WKDN KSDAT MOUSING, MARCH 23, 1800. W NOTICE. During my nbsorice Sir. IIknbi C&TLlT will hnve charge of tills paper, and lie is authorized to tr intact all bailnro. pertaining to tills offlco. ' March 25, WW. JAMBS UALLORAN. W are indebted to Senator Nosmith for complete files of tho Congressional Globe. Another large hotel is to be built at Portland, on Front street poposite tbo Court House. A Go. Harry Cooper accopts Pat Bey Foy's challongo to fioticulTs, and says be will fight him for $1000 or 81,500, in Owyhee or anywhere elso. They appear to bo badly off for Judges in Idaho. Tho JforM charges McBrido with having gone East with. . . . ? . j ont leave, and say it s understood bo intends to resign. Da. Wiiittemore, formerly of tho a- cf .1 i . r t medical staff of tho 1st Oregon In- fuotry, camo up on tho steamer yes- trrday. He goes to Fort Colville as Assistant Surgeon. The Herald thinks that tbe recent telegraph dispatch announcing the ap' pointmont of W. II. Barnhart as In' Cian Agent in Washington Territory, should read Indian Agoutat Umatilla, . where Mr. B. now is. Useless Grumblino. Our ex change are full of complaints about tho mismanagement of the mails. Wo wonder when folks will eet sense enough toccase their grumbling about ... . ., , ,. such trifles as tbe mails and Indian difficulties ! Captain Borland's oomnanvnftho 1st Oregon Infantry, which started down last winter and was obliged by tho severity of tbe weather to go into quarters at Auburn, baa again taken ... . I ii n thn linn nF mnrnh nnrt innvr ha ov. niA ,1. n ii . r i rflfltfsri til tho D.-ilIrtn in n. fnur Iiira I . j Tl. ,.f ! I !S I I auu iiuuiooi ui iuuu ounuuBiy iiyuieu U not as great as was at first reported, Tte worst and most pitiable case is that of one of tho men who had to have both foot amputated. Tbis com- pany, It will bo recollected, was raised in Wasco and Grant Counties. 'The Idaho World ol tho 17tb says that Capt. Wulker, commandant at Vnri nnu. .in .i .n ...i. ' Y all the force and aopplios which ho ran Buura vu floynuiuii urecit, wnow ii n id tended to muky a depot, from which to operate, against-the Indians. Capt. Whito of the 1st Oregon Cav alry has taken the field already with a very tespectablo force, and Captain . Walker expects ere soon to join him, The Ada County volunteers ..are out on their own book, and it is hoped vney win euoceea in caicning some 01 . tn j : ' v hits liLVtti. wearepermittea w vao vuo uuu.. Dokane Ferry. March 21st, 1866. Mr. - . Udell was enronte irom wnueumns tn Tiako Pen d'Oreillo. viewina out a s wagon road, and writes as follows: . fSo far I have found an exoellent wagon road. Tbcreis not over five niUBB. UI inUUY ruou uutua nuiv -v.. : : l r . , tr. FOUie, M tHM w amuuii. w thing. lam much better satisnea wun Che location of White Bluffs than 1 before I came out over tbe coun. try, I think thero Is very little doubt oi theuuooa of Jhe Bluffs. . Montana and NEwGuENADA.-From a new journal just started in Sun Fran cisco, called the Miner,, devoted- en tirely to tbe mining interests of the Pacific coast, we out the following rather interesting account of tbo d if ferent mines now attracting publio attentions From all parts of tho compass we bear of now, and in many cusus, im portant mineral discoveries on this coast. The most important of which are withiu tho new Territory of Mon tana, in what is known as the Black, foot country. There is but little doubt that a truck of country embracing tbe mountainous regions extending Irora tho Missouri to British Columbia, is exceedingly rich in placer diggings and in veins of melaliferous ores. Nearly seven hundred miles of this vast mineral storo-houso has been " prospected," and is known to be rich The prosent centre of attraction is near lbe no.w TJIIo1len,n' near .the very summit of tho Ilocky Mountains, anfwithin a few the Missouil river. ye have not been able to pre. Paroor pnWioation tbo materials at our disposal ot thistimo, but in our BeXt issue we shall gWo a full account .0f that region. At present wo can only state that tho principal placer mines now being worked tire on tho west side of the summit of the Rocky l Mountains, tho snows on tho east side being too deep to admit of mining op- orations at this season, 1 ho w nolo rHr,i,,n ia nnmnnonH nfmnim -i.,,,. , . gl-XHUl ana volcanic rocks, ana their debris, precisely such as characterize the mining districts ot this Slate and Au- strulin. Tho gold obtained from tho placers is remarkably pure, boing worm irem vw to $ia per ounce Many cxtonsivo quartz veins have ooen discovered, containing free gold ?PP"' Bi'Ver a"d ,oad ro avo also been discovered in considerable abun dance, there is not a shadow ol a doubt that this now Territory will attract nn enormous emigration during tho Z'ZZTl Z States and Eurouo. Wo will disnatch an Agent thero us soon as possible, to furnish tho Association with reliable :r riM. I ....... imuuu. xua uobuuuio uy WIIIUI1 t0 reach tho Blackfoot country is via . I'ortlana. Ureron. and tho Mu an rnnd . . l0 VDe kockv mountains. The cost need not excoed $200, if economy is an object to those who intend to go r . ,i . r ,. rain68 in New Grenada and other los calities In Central America, they are as much of a humbug as were similar Storms. Wlltnh rtrnvnilurl in 'h'Z and 'tiA. I relating to tho Amazon rivor minus. ... . . ' We were amoDg about 3,000 persons o went to that " rash," ol whom I mniiA lhnr An a hnlf lin KiiMonrl Kn arid 8oil '0, Poruwho peri8hod iiko u0g8, through oxposuro in an inhos pitablo, postilential climate. It has been suggested to ub, not by any person but in a more impressive manner, that our City Fathers ought to give us a dog law. Our town is full of worthless curs, which make night hideous, and which no argument I can induco na to believe are of anv va,ne t0 an, DOfjy. The owner of a I good dog is willing to pay a small tax on brJt tho doe8 we Bpeak of would soon nave tneir rations stopped, hearts we bave often wished they I U 1. iL. J..... r-L A A -I. w.,.. Aic,A nF ,,jt na I .IT I I I! . I A J" I sflvH vv aru. " u uuuuuur lutuul uihuuhi'. it wan't the brown' creeters, nor 'the 1 diptherious, but a kind of opening from ear to car." , 4l. j:aooi.piu.u ku vaiuv uu vii'iug W.J. ... . oct i"",v" greater number of miners than bero- I tofore chronicled will arrive by tbe Facifia and Montana, on . tboir next "'P- 'v Grapes. Quito a number of our citi&oos who have littlo garden spots are putting out grape cuttings this year. As tbis delicious iruit dous well in this locality with very littlo care and attention, wo aro surprised that so few are crown. 1 hey sell readily. nnd would no doubt well repay eonio one to engage in tboir culture exten sively. . Wnsoo Lodge, No. 19, F. A. & A. 11.- Ilolila Ita staled Couipmiiioitlun.. on Die Kir.t nnd Third Muudnya of each month, At tboir knll, in Dalles City. Brethren in good Rtandingare invited to attend. -' Sbto L. Pom, Suc'y. By order of the W. M. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Moots eTtry Friday evening at 7 o'clock, hi Gates Hull, corner of Second and Court Bttoots. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. O. Goods at Cost. We would cull the attention of onr readers to the fact, that Messrs. Abrnliauison A Kohlberg are selling goods at San Francisco cobU PartieB desiring to buy Clothing will do well to examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. ml8tf DENTAL NOTICK. Bidng about to makes professional tour to the towns and settlements up the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are In need of Dental Opo rations of any char acter, to the fact, so that they may have an opportunity to aval) themselves of my services before my departure, if so desired. I will leave about the 20th of Man-h, and return to this place to rem in e my practice, about the 18th of June. f27tfl J. W. GUKLhY. FAIR W-ARlSriNO 1 A IX PERSONS INDEBTED TO DUSKNBUHY A BRO. are hereby notified to cnll and settle before the 1st or April ; otherwise. leg)ti proceedings wm ue naa. Dull us, March 27th, 1866. inr27td A. CARD. m fADAME LK TELLIEIt WOULD KKSPKCTPULLT 1TJ. inform the Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, thut ahe is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALETOT making. Aim, CUTTING and KITTING in n now and Improvou style, never ueiore lutroaucea m tlliS HI She will wnrnint to giro satlafnctlon, nud would most respectfully solicit a llbeml pntrouufre In the ltooius liitoly occupied by Min. White, over Dcgener's Store, ou WHshingtoa street, between Secoud Dalles, March 27th, 1866. , mr27tf II.IIERMAN&CO., MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE ES1NHK HOTEL, J J AVE JUST RECKI f ED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OP SPKIIVG AIVD SUMMER GOODS, Consisting In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Clothing, Uoots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Which they offer to soil at SMALL FKOriTS. D.lloa, March 27th, 1860. mr27 tt DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Mayor JAMES M. BIRD. For Recorder J A M ES A. CAMPBhLL. for Treasurer O. 8. SAVAGK. 1'or Marshal N. It. PACK AltD. Vor Cnuiicllnion J. W. IILAKKNT. B. P. PITZOKTt. AI.D, W. J. MILLKIt, W1L MOA11U3, A. W. VKItaU- Buri. muzzle TO LET. THRDK8IRADLK RKfilDKNCE sltmtcd on the Blnff, fornicrlr occupied by T. H. KKLLY. Is for rent. There are live rooms, partly Turnl.hed: also out nouses: a ffnml siirlnir of cool water, torether wilh one acre of I rich sunlen irrounu, witn a secure lence arnuna uie ssme. Terms roawuable. Apply to KELLY & I DKNNY. FOR CITY MARSHAL. IOR THE DKNKV1T OF ALL MY FRIENDS AND A few of my enemies, 1 announce myself aj a Candi date f'T uity Manual at me comiug election. mnvite . j. m. r. w, NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TUB UNDERSIGNED are requested to "cenie and ie. m." ittan tbe M BEN10. FOR CITYJV1ARSHAL. A T TUB BEQUEST OF MY FRIENDS I ANNOUNCE Xm. myaolf aa a candidate for Kentlection. UiZSte (J11AKLKS KEKLKK. ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED 1 1 it i rvrnnnn uirt nxtivn niTicrc BT WAY 0 Wliito BlwiTsI mTIT, ctTnUTPCT i TVrQiPrQTTJnATl For Land Travel. Bi.tanc.fTbmDaUe.toWbiuBii.ir..-., .-..100 Btne. I I White Bluff, to Pair d,0iaill.......lt0 toOolvlll. -.170 Traveler, by land for either of tbe above Gold Fields, wiiiwt. SaveTiUlC Distance and Money By taking th. While Blnfft Road. Wood,- Water and Grass An foand on tbis Road within hit drive. The rod I now open, and posses advantage over any other land rnti rrom tn uaiitu. . Published bv order of THE CITIZENS Ot TUB DAUBS. Dell. Kama, SO, 1M. .. ftiO:im. AUCTION: AND COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAO STREET, DALIES. TINS UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors, respectfully informs the cltirenn of tli. Dullea, and the iiublti Kenerally, that he continue, . en at PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE BALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise. Giocerics, llorseN, 91 n I ok, Furniture. Stock), iiC. &c. REGULAR BALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN nude of sales. Outdoor and 8ueclal Bales attended to in am pari el tne city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. SELLING OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREKT, DALLES' Offer their well-eclected stuck ot TOBACCO, SEGAUS, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND STATIONEEY- AT BAN FRANCISCO COST. mrZ7tf JUK 3D K, Main Street, Dalles, WHOLUAL iXB RITilL BEAL1E IK CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNTJFF, PIPES, teo. ALVATS IIC BTOl TBI DEBT BRANDS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING CARDS, POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES. COMBS nnd BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS, DOLLS, etc. TIBII HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, ed many other articles too numerone to mention. 4W Interior dealers supplied with Clears. Tobacco. etc. at less than Portland prices, with freiulit added. oo& J. A.. FORBES' FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT AND Provision. Store, CORNER OF WASHINGTON k SECOND 8TREBTS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND the choicest article, ef HtESIl BUTTER, KQOS.and every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, NUTS, CANDIES, &c, &c, VTholesalo and Retail, at Reduced Prices FOR CASH. Also, denier In ORALY, FLOUR AD FEED, of all kinds, and will do a 1 ' General Commission Easiness. No charge for Storaire on floods sold on Coniml Procoeds of Sale, remitted promptly. jnlCtf. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. ft. BOOTH HARKT MTISOIT. BOOTH & NEVISON, Forwarding and Commli.l.n 9Ieehat. AND DELKR8 IN GENERAT MERCIIANDISBV FRRIOHT TOR COLY1LI.K, VPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACKVOGT MINES tiromvtl lurwardrd. Mark Goods B. A N.., wLIte Blunt, W. T, nsBmonr PoMiaxs Richards A McCraken, All.. A Ltwte, aaA jllodg. A Calef. pAIXTO Bloch, Miller A Co., Trench A Oilman. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, nam bi. diiui, urefon. "rouLD respectfully inform the citlaen of this plac and vi cinity, that having returned from ft pro- i essionat toar inronun tn mim. nenaa again resumed the practice of ENTISTRYIn tli room lormwiy oacupled uy uim, in in Dunning occupied y wood a sutler, rnaiograpn Artists, ana atgnlalng Wal dron Bro.' Drag glore. He takes this mtbod oLav teaaing thank, for the liberal patronage heretofor - tended to aim, ana solicit eoniuuune ei in . LIST or FtlltlEa. ' Eatlr Dealer oaOoM Base. ....tl80 to fat " Upper Denture, Gold Base 90 12 Denture. Vulwalte Base TO" U " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 36 Gold rilling inserted from one dollar upward. ChUdrens1 Teeth extracted free uf charge. .elMf NOTICE. WI CALL TnB ATTENTION Or Tni PCBI JC th fact, that wa have concluded to give no ba. nes and there.ore.all parties Indebted to as MUST PAY UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal proceeding whM b had. M. BROWN A BHO. Dalle, March 10. 1865. ailltf NOTICE. IX. ALL PERSONS INDRUTED TO CORN A BOHM atatt pay up by th 26th In.t., ur legal proceeding. wM U aaa. TU U Uw left autic. COUN A B011M.