VOL, T. DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH SO, 1800. no. as. rilBLlSUEl) EVERY MORNING, - (MONDAYS EXCEPTED,) BY E. CJ. CO WIVE & J. IIALCOIIAX, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. leasts TwtiUy-Jivt cent per week, payabltvto Che carrier per nioiilli, by mail, 11; three months, t'2 60 six muiithi, i ouo yew, $3. Advertisements Inserted at low rates. . Job Printing. . Every description of plnin auil fancy Job Printing exe iited with neatness aud despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part of the country. laymmtJor Job Print ino must 06 tnadt on delivery ey work.- IV. II. lOljLlS!V Pruotical WfttoliiMulcer, And Dealer la FIXE WATC HES A. JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. Sstubllslied 1857. BALDWIN BRO., ... DEALERS IN , ; GRO C 13 RIES ! CORNER OF Alain anil Union Streets, Dalle. J. C.BALDWIN mWl-tr , . V. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE IilKRL A.TSL & WETS TZ, i . . . . -UHMITU -. OI.OBK IIOTKL BUILDINO. ; -V-: .-Viva II n n c n h a 1 H V n v n 1 1 ii i a .embracing Tables, Chairs, lluroaus 'UmlftttaillleilriteadH, Iledilinir. Carpets teM etc.. U i which will bo sold at luw ratus. Kurnltiuo Itepatrtjil, uud Oph obiter, tig dune to order. Altjo.on IiiiimI &IatthS3iHndPlUowi. Spring Uedamitde to older. ku12 WH. M0ADD8. ' ' 0. B. KCHQEL. WM. MOABUS &CO., G I TY BAKERY, AND TR0VIS10S STORE, V Corner of First anil B 8 treet. WHOLESALE AND RKTAILDKALRRS Id DREAD, CRACKKR8 and Family GROCERIES. tt.0rders from a diatauce carefully filled and prompty patched. 1-tf JOSEPH ELPELT, WUOIESALE A!ID RETAIL SEALER lit Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CL THIN Q, BOOTS AND 8HOES, . ' I1ATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods fire proof atone Store, corner of Main aud Court streets. oc-tl IIUU M fc OUULL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PKACT1CK IN TUB SUPREME AND CIR cult Courts of Oregon, aud the Diatrict Courte 0 Washington Territory, ('articular ntteuiiou paid to the collection of claims.. O. UUMA80N Dalle. Oku. J. A.ODELL. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, By the Night, Week or Month, NKXT DOOR TO JACKSON XN01NK HOUSE. aStf MRS. 8PRENOEK. I. U. OATH. I. I. DAFT. GATES Sc IIAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, ; . DALLES, OREGON, , A., II. STEELE, ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON, U. 8, 1. orrics At WALDR N BROS. DRUO STORE r . . . . . WM. BnOWHT WARNER. M. D. WFICB 74 SECOND 8TRKKT, between Washington , asid Court. . Orrics Hours 0 toll A. v.; 2 tot t a.;ando to 10, r.M O. II. BUOOKS, M. r. Office At Dr. tTniu'm Drus Store. : , DALLES, OREGON. pit. 13. V. MITCHELL. ' Office WALDRON'S BUILDING. ttntnanoi Corner of Third and Washington Streets ' ' COiL OIL! COAL OIL! VTAXDR0N RROS. hare lint received a lare In- voire of COAL OIL, which th.y offer atr rreally ruuJii a; taii n a i, IWPOHtERS AND WCOLUALI Dealers in Wines, Liquors GHOCEUIES, Miners' Goods, Uout Stores, &c., BATX KCHOVtD TO THr.ia NW STONE BUILDING, councilor " : Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORK A LAKUK AND COMTLETB A8 aortuicnt of the very beat branda of WINES A-TSD LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. JUCoirfltnntly receiving our Ritppllos direot trnm New York aiul Shu Francisco, wo nra ablo uud wlllink to sell atHTery stimll Kdvanne on 8n truncUco jiricoH. They hupe by adopting a utrictly vorrnct and prompt method ol doing bnsiuusH.Uiey will roceive the patronage cf the pub W. 81' 10-11 UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. I1AXOLEV &. Sl.WOTT, I'rop'rs. THIS r-)P0L.Ut U0U3t, 0TRALtr LOCATKB, Noar tho Steamboat Landing & Railroad Sopot, Him been recently enlarged nud Improved, aud will uow accoiunfodute ' 30 0 GUESTS. ST WILL BK CONDUCTKD as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS IIOUSK. and the natrouaice of the trnvellnir inilillc Is respectfully aolicite I. ' tk a nn........ A ... .1... ir. ....... .r.i... it opeu all night. LARGE FIRE-PR30F SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES . Dulles, Oct. 4-lf. ... EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIS STREET, DALLES, OREGON, . THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. a First-class house. IX TUE CENTRE OF RU81NBSS, Near the Steamboat and Railroad Landing Superior Accommodations for Famlliea aud can Ao Soiuuiodate Uue Iluudrod and Filty Uuests. - Menls .......SO est. Lodglii(r.U'...i..50cta. Fire Proof Safe for dcpojltoof Taluables. TjT Ilouae open all ulght, Baggnee taken to the House ii ee oi cuarge. tiiouab smith, . uihS-tf Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. .A.. H. H OOTII, WIIITK BLUFFS, W. T FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, amd'oencral sealer in SI E R C II A. IV DI8E AND MINERS' S)P PLIES. PACK AND SADDLB HORSES FOR SALE. FRRIQUTS C0N3IONFD to my care for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mlues, will re ceive prompt aitentton. White Blurts, Oct. 1st, ISM. ocltf NEW F11IJ1T, sli()ti;KV -AND PROVISION STORE. rpiIR UNDKRSIONED INFORMS HIS FRIKND8 and JL the publio generally, that he lias-Just established on Slain street, next uour to J . J uiter, Tobaccoalst, A NEW STORE!- whore he keaps constantly ou hand a large assortment o aelected HltUlT. Alao, in store a complete stock oichuice nmmnM, rituiisiui.i, veuetaujjEx, o. All of which will be sold, wholesalo and retail, at KB DUCKD PRICKS. Cuuio and soe and satisfy yoorsolf. , seia-tf John bposito. iJtiE"!). LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND : FRUIT STORE, Washington 8treot, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles. uiM on nanu a large ami well-assorted stock or GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, I' resn liuttfer &. Esrirs. RM.ntl.nil ilnllu 1 I I ... n.i.1 . : n itii ui uiiiuivr.no iiwsji on hand. FRUITS of all kinds, FRK8II VJtUJSTAULES every morning. Allartklea warrauted. Give Me a Call, Everybody 3 1 aul8:tf F. LIKRB. M. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESAU AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ; PANCV AND WTAPLK 1 DEY GrOODS! OROCBRIBS, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. BROWN, belrtg a resident of San Francisco, w. era enabled to ofler great Increments to pnrchaeers. W respectfully Invite the public to examine our stock befor purchasing elaewhsre. .... nil6-tt --8tous Store, north lid Main slret,-Dalls. TB FORUOISE MliES DIRECT. a ' m -wr fifc'fe WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE of CONCORD STAGES, 0ARRYIN0 THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS . . AND Wells, Fargo Co.'s Express, la now making Rexular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cervllle, (Uoiae Mines.) Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and til Boats ol the 0. B. M. Company. UKO. F. TItOMAS A CO., ap27-tf Proprietor NOTICE. THE PlONEEtt STAGE COMPANY i ,,' , Yi 111 carry FlST freights . FROM . . TU 3 1 JJ? ILL jSl. , AFTER TUB FIRST 6F OCTOBKR, AT THE F0LE0W INU RBDUCKD KATES: . To Boise City IS Cents par pound Idaho City '40 " Owyhee ; HO For less amouutathan one hundred pounds an addition of Five Cents per pouud will be charged. TIME FROM UMATILLAi To Moiso City, ......... ...3 Days. To Idaho City ....3 i-l Days. TO Owyhee, , 4 Days. JOSEPH P1NKIIAM, Agent. - Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1863. , oclUur. MILLINEUY AND DRESS-MAEINQ. HMP83 O'ROURKK DESIRES TO INFORM the ITjrL Ladlea of Dalles and vicinity, that slio has Just received a fresh supply ef ITaslUontxble Goods, - Tlie latest Paris. New York and San Franolsco stylos of BONNETS, 1IATS, RIBBONS, LACKS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, c. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladles' Beady-Made Garments. Arse, Fashionable assortment f DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Bmbrolderyand Braldfng, PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressod lu the latest style. A large assortment ef Children's Ready-Alale Clothing Constnntly on hand. Having socured the services of a First Class Dress Maker, I am prepared to cat and fit Ladlus' and Children's BKKSSES aud CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, una square east or the Catholic Church, i t. oc21:3in. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED! FEED!! SHORTS, . . ' AND Of ALL KINDS, FOR BAB BY . , It. XX. LAW, 26 Front Street, Portland, TilS:vf. Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. NEW SALOON, NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET, riITR URDERS10NKD 'Would respectfully announce M. that he will open first class Ssloon In Frcuch Oilman's New BToneBnilding, THIS KYEN1N0, aud is prepared to serve customers with 'the best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. .. t . , . . , . ; ALSO, A ' EREE LiiNcn:.. Zvery day and Evening. oc28tf. ' John rindlavd. QUARTZ MILLS! And all kinds or Machinery Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and Tin streets, . ' ' PORTLAND. , ' ",' i 1 ', A.. 0. GIBBS CO., ' ; - t, .i -' ' SncWsSors n Portland. Dec. th '84. deotf K. L. Jokes k Cm. WE CALL TUB ATTENTION OF THE PUBMO to the fact, that we have concluded to give np nn. trS',!L.?'?.Vl?rS-or- parties Indebted to as MUST PAT UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal proreedlngs will Jf-! -u ' . ,' ,.' J - BKOWN -k BRO. , Dalles, March ljlMo. milt" Umatilla, J3 o i s e9 , A.NL IDAHO - Express and Fast Freight Line. FWMIIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNN1NU JL order from Umatilla to ldoho City, via Boiao City , and propared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages between these aud all intermediate poiuts wllhoertaiuiy and despatch. The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD Which onsurcs Speed and Safety In Hie tranamlasion of Freight, never belore offered to Idaho. Ws offer Supe rior inducements forShipplug Goods from San Francisco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company aud the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Ootids shipped by this Line will not be subject to tuo usual ueiaya, uui pass luiuugu w . Fast ITrolglit. floods shinned from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid aud Uoods shipped to destination. GOODS SHOULD BBMAItKKD: CARE B. M. D. A CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. ' Advance Charges for Transportation raid bv the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be ' forwarded with Disputed to Qwyhee and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodutioua in New and Easy Riding Thorough Brace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, we iny over eacu nlglit on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so ' that passengers will nut be deprived ol regular rest. AGKNTH I RICHARDS A McCRAKEN.n ......Ban Francisco - RICHARDS A McCRAKEN..v.... Pvrtlaud JOSEPH TEAL..' ......Dalles POWELL A CK.,, .UniutilhA J. B. WILKINSON n LeUrand B. M. DultKI.L A CO iloise City B. 51. DuRKLL A C0...... Idaho City MAJOR SPEER Rocky Bar (Sialtu Boi.e DURELL A MOORE Ruby aud Silver Cities B. 91. DuRKLL . CO., . n25tf Proprietors. A CAUD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAJV FK AH CISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, No. 411, 413 and 419 Battery Street, Cor. Merchant, San Francisco. ' Importers anil Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK Wl WOTJLd'caLL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Goods. Our i stock comprises every artiule In the Clothing and Fur nishing Hue. We have constantly on hand the largest ' and greatest variety of Cass I mure and Wool HATSot any house In San Francisco, aud our prl ea for these Goods are less than those of any huuse, as we recolve them direct from the manufacturer's consignment. Our stock ef SHniMtfraud fall Geops Is partlcslRpty attract ive, and the great fenttrre to the couutry merchant Is the ' unusually low prices. Less Than tho Cost of Importation! We also keen the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Drv 0 nods' : line, which Goods we have purchased In this market un der the hammer, and are oueriug them at New loik Cost, and less. - We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. . , Good Articles and Low Prices I, Are the greatest inducements to all who purchase to sell agalu. Merooauts who buy of as can uiake a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. V e remain, respectfully, . . , . ; Vow Obedient servants, - ' ) BADGER A LINDKNBK1MER, s : w Wholesale Clothing aud Hat Warohuuse, Nos. ell. 413 and 41 Battery street, Son Francisco, February 9, 1866. fl)-3iuw. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of ths ' SEXUAL ORGANS THIS prompt and efncatlons Remedy for the cure Ghonnrreeit, Gleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the . Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure wlthont Hie least restriction to diet, exposure or change In Application business ; It will radically cure any case which on u lis . produced. The disease it removes as speedily as is con--v sistont with thefirodnMionof a thorough and permanent 1 oure. Further, tho disease cannot be contracted If the ; SPECIFIOOO.UPOUND Is takou when exposed, ' 1 - Its Ingredients are entire) r vegetable, and no Injurious . effoct, 'either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by ' ' Its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents pot bottle. 8ontby Express carefully packed. . HOST KIT Kit, BMTTn A DEAN. Agents, " '? . ul and 403 Battery street, our Clay, y22-Sm. San Francisco. ' '" ' i. I. DALLAM . ' '' 0. W. ABUJS. O. W. AUK:. ARMES DALLAM, f . Importenund Jobbers of- V :"l WOOD AND WILLOW. WARE, , I BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAQB. Ac r 1 ' And Manufacturers of flftllfnrnl.i PaI1l Tnha. Rrnnm! f . I SIT A aid SacramentoStreet, between Front and Davie '. Ban Francisco. oclLSuuUw.