en ri -II 17. tuai vi s i if Mi tfA&M$M muiuiiuww. vol. r. DALLES, OREGON, WEDNEs'dAV. MAttCH 88, 1800. NO. SJ-4.-. PUBLISHED EVERY HOMING, . (MONDAYS EXCEPTED,) BY G. COWNE & J. 1IALLORAN, EDITORS AND PB0PEIST0H9. Tkrmb Tioenty-Jlvecmtt per week.'payable to the carrier 'per month, try mall, SI; three mouths, fi 6f tlx luiihths, to; one year, $8. Advertlsemeuts Inserted at low rutin. Job Printing. Every description of plan and fancy Job Printing exe nteil with neatness and despatch, aad forwarded as per order to any part of the country. liymtM Jbr Jot) Print ing Atm( be made oh tfelfeery oj work. W. 13. DOUGLASS, Practical Wat6hmnkcr, And Dealer in JrS I IXE WATCSifcS & JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. Established 1857. : DEALERS IN Groceries i . CORNER OF Main and Uulou Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN iuh2l-tr- P.W.BALDWIN. rURNITUREJ FURNITURE 1)IEBLAM & WENTZ, 'VjWNITOj-, 0L0BK HOTEL BUILDING, Household Furniture, .embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus Metis aud Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpets Me.,te.,nIl of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture KepairedtJift'd Upholstering done to order. Also,ou hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spriug Bods made to order. au!2 Wll. HOABBB. 0. B. KGEGKL. WM. MOABUS &.CO,, CITY. BAKERY, 4 - AKB r R 0 VISION STORE,- 'Corner oTFIrst and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND ItBTAI L DEALERS In MXkf, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. WOrders from a distance carefully filled aad prompty Is patched. 1-tf JOSEPH ELPELT, VrtealEBAUs iith Hat AIL SCALcW'TH Taney & Staple Dry Goods, CL THINQ, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court streets. oc-tt UUMASOft Ac ODELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PIUCTIOK IN TUB 8UPRRMB AND CIR cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o Washington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of olalms. 0. IIUMASON Dalles, Ogn. i. A.ODELL. jtijrivisiied booms TO LET, 33y the Night, Week or Month, NEXT DOOH TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE, 'mitf . MRS. BPRENGER. GATES &, IIA1TT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON. 13 It. A.. H. STEELE, ACTING AB8ISTANT BURGEON, U. B. A. ' ornoiat 'WALDR R BROS. DRtO STORE T?4. . 74. WM. BROWN WARNER, M. D. OPFICB T4 SECOND STREET, between Washington and Court. . . Ornct Uouks 9 tola A.X.; 2 to 4. at.; and t tolO, F.H O. 13. BROOKS, M. D. TOfflce At Dr. Crttig'ti Drue Store. . DALLES, OREGON. . XR. B. W. MITCHELL. ' Office WALDRON'S BUILDING. -BisipiHoi Corner of Third and Washington Btretts CO AL OIL! COAL OIL I V7ALDK0N BROS, hare Inst received a lrge' ln W voice of COAL OIL, which they offer at greatly feted Alt. .JafM-' 'frtf I'll 121 CM &, MIliJlAK, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE Dealers in Wines, Liquors GltOCElilES, miners' Good, float Stores, &c, AVE REMOVED TO TUI11 N W STONE BUILDING, coKNia or Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. NOW IN 8T0KK A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortmcnt of the very best brands of WINES A.N13 LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. i-Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and Ban Francisco, we are able and willing to sdll at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly s orrnct and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub lic . eellMf UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIANRLEY &SINNOTT, l'rop'rs. TITtS POPULAR nOUSE, OMTRAUT LOTATEO, Near the Steamboat landing & Railroad Depot, Has been recently eularged and improved, and will uoW accommodate aoo GUESTS. ST WILL BH CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FlflST CLASS IIOUSK. and the patronage of tho traveling Lullic Is rospectfully aullcilo I. HairKae taken totho House free of charge. House opeu.all iiii;ht. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, HAIN STREET, DALLES, OHO0ti, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN TUB CENTRE Of BU9IXESS, Near the Staaaboat and Railroad Landing Superior Accommodations fur Families and oan Ac somuiodate One Uuudrod and Fitly Uuosts. Meals SO est. Lodging...... 60cts. Fire Proof Safo for depoBitoof valuables. House open all night. Baggie taken to the nous f. ee of charge. TIIOUAS SMITH, - nih8-tf Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. Tt . BOOTH, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AXD GENERAL DEALEB IN MERCHANDISE ' ' AND MOEUS' SUPPLIES. 'FACE AND SADDLE HORSES FOB SALE. BrRKlGHT3 CONSIGNFD to my care for Colvllle sv Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Minos, will re celve prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1801. " oc.2tf i:V F1UJ1T, CSUOCEKY AND PROVISION STORE. rpHB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS niS FRIKNDS and A the public generally, that ho has juat established on Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE4 where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment o seieciea muiT. Also, in store a complote stock orchoice OKOCERMS, PItoriSlON. VEQETXBLES, die. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUCKD PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yonrseir. ela-tf JOHN 8P0SIT0. lXtiiJO. LIEBE. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FUU1T STORE, Washington Streot, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalle. Has on hand a large and Well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, iri-esh. liuttr &. EjfK-s, Recolved dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS or all kinds.- FRESH VEGETABLES every rooming. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody i PXtlOJtBS LOW.. . an!8:tf r.LIEBB. M. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ' FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AO. Mr." M. BROWN, being resident of San Francisco, wsi are enabled to oiler great Indcements to purchasers. We' resiiectfully Invite the pnbllo to ezamineour stock bofor purchasing elsewhere. mlt-tt 49- Stoue Store, north side Main street, Dalles. -E FOR BOISE MIXES DIRECT. $fea itte 3 WALLA WALLA &, BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AN Welli, Fargo & Co.s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cervllle, (Boise Mines.) Througb in Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and th Boats of the 0. 8. N. Company. UUO. F. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf Proprietor NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FEEIGHTS FROM . XJ 31 1 L AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, .t THE FOLLOW ING REDUCED RATES: To Boise City 15 Cents per pound Idaho City 'JO " " Owyhee....; !40 For less amounts than one hnhdred pounds an addition of Five Cents per poaud will be charged. TIME FROM UMATILLA I To Boise City, 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-4 Days. TO Ovryuee, .........4 Days. 'Joseph pinkham, Agent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1806. ocl8:tf. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. m f IBS 0'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the 1.1 M. ladles or Dalles and vicinity, that she has Just received a fresh supply of . Fashionable Greeds, The latest Purls, New fork and San Francisco styles of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, o. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladles' Ready-Made Garment. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Braldrng. PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed In the latest style. A large assortment of Children's Bcatyftfcto Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Claw Dress Maker, I am prepared to cut and fit Ladies' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. TffIRD STREET, one square east of the Catholic Church.. oc21:3ni. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED! FEH33D!! SHORTS. PEED OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAI BY n. It. LAW, 28 Front Street, Portland, " . nH:tf. Opposite 0. 8. N. Warfhon.s. ' NEW SALOON. NEW STONE 8T0HH, WASHINGTON STREET. THE UNDER8IONED wonld respectfnlW nnnounoe fiat he will tfpen a flrst-claa. Saloon In Freucb A Oilman's New Stone Bnilding, THIS EVENING, and Is prepared to serve customers with the best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. .. ALSO, A . E R E E LIJ1VOH Every day and Evening. ocMtt ' JOHN HlUDL AtlB. QXJARTZ MILLS:! And all kinds of Machinery ' ' ' Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and TTII streets, , PORTLAND. ' . O. HBBS CO., PorHand.Dth'M. dedtf .WSVco. " Coat Dili Coal Oil! fUST RECEIVED AND FOB SALS ' , P hy UnlOtlJ GATES CHAPI. Umatilla, B o i s e( AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. TniS LINE IS N0vrTN COMPLETE ItUNNISd order from Umatilla to lilnlio City, via Rnlito City, and prepared to curry Fruiitht and Valuable i'm-katin ' between these au'd all Intermediate points with certainly and despatch. The Itlnela Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD iE&EJi AVAGOWS, Wlilch ensures Speo 1 and 'Safety In tho transmls.lim if Freiiht, never belore offered to Idaho. Wo offer 8uhi. rior iuducements torSlilpping Goods from San FrnnctH-o and Portlaud to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Cooipany and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are snch that nil Goods shipped by this Lino will uot be subject to tho usual delay, but pass through na Fast JTvci jrlit. Goods slftpped from San Francisco to our care at Port laud, Charges will be paid and Goods shipped to do. li na tion. GOODS 8II0ULD BR MARKED : CARR B. M. D. CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts seut to our Agtuts at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by thot.lne and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee aud Soutli Boise. : PASSENOERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. FaHillies will be furnished with b-iperior Ac--coinmodatlotis m New aud Easy Kliiiiix Thorough llrace Wagons ou the Most Liberal Term, Wo lay ovor each nlj;lit on the Road at Good tind Convenlont Stations, to that passeugers will nut be deprived oi regular rest. AOKJSTHi RICHARDS ft McCKAKKN San Francisco RlCllARDd A McCRAKEN I...Pia-tlnin4' OftKPH TEA1 Dalles l'UWr'.LL&O'K Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON LeGrand B. Id. DultELL A CO. llnlxe City B. .VI. DuRKLL A CO Idaho City MAJOR Sl'EKIl Rocky Bar (South Dulse) ' DuRELL A MOORE..- Ruby aud silver Cities B. SI. DuRKLL, fe CO , 2tf Proprietore. , A CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 and 419 Battery Street) ' Cor. Merchant, San Francisco. Importers and Wbolesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer. chants to our nsually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In the Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the larceel and greatest variety of Cassiinore and Wool IlATSuf. any house in San 'Francisco, and our prl es foe these Goods are less than those of any house, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our ' stock of Summer and Fall Goops Is particularly attracts Ive, and the great feature to the couutry merchant Is the uuusualhy low .prices. Less "Than the Cost of Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods Hne, which Goods we have purchased In this markot un der the hammer, and art ottering them at New Yoik Cost, and leas. We publish this card in order that wo may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who-havo not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. tSood Articles and Low Prices i Xre (he greatest Inducements to all who purchase te sell again. Morchauts who buy of as can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. W remain, respectfully, Your Obedient servants, i ' BADGER A LINDENBERGER, ' Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nos. 411. 413 and 416 Battery street, eon Francisco, Fobruary 9, 1806. . IV Smw. - DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, In Expeditious Curt for all diseases of the ' SEX CA LOB G A N S . 'rpiniS prompt and efflcatlons Remedy for the cure .. M Ghouorrosa, Gleet, Btrlctnres, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least 'restriction to diet, exposure or obange in application Bhsiaess It will radically cure any case which can Ve produced. The disease It removes as speedily as is run 'eistent with the production of a thorough anil permanent, cure. Furthur. the disease cannot be contracted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed. '' , Its ingredients are entirely vegetable, aud nojnjurlon ireci, eiiuor constitutionally or locauy, can oe caused ny lrfa -use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Bent ky Express carefully packed. ; lIOSTETTKlt, SMITn A DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Clay, JyM-flm.. Ban Franclsoo. .DAIUM. 0. W. Aa.uu. 0. w. ami as. ARMES DALLAM, ; Importers and Jobbers of ' ' WOOD AND WILLOW1 WARE,' ' BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, Ac And Manufacturers of " . - ' California Palls, Tab), Broom's, 4( 'Baa Francisco, in am oaorameusoBtreet, between From and Davit eolLSudaw.