03) Ilaiht lonstaiuccr. Money Market. New York Gold Quotations ....12l fcui Fraucisco Legal Tender ralei....,... 77J-j Epitome of Telegraphic News. COMPILED FROM ml 0BIKHMCUX. DATES TO MARCH S4. Chicago, Murch 23 Pike'i Opera House, la CiuciuUHti, whs totally destroyed by fire lat night. The Enquirer officii and 'adjoining buildings on Fourth street, were nUo burned, it was itio most destructive fire that ever vis ited Cincinnati, Loss $5u0,000. The Ohio Senate hits passed the eight bour biil with trifling amendments, and if they are agreed to by the House, the biil becomes a Uw July 1st. It makes eight hours a legal dajr'a work. The Rhode Island Union Convention, which nominated Gen. Burnsids lor Governor, put forward no pluforin,and the Democrats have decided not to nomiqnte a ticket because of a split iu tbs Union rauk. The other wing will probably nominate the present Qovernor Smith for re election-. The friends of Colorado do not despair of securing the admission of that territory to the Union, by this Congress, ah effort will be made to renew the direct attempt. If this fails, an effort. will be made to admit Colorado and Nebraska by one act. Perhaps Montana will be ready to come in by that time. The committee on weights, measures and coinage, recommend to Congress to authorize and encourage hy law, the admission and me of the metrical system of weights and meas ures, and that with a view to familiarize the people with the fyttein, that provision be made by law for the immediate distribution iu custom houses and States of metrical stan dard of weights and meaEUres, and also to Introduce the system into pos'ollices, hy making a tingle letter weight fifteen grammes, and to ci use ihn new cent pieces to be so coined that they shall weigh each ten grammi and that their diameters shall be made to bear a determinate and timilar ratio to the metrical nnit of length. Ceoigin newspaper? publish a rumor thnt there will soon be held a convention of col ored people at Augusta, for the purpose of nominating representatives to Congress from ino territory ot uooriria. Tho Secretary of War informs Congress in answer to ti e resolution, that on January 6tu there were 152 GU men in the service, namely : regulars, 20,68a j white volunteers, DT.oyj; coig.ed, tio,78 : Btair officers, etc 1,700. Orders have been issued for a lurther reduction of 18,054 whites and 2.300 col ored. In Congress last Monday a communication was received t.om Secretary Seward; inclos ing a letter from Messrs. Brewer k Co., re- lattng to a bill for service in bringing to Honolulu from the Ascension Islands 08 American seamen, left there by the pirate Shenandoah. Tho bill is for $3,530 in gold, wuich the secretary thinks should be prompt 1 paid. Tub Vancouver Quartz Ledge. The excitement in regard to the disi covery of a gold bearing quartz ledge near Vanoouvor continues unabated Specimens of the rock have been sent to Portland for assay. The Oregonian ays : rris . . a ino rocK Dears unmistakable signs of containing gold, and we should not be surprised if it proved to contain AAA J . a quicKBitvor. uuu pounds ot tne ore will be tested at tbe battery of the uroeon iron Works, brobably today, Until we can loam something of these results of course we are unable to give an idea of the value of the discovery, but allowing it to be' worth $10 per ion one inira as riou as practical miners estimate it the result of work iriz it most bo enormous; There are already four companies organized for developing tne ledge, which is fully as extensive as roported yesterday, and extensions are beiug taken up and ro coraea about as last as tne clerks can make out tbe papers. The Herald says the rock will yield 20 per ton. Wo hope this' is so. - Anotueh, Earthquake-Yesterday's Portland papers announce another earthquake as having visited San Franoisco. It was felt at San Jose, Gilroy, and other interior town' Ouiraneys were thrown. down and other slight damages done, but owing to the telegraph being out of order no particulars are given, - C. 8. Muuit, . Dalles. Blocla, Miller &; Co., WHOLESALE O 33, O O E R S , AND DEALERS IN "Wines Jk, Liqviors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLiOTHiisra Boots & Shoes, Under Clotliin?, .. .i Blankets, etc., etc., . . etc. . ASSAY OFFICE. WE IIAVB AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wl'h our bniiltiu.il. under the entire supervision of Mr. Milter. We make return! in Hare In six honra- we guarantee all our Aumve and pay the HIOIIKST CASH PK1UIS lor imrs. we also pay tne lilgbest Cash Price for Quid Dust. BLOCH, MILLER c C)., my6tf Cor. Halo and Washington streets, Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. CiRO CERIES. BY THE PACKAOB, St FOB CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMING A GRANT, , Dalles, Oregon. nilOtf (Successor to William Birnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AXD DEALER IN Pino Watolies -A.ZSTD JEWELRY, WNVITKBTIIK ATTKNTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND M. tlie Public to bis choice solectton of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting tbelr patronage. - Wa'ches PROMPTLY and PKOPKRLY repaired and niOtf Kext Door to the) Post Office. LAST CHANCE I FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER t! Goods at San Francisco Cost!! XTE WILL CONTINUB TO BELL OUR STOCK 0V COATS, 3? ANTS, BOOTS $ SIIOKS, BATS CAPS, And full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods. . AT COST! Until the 81st day of Mkrch, when we snail dote oar Store, WITHOUT FAIL. Parties Indebted to us will pleas call at onr uvior. iuv auoTe aaie. . nStf AUUAUAM80N A KOIILDERG, BALDWIN & BRO,, OFFRR FOR SALS IN CONNECTION WITU A ( piste stock of Staple Grooerics ALL KINDS OF FEED. DBarley Ac Oats, Ground Barley, Bran & Sliorts, "Wheat, Wblch we propose to sell In quantities to nit at PORT- jfv rnivw, auuutf ireiini, adStl iBliO F. BLOCUt - ' Sua Francisco.' ; WALDROK ItROS.j ; Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. VtTF. NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8TOKT FIRE W proof Stone IMI Co.. and offer to the puMld a "full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, euiisitiiig In part of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS HOPS, 8AC1K. 81'OXOKS. LKHC1IM, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, L1N8KKD, LA HI), COHK. CAMOR AND LNDIUO AND NKATSF0OT Oil,.. LA.NPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATKNT IMtCDICHSTES,. Our stork of FANCY GOODS I s of tlia Boost and best quality ; new stylia ond large assortments, such as LUlllN'S PERFUMERY, II A I It, I.UI1I.N-S TOILET SOAP, FLESH, POMADES. BUAVINO, COM1KHC8, II AT, II A I it OILS, CLOTH'S, COLOONH, TOOTH AND If ANCY SOAPS AND N AIL BRUSHES XUOTII POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal mirnoaeii. jur tnriuucii tor hiivlmr trooia are second to nona In tho Bute, ami we ihatl at all timet) sell at a imalt ad- fame from cottt. Koariy aaloi nntt mitaU profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Cftrofully com pound ltd at alt hours of the day and nfirlit. il IZlSL OVA L.T GATES & OIIA-PIN, - WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, wits uemoveu to RUDIO'S STOKE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLK8. "WTSTIIERE we will cnntlnne to sell articles usnally v T Kepi in a rirw;iiun urux store, at ai nor cent, LKS8 THAN ANY BTOKK IN TUB CITY. Onr stock consists iu part of l'atent Medicines, Pure Win's and Drandy, jtiimcn, jraucy c Common Soap, Sponges, Unir Bruslirs Trussos, Braces, Corks, Acids, Paints. Tooth Powder, Varnishes, Alcrlml, Oils, ..Hops, Duhemian Tollot Sets, Supporters, Ao, POISICIANS' PttESCRlPTIOJiS Carefully Componndoil. Give lis a call and satisfy y.iur- vitvb uuiito iiiircnoaing emewnere. tl. i.. IIAI'HM, IllUtlJ JUSTIN GATES. VERY IMPOItTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and IIAR-KOOMH, TULIUS KRAKMKR HAVING DOU01IT TUB EN- tV tire Stfw k of Merchandize and Book Accounts of tlie late firm of M . Seller A Co., in this city, tn w hich he has added or tils own importation (while doing buslnoas in roriiana; an immense clock ot the best manufactured Crockery, Glagstvnre, . Plated Ware, Lamps, ' Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaagcs and " I All Kinds of Oils,' 1 All of which he olfors at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of tho above-mentioned articles, will do well to ulve me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attondod to, and gouwi pacauu to go secure, lion i inn to can on me. Ituuio's stone iiulldiug, Washington street, DaHes. JULIUS KBAKMER. Dalles. Uarcu 17th, 1806. mlilTtf Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, ftt AND AFI KB MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th nntl Vr luriner nonce, . w Xlio Fas8cni;ci''Tralu to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the K. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Monday, Wednosdaya, and Fridays, at 9 m9. TDK STEAMERS "ONHONTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. MoNULTY,.... ....Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. fSnndava excented) at ft o'clock, a. M.,cnnecllui by the CASCADE KA1LB0AD, wivii Vila siwuivr - - -v ' NEW WORLD " or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, pi Portland. ' Wi b. BRADFORD, panes, kov. la, iubb. (jiiztfl. .Agent O. B. N. Co, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, D BALER IN FINK WATCIIE8, JEWKLRT, CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Cutlery, Ae. 49Partlcular attention paid to repairing "net Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. N. B. All ordors from the npper country, by Ixprens vw uiunwiHi frrouiptiy aiienaea to. PivvR 's jiiirTiniv nnniiT AUI1IU M 1IVV1IV1I AlUUtUa (ONI DOOR ADOVK TUB POST-OFFICE,) MAIM STREET, DALLES CITY. ' I will attend to sales of Real Estate, General Merchandise, Furniture. And Stocks.' REGULAR SALI DAYS, MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Stock and Ipeclal SaM any day. Snndnya axcepted. . JIU I. A.O. PATNJ, AaetUneer FRANKLIN MARKET. : GOBNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STBEITS DALLES, OREGON, , . JOHN KPP1NGBB Proprietor nnilB UNDKRSIONKD JL liarlni fltteil np th shore Market in the 11K T STYLE, will keep constant-1 ljr on hand all sortsof .. , ... FreftU and Cured Meat. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST BAT 8 My motto U to "PLEASE ALL." , PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR 8A1.I will do well to call at tbe Franklin Market. JOHN Ul'l'lNGllR. Dalles, February 19th, 1Mb. WASHINGTON MARKET. C01XU0F COCRT AND SKCONP STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. -?J Wllili KEEP 0 fl2 constantly on band all the rarie- i tUaaUjMties tbat tlie market can nostiblT atlord, of . . a PKKSH Ac CURED MEATS, and alwaya of the best quality..' ""FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS " supplied on reasonable terms. The underslenect is always nrnnared to rat the high est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having stork In good condition, are requested to rail on him before going elsewhere. JOHN MICHELBACH. , uaues, uarcn uistiiHOo. niLBltf FURS, WOOL and RIDES. fJUE HIGHEST CASH PRICK PAID FOR stills, WOOL, AND HIDES, at McCRAKKN, MEIUtll.L ACO.'S mill 63 m 18 North Fiout Street, Portland. NEW YORK BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE Main Street Dalles. ' FREDERICK BENZER. nil,23tf MI18, LISESER'B FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND Dress Making Establishment, ' Opposite Colin A Bolim'i, I WOULD CALL TUT! ATTENTION of the Ladles O the Dalles to my larte nud One stock of . FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONIYETS, I14TS, FEATIIEHS, Dress Trimmings, &o. Ilavins secured the services of ItlltS: FIIARV. In , Drms nuking apartment, wc will do all work in that Una and jruftrantee porfrct satisfaction. ii iflu done in all color. (lire me an early call and I will endoaror to unit tvorybody In TASTE and at K BASON ABLE I'UICES. particular atteutlon paid to ' Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, NOTICE TO FARMERS. rf DK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING M. COMPANY has recently attached a . FLOUnmG MILL tn fllAf fl,aam Dn.l. .1 T J T . " 1 11.lL , v .., En.ii nnu vwi tnuiuij.in ifilB IIT, ana are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT ai 4 CORN, aud warrant to srlre the beat satisfaction. On nana constantly and tor sals , t. i. FXTttA FAMILY FLOUR, ' SECONDS OR .M1DDMK0S, : ' DKAN AND SHOUTS, ,' , - . CHOP FEED, CHICKEN TEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MR I. ft-nm Corn. . ' . .' . . . The hlKhcat market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY. ; . H. A.U0aUH.Ani; Dalles, Nov. 3, 1806V ; . utf, ; AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS. .ATJGTION ETCR, a y iww, irauiii aircei, wanes fjny. HriLl ATTEND TO TDK BEIXINO AT AUCTIC'M ww oi uenerai Merchandisa. Real kmt, nm., Horses, Nnw and Second Uand Furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac. Regular Sales Day Saturday. Ont-door and Special Bales attended to In any part of the City- ' - r Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nl:3m. JOHN WI1JJAMB, AvcUoaeer. A. f BRADFORD, I1UPOKTER AND JOBBER OF - n ines K liquors, . FRONT STREET, Portland, . . - .- Orccaai. OFFERS FOR SALI A VERY LARGS ASSORT ment of , , Brandies, ;' . Wines, ...-. IIquors, : , ' ., . ., Case 'Goods. ., Ate.,.:,,:..,.. . " The Trade la particularly Invited to examine m stoek before purchaslnf elsewhere. - v. a- auSartf tr fc Tr ci Tr-w .-v -w w - -vyvrAXS3. 5 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OCHOOI. BOOKS STATIONERY, wsSrfc--gUndard and Miscellaneous WORKS. flBlir UU NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPKHS.fC W -, by every Steamer. PoeKfflce'aiii siaaf Bookstore, Main street, Dallas. , . Garden Seeds for tbe Million. 7tf H.J. WALWtwH