THURSDAY MOOING, MARCH. 29, 1SC0. tV NOTICE. During my absence Mr. UiMtt CaTt-it will have charge of this paper, and he la authorised to transact nil bU'lnoss pertaining to thla office. March 25, 1800. JAMBS UALLORAX. Tog Imperiul army, in Mexico, is reported to be 20,000 effective roon. Trie telegraph company havo com plotcd the Injin of t'ueir now cable across tbo Willamette, at Portland.' , The first "cleanup" of the Wide Awake, ou Had Warrior Gulch, South Boise, this yoar, after a run of only twelve days, yielded $10,000. Just in Time Yesterday wo re ceived a copy of the San Francisco Call, dateJ February 28th, being only one month old wbon it came to hand. Caleb Lyon, Governor of Idaho, subscribed $500, of bis own private funds, to the Indian fund which has been gotten up for the extermination Or driving out of the Indians of that section. Fitz IluaH Ludlow, a writer ot considerable ability, author of the " Hasheesh Papers," and of tho rather extravagant. series of papers in the Atlantic Monthly, from this part of the world, is reported insane. , Oua Chinese friends ought to be niado to clean up thoir back yards. If inploasant smells produce disease, we wonder that everybody doing busi ness on the south side of Main, be tween Court and Washington streets is not sick. New Advkrti9EMntb. It will be by a notice In another column that the Uridgo on the lower Des Chutes is in order and to bo crossed by all kinds iff travel at reasonable rates. Auctioneer Williams advertizes an exteiibivo sale of clothing, &c, being the stock of Abraharason& Kohlberg. Columbia liivEu Mines. The Walla Walla Statesman Buys that sevon eighths of the business transacted thero this season has been on auoount cf the Columbia River mines. There will be a rush in that direction when Cupt. White's boat is ready to start, the accessibility of these mines giving thorn a preference over tbo Black foot country.. Sudden Death.-A man named Louis Lobe'ider was found dead in his bed at tho Columbia Hotel, ia this city, yesterday morning. He is supposed to have died in a fit of nightmare, to which he was peculiarly subject. But a few days before bis death he re marked to a friend of bis, that be " would be found dead some morning," Hating that at times he had most frightful and painful dreams. He was apparently in perfect good health the night previous, . Union .MEETING. AS Our friends the Doraocrats would not con. pent to let Our city election take place without making a party issue of iy and havo, by nominating a strict party ticket, in a manner debarred our citizens from exercising their choice of City officers without regard to politic; the Union men, whom we trust they will grant equal privileges. propose -to nominate and support a citizen's ticket, for wbioh purpose mass meeting is called lo convent at Vile Court House Ibis evening., . "Feet" in New York. We met rocontly a gentleman just from the eastern States, where he had been ir, th interest of some of the many quarts ledges in Idaho, whioh ono we now forget, and in tbo conversation with him we found it to be his opinion that it was useless attempting to in duce eastern capitalists to invest in tho development of our mineral re sources, unless they can bo persuaded to send reliable agents to this country wlio must themselves go upon tho ground and realizo with their eyes thcr facts. Tho following from the Idaho World of tho 17th insl. is nearly to tho sumo effect : A friend writes us from New York that there are a large number ot Idaho quartz men there who are attempting to make sales, but tbey havo so fur found the business quite dull. lie says those who have accumulated vust sums, have invested them in Gov ernment,OiI,Kailroadand other stocks, and don't seem to have a very great disposition to embark in quartz. There are some of the very best leads in Idaho Territory here forsalo, and it is astonishing to mo that men will make investments in the stocks abore mentioned, and have eo great a dis inclination to invest in the quartz which in here for sale. Dr. Hawthorne is here with a part of the Atlanta, in the Yuba district also Jessie Benton, Grey Eagle, and Willamette, some of the bost interests in tho Territory also with a large number of loads in Flint District, Owyhee ounty. Ono great cause of nn indisposition to invent is that certain persons have been on here and sold wild cat, and inado a character of representation, which has misled companies as to ex penses, modo of working mines, time at which results would likely be ob tainod, &o. Cam. A. W. Waters of the 1st Oregon Infaolry, commanding officer at Fort Lnpwai, called on us yester day evening. IIo is down on business connected with tho Fort and the In ian Agency at that point, and will take a flying trip into Web-foot to see is friends beforo he returns. lie sayB that a company of cavalry are badly needed at Lapwai in order to prevent tbo whites from having improper in tercourse with the Indians. That the ndians on the reservo are mostly Nez Percos, are disposed to be well behaved and that if whisky and cullus whites can be kept off tho reserve it will be a success. , "Owyhee." The district of Owy hee, says the Honolulu Advertiser, was so christened by a couple of Hawaii ans, who were in the employ of the Hudson Bay Company, and lived thero trading with the neighboring Indians Tbey litllo thought then that the boo tion would bncomo famous as a gold mining region, and the name is likely to be porpoiuated thero, but it is not properly spelled. Owyhee will do. Old stories cf the war are constantly coming to light.' It is stated that when General Bragg was in command of Augusta, Georgia, last winter, Jeff. Davis telegraphed to him "to bold the State at all baztrds, slop up the roads, destroy the supplies and crush Sber man." At tho close of tho dispatch the rebol President inquired, "What is your available force tor this purpose; General Brflge promptly replied " Five proclamations and one bri ' Tnc steamer brought up a load of Celestials yesterday 5 we did not connt them, but there were enough of them Wasco Lodge, No, 15,F." fcArji" - Holds Ha stilted Communication on the First and Tlilril Mondays of ouch mouth, at tfielr hall. In Dullea City. Rrotltren'in good standing are Invited to attend, fct-ru L. Pope, Sec'y. By order of the W. M. . Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F.- Moeta trery Friday ("Toning at 7 o'clock, ill Gates Hall, corner of Second and Court Streeta. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N.O. Goods at Cost. We would call the attention of our readers to the fact, that Messrs. Abrahamson ft Koblborg are selling Roods nt San Francisco cost. Partioa desiring to buy Clothing, will do well to exnmiuo their stock be foro purchasing olsewhere. ' ml8tf DENTAL NOTICE!. Being nbont to make a professional tour to the towns aud settlements up the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are in need of Dontal Opo rations of any char acter, to the fact, so thnt they nny hare an opportunity to arall themselves of my services before my departure, if so desired. 1 will lenv about the 2oth of March, and return to this pluce to resume my practice, about the 18th of June. ft7tf J, W. UUKLkY. TO the: tuavelixg public. THE NEW7 BKIDGE ACROSS TUB LOWER ))E8 0IIUTK8 IS NOW COV plete. and ready for the crossing of TEAMS, PACK ANIMALS, etc TOLLS MODERATE 1)KS CIIUTKS KOAD ft BRIDGE CO. SaUes, March 20, 181)0. mr29:lw UNIOIY MASS MUUTIftU. AMASS MEETING OF TUB UNION VOTERS AND Citizens of Dalles City will be hold at I ho COURT 1I.JU8K, THIS (Thursday; KVKMNU, at V. o'clock, for the purposeof placing in nomination candijitos for the several municipal ofllcos lor the city, to be lupported at the annu .1 election, on Monday noxt. All persons desirous of selecting the best men of the city to All said offices, are respectlu'ly invited to attend. uy order or UJiua umimi n kk. COAl OIL ! COAL OIL ! COAL OIL! AT SAN FEANC1SCO COST ! AT SAN FRANCISCO COST 1 AT SAN FRANCISCO COST 1 -AND FREIGHT, mrC0:lm At fj-nten Ss C'hnnfiiV, AUCTION SALE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, AT TUB Store of Abrahamson ft Kohlberg, on Muin street, Saturday, march Slut, at 10 a. m All of their Stock of CLOTHING aud Clcutleineu'i FURNISHING GOOD?, const. ting or Coats, Pants, Vests, Hats, Hoots, Milrts, &.C., &.C., &.C. This inle Is worthy of the attention of Dealers and others. The Stock inunt be sold without reserve, as Messrs. Abrnhtimson ft Kohlberg intend to close out their business at the Dulles Lei'.. re the 1st ol April. mrffltd JOHN WILLIAMS, Anct. FOR CITY MARSHAL. IOR THE BENEFIT OP ALL MY FKIKNPS AND A few of my enemies, I announce my self us a Ctuull- Uate fur City Marshal tit the coming election. FOR CITYMARSHAL. A T TIIE HF.QCKST OF MY FRIENB8 I ANNOUNCE Xm. myself as a candidate for He-election. UrJte (JJlAlilbS AKKliKH. A. CAED. mTADAMR LK TELLIEIl WOULD RESPECTFULLY IT inform tha Ladies of tho Dalles ami vicinity, that she is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, aud PALETOT maklmr. Also. CUTTING and FITTING In a new and Improved style, uevor belore introuuoea la this place. She will warrant to live satisfaction, and would moat resnectfullv eolicit a libera! natronaee. m tnt kooiws lately occajpiaa iy Airs, nnjie, over Degener's Store, on Washington struct, between Second nd Third. Dallos, March 27th, 1860. mr27tf H.HERMAN & CO., MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, TTAVB JD8T RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF 11 SPRING AND 8V9I91ER GOODS , Consisting In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Ilatg&CapNj ' Which they offer to sell at SMALL PROFITS. Dalles, March 27th, 1800. mr27tf DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Mayor JAMES M. BIRD. I For Recorder JAMES A. CAMPBELL, t For Treasurer O. 8. SATAOK. Vm M.rahnl N . R. PACKARD. ' tor Coaucilmen J. W. RLAKENY, E. P. FITZQRR' AM, W. P. MILLER. WM. MOAUUS, A. W. FKKGU- 8i IN, mh2fite AO 11C E. A tL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED V are requested to "come nd s tat' Mfora the uai lnstn at the IMuK Eicuan saiooia, -: mMUk . ; .! . M. REMIQ tfCTIflFMD COB HOTJSJE! No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. TUB UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR PAST Furore, resnertfiillv Informs the citizens of tha Dalles, and the public generally, that he continues u sell at - . PUBLIC AUCTION . ; OR PRIVATE SALE, Real EHtale, General Merchandise, GiocerlcN, Morse, , M u leu, Fiirnlf are. Slocks, &c. &.C. REGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays arid Saturdays. 'ash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN lmde of sales. Ont-door and Special Sales attended to In an; part el the city. JOHN "WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. SELLING OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, Offer thoir well-selectod stock of TOBACCO, SEGAHS, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND STATIONERY. AT SAN FItANClSCO COST. mrtTtf NE HUNDREOJMILES SAVED! BLACKF00T&1UG BEND MINES BY WAY OF Whit Bluffs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel, Distance from Dalles to While Bluff 100 miles ' ', White Bluffs to Pond'Oieille 100 u ' ' toColrllle. 178 ' Travelers hy land for either or the aboTd Gold Fields, ill save Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff Road. Wood, Water aud Grass Arc fonnd on this Road within easy drives. ; The mad Is now ojien, and possesses advantages ever t any other land routo from tlio Dalles. I'ubliiliril i,v orner oi Til E CITIZENS OF THE DALLE?. Dalles, March, 20, 18(18. mJfttim. J. J tJK E E, Main Street. Dalles, x WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. AUTATB IS BTOttl TBI BUT BBAttPB OT . . . Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING CARDS. : POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES. . , COM RS and B 11U8II ES. o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS. DOLLS, eto. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, tc. Also Powder.Shot. Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articlea too numerous to inontlon. 0f Intorior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco.. tr. at less than Portland prices, with freiicht added. oc-A BALDWIN & BRO., OVFKR VOR 8ALK IN CONNECTION WITH A COU plot stock of Staple GrocericH, ALL KINDS OF FEED. Barley &; Oats, Ground Barley, DBran Sc tShorts, . ' Wheat,1 Which we prfnose to sefl fn quantities to salt at PORT-' LAND PRICKS, Sliding freight. , inl8tl '.' J. W. QURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. ' WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the cltfseiia of thl place and vi cinity, that having retnrned from a pro- i lesslonal tour throuirh the mlrs. he has airaln resumed the practice of jRNTISTRY, In the ronaa formerly occupied by him, in the building occupied fcr Wood It Butler, Photograph Artists, and adjoining Wat dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes this method of l- ' tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore .. tended to him, and solicits a continuance of the Bams. LIST OF PBICI8. . Entire Denture on Gold Base ....$1".6 to $J . , " Upper Dentnre, Gold Ias....... B h " Denlnre.TlnnlteBase TO w J. ' Upper Dentnre, Voleanlte Base So " Gold FIHImrs Inserted from one dollar npward. ;' ' Chlldnka' Teeth txtnct4 fret af charge. ' teJ-tC: J