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Sunorior. article of CORN liRir. fw. ... ' ' Corn. . : The hlchcst market nrlcs nald fur TrirniT rn'' ' BARLEY. t . . H. A. HOOUE. Acnt. Dalles, Nov. 2,1805. ; natf, . AUCTION AND COMMISSION J O II IV 1 XV ILL! A. MS AUCTION BEE; No. lOO, Main Street, Dalles Clti WILL ATTEND TO THE SELL1NO AT AUCTIOK ' 01 Genel-iil Alerilian,lUi IImI Vmtmlm Uorses.New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, c Regular Sales Day Saturday. Out-ituor and Snecial Sales attended tn In u.i .. ' theClty. . , .,..;.(. .. ' , Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Pl9i3m. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. ' V. O. BRADFORD, - . IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF ; . Wines Sc Liquors, : FRONT 8TREET, Portland, - - - Orefran. OFFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARQK ASSORT, meut of Brandies, Wines, Liquors, ' , Case Goods, '' Ac, &c.( ; , . &c. tV- The Trade Is nartlcnlarle hsvrteA ta nuihu a ' stock before purchasing elsewhere. au2i-tf ' BOOKSI BOOKS! . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, mfrXm.k ' ' Standard and Mlsoellaneous WORKS, 7Ti I Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPER? iV. c, ae.. by every Steamer. PostfnceWsaaaauuf 1 Bookstore, Main street, Dalles, ," Garden Seeds for tbe Million.. T.tf" -; ,, ; n. j. waldrow 1 ';:;. :;. .;:.:.WOTIC! AIL PKRKOKS INMlTEBTOConN A0HM . -v t V!!. ,h S01""-. legal preeellirteiua .i be bad. Ible ii the last aetlce, . COUN SVUM.